A Guide (62-1014E) |
The Lord bless you, Brother Neville. So happy to be back in the church
tonight. Just a teeny bit hoarse. Kind of a long message this morning,
and I'm sure happy it was here though. And enjoyed it myself,
a-bringing it, and I hope you enjoyed hearing it.
Don't forget now; always remember this, that these are the things that
build the servant of Christ (See?): faith first, then virtue. And now
remember, the Holy Spirit cannot cap the building of God until these
things are operating by the Spirit. See? No matter what you do. See?
Those are the things that builds the Body of Christ (See?), those
Now, don't forget that, that this here is… First is your faith;
virtue, knowledge, and so forth, is to be added to it until the
complete stature of Christ is made manifest, then the Holy Spirit comes
upon it and seals it as one body. These things must be.
Therefore, Jesus said, "By their fruit they are known." See? Fruit, you
could not bear fruit without these things to bear it in you. And then
when all this takes the place of worldliness and–and ungodliness, and
so forth, then all unbelief is cast out, then all the things of the
world is passed away, then there's nothing but a new creature in Christ.
And then Ephesians 4:30 said, "Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God,
whereby you are sealed to the day of your redemption." Sealed into the
Kingdom of God, now, don't forget that. Keep that in mind now, takes
these things first. Then the sealing is the Holy Spirit, the Cap that
seals us into the Body. All right.
We got a–a request now for Sister Little of Chicago, her husband had
been in an automobile accident and is laying just at the point of
death, Sister Little. And Edith Wright, our little sister here that
we've knowed for so long, she's very, very bad, at her home tonight,
and they wanted to announce this to the church so we could all pray
together for this request. And now let us bow our heads just a moment.
Our precious, heavenly Father, we are gathering around by faith the
throne of God, and we're asking for Divine mercy for these requests.
Brother Little, a car accident, near death, God, help him. May the Holy
Spirit be at his bedside and bring him back to us, Lord. And little
Edith Wright down there, I pray, God, that the Holy Spirit will be by
the side of her bed tonight and will restore her health to her again.
Grant it, Father. Thou hast promised these things, and we believe them.
And as we was thinking this morning, that distance means nothing to
You, You are just as great one part of the world as You are the other,
because You're omnipresent, omnipotent, and infinite. And we pray,
Father, that You will grant these requests through Jesus Christ's Name.
Very happy to be in tonight again to… And I know it's hot. These are
three straight meetings, and it's… I know some of you has got as much
as five hundred miles to drive between now and morning. And starting
after tomorrow, I got fourteen hundred to drive after that. So–so I–I
trust that it's been a great time for all of you. And has been a great
time for me to visit with you. There's only one thing that we have
requested, so many has to be turned away because there's no room; we
can't jam the aisles too much, the fire department will not stand still
for that. So we're trying now to get a little bigger church, so that
when we're in, and we can have seating room for the people.
And now, anytime, you're always welcome here at the Tabernacle, where
we have no creed but Christ, no law but love, no book but the Bible.
And so… And our pastor is Brother Orman Neville here. And we have the
congregation here of–of many people who gather in as an
interdenominational tabernacle, where you come here and worship God
according to the dictates of your own conscience. We're always glad to
have you. And so come when you can; we're always glad to receive you.
And now, the next time, as far as I know, to be with you, will be after
the church is completed. And I want to then, after the church ages, now
we want to go then to the seven last seals, and the seven last seals in
the Book of Revelations, to teach that.
And now, there's so many times that sick and afflicted comes, and
during these meetings, where visions are required, and come for special
interviews. If I get into that, then I'm–I just can't get the
difference between them, and, you know, it's hard for me to speak after
that. And everyone knows that in our healing campaigns, that Mr. Baxter
or someone usually does the preaching, and I come out to pray for the
sick, because it's just a little strenuous. And I was praying for some
people a few moments ago, and then I met a little child here that the
doctors… Something in its back, is born some way. Coming out, I seen
it setting there in a cast. That child will never have to be crippled
like that; it's going to be well. Sure, it is. See? That's… I know
that. See? I'm positive of that. So we want to have our faith and
believe in God.
Each one of you, and many of you are strangers to me, all ministers and
so forth. If I'm not mistaken, this is Brother Crase. Is that right?
Brother Crase, I–I owe you an apology, for not getting up there on
that dedication. Maybe I'll get up there for a weekend meeting, be just
as good. Is that right? Up at Bloomington, are you doing well? Good.
Some of these brothers here are ministers, I suppose. You're a
minister? Yes, sir. The Lord bless you. And how many ministers is in
the building, let's see your hand. Well, that's just fine. We're glad
to have you here, just so happy. God ever bless you.
Now, so that we can get out real early, some of them are going to
Georgia, Tennessee, New York, everywhere, from tonight, starting
tonight. Now, drive careful along the road. If you get sleepy, you
don't want to go in a motel, drive off the side of the road and sleep
till you… That's the way I do. See, just drive off and sleep.
Don't–don't drive while you're sleepy. It's a bad thing. And,
remember, it's not you; it's the next fellow you have to watch. See?
You know where you're going; you don't know where he's going, so–so
you have to watch that guy. So be sure that you be alert all the time
to watch for it.
Now, I wish to read tonight a portion of Scripture found over in the
Book of St. John. Now, these little Scriptures that we read and refer
to, are to give us a basic for what we are trying to say. And always, I
have never one time, as I ever remember, of ever coming to the pulpit,
to try to just say something to be saying. I always try to–to wait,
watch, study, pray, until I feel that I have something that would help
the people. If I can't be a help, then there's no need to me to be
standing here. See? Is try to help… And now tonight, 'course the
bigger part of our crowd has moved out from this morning, and they had
to go home, many of them.
But tonight I told you if you stayed over we'd try to have just about a
forty-five minute talk on something that I hope would help us. And
we're going to base this now on St. John the 16th chapter, and let's
begin about the–the 7th verse of the 16th chapter, and read through
the–the 15th verse.
expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter
will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.
come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of
himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he
shall show you things to come.
Now, in this 13th verse… "Howbeit when the Spirit of Truth is come,
He will guide you unto all Truth. When the Spirit of Truth is come, He
will guide you into all Truth." What is Truth? The Word. "For He shall
speak, He shall not speak of Himself; but what He hears, He'll speak.
What He hears, He'll speak." Other words, He'll be the One that will
reveal the thing. You see? And the 4th chapter of Hebrews, the Bible
said that "The Word of God is sharper, more powerful than a two-edged
sword, a–a Discerner of the thoughts of the mind, the heart." See,
"What He hears, He'll speak, and He will show you things to come." See?
What's going to do that? The Holy Spirit Who will come in the Name of
the Lord Jesus.
And I would like to take these next few minutes to call your attention
upon the word "guide," "A Guide." You know, I've had some quite
experience in the woods. A guide, someone to show you around… You
have to have a guide when you don't know where you're going. And being
acquainted with hunting, and of the world around, I've had the–the
opportunity to meet guides. And I am a guide, myself, in Colorado,
because knowing the country, ranching, so forth, I can guide in
Now, a guide has to know the way. He has to know where he's going and
what he's doing, and how to take care of you along the road. See? He's
got to see that you don't come up lost. A guide is a selected man. The
state selects this man if he is a guide. And now, in going on a trip
into the wilderness, where perhaps you're not used to going, it's not a
good thing for you to go without one. Frankly, some places you can't
even go without one, for instance, Canada. The–the guide has to sign
your license to the game warden. He has to sign hisself in, and he is
responsible for you. If anything happens to you, it's his
responsibility. He's got to take care of you. He's got to see that
you're not lost. He's got to be sure that he don't send you in
somewhere that you don't know your way back. And if you do get lost,
he's got to know the country so well that he can pick you up just any
time. See? He's got to know all these things or he cannot be a guide;
he cannot be licensed to be a guide.
For these things, sometimes you have to have an appointment, call ahead
and make arrangements, get reservations to be taken out. And if your…
Sometimes he's filled up and he cannot take you, you have to put it off
for a while, of–of the earthly guide. You never have to do that with
God's Guide; He's always ready, always ready.
Now, if you don't get these preparations made, and you're figuring on
taking a trip into the wilderness where you haven't been before, you
may come up lost and perish. You got about one percent chance to get
out of the wilderness, that is, if it isn't too dense, you might have
one percent chance to get out by yourself. But if it's a very bad
wilderness, way back, you haven't got a chance to get out. There's no
way to do it, because you find yourself on the death walk, and then
you–you're done; then you're finished. Now, and you'll perish if you
haven't got a guide that knows the country and knows how to get back.
Many of you are acquainted with the article you have read last year out
at Tucson, Arizona, those Boy Scouts. Yet, they were trained to know
how to take care of themselves, they were scouts… And they were not
just Cub Scouts, they were full scouts. And they took a trip up into
the mountain, and a snowstorm come; nature changed its position. And
why they found themselves lost and all of them perished, is because
that they… something, change comes along from the regular routine,
they didn't know how to get out. See? And I forget how many boys there
was that perished in the mountain, though they had helicopters, and the
Militia out, and the National Guards, and volunteer help, and
everything. But they were lost; no one know where they were at. And
they could not take care of themselves. They all perished in the snow
because they didn't know whether they was going east, north, west, or
south, up or down, or how it was; everything looked the same.
Now, a guide knows where he's at, regardless of the weather. He's–he's
equipped to do that. He knows what he's doing. He's familiar with
everything. He knows the looks of everything, so he can just be in the
darkness and he could feel a certain thing.
For instance, here's an old trick to a guide. You know, if you can see
the stars, anyone can tell which way you're going if you'll watch the
stars. And you always want to watch the one true star. There's only one
true star, and that's the north star. See, only one, he stands in the
same place. That represents Christ, the same yesterday, today, and
forever. Others might wander away, but He remains the same. Churches
may draw you off this way, or some draw you off that way; but not Him,
He's always the same.
Well, now, if you can't see this north star, and it's cloudy, then if
you'll notice, if it's daytime and you're lost, if you'll watch the
trees. The tree is always; the moss is on the north side of the tree,
because the south side of the tree gets the sun more that the north
side. But what if it's dark and you can't see the moss? If you'll close
your eyes and don't try to do any thinking, close your eyes and get a
slick-bark tree, put your hands around the tree like this till your
fingers meet, and then start moving around that tree real slow. And
when you hit a place where the bark is real thick, broke up, that's the
north side (the winds), and you can tell which way you're heading,
north or south. And that way, oh, there's many things, but it takes
guides to know how to do those things. Just an ordinary man get up
there and say, "I don't feel no difference in it." See? See, you've got
to be trained for that guiding.
And these boys, no doubt that they were fine scouts; they might be able
to tie knots; they might be able to make fires with rocks, and so forth
like that. But to know your way out, that's the idea. They–they did
not know the way out; so therefore, they all perished because they
didn't take a guide with them.
An unthoughtful father, two years ago in Colorado, oh, he was going up
into the mountains; he had a little boy about six, seven years old. He
was going to take him on his first deer hunt. So they went high up on
the mountain, and the little boy said to his daddy, "I'm getting
"Get on my back. We're not high enough up yet, the deers are high." On
and on and on went the man till he got… He didn't know; he was a city
man. He didn't know nothing about how to hunt or where to go. Any man
that knows anything about wilderness knows that deer don't stay up
high. They don't go up there. Goats stay up there, not deer. They're
down where they can feed; they got to get where there's something to
eat. And so, but this man thought, "If I get way up in the rocks
somewhere up there, I'll find a big buck." He had seen a picture of
some standing upon–standing upon a rock, and he thought that's where
he'd find him. Don't pay no attention to what them magazines read, my,
oh, my, you'll have a nightmare. That… There's only thing to do, is
take a guide where you know where you're at.
And that father, it come up a rain all at once up there, one of them
quick rains that comes. And the man hunted too late, till it got dark
and he couldn't find his way back. And the… Then the winds come
across the top of the mountains, and he himself moving fast, and
You have to know how to survive, if you're caught out. There's another
thing, know how to survive. I've climbed up trees and slid down them,
and climbed up trees and slide down, up and down like that, to keep
alive. I've took snow when it would be four foot on each side, bust a
stump and lay it down. And so hungry that I could hardly stand it, and
bust up these old stumps, and light them and let it get hot and melt
the snow down. And then about one o'clock in the morning, two o'clock,
pull the stumps back, and lay down on that warm ground to keep alive.
And you have to know how to do these things.
And this man didn't know what he was doing; he had nobody with him to
direct him. And he held his own little son against his bosom until he
felt him cool off and die. Unthoughtful: if he'd just took a guide with
him, he could've brought him right back down the mountain regardless of
what time it was. See? But he waited till it gets dark, then he
couldn't see his way around.
That's the trouble with Christians today. They wait till the darkness
settles over, then you find out that you've left without the Guide. The
Why, did you ever see a man that was lost? Did anybody ever have the
experience of bringing a man lost? It's the most pitiful thing you ever
seen. When a man gets lost, he goes wild. He don't know what he's
doing. We caught a man out there, a boy, and he had been lost in the
woods, and he was thought… He was a rancher, but he was in the wrong
territory and he got lost, turned around. And when they found him three
days later, he was running like a wild man, screaming to the top of his
voice. His lips was all eat up, and he throwed his gun away, and he
didn't know what to do. And when his own brother, when… They had to
catch him and tie him. When his own brother come to him, he fought at
him like an animal, tried to bite him; he didn't know where he was at.
Why? He was lost. And when a man's lost, he's in a state of bewildered.
And he don't know that he's in that state, because his being lost sends
this fever upon him, and he doesn't know where he's at and how he's
So is it when a man's lost from God. He'll do things that he ordinary
wouldn't do. He'll do things that–that's beyond the thoughts of a
human being doing. A lost man from God, a lost church from God, a
church that's gone away from God, got away from the principles of God's
Bible, will do things that sometimes that you wouldn't expect to find
in a church of the living God. They'll get their money by bunco games,
playing lottery, gambling, anything that they can do. They'll teach
anything, let anything get by, pat men on the back who's big payers in
the church, and so forth like that, to let them get by with it. That's
right. Put deacons on the board that's been married four or five times,
just in order to get by with it, to make ends meet. There's only one
end you've got to meet; that's your obligation to God. Stand and tell
the Truth. Lost–lost man is in a bewildered state; he's a madman.
The guide has understanding, how to go and what to do. God in… God
has always sent a guide to His people. God has never failed. He sends a
guide, but you've got to accept that guide. See? You've got to believe
it. You've got to go the way he says. If you get into a wilderness, and
your guide says "We go this way," and yet you think you go that way,
you're going to come up lost. Then when you… God sends us a guide to
guide us, we've got to follow that guide. No matter what we think, what
looks reasonable and what looks ridiculous, we're not subjects to
divide that; the guide is the only one.
God in the Old Testament sent prophets. They were guides, because the
Word of the Lord came to the prophet. They were guides. They instructed
the people as we had last night of Isaiah and Uzziah. They was
instructed, and they instructed the people and guided them. And now,
God has always sent His guides; He's always never been without a guide.
All through the ages God's always had somebody that represented Him on
this earth in all ages.
Now, sometimes they get off the guide, "off the beam," as we call it.
When Jesus was here on earth, don't you remember Jesus said to the
Pharisees, "You blind guides"? Blind guides, blind to spiritual
things… See? Now, they were supposed to be guides, guides to the
people, guiding the people to salvation. But Jesus said, "You're
blind." And He said, "Let them alone, for if the blind lead the blind,
won't they both fall in the ditch?" Blind guides, oh, how the world has
been contaminated with that, blind guiding. He doesn't want you to rely
on your own understanding. God does not want you to rely on your
understanding, or your thoughts, or any manmade thoughts.
God sends a Guide, and God wants you to remember that that's His
appointed Guide. And we must remember Him. Here It said, Jesus said, "I
will not leave you, but I'll pray the Father and He'll send you another
Comforter." And this Comforter, when He was to come, was to guide us to
all Truth. And the Word of God is the Truth, and the Word is Christ, "I
am the Way, the Truth, and the Life." He is the Word, "In the beginning
was the Word, and the Word was with God, the Word was God. And the Word
was made flesh and dwelled among us." Then if we follow the real true
Guide, the Holy Spirit, He was to tell us what He had seen, what He had
heard, and He was to show us things that is to come. Amen. There you
are. He is going to show you things to come.
And when the churches today reject That, how can we ever expect to go
to heaven? When the Holy Spirit was sent to us for a Guide, we'll take
some cardinal, some bishop, some general overseer, or somebody like
that to guide us, when the Holy Spirit was give to us to guide us.
And the Holy Spirit always speaks of the Word. "I've got many things to
tell you, you cannot understand it now, but when He comes, He'll guide
you to it." That's the reason the coming of the Seals. At the finishing
of the Seventh Seal, the mystery of God should be finished to know Who
God is, what He is, how He lives, His nature, His Being. You're
supposed to be all the way up here by that time (See?), bring us into
the full statue of sons and daughters of God, a Church that's washed in
the Blood of Christ, that's bought without money, is paid for by the
Blood of Jesus Christ.
Now, here we are; a Guide, and He is God's provided Guide. Now, we're
going through a wilderness, and we're on our road somewhere, and we
can't get along without this Guide. And dare anybody to try to
substitute any other guide. If you do, he'll take you off the line.
This Guide knows the way. He knows every inch of the way. He knows
every thought that's in your heart. He knows everybody that's here. He
knows who you are, and what you've done, and all about you. He's God's
Guide, the Holy Spirit, and will reveal things to you, and will tell
things that He's heard, can repeat your words right back and say what
you've said (Amen.); tell you what you've been, what you've got, where
you're going. A Guide, the correct Guide, and He will guide you to all
Truth, and His Word is the Truth.
Now, the Holy Spirit will never make, say, "amen" to some kind of a
manmade creed. It'll only punctuate the Word of God with "Amen," 'cause
It's so. The Holy Spirit will not lead you any other way. Now, the
strange thing is, that we all, all of our great denominations and
things, we claimed each one led by the Holy Spirit, and there's as much
difference as there is day and night in all of us.
But when Paul, that little Pharisee that received the Holy Spirit when
Ananias baptized him, and he went into Arabia and studied for three
years, come back, and never consulted the church about anything for
fourteen years, and when he come and met Peter, the head of the church
at Jerusalem, they were eye to eye in doctrine. Why? The same Holy
Spirit. Where Peter baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, Paul did the
same without anybody telling him. Where Peter taught the baptism of the
Holy Ghost, and sanctification, and so forth, Paul did the same thing,
without consulting the church, because It was the same Guide. Then how
can we be today when people deny these Truths? When Peter taught what
he did about the way the church was to be put in order, Paul had the
same doctrine, 'cause they had the same Guide.
The Guide isn't going to take one over this way, and one over that way,
and send one east and the other one west. See, He's going to keep you
together. And if we'll just let the Holy Ghost keep us together, we'll
be one. If–if we just don't let the Devil pull you off on the wrong
road, we'll be one heart, one mind, one accord, by one Spirit, the Holy
Spirit, the Guide of God that'll guide us to all Truth. That's right.
But you got to follow your Guide. Yes, sir.
Look at Nicodemus; he needed a Guide, yet he was a smart man. He was a
teacher about eighty years old. He was of the Pharisees, or–or the
Sanhedrin Courts, the Council, Ministerial Association. He was one of
their greatest men, a teacher in Israel, a master at it. Think, a
master teacher, yes, he knowed the laws, but when it come to being born
again, he needed a Guide. He was hungering for it. He knowed there had
to be something different. His expression to Christ that night proved
it. It proved also the–the feeling of the rest of them, but none of
them had the very–the very audacity that he had. There was none of
them that could come up there and do what he did.
You know, people condemn Nicodemus by coming by night. He got there. He
arrived. I know some people won't even start day or night. But he got
there, and he needed a Guide, and he said, "Master, we (from the
Sanhedrin Court), we know that You're a Teacher come from God." Why did
he know it? He was a-vindicated. See, he wanted to know what this new
birth meant, and he went to the right One, because God had vindicated
that This was His Guide: Jesus. Look what he said, "Master, we know
that Thou art a Teacher comes from God, 'cause no man can do the things
that You do, 'less God be with him."
It was a vindication there, that there was a living God inside of Him.
What He testified, "It's not Me that doeth the works; it's My Father
that dwelleth in Me. Verily I say unto you, the Son can do nothing in
Himself, but what He sees the Father doing, that doeth the Son
likewise. The Father worketh, and I worketh hitherto." In other words,
God showed Him what to do, and He went and just acted it out; He didn't
do anything until God told Him to do it. Amen. That's the real frank
facts of it. If we'd just move and wait till the Spirit moved us to do
it… That's it. And then be so completely lost in Christ that He don't
have to shove you around like He does me, but the first little nod of
His head, you're ready and nothing's going to stop you, because you
know that it's the will of God.
He needed a Guide. And He was a vindicated Guide. He could be led by
this Guide because he knowed this Guide was inspired of God. He knowed
that the traditions that he had served, maybe by the Pharisees,
Sadducees, and whatevermore, he'd served those creeds all along and
seen nothing happen. But here comes a Man on the scene, saying that He
is a promised Messiah of the Bible. Then He turns around and does the
very works of God. Jesus said, "If I don't do the works of My Father,
then don't believe Me. But if you can't believe Me, believe the very
works that I do, for they testify of Me."
Then no wonder Nicodemus could say, "Master, we know You're a Teacher
come from God, for no man can do the things that You do without God
being with Him." See, he needed a Guide, though he was a master of the
thing. He was a master of his church. He had dignity, and he had–he
had prominent places; and he was a great man; no doubt, respects from
all the people through the country. But when it come to being born
again, he needed a Guide. So do we, yeah, we needed a Guide.
Cornelius, he was a great man, a honorable man. He built churches. He
respected the Jews because he knowed that their religion was right. And
he paid alms, and he prayed every day, but when the Holy Ghost come
(Something had been added to the church.), he needed a Guide. God sent
him the Holy Ghost. He sent It in the person of Peter, "But while Peter
yet spake these Words, the Holy Ghost fell on him." [Blank.spot.on.tape–Ed.]
God used the Guide through Peter. He used It, because He guided
Cornelius to the right way. And while he was yet speaking, the Holy
Ghost fell on them Gentiles. Then he said, "Can a man forbid water,
that these should not be baptized?" See, still the Guide speaking, not
Peter. Because that was a bunch of Jew–or Gentiles, unclean, dirty to
him, and he didn't even want to go. But the Guide said, "I'm sending
you." You do things that you don't think you would do when the Guide
gets completely control, when you let Him guide you.
Oh, how wonderful it is to be led by the Holy Spirit. He is the Guide.
All right. He spoke through Peter and told him what he must do. Then
when they all received the Holy Ghost, he said, "We can't forbid water,
seeing these has received the Holy Ghost like we did at the beginning."
And they baptized them in the Name of the Lord Jesus. Now, Who led him
to do that? The Guide that was in him. Didn't Jesus tell them, "Take no
thought what you're going to say, because it's not you that's speaking;
it's the Father that dwelleth in you; He doeth the speaking"? Amen.
The eunuch, coming down from Jerusalem… And God had a Guide in the
world at that time, the Holy Ghost, and He had a man down there that
was filled with this Guide. He wasn't even a preacher; he was kind of a
deacon like. And he was down there healing the sick and casting out
devils, and causing a big stir; great joy was in the city. He had
hundreds of people gathered around him, and the Guide said, "That's far
enough; let's go back this a-way." He didn't dispute with his Guide.
Don't never dispute your Guide's Word. Follow Him. If you don't, you
come up lost. And remember, when you leave Him, you're on your own, so
we want to keep close to the Guide.
So on the road, He said, "Leave this bunch now, Philip, and go out into
the desert where there isn't anybody. But I'm sending you out there,
and there'll be somebody when I get you out there." Here come a
lonesome eunuch, he was a great man to the queen down in Ethiopia. So
he was coming down, reading the Book of Isaiah. And the Guide said, "Go
near the chariot."
And he said, "Dost thou understand what you read?"
He said, "How can I understand when there's no man to guide me?" Oh,
my. But Philip had the Guide. Amen. And he started from the same
Scripture and preached to him Christ. Amen. Guide… Not tell him some
creed, he told him about the Guide, Christ. And he baptized him out
there in some water. Sure, it was. Oh, how I like that.
When Israel left Egypt for the promised land, in Exodus 13:21, God
knowed that they had never traveled that way before. It was only forty
miles, but yet they needed something to go with them. They'd lose their
way. So He, God, sent them a Guide. Exodus 13:21, something like this,
"I send My Angel before you, the Pillar of Fire, to keep you in the
way," to guide them to this promised land. And the children of Israel
followed that Guide, the Pillar of Fire, night, Cloud by day. When It
stopped, they stopped. When It journeyed, they journeyed. And when He
got them close to the land, and they wasn't fit to go over, He led them
back into the wilderness again. He wouldn't go with them.
That's what it is, the church today. No doubt but what the
long-suffering of God today, like it was in the days of Noah, the
church would done been gone if it'd just corrected and set in order.
But He has to lead us around and around and around.
Little did Israel know, when they was shouting, on seeing the dead
soldiers of Egypt, the drowned horses, Pharaoh's chariots turned
upside-down, they got the victory, Moses in the Spirit, singing in the
Spirit, Miriam dancing in the Spirit, and the daughters of Israel
running up and down the bank, shouting and dancing, they were only a
few days from milk and honey. Little did they know it was forty years
away, because they begin to grumble against God and the Guide.
And we find ourself the same way. I go to Shreveport after here. And
the Holy Ghost fell Thanksgiving Day, fifty years ago, in–in
Louisiana, on Thanksgiving Day. How the church has fell since that
time. Do you realize that the Roman Catholic church at its beginning
was the Pentecostal church? That's the truth. That's right. It was a
Pentecostal church, but the starchy dignitaries begin to get in and
change the–the Scriptures of God to their traditions, add to It
dogmas, and so forth. And look what they got now, not a speck of
Scripture in any of it. They substituted something for something else,
a piece of bread for the Holy Ghost. They substituted sprinkling for
immersing. They substituted "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost" for "the Lord
Jesus Christ." They substituted all these great oracles of God that was
laid down to us, and they're far, far away, way away from the
Scriptural doctrine.
And Pentecost fell in Louisiana, fifty years ago, and if it stands
another two hundred years, it'll be farther away than the Catholic
church is, if it keeps falling the way it has these past fifty years,
'cause they're just adding to it all the time, constantly. The old
fashion preachers is gone. The street meetings, you never hear of one.
All the thing we got is a bunch of Hollywood added to it, bobbed-haired
women wearing shorts, painted up, and everything else, calling
themselves Christians. Some little Rickey with a guitar, run up and
down the place, and women with a dress on so tight like a–just like a
skinned wiener with the–the skin on the outside, almost, shaking
around up on the platform, running up and down the platform, dancing
with ear bobs hanging down, and one of these here new lady-of-the-land
haircuts, then call itself Christianity.
What we need is an old fashion, God-sent, scalding religion that will
scald that worldliness out of the church. We need to come back to the
Holy Ghost and fire, back to the thing that burns out the dross, brings
the old fashion preaching back, make heaven high, and hell hot, and
gun-barrel straight. We need that kind of a preaching. But you do it
today, your congregation will vote you out.
Sometimes good preachers are led astray by their congregation. That's
the reason I have no denomination. I have one headquarters; that's from
heaven. Wherever He sends, I'll go. Whatever He says, I say. We don't
want no denomination. This church ever talk about denomination, you've
lost your pastor right then. I wouldn't hang around it, not one
five-minutes. Every church that ever denominated went to the seed, and
tell me one that didn't, and tell me one ever rose again. The Holy
Spirit is sent to lead the church, not some group of men. The Holy
Spirit is all-wisdom. Men get starchy, indifferent.
God told them that He'd send them a Guide, He'd lead them the way. And
as long as they followed that Pillar of Fire, they was all right. He
led them up to the promised land gate, and then that was as far as He
was to go. Then Joshua, that great warrior, remember the day that he
told them, "Sanctify yourself, the third day God's going to open up
Jordan down here and we're going across"? Now, watch what he said (I
like this.) in the Scripture, he said, "Stay close behind the Ark, for
you've not passed this way before."
What was the Ark? The Word. Don't travel your denominational routes
now; stay right behind the Word; 'cause you haven't passed this way
before. And, brother, if there ever was a time that the Christian
church ought to examine itself is right now. We're right now where this
great meeting is going on in Rome right now, differences are being
made, the confederation of churches, when all these denominations are
confederated together to form the image of the beast, just exactly what
the Bible says… And you know what we said this morning in the
messages. And here we are, right everything right at the door, and
people still following after creed. You better stay behind the Word.
The Word will lead you across, because the Word is Christ, and Christ
is God, and God is the Holy Ghost.
Stay behind the Word. Oh, yes, sir. Stay with that Guide. Stay right
behind It. Don't get in front of It; you stay behind It. Let It lead
you; don't you lead It. You let It go.
Joshua said, "Now, you've never passed this way before, you know nothing about the road."
That's the trouble today. You don't need no guide to guide you down the
broad way. Oh, you know all the alleys and everything else. You know
all the way to sin. There's no… Oh, you been around a long time.
There's no need of somebody trying to tell you about that; you know all
the shortcuts. That's right, every sin, you know all about it. Nobody
has to tell you how to steal; you know that. Nobody has to tell you how
to curse; you know that. Nobody has to tell you how to do these evil
things, because it's posted on every tree everywhere.
But, remember, you people that's Christians, you've crossed over.
You're into another land. You're borned again. You're in the land, a
heavenly land. You're in the promised land.
You can go, you know your way around here. Oh, my, yes. You know
what–what, how to stand on a certain hand of cards. You know what the
dice, when it rolls, what it means, and everything like that. But when
it comes to know the holiness and righteousness and the power of God,
and how the Holy Spirit operates and what It does, you better stay
right behind the Word, the Guide. See? You've never passed this way
Well, you say, "I was a pretty smart man; I had–I had two degrees in college." You better forget it. Yes, sir.
"I've went through the seminary." You better forget it. Yeah. You
better stay behind the Guide and let Him lead you. He knows the way;
you don't. You haven't passed this way before. "Well," you say, "They
See if they have. Jesus said, "Those that passed this way, these signs
will follow them. My Name, they shall cast out devils, speak with new
tongues; or take up serpents or drink deadly things, it won't harm. If
they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." Most of them
refuse It, deny It, say It's not even inspired. They're not following
the Guide. They're following a manmade creed. You better stay right
behind the Word, because you haven't passed this way, you know.
But you're born again, and you've been born into holiness. You've not
passed this way before. You've pass… If you pass this way, you have
to come through holiness, because it's a new land, a new life, a new
You'll come to church and you hear somebody raise up and holler, "Glory to God. Hallelujah."
Why, you'll say, "My, goodness, they never did that in my church. I'll
get up and walk out." See? Be careful. Stay behind the Word now; let
the Guide lead you.
"He will guide you into all Truth, and reveal these things that I've
talked to you about. He'll show you that. He'll tell you things that is
to come," the true Guide. Don't go to the bishop; go to the Guide.
Don't go to anyone but the Guide. He's the One that was sent to guide
you. He's the One that'll do it. God has provided you a Guide. Take
God's provided way.
The trouble of it is today, that a–a people that come to the church
just set a few minutes, something goes on that they're not used to…
I admired a little woman from a cold formal church, just had prayer for
her. God's going to heal the little woman. She didn't understand this;
she knowed nothing about it. She come in; she said she didn't know. But
I told her, come on and see me. She was kind of timid and backward, but
the Guide kept telling her, "Move on." She got it. That's it. See, it's
because of the Holy Spirit that guides us to these things. See, God has
a provided way.
Did you ever, have you been noticing the wild geese going over, the
ducks going south? Well, now remember, that little old duck was borned
up yonder on a pond somewhere. He don't know east, north, west, and
south. He knows nothing but that pond setting up there in the mountains
in Canada. He never was off that pond, but he was borned a leader. That
little drake was borned to be a leader. And the first thing, one night
there's a big snow comes across the top of the mountains. What happens?
That cold breeze comes down across through there. I can imagine him
shivering, saying, "Mammy, what does this mean?" See, he never felt
that cold weather before. He begins to notice around; he begins to
notice around the edge of the pond it begins to freeze, ice coming on
the pond. He doesn't know, but all of a sudden… He was borned to be a
guide to that herd of ducks. He'll jump right out in the middle of that
pond when it strikes him. You call it what you want to. We call it
inspiration, or you can call it, oh, just instinct, whatever it is.
He'll drive right out in the middle of that pond, stick that little
honker up in the air, and go, "Honk-honk, honk-honk." And every duck on
the pond will come right to him. Why? They knowed their leader, just
the way he honks.
"If the trumpet gives an uncertain sound, who can prepare himself for
battle?" Right. Who can prepare himself for battle if the trumpet gives
an uncertain sound?
Well, if that little duck give an uncertain honk, who's going to
prepare himself for flight? That little old duck will stick up his
little bill out there, holler, "Honk-honk, honk-honk." And every little
duck will come to him. "Honk-honk, honk-honk." Here they are. Such a
jubilee they'll have right there in the middle of that pond, just
turning over and over and over. After while he feels it moving on him;
he's got to leave. He'll set his little wings down and fly off that
pond, get up in the air and turn around four or five times, and go just
as straight to Louisiana as he can go, every duck right behind him.
"Honk-honk, honk-honk," here he comes. Why? He's a guide. Amen. Ducks
know their guide; the church doesn't. Yeah, he knows what to do.
Look at them old geese, from plumb from Alaska. Now, there's an old
gander always leads them, and them geese has to look that gander over
real good. They have to know what that gander's talking about. Did you
read that in "Look" magazine here about four years ago, where an old
gander one time didn't know what he was doing, and he led a bunch of
geese all the way over to England? That's right. They never was knowed
to be in England before. Why? They never noticed their–their leader.
That old gander didn't know where he was going. And now they're over
there and can't get back.
That's what's the matter with a whole lot of these geese today; they
still swarm. They say, that "Look" magazine said, these geese swarm and
fly all around over England, but they don't know how to get back.
That's the way it is with some of the geese that I know of. You have a
swarm, and a big protractive meeting, and have some revivalist to come
along and preach awhile, but you don't know where you're going:
swarming around and around, because you've got some gander to lead you
off on a denominational spree, and not back to the Word of God, back to
the baptism of the Holy Ghost. And then they wonder why we ain't got
revival in our days. See? You got to get that certain Sound. That Sound
is the Gospel trumpet breathing out the Gospel, every Word of God: not
creed, not denomination, but the Bible, the Holy Spirit. "These signs
shall follow them that believe." See? And there they go down the road.
One old gander one time, they said, got a bunch killed, trying to fly
them through the darkness, didn't know where he was going himself, and
they all hit against the mountains out there, and some of them
disintegrated, bursted up. Sure. They got to know their certain sound.
That little old duck, if he's got the certain sound, and everybody
knows it; they have a little swarming jubilee and away they go to the
south. What do they go down there for? Where it ain't cold.
Now, if God give a duck enough sense to know how to dodge the coldness,
how ought He to have give the church? If a duck can do that by
instinct, what about the Holy Ghost in the church? It ought to lead us
from old formalities and creeds and things into a glorious wonderful
baptism of the Holy Ghost, where there's virtue, knowledge, patience,
godliness, and the Holy Spirit. That's what the real Guide will lead,
'cause He'll breathe out nothing but the Gospel, just the Word of God.
Sure, you need a Guide.
When the wise men, they didn't know nothing about God. They were, they
were magic-workers, magicians. They were over in the orients. You know,
the Bible said, "We have seen His Star in the east, come to worship
Him." They were from the west, they looked east and saw His Star–or
looked west, they was in the east. We were in the east, and saw His
Star in the west. See? "We have seen His Star in the east." And, see,
they were in the east. "When we were in the east we saw the Star, and
we've come to worship Him."
I can imagine seeing those fellows getting ready to go. I can imagine
one of their wives said to him, said, "Say, got everything all packed
up, but where's your compass?"
He said, "Now, I ain't going to use a compass this time."
"Well, how you going to get across the mountains?" Remember, they had
to cross the Tigris River and come down through the plains, and
the–why, they had two-years' trip on camels. How they going to do it?
Said, "We ain't even taking a compass."
Said, "No."
"How you going?"
"I'm going God's provided way. That Star yonder is going to lead me to that King." That's it.
"We have seen His Star in the east, and followed It all the way here in
the west to worship Him. Where is He?" They followed God's provided
way. They got tied up with a bunch of creeds down there a little while.
They come into Jerusalem and begin to go up and down the street, these
finest dressed people, saying, "Where is He? Where is He born King of
the Jews?" Well, that was the head, that was Jerusalem. Surely the big
church ought to know something about It. "Where is He? Where is He born
King of the Jews? We have seen His Star in the east; we come to worship
Him. Where is He?"
Why, they went over to Pastor So-and-so and to High Priest So-and-so;
none of them knowed nothing about it. "Why, there's One born King of
the Jews, where is He?" They didn't know.
But there was a bunch of shepherds out there on the hillside just
having them a time (Yes, sir.), because they had come God's provided
So they stayed around there, and directly he said, "I'll tell you what
we ought to do; we'll have a board meeting." So they called in the
Sanhedrin Council, and–and thought if they heard anything about It.
"No, we didn't know nothing about It."
That's the same thing it is today. They don't know nothing about this
Guide, this Holy Ghost that heals, fills, saves, coming again. The
Guide that's told us all these things would happen, here we are right
in the midst of them. A Discerner of the thoughts of the heart, they
know nothing about that; they call It mental telepathy or something.
They don't know what to say about It.
So, you see, those wise men, as long… Remember, when they entered
into Jerusalem, the Star disappeared. And as long as you look for
creeds and denominational men to lead you to God, the help of God will
leave you. But when they got sick and tired of it, and left them, left
the creeds and denominations of those Jews, and went out of Jerusalem,
then the Star appeared again and they rejoiced with exceeding great
joy. They saw the Guide again. Oh, how it is, get on some old cold
formal church, then get back to a good one on fire, see the Guide
leading, what a difference it is. Yeah, "We have seen His Star in the
east and have come to worship Him."
Joshua said to them, "Now, you follow the Ark, 'cause you've never been
this way before." God won't permit that Ark to go anywhere but right.
Everyone followed It, and It went right across Jordan.
Same is today, by the Holy Spirit. Yes, sir. The only thing that we
know, whether it's the Holy Spirit or not, we see the
manife–manifestations of It, the manifestations a-vindicating the Word
of God.
Now, not long ago, a bunch of brethren had blood and oil, and that's
all right if they want to do that way. I… That ain't a vindication to
me. It's a Scripture vindication (See?), as long as it's vindicating
what God said; that's all right. They said, "This is the reason you got
the Holy Ghost, you got oil in your hand." Now, I–I can't go for that.
See? No, I don't believe that oil has anything to do with it. And if
that's blood going to heal and salvation, what happened to the Blood of
Jesus Christ? If that oil heals, what about His stripes? See, see?
I like for the Guide to come, that brings you to the Truth of the Word,
then you know you're zeroed in and you're ready for the countdown
(That's right.), getting ready to fly away. Yes, sir. Yeah, because
why? The Guide is the One Who makes it real.
93 I got a Scripture here; I had given these Scriptures, but I want to read this one. It's II Peter the 1st chapter, 21st verse.
did the prophecy come? Not by the will of man, denominational creeds,
but by the will of God, when holy men were moved by the Holy Ghost.
He's always been God's Guide. That was the Holy Ghost that was in that
Pillar of Fire; that was the Holy Ghost; any man knows that was Christ.
Moses forsook Egypt, esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches
than that of Egypt. Christ was the One. Well, when they stand out there
and say, "Well, You say You're… Why, You're not over fifty years old,
and say You seen Abraham?"
He said, "Before Abraham was, I AM." I AM was the One that met Moses in
the Pillar of Fire in a burning bush. Yes, sir. He was God made flesh,
not a third person; the same Person in a different office: not three
gods; three offices of one God. Correctly.
All right, now, the Scripture. Always, when God provides, He provides
the best. When God provided a way to fortify His church, He provided
the best. When He give Adam and Eve, in the garden of Eden, what He
give them was His Word. "You stay behind this Word, and you're safe.
But if you get from out of It, the day you eat thereof that day you
die." God has never changed His strategy. And Satan has never changed
his; how he got into Adam and Eve, he gets into them today. Why? By
trying to reason It out. "Now, it's reasonable that God would not. Oh,
God has said," said Satan, "but surely a holy God won't do this."
Surely He will, because He said He would.
And that's what people say today, "Oh, now wait. You don't believe now,
if I go to church and I pay my tithes, and I do this, the other, God's
going to cast me down?" Unless a man's born again, he'll not even
understand the Kingdom of God. See? No excuses. "Well, the poor old
man, the poor old woman, there's a good old soul." The only way they
can ever see God, is be borned again. That's all. I don't care how
little, how old, how young, what they did, how much they went to
church, how many denominations they knowed, how much creed they can
recite. You've got to be borned again or you're not even on the
foundation to begin. That's exactly right.
So, you see, you need the Guide. He will guide you to Truth, and Truth
is the Word. He will guide you. And it's always has been. God don't
never have to change nothing, 'cause He's infinite and He knows what's
best. He's omnipresent; He's omniscient; He's–He's everything. It's
right, God is, so He don't have to change. All right.
He is a Confirmer of the way He's leading you. The Holy Ghost, the
Guide, is the Confirmer of the same Word that He's teaching. Now, Luke
was led by the Guide to say, "Go ye into all the world, preach the
Gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be
saved; he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall
follow them that believe; in My Name they shall cast out devils, speak
with new tongues, take up serpents, drink deadly things, lay hands on
the sick and they shall recover." And the Bible said that, they went
forth everywhere, led by the Guide, you know, preached the Word, with
signs following. What was it? The Guide vindicating that was the Truth.
That was God's policy. That's the way it was laid down. That's His
program; He can't change from it, because He's infinite. Amen. He can't
change from it; He's God. I can change; I'm a man. You can change;
you're a man or woman. But God cannot change. I'm finite; I can make
mistakes and say things wrong; all of us can. But God can't and be God.
His first decision is perfect. The way God acts on the scene, that's
the way He's got to act every time. If He's called on the scene to save
a sinner, He saves him on the basis of one thing. The next time a
sinner comes, He's got to act the same way, or He acted wrong when He
acted the first time. Amen. I love Him. I know it's the Truth.
I'm fifty-three years old, been preaching the Gospel here for
thirty-three and a half years, I've never seen it fail. I've seen It
tested seven times around the world in all kinds of religions and
everything else, before as many as a half a million at one time, and
never has It failed. I don't speak from some book. I speak from
personal experience, that I know that God stands behind His Word and
honors It. Now, if you have some kind of a creed, you better watch
that. But the Holy Spirit will back up the Word of God.
In St. John the 1st chapter and the 1st verse, he said… He is the
Word. He is the Guide. "In the beginning was the Word, the Word was
with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelled
among us." My.
Peter was led to say on Acts 2:38, how to receive the Holy Ghost; he
said, "Repent, every one of you, then be baptized in the Name of Jesus
Christ for remission of your sins, and then the Guide will take you
from there on." Yeah, that's the thing to do. First, repent of your
sins, your unbelief, that you've disbelieved these things. Repent, and
then be baptized, and then the Guide will take you from there on. See,
that's your duty. It's your duty to repent. It's your duty to be
baptized. Then it's the Guide's duty to take you from there on, lead
you from virtue to knowledge, to temperance, to patience, to godliness,
and to brotherly love, and the Holy Ghost seals you. See? Then you're a
full statue of God, a real man of God, a real woman of God, anchored
away in Christ. I love that, that anchored away in Christ.
Yeah, Mark was led by the Holy Ghost to write Mark 16, of course. John
was led when he wrote Revelation. He was led by the Guide. He was also
led by the Guide to say, "Whosoever shall take one Word out of It, or
add one word to It, the same will be taken, his part, out of the Book
of Life."
Now, how you going to substitute something for the Word of God, and
still say you're led by the Holy Ghost? Don't make sense, does it? No,
sir. It doesn't.
He's been My Guide through life. He's guided me unto Life. He was the
One that led me to Life, and He is my Life. Without Him I have no Life.
Without Him I want nothing else. He's all my All-in-All. In the hours
of my trouble, He stands by me. Yesterday He blessed me, today they
done the same. What can I expect? The same forever, praise His Name.
Amen. Yes, sir. He promised it. He'll do it. He is my Life; He's my
Guide, All-in-All. I've trusted Him. I've had some hard trials. I trust
Him wherever I go. I want you to do it. If you go to wash, you women,
trust Him. If you go downtown, trust Him.
I got one time where I thought that I was kind of a good woodsman, you
know, hunted so much. I thought, "I'm just foolproof, nobody's going
to… You couldn't lose me. My mom was a half Indian, and I loved that.
Oh, my. Now, you can't lose me in the woods; I know where I'm at."
And off… My honeymoon, I kind of cheated a little bit on the wife; I
told her, "You know, honey, it'd be a good thing for us to get married
on October the twenty-third." 'Course, that's when the Lord told me to
do it.
And I thought, "Now, for a little honeymoon. I saved up my money, and
I'll take her over by Niagara Falls, and go over on the Adirondack and
do a little hunting." See? So I took her and Billy; he was just a
little bitty thing. And so I had to take her on a honeymoon, and it was
on a hunting trip too, you know. So–so I thought that'd be a good
thing to do. And so I took her up, and the…
I wrote to Mr. Denton, the ranger. And we was going up on Hurricane
Mountain. And I said, "Mr. Denton, I'm coming up; I want to hunt some
bear with you this fall."
And he said, "Okay, Billy, come on up." So he said, "I'll be up there
on a certain-certain date." Well, wife and I got there a day early, and
Billy, and so the cabin was locked up, and there was a little lean-to
back up on the woods. Where Brother Fred Sothmann and I went not long
ago and stood there… The Holy Spirit, I seen Him standing there, that
yellow Light moving around in the bush, and Fred standing right there.
He said, "Come aside, I want to speak to you. Tomorrow," said, "be
careful; they set a trap for you." Said, "Be alert." Is that right,
Brother Fred? And I went and told hundreds of people that night over in
Vermont; I said, "There's a trap set for me; I'm going to see it. I
don't know where it's at." And the very next night, there it come,
there it was. Said, "Here's the trap that's set." Yes, sir. But the
Holy Spirit led me in what to do. And, oh, my, that was just right. Oh,
many of you know what it was. I haven't time to tell it.
But standing there at that place that time, it just begin to turn cold
that day. Mr. Denton was coming up the next day. I said, "You know,
honey, it'd be nice if I got a–a big buck to take home." I said, "We
can. I had to save these pennies, and we just got married." And I said,
"We'd get our winter's meat if I'd get a little hunt today."
And she said, "Well, go ahead, Billy." Said, "Now, you remember, I
never was in these woods." She said she was about twenty-five miles up
in the mountains, you know, and she said, "I don't know nothing about
this." And she said, so I…
And I said, "Well now, you remember, it was two years ago I killed
those three bear. That was right back over the top of the mountain over
there." I said, "Now, I'll get a big buck and we'll get some bear," and
I said, "we'll have our winter's meat in." Well, that sounded pretty
good, you know. (And we picked blackberries, and got our coal for
that–for that winter; and so then Billy sold them, and Meda and I
picked them of an evening after I got off of my patrol.) So then I–I
said, "Well, I'm going to pick up my rifle; I'm going down here." I
said, "There's a lot of deer in here; I'll find one." And I said, "You
know," I said, "then I'll get him." And I said, "Well… I'll be back
in a little while."
She said, "Okay."
So when I started off; it was kind of low. And any of you New Hampshire
people, and up in there in the New England, knows what it means when
that fog comes down, or anywhere else in the mountains; you don't know
where you're at. That's all. You can't see your hand before you. So
then I–I started down through the–a little chopping, like, come down,
and went over across the ridge and come up. And I noticed a panther,
you'd call it here in this part of the country. We call it in the west,
a cougar. They call it, up there, a mountain lion. It's all the same
animal. It's a puma, really what it is. Same cat, about nine-foot long,
weight about a hundred fifty, two hundred pounds. He crossed the road,
and I slipped the gun real quick, not fast enough to get the shot at
Well, I slipped on up over the hill, chasing this cougar, watching the
leaves where he had moved, you know. I could hear him. He had four
feet. I knowed he wasn't a two-footed animal, his four feet. And I
knowed he wasn't a deer, 'cause a deer stomps. And he would slip real
easy, the cat, you know, like that. And a bear rolls his feet when he
walks. And so I knew it must be a cougar. And he was behind the log and
I didn't see him, till just got a glimpse of him; he was gone.
And I watched the way he disturbed the leaves, you know, up over the
top of the mountain, and down like this, and I wasn't watching that
cloud coming all the time, you know, coming down, the fog. I slipped
down, went down through a great valley and went down into the giants,
following this cougar. I thought, "I'll catch him after while." I'd see
a place, and I'd run up on a high place, and look all around like that,
and peep around, see if I could see him, listen real close, and get
down, slip down again. You could hear the brush go crashing, way ahead
of him as he going out. See, he was hitting the trees then so I
couldn't trail him. See, he got smart, got up in the trees and jumping
from tree to tree. Then he knowed I couldn't trail him there. Oh, I
thought, "Oh, anyhow."
And I started back up the canyon, and I whiffed a bear, an old male
bear. I thought, "I'll get him now, boy, that's good." I whiffed again,
and I went a little farther, and I watched for all kinds of signs and
everything. I couldn't see a thing; turned back down, and went back
down the other side of the mountain. And then I begin to notice,
getting a little foggy. And I'd whiff again, he was in the air
somewhere. I said, "No. Now, what happened, the wind was coming this
a-way, and I caught the bear whiff come from this down that way, and
I've crossed around now and the wind's coming from this other
direction. So I have to go back to where I smelled the bear the first
time, and take it from there."
And on my road back, I looked across the canyon; I seen the bushes
move. And when I did, something black moved. I thought, "There he is."
I throwed a shell up in the gun, real quick, and stood still. And when
it did, it was a great big buck, great big one. I thought, "That's just
what I was wanting anyhow": shot the buck.
I thought, "Well." I never noticed it was kind of… Time I got him
fixed up, looked… I cleaned off my hands and fixed my knife, put it
back. And I thought, "Praise God. Thank You, Lord Jesus; You've give me
my winter's meat. Praise be to God." And I got my gun. I thought, "I'll
go right back up the canyon here now." I said, "Look at here, boy,
storm's coming. I better get out of here and get back over to Meda and
them." I said, "I have to hurry."
Up the canyon I went, unbuttoned my big red coat, and I was running up
the canyon like this around. The first thing you know, I thought, "My,
where did I turn off at?" Wind was already down, the trees lapping
together. I thought, "Where did I turn off at?" I went around. I–I
knowed I was going right straight to Hurricane Mountain. But I happened
to stop, and I was sweating; I thought, "What's the matter here? I've
been gone a half hour, or three quarters, and I can't find that place I
turned off." I looked up, and there hung my deer. I was right at the
same place. I thought, "Well, what did I do?"
Well, I took off again. I thought, "I'll make it this time, I just
wasn't noticing." I watched every little move everywhere, watching. I
kept searching, searching, searching. Them clouds coming, I know a
snowstorm was on the road, fog hanging low, and then I begin to notice.
I thought, "I'll go a little further," went on, on, on, on, on, on, on.
And I thought, "Well, this is strange, look like I've seen this place
before." And I looked, and there hung my deer. See?
You know what I was on? The Indians call it the "death walk." See,
you're walking in a circle, round and around. Well, I thought I was too
good a guide to ever be lost. See, nothing had to tell me the woods, I
knowed my way around. See?
And I started off again. I said, "I can't make this mistake." And I come back again.
I moved up the canyon a little piece, then it had done started blowing.
Oh, my, snow everywhere. Almost towards dark. And I knew that Meda
would die that night in the wilderness; she didn't know how to take
care of herself. And Billy was just about four years old, three years
old, just a little bitty thing. And I thought, "What will they do?"
Well, I got up this far and I hit some moss bed, I thought, "I'm in a
flat somewhere, and I can't see up–nothing; it's all foggy." I was
going around now.
Ordinarily, I'd have found me a place and holed up, if I had somebody
with me. I'd holed up and wait till the storm was over, a day or two,
and come on out. Cut my piece of deer–over in the back, and went in,
eat, and forgot about it. But you can't do that, and your wife and baby
laying up there in the woods, perishing. See?
So I begin to think, "What can I do?" So I went a little farther. And I
thought, "Now, wait. When I crossed over that first valley, the wind
was in my face, so I must've come this a-way. I've got to come this
way." And I had wandered way down in the giants, but I didn't know
where I was at. I said, "Oh." I begin to get nervous. And I thought,
"Wait a minute, Bill, you're not lost," trying to bluff myself. You
can't bluff it. No, no. That inner conscience tells you you're wrong.
Oh, you–you try to say, "Oh, I'm saved; I go to church." Don't you
worry, you wait till that deathbed comes, and you'll know it's
different. Your conscience tells you. Something inside of you tells you
you're wrong. See? You know if you'd die you couldn't meet a holy God.
As we seen Him last night, even the holy Angels have to veil their face
to stand before Him. How are you going to stand outside the Blood of
Jesus Christ to veil you?
I thought, "Oh, I'll make it." I started on. And I found out I kept
hearing Something. Then I got nervous. And I thought, "Now, if I do
that, I'm going to go to pieces." That's usually what a lost man does;
he goes to pieces in the woods. Then he'll take his gun, shoot himself;
or fall over a ditch and break his leg, and there he lays; he'll die
there. So I thought, "What am I going to do?" So I started walking on.
And I kept hearing Something saying, "I'm a very present Help in a time of trouble." I just kept walking on.
I thought, "Now, I know I'm getting a little bit off now; I'm hearing a
voice talk to me." I kept going on. And it, "whew, whew, whew,"
whistling, you know, I thought, "Now, I'm not lost. You know where
you're at, boy. What's the matter with you? You can't get lost.
You're–you're too good a hunter; you can't get lost." Self-bragging,
you know, making myself bluff myself through.
You can't bluff it. Way down here there's a little wheel turning,
saying, "Boy, you're lost and you know you are. See, you're lost."
I kept moving on. "Oh, I'm not lost. I'll be all right. I'll find my
way out." Things begin to look funny, winds close. Snow begin to
flying, the little hominy snow, we call it, spitting down. And I
thought of wife and baby. I'm not… I thought, "Oh, my."
Directly I heard That again, said, "I'm a very present Help in a time
of trouble." And I was a minister of the Gospel then, preaching right
here at the Tabernacle.
So I thought, "Well, what can I do?" I stopped, looked everywhere, and
was fog already down now. I… That was it. Nothing could be done then.
I thought, "Oh, what can I do?" I thought, "Sir, I'm not fit to live;
I've had too much self-confidence. I thought I was a hunter, but I'm
And, brother, I've always trusted Him. Shooting, I've got records up
there. And a fisherman, I'm a poor one, but I've always trusted Him.
Shots, I'm a poor shot, but He's let me make world records on it. See?
Shoot deer, seven, eight hundred yards. Got a gun up there killed
thirty-five head of game without missing a shot with it. Just read that
anywhere, if you can. See? Not me, it's Him; I've trusted Him.
There I was, I thought, "What can I do? What can I do?"
I kept… That getting closer, closer, "I'm a very present Help in a time of trouble, a very present Help."
I thought, "Is that God talking to me?" I took off my hat. I had my
patrol hat, red handkerchief wrapped around it. I laid it down. Took
off my coat; it was moist. And I laid my coat down, set my gun up
against the side of a tree. I said, "Heavenly Father, now I'm getting
beyond myself; I'm hearing a voice speaking to me. Is that You?" I
said, "Lord, I'm going to admit to You that I ain't no hunter; I ain't.
I–I can't find my way around. You have to help me. I'm not fit to
live, and doing the things that I've done, coming in here and thinking
I knowed too much about it to ever get lost. I need You, Lord. My wife
is a good woman. My baby, my little boy, his mother's gone on, and
she's trying to be mother to him, and I've just married her. And here
she is, a kid, there in the woods; they'll both die tonight. That wind,
it'll turn down about ten below zero, and they–they won't know how to
live. They'll die tonight. Don't let them die, God. Take me to them, so
that I can see that they don't die. I'm lost. I'm lost, God. I–I can't
find my way around. Won't You please help me? And forgive me for my own
self-centered way. I can't do nothing without You; You're my Guide. You
help me, Lord."
I got up, and I said, "Amen." Picked up my handkerchief; my coat,
picked it up; put my hat back on; picked up my gun. I said, "Now, I'll
fix myself in the very best way that I know how to go, the very best of
my understanding; and I'll go straight one way, 'cause I'm walking
around a circle somewhere; I don't know where. But I'll go the way You
tell me, Lord God, my Guide."
I started walking this way. I said, "This is it, and I have to make
myself believe it. I'm going this a-way. I'm going straight this a-way.
I'm not going to vary; I'm going this a-way. I know I'm right. I'm
going this a-way." If I'd have went that way; I'd have headed off over
in Canada. See?
Just then I felt Something touch me on the shoulder, a hand; it felt
like a man's hand, so quick that I turned around to look. There was
nobody standing there. I thought, "What was that?" Here's the Bible
laying before me. God, my Guide and Judge, is standing here. I just
looked up. And right back this a-way, that fog just cleared back till I
could see the tower on top of Hurricane Mountain. Going right straight
away from it, the best of my hunting ability, I was going away from it,
getting real late in the evening then. I turned real quick, directing
myself like this. I took hold of my hat and raised up my hands, I said,
"Guide me over, God; You're my Guide."
I started. I had to go right straight up bluffs and everything getting
there, later and later. Then it got dark. Deers was jumping in front of
me and everything. I couldn't think of nothing but keeping myself one
way, right up this mountain.
And I know if I could get to the tower, Mr. Denton and I–I helped put
the line up that spring. We tacked the telephone wire from the
Hurricane Mountain, all the way down about three and a half or four
miles, right down to the camp. And it went right down a little trail,
but, the snow on there, you couldn't tell the trail. See? And the wind
blowing and everything; it was dark and blizzard and going; you
couldn't tell where you was at. Well, the only thing I knew to do,
after it got dark, and I didn't know… I know I was going one way, and
right up the mountain. 'Cause I was supposed to go up the mountain, and
the tower set right at the top of the mountain, and I had about six
miles to get to it. Just think, that fog clearing back, six miles, just
one hole, till I could see it.
And then I–I'd pack my rifle in this hand, and hold this hand up,
'cause I'd tacked the–the wire on the trees like that going down, the
telephone wires to the cabin, so he could talk to his wife, and then
call out from there, from the mountain. And I was going to help him
take it down that fall. And I had my hand up like this, saying, "O God,
let me touch that line." Walk, and my arm would get so sore, tired, I
couldn't hardly hold it, and I'd have to let it down. And I'd change
the gun and put it in that; step back a couple steps so I'd be sure not
to miss it, then raise my hand up, start walking, walking: getting
late, dark, wind blowing. Oh, I'd grab ahold of a limb, I'd say,
"That's it. No, that's not it." Oh, it, you, don't let it give an
uncertain sound.
After while, when I just about ready to give up, my hand hit something.
Oh, my. I'd been found, when I was lost. I held to that wire. I dropped
the rifle right down took my hat off of my head, and I stood there. I
said, "O God, what a feeling it is to be found, when you're lost." I
said, "Right down to the end of this wire, I'll never turn it loose.
I'll hold onto this wire. It'll guide me right straight to where all on
this earth that's dear to me is laying, right down there. My wife and
baby, frantically, not knowing where I am, not knowing how to make a
fire, not knowing what to do, and winds a-blowing, and limbs a-popping
and falling off of trees." I was daresn't to let go of that wire. I
held that wire until it guided me right in to where all that was dear
on earth was to me.
That was a horrible experience, and a great experience to find my way
out, but that wasn't half of it. One day I was lost in sin. I went
church after church, trying to find Something. I went to the
Seventh-day Adventists, they told me, "Keep the Sabbath; quit eating
I went over to the Baptist church, first Baptist church, he said, "Just
get up and tell them that you believe Jesus Christ the Son of God," and
I'll baptize you; that's it. There wasn't nothing.
But one day, out in a little coal shed, I held my hands up, I caught
ahold of Something; or, may I say, Something got ahold of me. It was a
Lifeline, the Guide. And He's led me safe this far; I ain't going to
take my hand off that wire. I'm a-holding my hands to Him. Let creeds
and denominations do whatever they want to, I'm holding onto the Guide.
For all that was ever on earth and all that's in heaven, ever means
precious to me, is at the end of this line. He's brought me safely this
far; I'll trust Him the rest the way. "When He the Holy Ghost is come,
He will guide you and lead you into all Light."
Friends, It's brought me right where I am today. It's made me what I
am. I could gladly introduce It to you. It's the only Guide that I know
anything about, for here on earth or up There. He is my Guide when I go
hunting. He's my Guide when I go fishing. He's my Guide when I talk to
somebody. He's my Guide when I preach. He's my Guide when I sleep.
And when I come to die, He'll be standing there at the river; He'll
guide me across the way. I'll fear no evil, for Thou art with me. Thy
rod and Thy staff, they'll correct me and guide me across the river.
Let us pray.
Heavenly Father, I'm so thankful for the Guide, the One Who leads me.
Oh, sometimes, Father, I can't hear Him around me; I get scared. I want
Him close to me because I don't know what time I'm going to run up on
the river. I want Him to be near me. Don't never leave me, Lord. I
can't talk. I can't preach. I can't hunt in the woods. I can't fish on
the banks. I can't drive my car. There's nothing I can do without You.
You're my Guide. How happy I am to say to this congregation tonight,
how that You have guided me in all these things, how that You have
brought me.
I was thinking the other day; no more than a few years ago, standing
down here on the street, and because that my family had done wrong, no
one would talk to me. I was lonesome for fellowship. Nobody wanted
anything to do with me. They said, "His daddy is a bootlegger." And,
Lord, so no one would talk to me. And I love people. But one day when I
caught ahold of that Line… Now, I think, Lord, I have to slip off and
get out into the wilderness to get a little rest. What did it? Not
personality, not education; I have none. But it was You, Lord, You,
You've let me zero the target; You've let me catch the big fish,
because You know I wanted to do it. You've give me fathers and mothers.
You've give me brothers and sisters. You've give me my health. You've
give me a wife. You give me family. You're my Guide, Lord. Let me hold
Your hand; don't never let me turn loose. If one hand gets weary, I'll
just change hands. Help me, Lord.
And now may each one in here take ahold of that same Lifeline, Lord,
the Holy Spirit which is our Life, Life-giving resource. And may It
guide us all to that happy land yonder, where the toils of life is over
and our work on earth is done; and then there will be on more old age,
no feeble people, no more weary nights, no more crying and praying, no
more altar calls, but we'll be young there forever; sickness and sorrow
will be no more. There'll be no more sin; and we'll live in
righteousness of God through all ages that is to come, through a
ceaseless eternity. Grant it, Father.
And now, Father, if there's any in here tonight who's never had ahold
of that Lifeline, may they find It right now. And may the Holy Spirit
Who's guided… And I can say from my heart, with my hand on Your Word,
He's always been right. I'm wrong many times. But He's right. Let Him
stay with me, Lord. Let me stay with Him. And may others in here, who
don't know Him tonight, may they take ahold of His unchanging hand,
that they might be guided down.
And someday we're coming out to the river. It's going to be foggy that
morning too. The old sea will be roaring, the old Jordan, the breakers
a-dashing, death choking the life out of us. But, God, I–I won't be
scared. I settled it a long time ago. I just want to take off the
helmet, as a warrior, turn around, look back down the path to see where
that line has guided me to. See all the wilderness I've come through,
and every briar patch, and every pile of stones that I got bruised on,
but holding the Wire… As You said, the poet did, "Some through the
waters, and some through the floods, some through deep trials, but all
through the Blood." And I want to take This, the old Sword here that's
protected me along the road, and stick It back in the sheath, scream
out, "Father, send across the boat this morning; I'm coming in home."
You'll be there, Lord. You promised it. You can't fail.
And bless everyone that's here now. And if they don't know how to hold
this Line, and never touched It, may holy hands raise up now, wanting
hands, desiring hands, and touch the Lifeline that'll lead them to
their heart's desire, perfect peace and satisfaction, rest in Christ.
157 With our heads bowed, would there be a hands that'd raise up and say, "Let me. Hold my hand"? Oh, God bless you.
there be another raise up their hand, say, "Lord, I want to feel the
touch of the Lifeline tonight. I want to feel Christ has forgiven me of
my sins, and I want to be a new creature from this hour on"? God bless
you. Would there be another say, "Let me touch You, Lord. Let me lose
myself"? God bless you, sister. "Let me lose myself, and find it, Lord,
in Thee." God bless you. And God bless you. That's right. "Let me lose
myself, Lord. Let me forget." God bless you, brother. "Let me…" God
bless you, sister. "Let me just lose all my knowledge." God bless you,
sister. Don't trust in manmade schemes. Follow the Guide; He'll guide
you into all Truth. "Lead me, Lord Jesus, lead me." God bless you back
there. Oh, there's many hands has been up, wanting salvation. Now,
while we're, you…
The altar here, you can't call the altar, because people setting all
over it. But He's right there. You know good and well, when you raised
your hand, something happened in your heart. Jesus said, "He that
heareth My Words and believeth on Him that sent Me, has Everlasting
Life." You mean it? Then there's the pool here filled up with water.
There'll be plenty of time for baptism. Let us pray.
Our heavenly Father, this little broke-up message tonight through a
hoarse voice, the Holy Spirit must've went out somewhere. It went where
It was purposed, and there's many, Lord, tonight, some fifteen or
twenty raised up their hands, that they need the Guide. They realize
that they're trying to fool themselves. They're trying to say, "I'm all
right," but way down deep they know they're not. And they want to feel
You, Lord. They want the Guide. They want to sign up. You're never
overstocked. They want to sign up for this trip. They don't know how to
get there. No one knows how to take them there; You're the only One.
They're coming for God's provided Guide, the Holy Spirit. They've
raised up their hands.
O Holy Ghost and Guide, come down upon them. Forgive every sin. Pardon
their iniquities. Take them into the Body of Christ tonight, where they
can feel the current of God flowing through that Line that'll lead them
on down to the Jordan, and across Jordan to the promised Land. May they
follow straight behind the Word. The Word said, "Repent, and then be
baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ." May they not try it some other
way. May they follow right behind the Word, for He's the One that'll
guide. That's the–that's the steps to climb over till we can catch
ahold of the Guide. Grant it, Lord. May they be Yours. They're in Your
hands now, as trophies, no man can pluck them out. I believe that You
will take them as saved people. I believe they raised up their hands;
they're could not have done that in themselves unless Something spoke
to them. That was You, Holy Spirit and Guide.
They see the hour is closing in, fog is coming over the earth, great
creeds and–and things are uniting together; churches are
confederating, coming together. And, O God, how they're trying to say,
"All that has a peculiarity will have to leave here and go to Alaska."
And all these things that they're threatening, it's not new to us, the
great Guide has showed us that in the path of the Word. We're just
passing through that part of It.
Father, God, You spoke to them tonight, and I give them to You now as trophies of the Word. In Jesus' Name.
Now to, laying on the desk here, Father, is handkerchiefs, it's for
sick people, some little baby, maybe, some mother, some sister, some
brother; even little hairpins stuck in them. And now I hold them up
close to me. Now, we're taught in the Bible that they took from the
body of Paul handkerchiefs and aprons, and, sick people were healed;
unclean spirits went out of people. Now, we realize, Lord, that Paul
was a man, he was just a man. But it was the anointing of the Holy
Ghost that was on him that blessed the handkerchiefs, and the faith
that the people had that he was Your apostle. Now, Paul has been taken
from us, but not the Guide, He's still here. And, God, I pray that
You'll bless these handkerchiefs, and may the Guide lead them to the
place, that complete surrender.
We're told again that when Israel was following their Guide, and they
come right down to Jordan, right down, rather, to the Red Sea. In the
very line of duty they were stopped, and the Guide led them down there.
Why? To show His glory. And when all hopes was gone, then God looked
down through that Pillar of Fire, and even the old Dead Sea got scared
and she rolled back, and there was a path made for Israel to walk over
to the promised land.
Truly, Lord, You're still the same God. These people maybe are
Christians; maybe they're right in the path of duty, but they been
brought into this cornered place where sickness has cornered them. Look
down through the Blood of Jesus tonight; that Devil will get scared;
he'll move back; and Your children shall pass over to the promise of
good health. Grant it, Father. I send them from my body to theirs, in
the Name of Jesus Christ.
I lift this congregation before You, by faith I take them plumb to the
glorious altar of God yonder in heaven, where every desire of sickness,
whatever they have that's wrong, whatever that's wrong in their lives
anywhere, God, cleanse them, make them Yours. Heal them, Father. And
may the power that raised up Jesus from the grave, quicken their mortal
bodies and make them new creations in Christ. Give them good health and
strength to serve You.
Remember me, O Lord. I am Your servant. Help me, standing in the need
of prayer. And I pray that the Holy Spirit will guide us and use us,
and lead us until the day we see Jesus Christ face to face at His
glorious coming when we meet Him in the air at the rapture. In the Name
of Christ we ask it. Amen.
Now, if you don't
love one another who you have seen, how you going to love Him Who you
haven't seen? Now, when we sing "I Love Him," let's give our neighbor a
hearty handshake of love.
Now, let's raise our hands to Him.
For a good song, would you like to hear one? I understand that we have
an evangelist song leader here from Indianapolis. I believe he sings at
Cadle Tabernacle. Is that right? All right, sir. That's his place at
Cadle Tabernacle. How many remembers E. Howard Cadle? Oh, my. God rest
his precious soul. The mockingbird of the air, a woman that I loved to
hear sing, better than anybody I nearly ever heard sing in my life, was
Mrs. Cadle, singing, "Ere you left your room this morning, did you
think to pray in the Name of Christ our Saviour, as a Shield today?"
Right across the street there one morning in a little old two-room
shack, I got up, was going to go in and make a fire. The stove wouldn't
burn. And I tried to start it, and the wind come down, blowed the thing
out in my face. And it was cold, and I was about froze. And frost all
over the floor, and me barefooted, trying to get this little old tin
stove started, little oven pipe on it. And I just… Meda and I had
just been married a little bit. And I was trying; the old wood was wet
and wouldn't burn, and I was setting there, I thought, "Oh, my. I'll
try it again." Had to go to work, and fanning that old stove like that.
And I reached over and turned the radio over on, and she begin to sing,
"Ere you left your room this morning, did you think to pray," I just
fell down on the floor, "in the Name of Christ our Saviour, as a Shield
today?" Oh, how I loved to hear that woman.
When I cross over the river sometime, I believe I'll hear Mrs. Cadle
setting over there. You know, I've always made an appointment. On this
side of the river, there's the evergreen Tree, you know, the Tree of
Life; and over on the other side of the river, there's a Angelic choir
sings day and night, 'cause there's no night there, sing all day. See?
I'll get me a place and just set back and listen to it. I believe I'll
hear Mrs. Cadle over there singing.
God bless our brother. I forgot his name. What is it, brother? Brother
Ned Woolman will sing for you now. Brother Woolman, glad to have you
here tonight with us.
[Brother Woolman sings, "The Chapel Of My Heart"–Ed.]