I personally would like to thank the Lord Jesus Christ for revealing Himself in His fullness to me. I am the first in my family to receive this Message. My mother is now a believer and one other sister. I am believing God for the rest of the family that they see the Light of this day. Before God revealed himself to me, I had a lot of unanswered questions. But when I received the Light, the Word, the Message, all questions were answered and am at peace with my Lord. Pray for me and my family, we need Him so much every day of our lives, amen.
there is no doubt God alone can do what makes him God. This message has brought about the continuity today. Friends Jesus Christ is on two feet again. He has descended and has also produced Christ from under the seventh seal. Bro Branham was a great prophet of God and spoke about this day and the Lord has descended and the ministry exactly like the life of Christ is on earth TODAY.
brother;s & sisters we have a profit on the seeen right now god dose not leave us without his profit; amen you have to secarch the word to fined out who he is;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
The Key point of this message is to manifest Jesus in US;
The world has to see Jesus in US (He is the same yesterday today and forever) because we are epistles written by God for this age;
It will only come manifest when you apply the token (the requirement)
Brother Branham is separate bodily with us; but the Spirit that ministried in him is still among the Bride;
Let the Love (Agapao) be upon all the Believers
God bless you all
i am a christan in s sudan,i am glad to hear this message and it’s engarage my life to our mighty Jesus christ shalom my beloved brother and pray for me because i have not see any church naer my place
Gbu my bro.sammy kimani which part of s.sudan are u? u can contact this numba +211956444895 he is the pastor of Juba church and there many massage churches in diferent states in s.sudan or u call +211955421135 bro. safari. or u ca me on +256774616041, rememba you are an eagle dont eat yesterdays food wen threz hot food for you bro
very wonderful and nice messages. praise god for his word is travelling to each and every corner of the world to increase our faith in him and on his commandments.this inturn will increase our rapturing faith. AMEN!.
The prophet is not only someone who can revele the word of God written in is life but is someone who can prophetise,see the future and give signs which can make people of God to be awake while the event seen in advance will start accomplishing so look at Los Angeles,Bro Billy Paul Branham is getting old and Laodicean Age is the shortness one among 7 ages,Roman catholic church trying to friendship with Israel,USA economy is down,the weather changing over all the World,wemen appear increasing in beauty and neckted and putting the Cash-sex only,…there is no time,is it the God’s prolongation time while Noe is already in the Boat(arch)?
you right brother ,we can say we belive ,but do we really live the word, we are a special people because of the word not because we done; any thing. i want god to have control over me i really want to live the word not just i i read it.god is smiple and its the little things we leave on done ; that god wants us to do praise the lord amen. im glad im spritual isreal,,,
Hello! I wish that I could speak the Chinese language but all I can say is I love you and love this message from a true prophet called William M Branham. brother Kerry F Figuried.
My victory does not depend on how you look at me. My victory depends on how Ilook at you. Now, when you are so possessed with the living God that you are in your secret heart pleased and delighted over this peculiar personal private jealous guardianship and management of the Holy Spirit over your life you will have found the vestibule of heaven.God bless
JohnnyHolland Conway SCjs.holland@live.com
This messagte is truly inspired, but we must always remember it is not enough just to say we beleive, we must live it as well, then that tells if we really believe it or not.
TrulyWedidnot seek this message God found us and because YHe did did He gave us ability to hear and understand what this prophet was saying When that happens brother ,sister you sre born again and that is the new birth You are a new creation You become the Worn in flesh again Don’t as me to prove to you that God, one so great has chosen to walk with me Don’t ask me how I know He is there with you and will care for you too. I may be good or bad You don’t know I can tell you this all my guilt is gone and Ican live my life free from the fear of tommorrow and free from the guilt of the past He took it all away. Oh, sometimes some old hype ocrit will stick his head up and say
‘well Ole John one time he such and such …Ijust point him to calvary “Thankyou Lord, go on.Ican’t tell you any more.
this sermons is highly spiritual and if you may come to listen it
this will raise your faith and make you aware of your identity because if you
may see we have been lost and separated from God’s love and because of his mercy
he sent the second Adam to treat the sin and restore his people because Gos so loves his people and sends his only begotten son to treat the sin and he really
took my sins and now i can proclaim that through this sermon,”I HAVE SINNED and IAM JUSTIFIED ,JESUS HAS TAKEN MY PLACE” As the lamb has been provided so that
you might be justified,you better say that you’re not sinner.
Praise the Lord because he sent us Jesus and br Branham
Praise God we have the absolute. Today how could we overcome without malachi,4?Thank u Lord for brother. William Branham.
We have found Him whom the prophets spoke about! Glory be to God.
I personally would like to thank the Lord Jesus Christ for revealing Himself in His fullness to me. I am the first in my family to receive this Message. My mother is now a believer and one other sister. I am believing God for the rest of the family that they see the Light of this day. Before God revealed himself to me, I had a lot of unanswered questions. But when I received the Light, the Word, the Message, all questions were answered and am at peace with my Lord. Pray for me and my family, we need Him so much every day of our lives, amen.
I am from Nigeria, i will appreciate regular online/mobile updates from BRO. Branham’s sermons
Thank you JESUS Thank you lord THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!
there is no doubt God alone can do what makes him God. This message has brought about the continuity today. Friends Jesus Christ is on two feet again. He has descended and has also produced Christ from under the seventh seal. Bro Branham was a great prophet of God and spoke about this day and the Lord has descended and the ministry exactly like the life of Christ is on earth TODAY.
i thank GOD for the message of the hour may HIS name be praised
i thank GOD for the message of the hour praise be unto his name AMEN!!!!
brother;s & sisters we have a profit on the seeen right now god dose not leave us without his profit; amen you have to secarch the word to fined out who he is;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
what a blessed message glory be to god forever and ever
The Key point of this message is to manifest Jesus in US;
The world has to see Jesus in US (He is the same yesterday today and forever) because we are epistles written by God for this age;
It will only come manifest when you apply the token (the requirement)
Brother Branham is separate bodily with us; but the Spirit that ministried in him is still among the Bride;
Let the Love (Agapao) be upon all the Believers
God bless you all
i am a christan in s sudan,i am glad to hear this message and it’s engarage my life to our mighty Jesus christ shalom my beloved brother and pray for me because i have not see any church naer my place
Gbu my bro.sammy kimani which part of s.sudan are u? u can contact this numba +211956444895 he is the pastor of Juba church and there many massage churches in diferent states in s.sudan or u call +211955421135 bro. safari. or u ca me on +256774616041, rememba you are an eagle dont eat yesterdays food wen threz hot food for you bro
What a priviledge to be allowed by The Holy Spirit to listen to these wonderful Words from God Himself right through our Brother
very wonderful and nice messages. praise god for his word is travelling to each and every corner of the world to increase our faith in him and on his commandments.this inturn will increase our rapturing faith. AMEN!.
The prophet is not only someone who can revele the word of God written in is life but is someone who can prophetise,see the future and give signs which can make people of God to be awake while the event seen in advance will start accomplishing so look at Los Angeles,Bro Billy Paul Branham is getting old and Laodicean Age is the shortness one among 7 ages,Roman catholic church trying to friendship with Israel,USA economy is down,the weather changing over all the World,wemen appear increasing in beauty and neckted and putting the Cash-sex only,…there is no time,is it the God’s prolongation time while Noe is already in the Boat(arch)?
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever!!!
Thanks to all who have writen. If you wish to correspond and fellowship in this message write to me at js.holland@live.com
brother johnny
beautiful message ;; i love it we need to move forward dont look back at another day look ahead…….
you right brother ,we can say we belive ,but do we really live the word, we are a special people because of the word not because we done; any thing. i want god to have control over me i really want to live the word not just i i read it.god is smiple and its the little things we leave on done ; that god wants us to do praise the lord amen. im glad im spritual isreal,,,
Hello! I wish that I could speak the Chinese language but all I can say is I love you and love this message from a true prophet called William M Branham. brother Kerry F Figuried.
My victory does not depend on how you look at me. My victory depends on how Ilook at you. Now, when you are so possessed with the living God that you are in your secret heart pleased and delighted over this peculiar personal private jealous guardianship and management of the Holy Spirit over your life you will have found the vestibule of heaven.God bless
JohnnyHolland Conway SCjs.holland@live.com
This messagte is truly inspired, but we must always remember it is not enough just to say we beleive, we must live it as well, then that tells if we really believe it or not.
TrulyWedidnot seek this message God found us and because YHe did did He gave us ability to hear and understand what this prophet was saying When that happens brother ,sister you sre born again and that is the new birth You are a new creation You become the Worn in flesh again Don’t as me to prove to you that God, one so great has chosen to walk with me Don’t ask me how I know He is there with you and will care for you too. I may be good or bad You don’t know I can tell you this all my guilt is gone and Ican live my life free from the fear of tommorrow and free from the guilt of the past He took it all away. Oh, sometimes some old hype ocrit will stick his head up and say
‘well Ole John one time he such and such …Ijust point him to calvary “Thankyou Lord, go on.Ican’t tell you any more.
Dear sirs,
this sermons is highly spiritual and if you may come to listen it
this will raise your faith and make you aware of your identity because if you
may see we have been lost and separated from God’s love and because of his mercy
he sent the second Adam to treat the sin and restore his people because Gos so loves his people and sends his only begotten son to treat the sin and he really
took my sins and now i can proclaim that through this sermon,”I HAVE SINNED and IAM JUSTIFIED ,JESUS HAS TAKEN MY PLACE” As the lamb has been provided so that
you might be justified,you better say that you’re not sinner.
Praise the Lord because he sent us Jesus and br Branham
Praise God,His voice is still moving to encourage His chosen.I thank GOD ALMIGHTY.