

  • God Bless. Could anyone please help me in connection with the time of the prayer band that the prophet spoke about. At the moment I am praying according to our time here in South Africa, which I believe is the wrong time. I would like to know on which time the prayer band is based. Thankyou! Zoe (

  • i am just thanking God for his favor in my life.i have truly found what i was looking for the “THE END TIME MESSAGE”may the name of our LORD JESUS CHRIST BE PRAISED.

  • lord bless br branham our vindicated messenger like in the alfa with paul said my message is to declare he is here . and he is not like in other ages , just like with paul he was tring to get them to no longer see crist after the flesh and the same vindication was in pauld ministry the same to day in the omega same piller of fire same mighty vindication of the prophets mybistry and moore . he god the word is here just yield to him die out to your own mind and except the mind of christ he gave it to us his mind through thus saith the lord the vindivated message the revelation of pauls ghospel . praise the lord . the prophet said my ministry is to declare that he is here . amen .god is interpreting his own word bye bringing it to pass just beleave let him manifest his seed in you that as a son you are bye his word and spirit.dont fuss let go and let the god and father of our lord jesus christ have his way .

  • Shaloom Beloved in Jesus christ.
    My name is Daniel Eale living in nairobi city I ask the prayer of all my life to be charged.
    Hoping that my request will be taken in the consideration and my God bless you dear all.
    Yours in christ
    Daniel Eale

  • Dear
    This very urgent One of my Brother was doing job
    in Germany. But he donot know our message Church Please
    If anybody know please send That Church Address, Pnone Number and E-mail. Please Help to me Brother Or Sister
    My E-mail
    Mobile No 09505263203

    • the message is only one: not to depart from the Word. Not only do you have to believe in it but you go ahead and just so you get the Holy Spirit.
      you have to follow the word without changing it at all costs. so thou shalt be saved. the message is always the same for all ages because the Lord Jesus Christ was, is and will be.

  • Dear brother William, dear brothers, may God bless you, first because I have opened the occhi.Abaut until 6 years i’m searching the truth and I finally found the answer in the Word and its contents that I’m learning through the literary works of his brother William. Unfortunately I’m having a hard time in which one part I can not disappoint my parents who supported me with sacrifice, but on the other I want to serve God, because I need to send love to anybody.In evening happens to me often that my hands , very cold during morning, heat up so much that I put under cold water. I do not know if this is a sign from God or not, I just know that happens.I’d want some advice from you on how not to disappoint those who loved me and love those who need simultaneously?I’d want also a possible explanation to what happens to my hands, how to interpret this phenomenon? Thank you in advance and may God bless you.

  • I blessed in the name of Jesus christ for established this website ,I thank for help brother far away from the local churches to meet with different brothren in the world

  • can u gyes please pray for me…I m troubled everyday…health…joy…am sort of alwasyt sad…I wanna be happy and in good health too.
    God bless you!

    • Godbless you!bilieve that Jesus Christ died not only to our sin but also to physical healing of our body.stay blessing in the name of Jesus Christ

  • I am a believer from Zimbabwe, BV terbenacle, i rely thank God for his grace and mercy on my life. God bless all my beloved brothers wordwide

    • i remember the prophet saying “pray for me,I am in a desperate situation were I need your prayers”. Brethren lets pray for each other wordwide to fight against antichrist spirit. God bless you

  • god evening god bless you…i from peru and so i will go ee.uu for work carening childrens and study olso and on my holidays i should visit to my siblyngs in jefersonville but i need the exact address for go =) I would sure appreciate your help!many thanks god bless youuu!!

    • When you get to Jeffersonville the local Branham Tabernacle church # is 812-282-6265 and the Deacons brother Ron Hamby’s number is 812-366-4332 or 502-727-1453. You must rent a car to get around and you need a valid credit card to rent one …motels are Ramada Inn in Sellersberg 812-246-6332

  • Dear Brothers and Sisters, I am looking for a message church in Panama.
    Estoy buscando un eglesia en Panama. Please forward information.
    God Bless you rischly. Sister Jemma

    • you get church brother from panama ,stay blessed in the name of jesus Hillary from Tanzania

  • Does anyone know of a message believing church near Williamstown WV? I would sure appreciate your help!

    God Bless!

  • Eu gostaria se fosse porssivel mandarem mensagem e dvds do profeta wmb para mim se for de grassa para rua: raimundo da vera cruz n:369. bairro:centro. Cidade:Santa bárbara.
    estado:pará.brasil. cep:68798000
    e eu estarei agradecendo a vocês e a Deus.

  • el señor jesucristo me revelo la verdad y quiero saber mas hacerca dl mensaje del profeta

    • Hola Yamilet, escribeme para comunicarnos y darte informacion, donde vives? Para buscarte una iglesia del mensaje cerca.

      Dios te bendiga


  • el señor jesucristo me rebelo la verdad y quiero y deceo saber mas hacerca de los mensajes del profeta

  • URGENT! Please recommend a ‘message’ church in the Ft. Lauderdale area. Thank you and Godd Bless

  • Dear Bro. & Sis,

    Greetings in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ. I have been enjoying myself in your website. But that is not enough.

    I am now in America and was attending one of our local churches in Sierra Leone West Africa, Faith Tabernacle Church, which is under the pastoral-ship of Pastor Micah Jalloh.

    I stayed in New Orleans with my Husband. I will like to know the place of worship that is very close for me to be attending services.

    Sis. Mary

    i will be going to Namibia GOD WILLING end of this month on business purpose,would like to meet Namibian brethren…

    • God Bless You…

      I am sister Rozanne from Namibia….but I live in the states now….you can e-mail me with the info of where you will be staying in Namibia and I will be more then happy to give you tel nr of brothers and sisters that you can contact….I fellowshiped at Voice of God Tabernacle under the leadership of Pastor David Smith in the capital Windhoek….once you get there you can contact brother Quen Diergaardt @ 0811226994 he will be very happy to take you to the fellowship….hope you injoy your stay in my beautiful country…..God Bless have a safe trip!

  • Praise The Lord
    Brother Herbert I am very thankful to you for sending precious messages of our phropet. Really God may Bless you & your Family and your ministery. If you want to contract me this my E-mail ID

  • hi every sisters and brothers .I am from Mauritius ,i am 18 years .I want someone to be in touch with, where i can communicate and sharing my personal christian life with . Shlom, Jesus bless you

  • People are so carnal when it comes to things in the spirit Jesus could have come in a revelation of his word that only would come to those that have an ear to hear what the spirit is saying Jesus
    The kingdom cometh not with obserevation but is within if we knew what this ment we wouldn’t have any trouble with what Bro. Branham said.

  • Algun pastor que se pueda cominicar? Tengo muchas dudas en la forma de proceder de mi pastor y me gustaria disiparlas.

    Any minister or somebody who can help me out because I have many doubts about the way my pastor proceed.
    1) he believe in the resurrection of Bro. Branham.
    2) the church have pictures on the altar, wich I believe is kind of adore the man, not God.
    3) In my congregation people dont mention the Bible, just read msgs. They just forgot the Bible.
    4) And finally, can somebody tell me please about woman, the way the may dress up, if is true they cant even shave (or wax). Or have a good job.

    pls is very important. Thanks and God bless

    • Saludos en el precioso nombre del sr. Jesucristo, espero no le moleste le este escribiendo pero acabo de ver su mensaje y sus preguntas. Me gustaria poder conversar con usted, yo tambien tengo preguntas pero tambien tengo respuestas.
      Mi correo electronico es

      Espero no sea demasiado tarde para comunicarme con usted, sinceramente un Hermano en Cristo.

  • My dear friend,
    I am a 50 years old single man from central Brazil, a schoolteacher, gardener, translator and writer. I live in a small farm near Goiânia, a city with a population of 1.6 million people, not far from Brasília.
    I am a curious human being, fond of information, culture and diversity.
    All along my life story, I have been very active in human rights and environmental movements, and trying to share with as many as possible my knowledge and desire to learn.
    I would like to learn more about your church, of what I have read a bit in a magazine and fount to be very interesting and deeply inspiring!
    Do you have any members in Brazil?
    What do you believe?
    Please, I would appreciate if your answer and any literature could be sent by postal mail, since my access to internet is very precarious, depending on when I get to town, what rarely happens.
    I am really looking forward to receiving an answer from you!
    Thank you very much!
    Onaldo Alves Pereira

    My postal address:
    Onaldo Alves Pereira
    Caixa postal 114
    CEP 74001 970 Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil.

  • brother iam a believer of prophet william marrion branham.

    dear brother i am from india.i unable to buy audio CD’s
    so i request you please have mercy on me,i beg you brother
    i want prophet messages books and CD. if you wish to send that please to below address.
    manasa w\o shanmughanathan
    QT.NO-86, K R P
    A.P, INDIA

    • There is spritual food in India

      Joel Paramanandam
      Voice Of God Recordings – India
      19 (New No. 28) Shenoy Rd
      Madras Chennai 600 034

      Contact Numbers:
      Business: 44 8274560
      Fax: 44 825 6970

  • End of time

    Shaloom Beloved in Lord
    I believe in Jesus Christ and i really trust of what Brother Branham said according to our time in his ministry in lifetime . i need to change in everything that a part of my life because i know somewhere else after the death there is Hell and i dont want to go through that direction of painful but i choose for Eternal Life in Having Jesus in me and to be saved that is why as i need more predication in which can get affected my life to turn into a true-christain trustworthy to Jesus thus please i need message books and mp3 tapes DVD cds and tape cassette audio or CD of prophet Branham’s Predication In French or English mostly in French .

    Bless You

    50 Mansion Geranium Street
    Flat number three
    Rosettenville Johannesburg South Africa

  • Dear Brethren,
    I am a born again Christian in Kenya. I have been interacting with some brethren here in Kenya who have shared a lot with me as far as brother Branham is concerned. I have enjoyed some of the literature about Branham especially about the Trinity. However I have the following areas that I need clarification.

    • In one of His messagesBranham said that he believed under Divine influence that Jesus would come back in 1977.From the statement divine influence it means Branham had been told by God. However his did not happen and Jesus had told us that no one knows the exact date when He comes. Does this make Branham a false prophet according to the words of Jesus?

    • In another episode Branham also claims to have seen Jesus surrounded by seven angels in a cloud on Mount sunset. When I looked at the face claimed to be Jesus, it resembles the Faces of Jesus used by Catholics in worship. Given that Catholics had never seen Jesus it means their image is just an impression. How does therefore these two images resemble yet one is just an imagination of men? In relation to this Jesus strictly warned His disciples about people who would come in the last days claiming to have seen Him. He instructed us not to believe such people as seen in Mathew 24:23-26.I feel even if this was a miracle it contradicts the word of God and so the word of God shall prevail.

    • In His book, the seven Church ages,Branham claims to have seen an angel draw shaded circles where the black part of the circles represent sins in each of the seven churches spoken by Jesus in His Revelation to John. I have no problem with the circles except two. As we read the message t he 7 churches there are only two churches that Jesus does not find any sin. The church of Philadelphia and Smyrna. If Jesus never found anything wrong with the two churches, how comes the angel drew circles to these churches showing very high levels of sins. Is this really biblical? Should I believe the words of Jesus or the angel whose origin is not known? Could this be one of the things Paul condemns in Galatians 1:8?

    • Branham Says that the Sin committed by in the Garden of Eden was Sex.Avoiding all other interpretations let us look at the nature of God in relation to this. God is Holy and the same yesterday today and for ever. What God calls sin yesterday remains sin today and forever? God gave Adam a wife and not a girlfriend. If this was a marriage then Sex was not sin. If it was sin how comes God allows it in marriage today. Is He a God who changes?

    About Baptism Branham says that those who baptize in the Name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit are liars. He says it is a catholic doctrine and everybody should be baptized in the name of Jesus. However in the great commission Jesus instructed us to Baptize in the Name of the Father Son and the Holy and Spirit Matt 28:19.If those who baptize this way are liars then Jesus is a liar. Whose words do I believe here? Jesus or Branham? If Peter Baptized in the Name of Jesus alone should I believe Peter or Jesus?

    All followers of Branham discourage people from getting education and Theological training. They say we should only depend on the Holy Spirit to teach us. However Jesus spent three and a half years teaching his disciples. When He completed His part He sent them the Holy Spirit to teach them other things. This clearly shows that there is what we should be taught by men of God and the Holy Spirit. If being taught by men is wrong then why should I even believe the teachings of Branham himself instead of waiting for direct revelation from the Holy Spirit? What does God mean when He says in Proverbs 4:13 that we should guard our education because it is our life?
    • ELIJAH
    Branham claims to be Elijah who came to restore all things before the day of the Lord. What did he restore? In Kenya I see a lot of confusion among his followers. They tend to understand his message differently which leaves us wondering who to believe. For instance we have those who believe in an apostle in the USA and another faction does not. Others call themselves Thunderstorm and others polygamy etc.Is this the restoration he brought?
    In one of his messages he claims that those who worship under church names like Anglican, redeemed, Baptist, catholic etc are not worshiping in the right place. What is wrong with a name? If I go to Baptist and worship Jesus does the church name make me a sinner? If we avoid these names wont we clash with the government which expects us to register our churches? Isnt going against the government requirements going against Gods authority as seen in Rom 13:1-7? If names are sin why do we have Thunderstom, Polygamy among others used by Branham followers?
    Martin Luther fought the Catholic Church on the basis that its followers were not allowed to read and interpret the bible on their own. They were expected to take interpretation of the bible as given by the priest. How different are the followers of Branham from the Catholics if they insist they can only get Gods revelation through Branham.They never read the bible independently but must always have a message book from Branham to guide hem where to read. Did Gods revelation stop with the death of Branham or God can still reveal to any of us his message.
    Please reply to the above issues according to the headings given to enable me share out other contentious areas.

    Reply to and

    • I have also heard the same things. I am interested in the response to this question.

      Please let me know if you received any response.


        • In one of His messagesBranham said that he believed under Divine influence that Jesus would come back in 1977.From the statement divine influence it means Branham had been told by God. However his did not happen and Jesus had told us that no one knows the exact date when He comes. Does this make Branham a false prophet according to the words of Jesus?

        yes that does make him a false prophet.

        Acts20:29 For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock.
        Acts20:30 Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them.

        Colossians 2:18 Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind,


        • This is a Quote from Bro.Branham’s Message


          Also, science will progress, especially in the mechanical world. Automobiles will continue to get like egg shape. Finally they will build one that won’t need a steering wheel. (They’ve got it now.) It will be controlled by some other power.
          Then I seen the United States as one smoldering, burnt-over place. It will be near the end. (Then I’ve got in parenthesis: “I predict that this will take place.” Now, remember, the Lord ne… That’s what the Lord showed, but “I predict this will take place before 1977.”) Upon this prediction, I base, because of the onrushing slaught that’s coming now, how fast that it was moving, how long it’ll take till this nation meets its place.

          NB: To predict is not to Prophesy.

  • Dear brethren in Jesus Christ.
    Please i need a study materials of the prophet William Branham
    to study.please i need message books and mp3 tapes DVD cds and tape cassette.Please i am a message believer in Ghana who needs your by knowing more of this message by sending me message books and mp3 tapes of the prophet William Branham for me to study about this last message …THE END TIME MESSAGE.

  • Dear brethren in Jesus Christ.
    Please i need a study materials of the prophet William Branham
    to study.please i need message books and mp3 tapes DVD cds and tape cassette.Please i am a message believer in Ghana who needs your by knowing more of this message by sending me message books and mp3 tapes of the prophet William Branham for me to study about this last message …THE END TIME MESSAGE.

  • How can I search a specific topic or comments where Bro. Branham spoke. Like what was the purpose that our Lord Jesus Crist gave him in his ministry?

  • Please pray for us, after our little church was blown down, we were unable to rebuild it and is searhing for a brother in Christ our congregation with in the Message to assist us in rebuilding. We dont want a big tabernacle, but only a small one and even a wooden one that does not cost a lot of money. We know through the prophet that the coming of the Lord is at hand and dont want to be caught building a massive place that is not really required. God Bless.

  • Praise The Lord, more than a question is a request. I just read in spanish an answer that you gave someone (on a forum maybe). The question was (translating from spanish to english):
    Why the hair because of the angels? 1 Corintians

    I wonder if you could please send me a copy of yous anwsered to that question. It its very complete and deep and it willbe very usefull to me as a Pastor.

    Thank you
    Pastor Carmona

  • Can someone tell me why I’m unable to find the sermon “Choosing of a Bride”? I’ve searched through all the sermon texts.

    • Visiter:WWW.SHEKINAH GOSPEL MISSIOMS.ORG et entrer en contact avec Shekinah Publication et vous aurez cela et aussi d’ autres message du Prophete.

  • estoy seguro de que el rev. William Marrion Branham, fue un hombre usado por Dios, fue el cuarto Elías,y Su mensaje Tiene una gran revelacion, sobre las cosas que acontecerían en este tiempo. Me gustaría tener acceso al libro de los siete sellos.

  • Greetings in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ.I have been enjoying myself in your website. It was a blessing for me to go through your website brethren. I therefore hereby requesting for the following items please:
    1.The family altar book
    2. CD/DVD music and sermons
    3. COD book 1 and 2
    4. The eleven commandment
    5. Brother Branham photos and some spoken word books
    6. Magazines

    May you please sent them to this address: BOX 4325, MOKOPANE, 0600.CITY-MOKOPANE, PROVINCE- LIMPOPO, COUNTRY- SOUTH AFRICA.

    Hoping that my request will be taken into consideration and May God Bless You.


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