Live Service Link: Live Services
Location: Johnson City, Tennessee
Pastor: Bro. Donny Reagan
Schedule: Saturday 7:00pm (EST) Sundays 11:00am (EST) & Wednesday 7:00pm (EST)
About Us:
Welcome to Happy Valley Church of Jesus Christ. We are a Non-Denominational church but our roots run from the early Pentecostal era making our services more of a Pentecostal type of atmosphere. Our congregation numbers around 600 brothers and sisters of whom many have relocated to our area from as far away as Arizona, Florida, Louisiana, Washington D.C., Georgia, North Carolina and an international flavor from Trinidad, Puerto Rico, Kenya and the Congo. There are so many other places to mention but this gives you just a little overview of our congregation.
With the diverse makeup of our congregation also brings the many different styles of special singing. You will hear contemporary voices, classical voices, bluegrass voices, and some ‘good ole’ Southern gospel singing.
The main focus and purpose of Happy Valley is God’s word, and taking the words of the Bible and putting them into action in a people that will make a better neighbor, a better husband, wife, son or daughter and to reach out to the unsaved.
Brother Donny Reagan is the pastor of Happy Valley and has the great task of feeding many sheep with many different needs week by week, so sit down and buckle up. Brother Reagan is a very dynamic preacher who preaches what you need to hear and not what you want to hear. You look for a pastor who has a shepherd’s heart and that’s exactly what Brother Donny has.
Bro. Donny and the families of Happy Valley hope you find encouragement and spiritual guidance thru our website or joining us for a service. It is our desire that we could help you start your Christian journey or in some way help you along the way, until we reach that glorious morning when we shall see our Lord in the air. God Bless You.
Our Services are Wednesday 7pm, Saturday 7pm, Sunday 11am, with Sunday School offering 5 classes from ages 3 to 13, starting at 10:30 am.
please give me directions to an english speaking message church in capetown, south africa
i realy do thank God for the evening light,especialy when the world is in total darkness.thanks to bro reagan he has blessed mw thru his sermons and songs though i haven’t seen him live when he came to our country i was very young(kenya).God bless you and lets keep on praying for one another
pls my email addr is pls you can send the address to me God bls lts ogent………
Shalom to all,pls can some help me with the address of some of the endtime message church in monrovia liberia west africa…..
shalom bride of Christ the ones beyond the curtain of time our Prophet saw said ‘We are resting on that’ thats the sure place to be safe. I will be glad if someone sents me music cds of the believers especially Bro Reagen’s. My address is Mushandike Collge P bag 9036 Masvingo Zimbabwe
god bls u bro
im so happy to have you belivres of the message of william branham
i love the away you worship,the song learder,brother who pay keybord and all the church.GOD BLES YOU
shalom bride of Christ the ones beyond the curtain of time our Prophet saw said ‘We are resting on that’ thats the sure place to be safe
I dont see Bro. Reagan in person but I know him through his golden voice. Im used to play and listen to his tape.Since that I kept this tape for almost 15 years.I got it from my father, Jesse F. Pardillo.I hope to have it more soon…. thanks Bro. Reagan.
Im so glad hearing the bride around……. we the congregation of Bunawan Church, Davao City Philippines would like to extend our warmest regards to everybody.May the good Lord bless us into the fullness of spiritual blessing until the day of his coming.
i greet you all in the wonderful name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,i have been listening to brother Donny’s preaching and i believe he is Preaching the message every beleiver needs to hear,my spiritual life grows everyday i appreciate God for brother Donny,I have a Prayer Request can you please pray for my mother,the devil has got her bad to her body,i do not know the name of the disease in english but i believe our eternal Father does,PLEASE PRAY FOR HER I BELIEVE SHE WILL GET WELL.
Hi dear brethren at Happy ValleyChurch,
I’m very grateful for some of the DVDs and CDs i recived and they’ve been a blessing to me and to other brethren that heard the sermons preached in your church.Would you please send me some more DVDs,BIBLES and SONG BOOKS if you can.
Your brother and fellow labourer in His vineyard,
Oh my!!its such a wonderful day for me this morning, i have climbed miles into the holy of holies after listening to a sermon by bro Donny, may the Lord bless his heart. I had been pressed down by the evil one, my faith had run out, backslidden and treading in sin until i heard a sermon he preached, that gave me the assurance that the Lord is waiting on me to forgive myself, for He has already forgiven me. Now i want to live daily in the precense of the Lord…
Amen! I have been there, done that and now I just try to be the best soldier for Christ I can be!! Brother Branham said stay humble! I did not know the correct meaning of that word, ‘humble’, but now I know it is humbling yourself to obey God’s voice and follow The Holy Spirit when He speaks to you! Keep pressing on, brethren!! Home is almost come to us!!! Thank you, Jesus!
Dear Saints, please pray for me that the devil and its agents dont stand in a way of job opportunity rightly coming my way. God bless you.
Shallom to all message believer out there.I’m looking for a church l stay in Roodekop Johannesburg can any give me directions to the nearest one from where l’m staying.Where is brother Rosco’s and brother George Martins churh.
hi i need help nd prayers please.. I am dying spiritually i need guidance and fresh manna from God… I like listening to bro donny and his brothers special gifted voice.. Could u pls send me material that would uplift me nd build me up spiritually. Michael kisten 62 redwood street, Greenpiont, Kimberley, South Africa, 8301!!! My email is
God bless
just listen to the tapes that gives you faith and food that is why the angel told bro bramham to store up the food his tapes
Amen, Bro Eric!! I have a good pastor and LOVE attending church, but there is just something about listening to The Voice of our prophet! I believe that it is The Voice of God and it is ALWAYS fresh manna!!! I hear a new word from The Lord every time I listen to one of the messages! Especially the latter messages but they are ALL THUS SAITH THE LORD for me!!! Just pray about it, Bro Michael! These times are hard and the devil is trying his best to stop us! But Brother Branham said he has no teeth!! In those tapes lies EVERYTHING we need for the rapture! We are only waiting for God’s spirit and the squeeze from teh ecumenical council to come! Keep pressing on, brother! You are in my prayers and I will ask other believers to pray for you as well! Keep pressing the battle!! God bless you, dear brother!!
Hello Donny Reagon ,
I’m enjoying the message that god gave you, It inspires me to listen to them,. I know its coming from the heart that God gave you,. One of these day’s me and my brother mony will ride up there to visit you, I want to get to know you and be your friend, Let me tell you some things about me , my name is reverant Steven bell , and I am a street preacher, I preach judgement on the streets, I tell what judgement is, and if they don’t want to go through judgement to follow jesus christ, and get the holy ghost,I can’t read I’m trying to learn to read,so thats why I preach on the streets, God gives me what i need on the streets, well I must go I love and the god you serve,. And I’d like to be your friend, God Bless You, your brother Steven bell,,
Dear Saints
Its a great priviledge to hear and see what GOD is doing in our day. Am humbled to see ministries rising up to strengthern the saints like never before, we need a real man of God behind the pulpit. Lets continue to watch and pray for this end time ministry, its got all the power that we need.
To all those who minister may God grant you grace and minister from the heart of Love as the prophet did.
I would not single out any minister but am humbled and honoured to see what our Lord Jesus is doing in our mist.
God bless you saints
Brother Donny am very grateful to you.Your great sermons uplifts me so much.Remember when was watching one of your sermons then at the end of it while you were praying the last prayer you spoke in tongues.It really moved me so much to see how GOD HE HIMSELF can confer HIS own word and it made my spirit to be up lifted more.THANKS BE TO GOD HE LIVETH!!!!!!!!!!!
bro in the other hand your songs are great.Sincially had some collection but when my computer crushed I ended up losing them.Would kindly ask if you could show me a site to get them and what is the charges or quote to me the amount then send it through my or my home address 234 Eldoret Kenya via East Africa postal code 30100.GOD BLESS YOU AND THANK YOU IN ANTICIPATION>
God new that there will be this welfare,so He equiped his children with the right ammunition to attack the devil with ie the word of God,which is God gave Himself to His children.His is our father.The word is our father for we are born by His word.Am so glad brethren that you have stood firmily with the word to attack the devil with in this dack age we are in.Be blessed all the times.
Please,send me the following:
-Believers songs
-DVDs sermons for happy valley church
-Photo gallery for the prophet.
My adress is-Chipata Municipal Council,P.O.Box 510020,Chipata, Zambia. email;
Yours br in christ.
hi brother praise the lord
my name is paul masih. and i lieving in rampur india
Hello Brother Paul, nice to meet you. My email is
Dear Brother,
Praise the Lord and how are you. I am a Delhi resident and where do you live? My Pastor is Bro Joel David New Delhi and I am in the message since last 20 years. Nice to see your name. Contact me on 9560394935. God bless you brother.
yours bro in Christ,
Mohammad Rahaman John
Its one in a million to have true announted servants of God like you paster Donny Reagan.May the Lord add more zeal & dedication in you more than ever before. Your few songs that i have listened are so inspiring & how i desire to have more believers songs in stock
Be blessed.
How am so thankfull to this end time massage for making me the way i am now,knowing Jesus for Knowing Him is life.Be you all blessed.
please i love the songs of Donny & Harry Reagan,the little that i chansed, send me these songs & any other believers songs.
God bless you!
Dear Bro Collins
This quite splendid. God bless you Bro. Adams and the Team. Bro the move is unstoppable. Jeremiah 1:8-10 says:
“Be not afraid of their faces: for I am with thee to deliver thee, saith the LORD.
Then the LORD put forth his hand, and touched my mouth. And the LORD said unto me, Behold, I have put my words in thy mouth.
See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant”.
Keep on we are praying for you. God bless you.
Greetings from Zambia
Bro. Rodrick Mukupa Mali
37-3rd STREET
P.O. BOX 11636
Phone 0979514182/0966920606
E- mail : roderick.mali@kcm
After the soccar world cup doors have opened all over Africa.The bride’s ministry now reaches to no-go areas in some muslim areas. The Lord provided us with a good truck. We now am able to again go from the west coast areas of Southern Africa right up DRC (Congo). South Africa Western Cape, Northern Cape, Angola, Namibia, Angola and Congo (DRC).
Than You for your prayers. It is our desire to re dedicate our lives and ministries, our resources, The Truck. The Lord provided from a little business, selling dried proteas (South Africa’s National flower).
Please pray for us
New addresses for requests for books tapes bibles and songbooks will be pasted contantly. (English, Afrikaans, Sotho, Twana, Herero, Nama, San, French) Some translations are done by ourselves
Colin Adams Organising Evangelist
2 Arden Square
7249 Western Cape
South Africa
Bro for any muslims you can provide my mail address for assistance They need not afraid to leave ISLAM and embrass Christ as their savior.
yours bro in Christ,
Bro Mohammad Rahaman John
Greetings in the most precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ Our Lord and Saviour.
I thanks God that He made a way for everything, that even in the internet He use it to proclaim His massage of the hour through the five fold ministry. I’m so glad and my congregation to hear your sermon Pastor. it will give me more inspiration to work more in the Lord here in the philipines.
May God Bless you all.
Brod. Novery Carlos
Shalom Brides of Christ! it is a very great priviledge coming across this original pentecostal Gospel preached by Paul the Apostle.
You will never get a substitute else where (denomination churches)from real experience i had deep in denomination churches in Nigeria.
Don’t let down the bar!
but keep up the fight!
if anyone persuades you to look back,
Remember everyone is “fulfilling scripture”,
in positive or negative.
so be heavenly bound,
not earthly bound.
Shalom Bride!
Keep the stride!
Bro. Ezekiel McPETER
Faith Restoration Fellowship
Opp. Ahmadu Bello University,
Zaria – Nigeria
Shalom Brides of Christ! it is a very great priviledge coming across this original pentecostal Gospel preached by Paul the Apostle.
You will never get a substitute else where (denomination churches)from real experience i had deep in denomination churches in Nigeria.
Don’t let down the bar!
but keep up the fight!
if anyone persuades you to look back,
Remember everyone is “fulfilling scripture”,
in positive or negative.
so be heavenly bound,
not earthly bound.
Shalom Bride!
Keep the stride!
Dear brother,
Praise the lord and God bless you. Brother please send me also DVDs of our prophet’s messages (1100 Nos)because its becommig difficult to download from Voice of God. Messages are very clear but downloading a single message is more than 4 hours, that too only few messages are available on web site. Brother kindly send me a set.
Thanking you.
Bro Mohammad Rahaman
Andhra pradesh
God blees brothers and Sisters
I would like to thank bro Donny and the believers for their ministry to the bride of Christ. I enjoy every minute of your DVD’s. they are trully inspiring.
I live in the Cayman Islands and enjoy every minute of the services. I am looking forward to visiting Johnson City soon. God continue to bless your pastor as he opens to us the scripture.
Thank God to have a website like this, God bless you for your effort,
God bless you, Bride! I am very happy to have come across this site and I believe it’s not by chance! I trust with all my heart that the Sweet Lord Jesus dwells with you. Please could you assist me in finding a believers church or fellowship in Georgia? As many as possible would be wonderful as I have a friend living there who is not in the Message and I don’t know which town exactly that they live in, but I would like to direct them to a believers church there. I really do appreciate you all and love you in the Lord Jesus. May God bless you richly and keep your hearts until we go Home together. Amen.
Editor’s Note: I have known Bro. Luke for several years. He is a fine Brother and a true servant of God. ~ Bro. Martin
I am from Georgia and have been looking for a nice message church as well for a long time. I have not been able to find one in GEORGIA that sticks with just what Our precious prophet Brother Branham says and will not compromise or water it down or say that Brother Branham was “right here and wrong there” as if they have the right to judge a vindicated prophet of God.
I have however, found a church close by with a real man of God who has the best backbone I have ever heard. 🙂 It is in South Carolina which is about an hour and a half from my house. WHen I can’t join them in body, I can be there in spirit for they have live services online. If you are looking for a church who loves God’s Word and God’s people, then You might try this one. It is a wonderful church with wonderful people who believe the prophet.
Here is the website:
Lord Bless you richly! And if this doesn’t help you, I hope you find the church you are looking for! 🙂
Please brethren, send me some materials that could be available for distribution. say sermon DVDs. Thanks
God bless pastor
Thank you for the books,Bibles and Song books.
am a brother in this message and I love the music by Donny and Harry Reagan.Would you please send me this music and french’s sermons .
God Bless You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don’t know all Bro Lance intended to preach, but he definitely preached a timely message that we all need to not only hear, but heed and obey.Great message.
dear believer, please pray for me and my family, we are trying to live in the message, but we feel satan put a chain over us, every time we try to move up he knocks us right down. please bride of jesus we need your prayers so this curse can be broken, it has been 10 years we have been fighting this. thank you brides of my sweet lord jesus christ..
Oh, Sister, I just read your message. How are you all doing, now? I pray that you are overcoming. Satan can be so tricky and seemingly powerful when we are trying to find our way. But Christ’s love will always pull us through. If you would like to e-mail me and have a way to, my e-mail address is You will be in my prayers as I have just recently been granted grace to overcome a mighty battle with satan and am now believing for my family as well. Prayer, prayer, prayer! Others prayed me through and The Lord spoke to me through His prophet and to my heart. Now that I am on the mountain top I am trying my best to strengthen my brethren and perservere in prayer. These are dark days, we must stick together in love and truth above all else.
I am a sister in this message and I love the music by Donny and Harry Reagan.Would you please send me this music to the address: 15 Kirrie Road, Greendale,Harare, ZIMBABWE
I was just wondering if any of the gifts of the HolySpirit are in operation at D.Reagans Church,You know like the gifts of ministry a pastor and lay people would need to properly worship God with.??
re:sermon of August 12th
Amen,Oh Me Ouch, but the truth none the less.
Pray for me.
Me I think that the Prophet William Branham is an envoyer of God. I believe in your message. can I your number phone? I live in french end I was at california last year I’d would like to coming at your church on day. God Bless you
I greet you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
May the mighty hand of God be upon every believer of the message of the hour.
God Bless You.
e a ultima visao do profeta? acontecerar agora
I listened to your sermon online today,Why William Branham came # 10.It was really a good message.You are the 1st i have heard present that it was a message to resore the Apostles Dcotrine and not anything new.You presented the message very well.Do you know Curtis Hammond of Watkinsville,Ga.I am unemployed , so not able to order any material, but will keep listening online.Do you know a church you could recommend in or near Lawrenceille,Ga.
Ray Roberts
please pastor my name is brother roy roland in congo i dont no speak english because i like your number the telephone
God richly bless the technical staff that makes these sermons of Br. Donny Reagan available,I appreciate the way he hammers the devil and sin, reminds me of my precious pastor. I must certainly say that I am blessed to be under the leadership of one of the few servants of God that stays with the message of the hour. The word said that the elected would have been deceived IF it were possible. Glory to God it is NOT possible…
Sis. Lisa
Bethlehem Tabernacle
Trinidad and Tobago.
Dear Bros. in Christ, I greet you all in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Please to read about you, it is inspiring. So kindly avail me the following:
1.Believers music,
2.DVD sermons of the prophet,
3.magazines, books,of the prophet and gallery of the prophet.
God bless you.
Please e-mail me and let me know which things you specifically would like, I will do my best to aquire them for you.
Thank you and Lord Bless you Brother!
i really enjoy the sermons by br donny. may God bless you
i would like to know the addres of brother william branham church in JHB HILLBROW
There are believers in Eldorado Park behind to Kliptown Post Office, Bro Raymond Thompson is the Pastor there, take a taxi to Kliptown in Soweto and alight at the Post Office there’s a wall and ask anybody for a church around they’ll show you.
Be blessed, if you hunger for God, you’ll go service starts Sunday morning at 9:30.
Did you find a place of worship here in South Africa. I know this mail is late, but thought I should ask.
Bro. Thami
I believe Ray and Jean Foster were members of your church when they lived in Elizebethtown, Tn several years ago. Iwas going to move there at that time and stayed with them. We were very good friends I have had a stroke and would like for you to forward my name and email address to them if you are still in touch with them. Thank you very much
One of them,
Greetings in our Lord and Saviours Name Jesus Christ. I was born in the message and know no other. the other day i was at a friends house and this is the first time i heard of Bro. Donny Reagan and the Happy valley believers. I enjoyed it so much i would like to know if you will send me some DVD’s. Address : Sis R. Fillis; P.O Box 47 ; Kimberley; 8301; Northern Cape; South Africa.
Hoping that my request will be taken into consideration and May God Bless you.
Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ.
I would like to have the following items please:
1. Believers music- more specially for Brother Danny and Harry Reagen
2. DVD’S Sermons
3. Photo gallery for Brother Branham
4. Magazines books for Brother Branham, etc.
Please sent the above items to this address: PO BOX 4325, MOKOPANE, 0600. CITY- MOKOPANE, PROVINCE- LIMPOPO, COUNTRY- SOUTH AFRICA. Hoping that my request will be taken into consideration and May God Bless you.
If you are still seeking message material, please e-mail me, my address is listed above. Lord Jesus Bless you my brother.
Yes my precios brother, been trying to send but have many times. i hope this will meet you.
Iam brother William Chirwa from Lilongwe Malawi.If possible i want you to send me song cds (cds & mp3s)for the Bride sung at happy valley church, i enjoye them so much. please help me.
i will be happy if you concider me brother, knowing that there are many calling you to do so.
God bless You
Bro william chirwa
Box 30368