Meanest Man In Santa Maria (62-0630E)
Thank…?… Let us remain standing just a moment now for prayer. And I
see many of you are bringing up handkerchiefs to be prayed over. Now,
we–we believe in that. Some of the greatest things that we have to
happen in these days is the international ministry of praying over
handkerchiefs. Great things take place, and we're so happy for it.
We're always glad to do anything that we can to help others. I want
everyone to bow with me now, and we'll offer prayer.
Our heavenly Father, we are happy tonight to be alive, and to be here
in the service of our God with this blessed assurance of knowing, that
when this life is over here we enter into the great life beyond, where
all of our expectations rest. And while we're in this journey, Lord,
sickness, troubles, heartaches lays all along the road. And there's
many are suffering with these things in this day that we're living in,
in the shadows of the coming of the Lord. We know that the enemy is
going about like a roaring lion, devouring what he can, for he knows
his time is short.
And now, many people has brought up their handkerchiefs and laid here
for their loved ones. No doubt, out across the desert there somewhere
is an old blind daddy and mother, waiting tonight for a handkerchief to
return. Maybe in the hospital is a loved one real sick, precious little
baby at home. And You know every one of them, Lord. And I'm sure that
You'll grant to them their request as I just lay my hands upon them,
Lord, in the representative way of the Name of Jesus Christ.
And we believe that it was written in the Scripture that they taken
from the body of Saint Paul handkerchiefs or aprons. And it was tokens
of their faith in that apostle. He's come on long years ago and is
immortal tonight. But the Spirit of God remains the same for those who
believe the same. And I pray that You'll grant every request.
Give us a great service tonight, Lord. May Your Presence continue to be
with us. Give to us the desires of our hearts, and we trust it'll be
all in Your Divine will to do this. In Jesus' Name we ask it. Amen. May
be seated.
Such a wonderful time of fellowship this morning in the–the breakfast,
the ministerial breakfast. I got acquainted with many of the brethren
that I never knew before, and come to find out, our chairman here was a
And they told me if you take all the Arkies and Okies out of
California, you haven't got nothing left but a desert, so that… So I
kinda believe that… How many here's from Arkansas or Oklahoma one?
I–I sure think that's right. Well, I think some of the truest old
hearts that ever beats is under them old Arkansas shirts, and Okie's.
I kind of hold a little to Oklahoma. My mother used to live in
Oklahoma, Tulsa, when she was a girl. And Arkansas was when I first got
started in the meetings was down at Jonesboro, and Moark, and
Texarkana, down to Robinson Memorial Auditorium at–at Little Rock, up
to Hot Springs, and, oh, many of those places through there: Oklahoma
City, Tulsa; and some of the finest people.
I remember when we went to Jonesboro. Was one of my first great
meetings after leaving St. Louis, and the little Daugherty girl was
healed, which stirred the whole St. Louis. There we had tens of
thousands of people gathered.
Went to Arkansas, and was the first time on a broadcast, that I ever
was on a broadcast. And the paper stated, I believe, there was
twenty-eight thousand people attending the meeting. They were from all
over the country. For forty miles around, you couldn't hardly get a
place, but what had tents and everything setting, people with their
children laying under old cotton trucks, and holding pieces of cloth
over them while it was raining.
I never forget one night there. I know I don't want to get started on
testimonies tonight. I'd… Coming from… I told them I was going to
pray for all of them before they left, but I sure had to take it back,
they… So many, you couldn't even get near the… And it just kept
getting more and more. The line would be for city blocks.
And I remember one night I'd went out to pray for somebody. They had
come down from… That morning I'd prayed all night that night,
standing up. I got down, couldn't stand up no longer; and just on my
knees, praying for them as they come by.
And there'd been a shoe cobbler, blind, from up somewhere above… I
forget the name of the city now, close to Jonesboro, about thirty,
forty miles. And he'd been blind for years. And the Holy Spirit had
pronounced him healed. And he went around, come back in line again.
Said, "You said, sir, I was healed. My eyes are not open."
said, "That has nothing to do with it. You told me you believed me."
He said, "I do."
I said, "Then why are you questioning me?"
And so, he said… he went on. I said just keep saying, "Praise the Lord for my sight."
And he was going home that morning, about five o'clock, being driven
by, I believe it was his son, in an old Model A car, and going up the
road. And he was setting in the back seat saying, "Praise the Lord for
my sight," and his eyes come open. And he just about alarmed the whole
And so, he run into the Catholic church that morning with his hat on
the end of his cane, twirling it around like this, praising God for
having his sight. And then went over in the Methodist church, and they
was going to have him arrested for disturbing the worship. Don't look
like that would disturbed anything, but–but it would…
So that night, I'd just wound my way into the platform, and I seen some
ushers motioning to me. And there was a driver there. He said, "I've
got two more trips to make tonight, bringing people from the hospital."
I went outside, got through to pray for some–a woman that was out
there that was–they thought was dying with cancer. And she'd sold the
blackberries that she'd canned to get the ambulance to bring her down,
her husband had. That's about all they had left. Made some quilts, and
they'd–she'd sold that. The Lord healed her. She got up out of the
ambulance went out the back, went on in, tried to get in the meeting.
And I couldn't get back to the door again. There was so many piled in
there, about the distance of this, wall to wall, and I just couldn't
squeeze through. And one of the ushers come, said, "We'll pick you up
in the back of the building. Nobody knows you."
I'd been there about eight or ten days. No one yet had–had got… Many
had got into the place. They'd stay there day and night, just waiting
for their turn. So then I got around to the back. And I remember it
starting–kinda started raining, and I couldn't push my way through in
the crowd hardly, and trying to get to the back door where they'd pick
me up to get to the platform again.
My colored brethren and sisters tonight, you excuse me for this remark,
and the way I shall say it. But it was in them days they still had kind
of a move of segregation in Arkansas. So I started going in, and I
heard a–someone calling their father. And I looked. It was a nice
looking colored girl. She was blind. She was pushing her way around
through the crowd, crying for her father. And no now, one was paying
any attention to the young lady, and no one knew me.
So I started pushing like this, and I–some fellows just standing there
talking. There was several chartered busses setting there from
different parts of the country. There was a fellow standing there,
whittling, talking. And I tried to push by him.
He said, "Stop pushing."
And I said, "Yes, sir." And so I started to push again.
And he said, "I said 'stop pushing.'"
I was afraid he was going to start pushing. So I said, "Excuse me, sir." So I went around this other way.
And finally, I got in the line of that girl. It sounded like a
hypocrite to do that, but I got right where she was pushing along.
And she'd say, "Somebody help me. Somebody help me."
And I just kept getting along, you know, until she bumped into me.
She said, "Excuse me, sir."
And I said, "What do you want?"
She said, "Would you help me find my father?"
And I said, "What do you want with your father?"
She said, "Well, I come over here to see the healer." And said, "They
tell me that I can't even get near the building. And I've lost my–my
father, and I can't find my way back to the bus."
I said, "Where you from?"
And she said, "Memphis."
And I looked, and I seen the charter bus. I thought I can get the girl
back to there, maybe. So I said, "You come over to see the what?"
She said, "The healer."
And I said… Thought I'd just question her to see how much faith she
really had. Now, that sounds like a hypocrite to a poor blind girl. But
I said, "The healer?"
"Yes, sir."
And I said, "You don't mean that you believe in such a thing as that,
as a day like this, as modern as we're living today, with plenty of
doctors and so forth? And tell me you'd go to hear something like that?"
She said, "Sir, they can't help me."
And I said, "I see." I said, "Whatever gave you the impression to come here?"
She said, "I listens to the radio, all the good programs." And she
said, "I was hearing from over here, Fayetteville…" (That's where
that man was from, Fayetteville.) She said, "I heard the broadcast from
Fayetteville," and said, "a man that was blind, a shoe cobbler,
received his sight here this morning." And said, "We all got together
and come over in a chartered bus." And said, "Would you help me back?"
I said, "Yes, ma'am." But I said, "First, what do you think about
that?" I said, "You don't believe that man would be able to do that?"
She said, "No, sir." She said, "But Jesus can do it."
And I said, "Hmmm." And I–I said, "Well, listen, do you really believe that?"
She said, "Sir, I tell you what you do." She said, "If you'll help me
in where he's at, then I can find my father after that." Oh, talk about
a rebuke. She said, "You help me to where he's at, I'll find my father
after that."
I said, "Lady, you mean that?"
She said, "Yes, sir. I do."
And I said, "Perhaps I'm the one that you want to see."
And she grabbed me like that, and her hands caught my coat. And she said, "Is you the healer?"
And I said, "No." I said, "I'm Brother Branham."
She said, "That's who I want to see." And she said, "If you'll ask God, I'll find my father."
I looked at her standing there, her eyes white, and batting, and tears
running down her cheeks. And I thought of blind Fanny Crosby.
See, she had heard of that blind man receiving his sight. And she said
the doctor told her that the cataracts on her eyes had to get ripe, and
then they could operate. But now, after they'd gotten ripe, they'd
wrapped around the optical nerve or something, and there's no hopes for
And she said, "My only hope is to get in."
And I just took her by the hand. I said, "Heavenly Father, years ago
there was an old rugged cross dragging down through Jerusalem, the
streets, dragging out the bloody footprints of the Bearer. On His road
up the hill, His little, weak, frail, body fell under the load. There
was Simon, the Cyrene, came and picked up the cross and helped Him to
bear it on." I said, "Here's one of his children tonight staggering in
darkness, Lord. I'm sure You understand." She begin to praise God. She
could see. That was all there was to it. She had her sight.
There's been some great things happen in Arkansas. We're so thankful.
Many of those testimonies old times. I guess when I cross over the bar,
I… may many of them I'll hear. Just so many things comes in my mind
about them old days, and all down through the years, and across the sea
of testimonies wherever you stop.
Somebody this morning in the meeting, the pastor here, his wife, she's
setting here. She was telling me about three times the Lord has called
her in meetings like that. And she was cured of Hodgkin's disease.
That's cancer, you know. It's in the gland. So they… And many things
had been done.
Another brother standing there testifying, just recently, up in another
city, of cancer all over his face, and God had healed him. I couldn't
even see a scratch of it nowhere; and different things. And everywhere
you go it seems that way.
Now, tonight will be the last night that they'll be selling the books
and those little pictures. We're not book salesmen. We're not here to
sell books. These books are bought from someone else, and brought to
the meeting. A good friend of mine's selling them at the door. We don't
sell on Sunday. We leave that day alone. So we… If you'd like them,
or one of the pictures, why, you can get them at the door as you go
out, if you haven't already gotten them. Tomorrow is the Sabbath. And
also, in the tapes… I'm sure they've been announced here.
Now, in this meeting, I haven't tried any preaching, because I knew
that this was my first time here. I've tried to make it just as simple
as it can be. But the Lord has given us some great messages, hundreds
and hundreds of them that's on tape, such as the "Seven Church Ages,"
"The–the Beginning of the Seed," and the… Oh, "The Lamb and Dove,"
and "Down From His Glory," and–and all kinds of messages
that–that–that's of–I think the Lord blessed. And they have them
here. And you with tape recorders could just see Mr. McGuire here,
and… Be glad to get them.
And I was telling the pastor today, we never want to put any stress
towards money. I'm fifty-three years old, been preaching thirty-two
years, and got my first offering to ever take yet. I never took an
offering in my life, and I–I just don't do it. I just… When the
expenses are finished, that settles it.
I've seen the time we'd take two nights, taking offerings. And time you
could pass the collection box and get seven thousand dollars. And then
as soon as expenses are paid, I wouldn't permit them to take another
penny. That's all. I just don't believe in doing it. And I said any
time that expenses is not met, just let me know. My church at home will
meet the remaining of it.
And we want you to know that we're not here to take money. We're not
here for nothing but to try to–to fellowship with you, and make
burdens a little lighter, and pray for the sick, and do all we can to
help you while we're here.
And now, tomorrow is the Sabbath. And now, you people that's visiting
here, there's some mighty fine churches around here. Here's their
pastors and–setting here. Now, attend some of their churches. They're
men of God. They believe in this ministry. And they are different
denominations, but we don't… When it comes to fellowship with Christ,
we don't draw any denominational barriers, we just go together.
I was ordained in one church, Missionary Baptist, and never have been
ordained in anything else. And I just come among the people as a
brother, to stand and breach my–the way between brotherhood. If I
could see every church just forget its–about its denominational
barrier, and just come in as one great big brotherhood, I'd say like
Simeon of old, "Lord, let Thy servant depart in peace, for my eyes have
seen Thy salvation." That's right. When we can all get together like
that, that's what I've always contended for.
Now, we don't want to keep you too long. So you… I wouldn't mind you
missing a day's work, you know, in a weekday; but I sure don't want you
miss Sunday school in the morning. Now, don't you do that. So I will
let you out early sure enough tonight, so you'd be sure to get to
Sunday school in the morning. And that's the biggest school in the
world. And now, I want to tell you something about Sunday school. It's
absolutely wrong to send your children to Sunday school. You know that.
Take them. That's right. Yes, we'd… Little one…
Seen a little cartoon in the paper, not long ago. It was amazing. A
little boy come to the door he–showed his mother and father's bedroom,
bottles laying on the floor, and cigarette pieces all over everything.
And it was way up in the day, nine o'clock. And the little boy had done
got up, and washed himself, and–and combed his hair, put on his
clothes, and knocked on the door, and said, "Hey, who's going to take
me to Sunday school?" There you are. That's just about the way the
American trend of it is. Isn't it awful?
You think of the modern American people. What is it? Well, dad's down
at the poolroom. And mother's out with some pet society somewhere on
the beach, stretched out. Daughter's down at the Canteen, or down at
the rock-and-roll. Junior's got his hot rod out on the street, run…
There you are. That's the… One get a hamburger. There's no home life,
no prayer life.
I've always said this, "If you straighten up… When we break the
backbone of America is when womanhood is broken." And I–I say this
with godly respects for my sisters. This morning I met some of the
finest women over there. But what's happened to our women? What's the
matter with it?
I went into Clifton's here not long ago. One morning I was waiting for
Brother Arganbright. We was going to have the breakfast. And a young
lady came in there, and I–I looked at her. And I… She had one of
these here water-head haircuts, you know, like the–the First Lady, you
know. And I–I think that's so inhuman looking. And I looked at her,
and she was green, one part of her eyes, and the next part was blue,
and all over her face was something.
And I–I felt sorry. I thought there was something wrong with her. And
I stood there. I–I was going to walk up and tell her I–I was a
missionary. I've seen pellagra. I've seen leprosy. I… But I've never
seen anything like that. And I–I wanted to–to ask her if I couldn't
pray for her, to help her. And up come another girl with the same way.
And I thought, "You don't mean to tell me that lovely women
would–that's really a gift to man, and godly, and–and would want to
be–disguise themself to make them look like something out of a, that's
fell from an undertaker wagon, or something." I–I–I just wonder how
in the world that they'd ever get a thing like that.
And our Pentecostal women like that. That–that's too bad.
That's–that's too bad. Shame, sister. There's a let-down somewhere. I
hope it isn't in the pulpit. Remember what a woman is to be. She is
very sweet.
I was talking to someone today. When Rebekah come to meet Isaac (did
you notice) she veiled her face. They–they still do it. They don't
know what they're doing, but a bride veils her face. Why? The man is
her head. And then, she has no… she–her… The nature of a woman is
to yield to a man. And that's the reason the–the church should be
veiled. It's got a Head. That's Christ.
That's the way… the women is supposed to wear long hair because of
the–of her head, which is her husband. He's to have short hair because
of Christ. The woman wears long hair because of the angels.
What is the angels? The messenger, a true messenger to the church.
That's right. He will always call it down and say it's wrong (See?),
and so forth. And the church, to be so yielded to Jesus that it don't
claim its own head, its own headship. Christ is the Headship of the
church: veiled, we're not our own, but we're His, yielded to Him and
Him alone. How beautiful.
Let's read a little Scripture now. I always like to read His Word,
because my word's a man's word. It'll fail. But that's God. It cannot
fail. It can never fail. This Scripture is found over in the 7th
chapter of Luke, beginning with the 36th verse.
sinner, when she knew that Jesus set at meat in the Pharisee's house,
brought an alabaster box of ointment,
begin to wash his feet with the tears, and did wipe them with the hairs
of her head, and kissed his feet, and anointing them with the ointment.
Let me read that again. Now, listen real close.
it,… spake within himself, saying, If this man–This man, if he were
a prophet, would have known who and what manner of woman this is that
touched him: for she is a sinner.
If I was going to give this a title, I'd call it "The Meanest Man in
Sante Ro–Santa Ana–Santa Maria" There's so many Sante–Santa–Santa
up and down here. I get them all mixed up. what does it mean? Saint? [Someone replies, "Saint Mary"–Ed.] Saint Mary.
Well, he must've been awfully tired, when he just reached the top of
the hill to look over towards Galilee; been running all day long, and
he–his legs were sticky with perspiration. His face was streaked where
it'd come down his face. His clothes were wet and sticky as he looked
down, and he sighed a breath. He saw a great multitude standing around
Somebody. He thought, "Surely, this is that person."
See, he'd went to Capernaum. He'd asked, city after city, "Is
such-and-such a man been here that heals the sick and is called a
prophet of–of Galilee?"
Someone might've said, "Yes, He was here day before yesterday. But we
wist not where He has gone, because He has moved out, and many of the
city has gone after Him." Many reports for and against Him…
Over to another city he would go. And he would say, "Has such-and-such
a man been here who heals the sick, and–and prophesies, and knows the
secrets of the heart? Such-and-such a man like this?"
"Yes, He was here only yesterday, but He's gone. I know not whence He
is and whence He's gone." And on, and on, the story kept going on. And
See, he was a courier. He was sent by his master, a Pharisee, a bishop,
a hierarchy of the church to take a message. And he had finally could
sigh a breath of relief, because he had seen the Man in the distance
that he was to deliver the message to. Now, the message was very
important, because the priest had sent him, the Pharisee. And it was
very important that he met this Man. He was detailed to do this, and he
must get to this man. And that was the greatest thing of his life, is
to carry out a message for this priest, to get to Jesus of Nazareth.
And finally, pushing his way down the hill, after catching his breath
and pushing his way into the crowd, he must've got… It might've been
Nathanael, or maybe it was Philip, 'cause he was kinda the outer guard.
Peter, and Luke, and the scribes that were writing down what He did and
what He said was standing next to Him.
Peter seemed to be the great strong fisherman, that if they broke
through the–the line of the other apostles, was rather a strong man,
could push them back and keep them away from Him.
And as this courier came into the first line of guard, it might've been
Philip. And he said, "I must see your master. I have a message from my
master to your master. And my master is a great man. He is one of the
greatest outstanding men of our community. He is a Pharisee. He's a
rich man, and he's worth much money. And he has sent me to speak to
your master." And Philip, of course wanting, as a Christian man, to do
all that he could to–to help him, brought him up close.
And finally, he pushed a way through until he met Simon. He said,
"Simon, this courier is on a very important errand, and I must get him
before the Master." And Philip pushed on by Peter, and got up. And
finally the courier was brought face-to-face with Jesus. There He
stood, His lips cracked, His eyes weary; speaking, His voice hoarse
from the dust from the people's feet.
And the courier said, "Sir, I am sent to tell you that my master has
honored you with an invitation. He's going to have a feast. A great
banquet is going to be given. He does it annually. And he–he wants you
to attend this feast."
How could he say such a thing? How could he, standing in the Presence
of Christ for his first time and then have to carry on some kind of a
business about his self-styled religion.
Oh, I wish I could've stood there. The first thing I would've done,
would've been fell on my face before Him, and asked forgiveness of my
sins. But that's just about the trend of the day. When people come
face-to-face with Him, they got other things they got to talk about
instead of about our sinful condition.
And this courier, standing there, delivered his message. And I can
imagine seeing our Master watch the fellow with pity and thinking,
perhaps, that he was passing the greatest opportunity that ever lay
before any human being, was to stand in the Presence of Jesus Christ.
There He was, but (You see?), He'd come in a… God had come in the
form of a Man, and he didn't know it. And there he stood. And Jesus,
with all of His busy schedule, with thousands of places to go, and all
that He had to do, I can see Him in politeness, and gentleman-like,
nodded His head, said, "Tell your master I'll be there."
What do we learn here? That He always comes where He's invited (That's
right.), always comes where He's invited. "Tell him on that
such-and-such a day, that I'll be present on that day. Because he has
invited Me, I will be there."
Now. And then after that, the courier must have turned his back, and
walked away, and breathed a breath of satisfaction that he'd done
something great. What had he done? He'd let slip away from him the
greatest thing in all the world, the opportunity to fall at the feet of
I wonder if many of us don't do that. Maybe we've done it this week. We
might do it tonight: turn your back upon the opportunity to be saved,
and have Eternal Life, and then turn away from it. Some people
sometimes come sick, and get healed, and then walk away thinking that
they have achieved exactly the main thing that they come for. The best
thing to come for is to find Him as your Saviour, is to know Him, Who
He is in your life, have the assurance.
People today are like people gone by years ago. They try to dodge the
issue. It's like the… It's like the loaves and fishes. He was a great
prophet as long as He healed the sick and performed miracles. But when
He begin to tell them the truth, they begin to turn away from Him. He
wasn't popular no more then.
Now, we find that this courier turned his back upon the Lord Jesus. As
far as–the Scriptures doesn't give that he ever asked pardoning of his
sins or anything, and walked away, back down to his master the Pharisee.
Now, there–there's something wrong with the story there. It just
doesn't make ends meet. There–there's something wrong. Those Pharisees
had no fellowship with Jesus. They were with odds at one another.
Jesus had no fellowship with them. He told them, said, "You compass seas [–Ed.]
make one proselyte, and then he's twofold more child of hell than he
was before." He said, "You blind leaders of the blind." He said, "Well
did Isaiah speak of you. You got eyes and can't see; and ears and can't
hear." And how He rebuked them, and–and bawled them out, and then, one
of them to invite Him to dinner? If we'd put it in a street expression,
we know there's a trump up the sleeve somewhere, extra card somewhere.
See, he's holding something, 'cause they had no fellowship with one
It's just like you take the–the old couple and the young couple. You
see the young married couple go off to one side and talk. Why? They got
things in common. They like to talk about things that they have in
common. Watch the little children. The little boys will play marbles;
the little girls will play dolls. See, it's things in common.
That's the reason we meet here the way we do, like that lovely
breakfast this morning. We had everything in common: fellowship.
Gamblers, bootleggers, liars, and thieves had no place in that meeting.
See? For it's… Or, in here. We are… We have fellowship one with
another, because we're assembled around a–a one great thing that we
have achieved: that's Christ, communion with Him.
Now, when you see a little girl about six or seven years old following
grandma around all the time, aha, there's something wrong. There's too
much difference in their age. Now, either she's grandma's pet, or she's
got a sack of candy, and the little girl's wanting it. See? There's
some purpose for this little girl following grandma around, because
there's too much difference in their age. See?
And when you see these Pharisees send… Oh, that arrogant, starchy,
ecclesiastical system sending for Jesus, there's something wrong,
something out of ordinary. There's a trick somewhere. And don't you
think Jesus didn't know it. He wasn't putting nothing over on Him. No,
no. See, He knew about it. But still, if He was invited, He will go
anyhow. That's right.
We invite Him to our churches, send great meetings 'fore a campaign,
and pray, and call in great groups of prayer groups for a great
state-wide convention, revival, and pray, "Oh, Lord Jesus, come
and–and honor us with Your Presence." And let somebody raise up and
say, "Amen," and the ushers will lead him out the door. Let somebody
worship Him a little bit, and they're a bunch of fanatics. That's right.
We invite Him, and then don't want Him when He gets there. But He will
come anyhow. He comes. Oh, yes. He will be there. When He promises…
You ask Him, no matter what the circumstances is, He comes when you ask
Him. He's there.
Then I can see this Pharisee, how they put on this big spread. They
were rich. My, they got a cut out of everything come along, and the
meat offerings, and well paid, and… Oh, they were… They had it
on–on the featherbed. They were… (That's an old southern expression,
but it's–it's what they did.) They were rich. And–and the poor was
poor. And they could put on those big spreads. Oh, my, how they could
really make it attractive. And, you know, the devil likes to make sin
attractive. You… he… That's what makes it so attractive.
And then, we find out that they would make ready for months and months,
and send out these invitations. And they'd get everything ready. And
they chose a certain time of year for such a feast, maybe when
their–their grapes were ripe and the–the air was filled with the
aroma of those ripened grapes. My, it'd just make you hungry to smell
them. They knowed how to make everything just right.
And then they'd–they'd decorate their–their, what you call here, I
guess, a patio, or piazza, we called it in the north, and–and fix it
all up, and make it so pretty. They had this big feast out in the yards
where they had fenced off, so that the outsiders and them that's not
invited could not get in. And, oh, how they would barbecue roast lamb
and put all kinds of spices on it. And my, they could really make it
look good, and was good.
And then they would make–get everything ready just to the dot. They'd
have all their stables fixed for those who came by cart, that they
could pull their horses in. They had hitch racks, flunkies there, that
as soon as… all their flunkies, all dressed as servants, and standing
And when the chariot drove up, those who came by chariot, the flunky
would take the chariot, go on down, take the horses out, and the
harness off of them, and–and give them fodder, and so forth. And the
one that rode on saddle, remove the saddle, and take care of the horse.
They had everything just fixed.
And then, there was another flunky that I'd like… The cheapest flunky
of all of them… And that was the foot-wash flunky. He was the poorest
paid man of the bunch. That's what makes Him God to me. He was the
highest of the highs and took the part of a foot-wash flunky on earth.
And we walk around, think we're somebody. And the God of glory,
revealing the glory of God, washed the feet of fishermen. And that's
what makes Him real: become a servant, the lowest of servants, went
down upon His knees to wash the feet of the very creative dust that He
E-42 There he was, down on his knees washing the feet–the poorest paid man in the bunch, and the worst job.
the people only had about two ways of motivation. That was either by an
animal or walking. And when the people walked, they went up over the
hills, the shortcuts, and so forth, over the hills to the cities. And
along this trail, the animals walked also, the–the horses, and
the–the camels, and the donkeys, and… Along the road where they
went, the dust was contaminated.
And when the people walked, they had a Palestinian garment on, which is
a robe. And then as they walked, the robe was low, and the dust, as
they swung their feet, the robe give a swing, and it picked up the dust
off of the road, and it got on their limbs, on their faces. And the
smell of the barnyard, like the–where the animals had been along the
road was on them. And they were not–they…
It felt uncomfortable to walk into a–the house to be a guest, with all
that smell on them. So what they would do, they would have a big bunch
of what we would call today, like the ladies wear, a little
house-slipper, a little, like a little piece of cloth that they put on
their feet. And then they would set all these in little rows.
And maybe someone come up, and here's what taken place. (Come here,
Brother Roy, a minute.) Here's the way they greeted one another. They
come in like this, and they would take his shoe, and take it off, and
see what size his shoe was, then fit it with a pair of bedroom
slippers, we'd call it.
And now, then, they would get down and wash his feet, and get his feet
good and clean, take the towel, wipe them off good, and up on his
limbs. And then it would–it would take all the stink from his feet,
and the dust, and along the road. And it would take all that off of
him. Then he would slip him on a pair of–of these little slippers that
would fit his feet just right. Then they'd pull them on his feet.
Then he would go over. There'd be another flunky standing there who
took some ointment, oil. And it was highly perfumed. They'd get that
perfume from a little apple that's from a rosebud that makes the
perfume. And they'd make this perfume and pour it upon their hands, and
they would wipe their hands.
And then, traveling in them days, that direct ray of that Palestinian
sun was hot, and it would burn their neck and their face. And then
they'd take this perfume and oil, and wipe their face, and over their
ears. Then he would hand him a towel, then he would wipe his face and
groom hisself down.
And then (See?), he had his feet washed, and a pair of slippers on. He
had the dust off of him. And that had some kind of a… like that
perfume would act in the place like menthol would make you feel cool
and refreshed. Groomed hisself, and then he was ready then to–to meet
the one who had invited him. Now, he didn't feel like meeting him all
I hope you people are catching the similarity of that, of when we go to
meet God. See, got to be washed, the sacrifice, always. And it was
groomed and ready, prepared. And that's the way we get to when we go to
meet God. We've got to first come and be washed by the water of the
Word (That's right.), perfumed with the anointing oil that went on
Aaron's beard, that run all the way to the hems of his skirts,
brotherly love, to enter into this holy, holy.
Then, when he went to the party that had invited him, when he come in
his presence… Now, what if he come in with dirty, stinking feet and
dirt all over him? He smelled bad. He would–he kinda feel bad. He
would shun him. But then, after he'd had his feet washed, and been
anointed (like we get anointed with the Holy Spirit, you see?), and
then all groomed, then he walked in to the master of the house, master
of ceremony. And he was–he was ready to meet him.
And here's the way they did it. They caught one another by the hand,
like this. Now, what if he was all stinky, he wouldn't want to pull up
against him. But, you see, he's groomed now. He's ready for him. So
they embrace one another like this. And then he was welcome. Now, that
last handshake (Thank you.), the last handshake made him welcome. But
he had a preparation first, before he got that handshake and, many
times, a kiss on the neck. He kissed him welcome: take his hand, hug
him, and kiss him on both sides of the neck. That meant he was welcome.
Now, he wouldn't feel like letting him kiss him with all that dust and
stink on him. See? But that preparation is made.
Oh, my. If we can get it, the prepar… Remember in the parable, how
one man come in without a wedding garment? He'd come by the door or
some denomination. He hadn't come by… He had come by a window, not
the door. Or if he'd have come by the door, he'd have got a robe. He
come down the way of some creed or denomination. He was throwed out. He
wasn't fit to set at the table. He must…
First he must be washed, and made groomed, and anointed. And then he
was ready to come in. And when… As long as he, being the guest, and
he had been invited, and had been… The last thing was shake his hand
and kiss him on the cheek, or on the neck. And that kissed him welcome.
Oh, he was a full-fledged brother then. Amen. Yes, he was welcome then,
can go into the refrigerator and get yourself a big Dagwood sandwich,
and lay down across the bed. You're home. See? You're welcome as long
as you get that kiss of welcome, like the prodigal son, you know,
returning, as long as you get the kiss of welcome. Now, it was all
So this day had been set. And everything had been made ready, and all
the lambs had been killed. And–and the barbecue was going on, the
roasted lamb. Oh, my. The air around over the city, and down in the
valley was just… The aroma had just lit up the whole place, mixed up
with the wine, and the grapes, and so forth. And the–the very best of
wine they used, and the best of everything, because they could afford
the best.
And they had everything ready. All the flunkies was standing at place,
towels on shoulders, every man at his place. Up come the carriage, and
away went the flunky with him. And in he come, the feet washing, and so
forth, on and on and on. What a day. Old Pharisee was having him a
Now, I'm going to tell you what I think he had up his sleeve. I'm going
to take it from conception of what the Bible says about them fellows.
They did not believe He was a prophet. They couldn't believe it. They
called Him Beelzebub, a fortuneteller. And they could not think that
Man could be a prophet. See, you might not have thought of these things
before, but the whole Scripture's sowed full of it. See? It's just the
way you're looking at it.
Notice, and they didn't believe He was a prophet. So I'd imagine old
Pharisee said, "Now, I've invited Rabbi So-and-so and Rabbi So-and-so,
and I've got to have some main entertainment. And I'll just get that
hoaxter down here. And you know what we'll do? I'll show him up. I'll
prove that he's not a prophet. Rabbi Belinsky over here, he believes
that he's just a–he's a faker. He don't believe, because he's too much
against our organizations." So he–he just…
"We can't believe. If he was a real prophet he'd be a Pharisee and stand for the things that we stand for."
My, that old spirit never did die. The man it was on died. But, you
see, God and the devil… The devil takes his man, but his spirit
remains. Right. The same spirit remains on down through the ages. And
God takes His man, but never His Spirit. It comes on too.
So it's been a battle all the way through. And you've got to make your
choice, so… The one disbeliever, and the believer… And the
disbeliever's always some styled-up, self-styled something, you know.
And–the we find out that sometimes God works in such humble ways. He
just puts it over the eyes of them guys.
So then, they didn't believe He was a prophet. I can imagine old bishop
Pharisee standing around, saying, "You know what? When I get him over
here, I'll pull a good one on him. And I'll get him in here, and we'll
prove that he's not a prophet. And, ho, ho, you know what? My… I
imagine my association will make me district presbyter the next time,
or something," you know, give him some great thing, 'cause he really
exposed this Fellow, you know. He was really didn't believe that He was
a prophet, so, he had Him down there.
So when all the association come together, and all of them, I imagine
they was having a good time toasting, and drinking, and having a big
time. And you could hear old Pharisee above all of them up there, you
know, just carrying on. My, what a time they were having: great time.
And now, let's look around a minute. How did He get in there? How did
He ever pass the gate of the flunky? There He sets over in a corner.
He's right on time. He's always on time. And there He sets in the
corner (I hate to say this.), setting there with dirty feet: Jesus,
with dirty feet (as the Frenchman calls Him, Jesu), Jesu, with dirty
feet. Nobody had washed Him. Nobody had groomed, anointed Him; and yet,
He was invited. There sets Jesus with dirty feet: come to the
invitation that was given Him, but nobody cared about Him. How did He
ever pass that foot-wash flunky?
I wish I had that job. I'd have been watching for Him. I'd been looking
up and down the road. I'd have been sure He got the washing. If I'd
have been there, I'd have wanted to be sure I washed His feet.
But where was that flunky? Where was one? He still had the stink of the
road on Him. He had dirty feet. He wasn't anointed. The Scripture says
so. And there He set there, and nobody paying any attention to Him.
That's the way it is in our… most revivals today. I hate to say this,
but it's the truth. We invite Him and try to ignore Him. Somebody can
say something, or start to worship God when we ask for Him to come (and
He comes in the form of the Holy Ghost), and somebody will say
something. And somebody will start to worship, and it'll disturb the
whole meeting, because somebody said, "Amen," or "Hallelujah." Ignore
Him… And if somebody would say, a certain person said, "Amen,"
"Hallelujah." They'd say "holy-roller," or some dirty name. Jesu with
dirty feet…
God, what's the matter with this generation of people? Where are they
at? What's happened? Jesu, with dirty feet, setting among the people
where He's invited and with a dirty name. There He sits there, stink of
the road on Him, everything that they can throw onto Him, or the people
that worships Him, they throw it on, call them a bunch of riff-raff and
everything else: Jesu, with dirty feet.
But He never said a word. He just set there with his head down, a
wallflower, as we'd call it, at the party. That's what He is today at
the worship. At the worship where we're supposed to be representing
Pentecost, He becomes a wallflower.
Here not long ago, a noted evangelist was at Shreveport, and he was
preaching. And he's a fiery preacher too, and he was preaching away.
And one precious Pentecostal brother was used to praising God, and the
Holy Spirit fell on him, and he hollered, "Glory to God."
And this evangelist turned around and said, "Shut your mouth. You disturb me."
Well, you disturb me when you don't say "Glory to God." I–I think something's happened.
I used to have an old dog, poor old fellow. He sent me through school
by hunting. He'd tree anything there was. But one thing he was a-scared
of, or didn't want to get to, was a skunk. He'd get him under a brush
pile, and he–he'd just go around barking. If I wanted him to get him
to really go and get that skunk, only thing I had to do was pat him,
and say, "Sic him, boy." He went in and got the skunk.
The biggest skunk I know of is the devil. The best way I know to do, is
say, "Amen. Hallelujah." That's, "Sic him, boy. Go after him. Put him
in a stump."
Yeah, they invite Him, but they don't want Him. When He comes they
won't receive Him. They got their own ritualistic way, and they've got
to have it that way. Not welcomed after He gets there: everybody pass
Him by as if He wasn't there; looking around, hearing Pharisee's modern
Like some of these television outfits we've got today, people would
rather stay home and watch some Ricky get up down there with a
television outfit and crack some kind of a joke, with some woman's been
married four or five times, and so forth, and stay to hear that, and
love that better than they love prayer meeting on Wednesday night.
Why, no wonder the revival's gone. You can't build a church upon embers
or coals, some phoenix. You can't do it. Old burnt-over coals… You've
got to have somebody their heart's on fire; they're looking for
something, something to take place, watching every service, right there
at the spot, watching.
We invite Him; we call for Him, and then don't want Him when He gets
there, just ignore Him, let Him alone, don't pay no attention to Him.
His Word can be read, or preached, and just set and let it go on by,
maybe taking a good nap while you're doing it (See?), not interested.
Watching, watching for the coming of the Lord… We've invited Him,
want Him come. The Lord Jesus come, and yet we don't… seem to ignore
it when He gets among us.
There, He set there. Yet, He come. I wonder why. I wonder why. There's always a reason.
Way down the street, off of the main line, turn up a little side dusty
street. Go down an alley, way down to the foot of the alley, and up a
little creakity steps to a little shack. I see a little woman come out.
She looks around. "Where is everybody?" She creaks down the steps. Oh,
I believe she was a pretty little woman. And she come walking down the
steps. She'd took the long road, true. But maybe, you know, it might've
been some parent let her do that.
You know, you're talking so much today about juvenile delinquency. I
believe it's parent delinquency. I believe that's where it's at. You
talk about the illiteracy of Kentucky. Let one of them girls up there
come in–a all-night-long, half drunk, and her lip manicure, or
whatever you call it all over her face, and her half–dress twisted
around like that, brother, one of them old Kentucky mammies would get
her a limb off top one of them trees, and she'll wear what clothes
she's got out off of her. She's a long ways from Hollywood, you know.
That's right. That's what we need today, is some more of that kind of a
mother. That's right. Sure is.
Then we find that she slips down the steps, down into the alley, looks
everywhere there's… Where is everybody? You see, the child had been
turned out. Nobody cared for her.
That's what makes a many a girl go wrong, because there's nobody seems
to care for her. There'd be half of them wouldn't be the way they are,
if there's somebody could–would care for them. Instead of mother and
daddy out somewhere, carrying on in a barroom and letting their girl go
anywhere, they ought to be at home praying, their Bible open, pleading
for, like Job was, for his children. Peradventure they do sin, he'd
have a sacrifice for them. We need more prayer and more homes
consecrated to God. That's right.
Now, probably her parents was the delinquent kind that went off, let
her go. The poor girl earned her living by immoral living. You know
what I mean. And so, that's the way she had of–of making a livelihood.
We know it was horrible, but yet, maybe she'd been… We're going to
think that she was turned into that, because there's some good behind
the woman. It proved it. Right. Something back there was real. Then I
believe Jesus knowed that when the Pharisee asked Him. Sure. He was
going for that soul.
Then we find out, that she slips down to the other street, she looks up
and down, her big pretty eyes glazed all around. "Why, where is
everybody?" She walks down through the streets. It's all vacant.
Now, the poor people couldn't come to these feasts. But you know,
they'd come to the fence. They'd smell that aroma, and their stomachs
would just growl. They wanted something to eat so bad, but they
couldn't come in. These rich had it, and they kept it. It was just for
the rich.
So she looked around. She walked down. Directly, she smelled something.
Her poor little old empty stomach begin to cry for something. "Umm. Oh,
that's right. I remember on the advertisement, the Bishop Pharisee up
there is having his great annual meeting. Well, I guess there'll be
nothing for me to do today but walk around." Now, she was an outcast
from anyone, you know. So she…
Now, let's watch her. She slips up close. And she had to be careful not
to get around where other people was (they'd see her), 'cause they'd
pick up a stone and run her away. So a lot of that self-styled
Phariseeism goes today too. That's right. They need a hand out.
Remember from whence you came from too (See?), before you cast the
stone at somebody else. See?
Now, there I see her as she walks up towards the gate. Poor little
fellow was hungry. She could smell that roasted lamb, and, oh, how
she'd like to have eaten it. And she got back behind the crowd. Walking
around, she could smell it. And she at least could enjoy smelling the
aroma as the air blew it out from the big barbecue pits in there. And
she could hear Pharisee above all of them. "Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho. Bishop,
I want to ask you something." And, "Doctor, come over here," you know.
And so, she listened at them for a few minutes. And she walked on by a
little farther. She got up on a little place, a little high, so she
could see over their heads. She begin to look around over in the yard,
and she seen all the guests, how pretty and groomed they was, and how
their clothes just, one…?… And the priest, with all of his lace
gowns and everything, standing there, and how wonderful they was.
And look, hanging around there, poor little hungry children hanging on
to the fence, crying for something to eat… Look at a little old weak
mother standing there, holding a little baby, and her lips quivering,
and her mouth watering for something to eat. And them in there, going
on the way they were going.
And, you know, all at once, her eyes caught a sight. There's something
about Him. I don't know. If your eyes ever catch a glimpse of Him, you
know it, that is, if you're ordained to life. Yes. Otherwise, you can
look right across Him and never pay no attention to it. But if you've
been ordained to life, the first view, He's different.
She looked. She said, "That little Fellow, setting over there, you
know, there's something about Him that's–that's different. What is
there about that Man? Who is He, wonder? Why, He's not even washed. How
did He get in there? He had to be invited, or He could not have come.
And there He is, setting there, and not made welcome. His feet's dirty.
And look, everybody's just…" His disciples couldn't come; they wasn't
invited. They had to stay outside.
She moves on, and I listen at her. She hears a conversation. And it was
one of the disciples, said, "Wonder why they haven't groomed our
Master. There He sets there."
And she begin to put two and two together. "That must be that Prophet.
That must be the One that they drug that woman of my kind before Him,
and asked for to stone him to death–or stone her to death. And He
said, 'The first one without sin, cast the first stone.' Oh, this is my
opportunity." What a difference from that paid courier. "This is my
opportunity. There He is. If I could only get to Him; but He's fenced
off from me."
There's a many a hungry heart in Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian,
Catholic, and all, fenced off from Him with creeds. "If I could only
get to Him."
And she looked, and she sees Him. She said, "He needs to be tended to.
He needs a service done to Him, and I must do it." So she thought of
a… Something struck her mind. Around she turns, and down the street,
down the alley, up those little creaky steps again, open the latch on
the door, and went in, reached under the bed, and pulled out her little
case of her little things that she cared for. She reached down the
corner, top of her stocking was there. She pulled it out. She counted
about thirty pieces of Roman denarii. So she said, "That's it. I'll do
it." And she locks the box back. And she said, "Oh, I can't. I can't do
that. He's a prophet. He would know exactly where I got that money and
how I got it. I can't do it." She starts to put it back in the box.
But something says, "He needs to be ministered to."
That's it. Hallelujah. No matter what you are, He needs to be
ministered to. And she picked up her sock again, and, "I must do it."
There was something inside of her. "I must get to Him."
Down the little creaky steps she went, holding the money in her–her
garment. And she went down to the street to where one of these fellows
was, you know, if there's no profit by leaving Joseph in the pit.
And–and he was going to stay and keep his business open, whether
anything did happen, you know, somebody come by. So she goes in. And he
raises up, you know, like some of the merchants of the day.
"Well, what do you want?" you know, seeing who she was. "What do you want in here, anyhow?"
"I want the best alabaster box that you got. I want the best one."
Oh, that's what. God expects you to give Him your best, not just a
little time on the side, but He wants your best. He must have the best.
And he might've said, "What do you want with this?"
"Oh, it's for a special occasion. I must have it."
"Well, everybody's gone to…"
E-71 And she pours out the money upon top of the counter.
Oh, of course, if there's some money in it, that's all right. He got
up; here he come, walked out. He counts it. "Yes, just exactly the
right amount of the Roman denarii. That's right." reached up and got
the very best alabaster box. And she tucked it in her bosom, and out
the door she went.
And up along the side of the fence, she said, "I can't get in here.
I–I–I can't squeeze through there. I don't know how I'm going to get
to there. But He needs a service done to Him, and I'm going to get
there some way." That's it. That's it. "I'm going anyhow. I don't care
what anybody says, I've got to get to Him. I must get there."
She held this box, and that's all the living she had; that's all that
she had to her–in this world was that little denarii's box that
she'd–that box that she'd bought with her money that she'd earned in a
foul way. And it was bad. She hated to approach Him like that. But
that's all she had, and that's the only way she could come.
That's the only way you can come. That's the only way I can come. But
He expects us to come if He needs to be…?… be ministered to. He's
expecting us.
There He set there. Just looked like He was waiting for her, watching
around. I don't know how she got in. I–I can't even imagine how she
got in. But she got in. That's the main thing.
I don't know how I got in, but I got there. Amen. That's all I care. I
arrived. I got there. That's the main thing. I can't see how He'd ever
take something like me in, but He… Somehow, I got there. I arrived
one day. I've ever remained there. I never want to leave it. Just let
me stay right here.
So she got in there. She had it somewhere down in her heart, that
she… Now, when she got there, she happened to think, "What if He
turns around and snaps at me. Well, what will I do?"
But just remember, when you're trying to do a service for Jesus, He
will never bawl you out for doing it. You might get it in your church,
but you won't get it from Jesus. That's right. Yes. You might get
bawled out from some ecclesiastical giant that would stand up and say,
"Days of miracles is past. Stop that testifying," and so forth. "About
this Divine healing, this Holy Ghost stuff, stop that." You might get
it from him, but never from Jesus. No.
Did you notice, she slipped around behind Him. Now, in them days, they
didn't eat like we do today, set up at the table like this. Them kids
has got the idea. They laid down to eat. They had a couch, and they'd
push the couch up. Sure, them kids know what they're doing. Sure they
do. And so, they pushed the couch right up around the table, and they
laid down, and had their feet hanging off. And they eat like this. And
they still do it in the orient. I've eaten like that (See?), lay down
like that. Oh, it's good. You ought to try it some time. Why don't you
say "Amen" some? So then, that's the way.
And they… She slipped up behind Him. And she thought, "Here I am, and
I now have arrived in the Presence of Eternal Life. If I can only do
Him a service. If I can only do something for Him." Now, she had to
kinda keep her head down, because she was a despised woman. And she
knelt down. I can see her kneel down by the side of His feet. And she
thought, "Can I touch Him?"
Oh, I–I… Can you imagine how she felt? I hope I get that opportunity someday.
Like an old colored man years ago, was down in the south. He'd got
saved. And he–he went around telling all the brethren on the
plantation he was–he was free. The boss called him in, said, "Mose, I
want to ask you something. I hear you're telling amongst the slaves
that you're free."
He said, "Yes, sir." He said, "I'm free." Said, "Last evening, Jesus Christ set me free from the penalty of death and sin."
He said, "You mean that, Mose?"
He said, "I do."
He said, "Then I'll go down and sign the emancipation proclamation, and
you can be free to preach to your brothers. I set you free also, if
Christ set you free."
So he gone down and signed it.
The old man preached for years and years. When he come time to die,
many of his white brethren he'd preached to come in. He was laying in a
coma, and they thought he was gone. He laid there maybe a day or more
without speaking.
One day, he opened up his eyes. He said, "Am I still here? Am I still
here?" He said, "Come close, my brethren." He said, "I thought I had
went over on the other side, and I just entered through the gate. The
great Archangel had let me in the gate." And said, "Here come some
servants up and said, 'Mose, Mose, the servant of the Lord. Here is
your robe. Here is your crown.'"
He said, "I turned around to them and said, 'Oh, servants of God. Don't talk to me about robe and crown.'"
Said, "But, Mose, it's your reward."
He said, "I don't want a robe and crown. For my reward, just let me stand and look at Him."
That was it. I think that's the way you all feel. "Just let me look at
Him." I've often thought, if I… when I passed over, if I can just
crawl up, and pat them feet just a little bit, watch where that nail
scar was, and then back off, it'd pay me if I lived a hundred years,
and preached every night, and done everything I could, yeah, just to
pat His feet.
And here this woman was, at His feet. What a place to be. And at His
feet she remembered all of her sins. There's something about it. You
remember every evil thing you've done when you get to His feet.
And when she did, she thought, "Me, the vilest of vile, and standing
here by the Holiest of holy…" Great big tears begin to run down her
cheeks, and they begin to spat on His feet. He turned and begin to
watch her.
And she tried to wash it. She–she couldn't. The tears dropped on it.
She just couldn't wash His feet or break the box. And she'd try it. And
the tears… And then she got kind of ashamed of herself, crying on His
feet. And she–she took… Her hair fell down when she was… You know,
she had her curls all done up like this, you know, on top of her head.
And when she… her tear–tears dropping on His feet, and her hair fell
She started to–to wiping the tears off His feet with her–with her
curls of her hair. (Some of our sisters would have to stand on their
head to get enough hair to do that.) So then, she was wiping His–His
feet with–with her–with her hairs of her head, as it spatted on–on
His feet like that. And, oh, she'd look up, and she was scared. And
then she'd… You–you…
Somehow or another you get all excited when you get around Him. I do. I
get all excited when I feeled Him around me. Sometimes I don't know
what I'm doing when I'm… I–I lose myself. I think we all do.
And as she was trying to say something and couldn't, the tears just
running off of His feet. She didn't have any water to wash His feet
with, and Pharisee hadn't give her no water. But what beautiful water
He had: tears of repentance, washing Jesu's dirty feet. Oh, God. Tears
of repentance, washing Jesu's dirty feet… She'd wash them, and then
she'd kiss them, and wash them. And–and she broke the top off of this
little box, and poured the anointment on there. And she looked up.
Now, if He'd have moved, she'd have got out of there in a minute. But
He just… If she wanted to do Him a service, He just set still and let
her do it. I love that. If you want to do Him a service, just… He
will set still and let you go ahead and do it. See? He never bawled her
out. He never said, "Say, you sinner, get up from there." No, no. He
just let her go ahead and do it. He will let you do the same thing if
you want to do a service for Him.
And as the tears, and the–and taking her hairs and washing His feet,
she'd done forgot about old Pharisee standing up there and all the rest
of them. She was doing Jesus a service.
That's what it is, you forget all about bishops and all these other
things. Whenever you're doing Jesus a service, you just keep on doing
it. I don't care what anybody says, you're–you're right on the job.
You're doing something.
And she was a-kissing His feet, and wiping his feet, and trying to put
this ointment on there; and the tears, and ointment washing down across
His feet…
And there, first thing you know, Pharisee happened to look back and saw
it. Oh, my. He puffed out like a frog eating shot. He… look up,
"Hmmm, my." He wanted all the brethren to see that, you know. "Looky
there." And he said within himself, "If this man was a prophet, he
would know what kind of a woman that was. If he was a prophet, he would
know this kind of a woman, what she was. Proves, brethren, he's no
But Jesu never said a thing. He just watched it. He just kept watching
her, and she was doing the service that he ought to have done. So she
just kept washing. And after while, when she got through, you know, and
she was scared then, afraid, after she got His feet wiped off with her
hairs and here, her mouth all greasy from that, I imagine she was a
You know, somehow or another, you get in a mess when you get down
before Christ. That's what's the matter with the people today. They're
trying to dodge the new birth. You know, any birth is a mess. I don't
care if it's in a pig pen, or if it's in a pink decorated hospital
room. Any birth is a mess.
And the new birth is the same thing. It's a mess. But it comes life out
of that mess. Only way you can receive life, is through a birth. It's
messy, but it makes life. People try to dodge it. They don't want to
wash the manicure off of their face, some of them, or… What is it you
call that stuff? Not manicure, mascara. That's what it is. Ever what…
I don't know that crazy stuff. You'd look a whole lot prettier if you
wouldn't wear it, and–and… Yes. If you'll try a little Acts 2 and 4,
it'll beat all that Max Factor ever could make. I'll tell you that. If
you'll just try a little of that, it'll be an eternal beauty, a sweet,
meek, quiet spirit.
That's what this woman had. That's what Esther had when she come before
the king. That's the reason she overrun the other girls, because she
come adorning herself with a sweet spirit before him.
Now, here was this woman before Jesu, washing His feet. And after she
got the service done, she thought, "What's He going to say?" She
stopped. Her big black eyes, and the tear streaks down, and the mess
all over her face where she'd kissed his feet, and she looked to see
what He would say.
Pharisee standing there, everybody quiet then, nobody was saying a
thing, you know. They was everybody breathless. I can see Pharisee with
a righteous indignation, you know, running through him. Oh, he was
blowed up. He thought, "To disgraced my service…"
They still think the same thing when they see a mess like that, you
know. It's that a disgrace." It's an honor to any church that will see
a newborn babe come through.
"Oh, how disgraceful. My bishopry will be ruined." There he stood just blowing up like a frog. Then he stood there, all…
Jesus was watching the woman. So after while, He turned His eyes
around. We'll see whether He was a prophet or not (Oh, my.), see what
He said. Said, "Simon, I got something to say to you." Here He come.
We'll find out whether He's a prophet or not.
He said, "You invited me down here, and I took off from My schedule. I
left sick people laying around the gates. I left lepers crying. I left
multitudes of people hunting for Me in the wilderness, and around over
the sea banks to try to find Me, because you invited Me. And I come."
"And when I entered the door, you never washed My feet. You let Me
enter in here to disgrace Me, show Me up before the people. You never
give Me no anointing to anoint My hands and My burning face, that I
walked through the sun to come to your invitation. You never did it.
You never kissed Me welcome. You just let Me come as a bum. But this
woman…" Oh, my. What's He going to say? "But this woman, she has
washed My feet with her tears." Hallelujah. "And she hasn't ceased of
kissing My feet since she's been here." That's it. "And I say to
her…" Oh, what's He going to say? "Thy sins, which were many, are all
forgiven her." That's it. "Thy sins, which were many, are all forgiven
Oh, God. Let that be my plea. Let that be me when I come to the end of
the road. May I hear Him say–of every service I can do Him, every
mission can go on, everywhere I can preach, every sinner can draw, I
hope to hear Him say, "Your sins, which are many, are all forgiven.
Enter into the realms of life, into the–what's been prepared for you,
these blessings which has been prepared since the foundation of the
world." I'm sure we all feel that way, don't we? Don't you?
Let's bow our heads just a minute while we're thinking on these things here. We don't want our time to get away from us.
"Thy sins, which were many…" Those eyes streaked, that face all
messed up, but all of her days of ill-fame had passed away. All the
evil she'd ever done, had ceased then. She was entering into life.
I wonder tonight, how many in this building appreciates Jesus Christ
enough, that you would want to do Him a service? The best service you
could do would do just like she did. Come up here around the altar a
minute. We've been having healing for a few nights of the body; let's
have some healing of the soul. Why don't you come up tonight and say,
"I'll take my way with the Lord's despised few. I'll go from here
tonight and live a life that will wash the dirt from His feet. I'll
live such a life of holiness, until all that I come in contact with
will know that I've been in contact with Christ. I'll take the way with
the Lord's despised few."
Would you want to do Him a service? If you do, won't you come up here,
and stand around the altar just a moment before we go farther in the
service. Just stand here, and say, "I want to–I want to put my place
out there to do a service for Jesus. I want to come to the altar
tonight and confess all my sins."
I think of a poor little crippled-up woman weeping with her
handkerchief over her eyes, a Greek brother bringing her down, a young
boy walking up here. Come on, sonny boy. Don't you worry. Come here,
honey. God loves you. Jesus loves you, honey. Stand right here.
Lord Jesus, be merciful to the little boy, Lord, his tender little
eyes. I pray that You'll look down through his heart, Lord, and wash
away every sin.
This precious woman, gray in hair. Age has struck her, and she comes
now with her tears, Lord. She loves You; she wants to do a service for
You. Grant it, Lord, as she does now. Wipe away her tears with Thy
forgiveness, Lord, and give to her that what she seeks for.
Someone else take their way. God bless… Here comes another man. God
bless you, sir. God, wash away every sin. Stand right here just a
Heavenly Father, this man might be insignificant to the world, might be
just a labor man that works hard, just an ordinary man standing here…
Probably, if the President or someone would come to the city, they'd
never even know it. But Jesus has come and he's recognized Him. God,
forgive every sin. Give to him tonight the blessed Holy Spirit, the
Water of Life as he stands here humbly waiting. Grant it, Lord.
Pray now. Everybody, just ask God, "Could I do You a service?"
He's come down to your city this week, give you a revival, proved He's here among you. Won't you come?
God bless you…?… That takes courage…?… Heavenly Father, give to
my brother the salvation of his soul. May every sin be bathed away by
the precious Blood of the Lord Jesus. He's come, Lord, believing. He
wants to do God a service. You've got a place for him, Father. Place
him into Your Kingdom tonight and give him the Holy Spirit as he waits
to hear Your answer coming back from heaven. I ask in Jesus' Name.
Somebody else, just come right out now. This man's standing here with
tears pouring down off his eyes, great big rough hand holding mine. He
means that, deeply sincere. He means that. Then he's passing from death
unto Life right now.
E-92 Here's a precious woman. Another, another, Spanish woman coming. God bless you, sister.
Father, bless this our sister. May she do a service for Jesus of
Nazareth tonight with her life. Wash all the shame away from that
precious Name of the Lord Jesus. Grant it, Lord.
This little woman, stooped in her shoulders, hard days' work has passed
through here. Maybe these old feeble hands have stroked back the tears
from many a little baby's cheek. Tonight, Lord, there's one hand can
stroke her tears away with forgiveness. That's the hand that stroked
the woman, and said, "Thy sins, which are many, are all forgiven thee."
Bless her, Lord. Grant this to her, in Jesus' Name.
God, another standing, wiping the tears from her eyes. Give to her,
Lord, Eternal Life through Jesus Christ's Name…?… let Thy Holy
Spirit be upon her. She sees her need. I pray that You'll bless her
now. May she go out from there…?…
Heavenly Father, I lay my hands upon these women here. They want to do
a service for Jesus. Grant it, Lord, that it may be granted to them, in
the Name of the Lord Jesus.
A precious brother, Lord God. May tonight, though their sins be many,
may they all be forgiven. Grant it, Lord, to this brother also.
Won't you come? Come up out of your seat. You who are lukewarm now, you
who are backslidden, or something, don't take a chance on it, friend.
Look what's happened here this week: things that hasn't been done since
the days of Jesus of Nazareth. What's it denoting? The end time is here.
If you're a little cold in your spirit, why don't you come up and say,
"Lord, I want to reconsecrate myself. I–I haven't done the things that
I ought to have done." Come around here with these people that's
standing here.
There comes families of people coming. Won't you make your way up, you
that's lukewarm, or you that's never received the Holy Ghost?
Here's a young couple coming, weeping. Young man and young woman
coming; elderly, pulling tears away from their eyes with their
handkerchiefs. That's it.
Won't you raise up? Come on, you that need Christ. Look what He's done
this week. Remember, He's here now. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. You
know what I taught this morning at the breakfast. The Holy Spirit, the
Angel of God, is right here now and keeps warning me, "Keep calling.
Somebody's out there that should come." Come. Remember, I will not be
responsible at that day of the judgment.
Make your way now, because He, the–the Lord God, that this week has
discerned the thoughts of the hearts of the people, has–keeps saying
to me, "Hold your call; keep them coming. There's somebody out there
should be coming."
Now, come on, friends. We don't have penny balloons, and one step, two
step. We only have one step. That's raise up like men and women and
come to Christ. Come, believing Him.
Come on now. Come on. Look at standing around here. This is wonderful. Come on while the water's troubled.
Raise up your hand, and say it from your heart.
Raise up now. Come on up to the altar. Stand up. Come up around the altar here. Let's pray.
Just do Christ a service. Step out of your aisles and come down. Say,
"Here's my service, Lord. I come to make a public confession. Here I
am. I've been wrong, Lord. I've done wrong. Help me now. I've come to
confess my sin." How… Oh, it's been a blessed time.
Do a service for Him now. Come up. Let the tears of repentance come now.
What about every Christian in here? Let's make a consecration to God.
Every borned again Christian, stand up on your feet now, and let's make
a consecration to God. Come up close, if you can. Come right in around.
Let's make a consecration to God, every one of us. We all want to do
more for Christ. Everybody…
I give myself, Lord, everything that I am, I pour into Thy service.
I'll give myself, Lord. Every Christian, consecrate themselves. What
caused you sinners to come up?
God brought you up here. God's here to take your sins away. Hallelujah.
That'll break up the icicles. That'll start a revival. That'll start the fires a-burning.
Now, let's everyone give Him a praise. Raise up our hands, close our
eyes. Pray. Just pray till God pours out the Holy Spirit upon this
audience. In the Name of Jesus… Glory to…?… service. Take