Online Prayer Requests

Welcome to the Believers Prayer Circle.

Please use the “Comment Form” at the bottom of the page to submit a prayer request.


  • Dear Saints Pl Pray for bro Neelesh that he may return home,also Pray fro bro Anand and his family,and also for bro Deepak and his family that God may help them to clear their depts,also pray for bro Mac that God may bless him in his work, also Pray for my slient requset the Lord knows it.God bless u all for Praying.John:14:14

  • May the Lord Richly Bless You My Sisters and Brothers In Christ. While going through the prayer requests, I realize We are a needy people, of the Lords Grace and Mercy. My desire is that the Lord would help my unbelief and that His Word would be anchored in My Heart.I long to find rest in Christ.Pray that my entire family would receive the Holy Ghost. That we may find our place in the Body of Christ.I long to see so Much More Less Of Me And More Of God in my life, my family. May God Grant Each And Every One Of Your Requests. Lord Bless

  • Dear sir ,
    I am from India and I believe in Jesus Christ. Due to blackmagic in my family there are so many problems in my family . My children have got into all kind,s of addictions and bad habits which is costing their lives .My eldest son is in a very bad state and he is addicted heavily to smoking drinks and drugs which is ruining his life . Please pray for him in this teribble need and obtain god,s mercy for him and save him and heal him
    (PREM) My other son and daughter are equally addicted and god grant deliverance and healing (Ashwin) (NAkshatra) As you are the messengers of the most high God please lay our requet at his feet so he turn his eye,s of mercy on us . Who will praise him if we go down to dust.
    Hear us help us O Mighty God of Isreal through your beloved people to whom you speak.



  • Please pray for Paloma, a young woman in her 20’s. She is in the hospital in Los Angeles and has been pronounced as brain dead. I know that miracles are possible with prayer. Please help her heal with your prayers. God Bless you.

  • praise the lord brother and sisters please pray for anand and family and pray for brother for nilch that he may return home back and pray for brother prakash and for mack and pray for nich parnts then also pray for deepak and pray for family sahad pray for augustin then also pray for my silent requiest that god may fulfill his needs
    tahnkyou for brothers and sisters for praying

  • God Bless you
    Please pray for my cousin sister Nontuthuzelo who is laying at the hospital in a very critical condition. She had been diagonized of a stomach cancer and before that she had a lot of other illnesses which nearly took her life but then she had recovered. She had been laying in the hospital for several months and was released after there was improvement. Now she admitted again and is at the high care and now it is said that the doctors had not been able to find out what is wrong. She is in a very bad condition.I request for the prayers for her even as according to the Angel that spoke to bro. Branham conerning Divine Healing.

    • hi sister bulelwa one thing that i can tell you, if she recovered in other illness clearly shows that her faith is strong in God. she must press on the other illiness too, the same God that had healed her on the other illiness he will help her on the the Name of Jesus Amen

    • Lord,sister Nontuthuzelo is your daughter,any sickness is a demon.You said Lord in the book of peter that we are healed by your stripes,our sister’s healing isw also claimed in Jesus’s name now.heal her to become a living testimony,in Jesus Christ name,amen.Sister you are healed,raise faith that is in you and just believe.

  • Saints please pray for me i have a boil under my armpits and it is giving me hell, my hand hurts, even when im driving it hurts, i cant even sleep properly. i feel so cold and its like im developing a fever. Please remember me.

  • Saints, my relatives are none believers but I want to show them that there is a great physician who knows and can clear all disease and affliction. I have an aunt who is having seizures from High Blood Pressure in hospital together with her daughter, they suffer from the same problems, they are all in hospital, a niece who is diabetic, she just collapsed and went into coma, she is now recovering at hospital, my grandmother is diabetic and has a high blood pressure, shes is suffering from a stroke now, she is in hospital for the past month. My mother’s sister has cervical cancer and now it is eating up through her back bones, she is scheduled for an operation but the doctors fear she might not make it because she is aged. Saints, please help me pray for my family, the Lord is my only hope.

  • pray for me to soon receive a blessing to help my family. Deliver me from evil and negative people.

    • Sister Natasha, every time we are going to have negative people, but you, among them, must be affirmative believing ALWAYS the Word of God, because every promise in Jesus Christ is “yes or yes, and amen”. So, don’t disturbe for people around you, IGNORE THEM, AND GO ON WITH EVERY WORD OF GOD, IN CHRIST JESUS. AMEN.

      • Amen sister Emihio, God put them around us to mold us and to let us bother us so we can turn to the word of God and be strong and firm

  • Pray for me to receive a blessing.Deliver me from evil and Negativity. Keep me in your prayers

  • hav been paryer for the friut of the womb for over a year yet to see anything.hav also invested in poultry and my chicken are ready for sale yet no buys,the come say they will come and pay and they never do.i feel like God has forgetten me.pls prayer me. am almost loosing it

    • God bless you sister, in the edge where you wana throw your towel thats where he reach out, he never promised that his cross will be easy and not get heavy, but the prophet said he will raise the standard to meet that. God is never and will never 4get his children, you are not forgotten, make sure if there’s un confessed sin’s please confess he’s JUST to forgive you and deliver you. Be blessed and be couragous

    • Sister Oputa, do not despair, just keep believing and praising God, as He is already working to your favor. Please read Daniel 10:12-13, which will show why it is that sometimes the answer seems not to come. There are spirits in high places, and Ephesians 6:12 says that we must wrestle against them but, if you are right before God, just keep believing, DO NOT HESITATE, and your order will come. I have a friend who, at age 52, she will give birth to twins, when she had almost given up hope of having baby. Keep doing your part living the Word and, with thanksgiving, God will do His part, to fulfill His promises. Amen.

  • help me in prayers sir, am facing attacks from my fathers house, my name is chukwuebuka, please help me in prayers, help me sir

  • god bless you my brothers in christ i want a pray for my little nephew he is in the hospital now thanks for your prayers in jesus name amen

  • I ask for prayers for mythe return of my entire contents of a personal book bag which as taken, possibly mistakenly, back to me as the proper/original owner of the bag and its contents. Also pray for me on the job regarding the removal of racis, prejudice and retaliation that is being hurled at me for having had to fight to obtain a promotion that i should had gotte much earlier. I would like a better, fairer environment to work in and a better group of managers to work with. Also, I ask for the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
    Thank you.

    • Precious brother Thomton, God gives disires of your heart and, specially, the baptism in the Holy Ghost. You know, the Lord said, look for, FIRST, the Kingdon of God, and the rest will come after. When we put bad the order of our necesities, this sometimes cause us to have frustrations in life and He wants us to have abundant life (John 10:10). May God be propitious with you and your needs, in Christ Jesus. Amen.

  • I need the Lord to strengthen me in my weaknesses, to serve Him fully with dedication. Kindly remember me for the eyes pain and redness for they have not recovered. Lastly pray for my daughter for allergy/sinus trouble and my dear Pastor that the Lord to touch his painful legs, eyes trouble, hypertension and diabetic.

  • Dear brothers and sisters pray for me i have a great needs but the LORD is Greater. I Know I Believe
    Love in Jesus

  • about my physical health. am suffering from asthma, stroke which always makes me feel week all the time. I need the help of God and the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ to heal me if God is willing. And i also need God to give me wisdom, knowledge and understanding. this is my prayer request. thank you.

    • Of course, brother Emanue, healing is His willing (III John 2:Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.) If this is not His will, John wouldn’t be praying for this brother there. 1 John 5:14 This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. 15 And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him. God will heal your body now, accepting your faith. Amen. SHALOM.

  • Shalom to the elected lady. Please remember my husband for a divine touch from our God concerning his health.

  • That God should start that he wants me to be in lfe and for Him to give me long life and prosperity and for the peace of my country nigeria and for world as well.Amen

  • God bless saints. Could you please pray that God’s Holy Spirit would have preeiminance in my life, that the spirit of fear would be cast out of my life forever, so that I can serve the Lord with my whole mind, soul and body. Shalom.

  • God bless you!
    I need your prayer ’cause I’m going through tough time with my family for years
    I’m a private chauffeur for somebody but I can’t afford… my boss submitted a tender to the goverment in order for me to make good money that’s why I need your prayer so that the God of Branham may grant to my boss that tender.Thank you.Brother NEPHTALI

  • I am going through a very difficult time; my family and I are separated please pray for us so we can reunites. I missed my daughter Sophia Chery she has been away for 4 months now and I am not sure how she is doing, please pray for her. Please pray for her mother valdana Pellage so she can repent and come back to the Lord. She needs a consoler; she needs an advisor only our Lord Jesus Christ can be that advisor for her. In the mist of it all, I will be taken my NCLEX exam in the next month or so please pray for me so that GOD can Grant me success in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Best of all; please pray for me so I can always be in the spirit no matter what, as Paul said in Rev 1:10. I was in the spirit on the Lord’s Day….. Thank You!! May the peace of the lord is with you.

  • Praying for the New birth,and for every sin and lust of the flesh to be purged out from my life.
    In Jesus Name,Amen.

  • I want you to please pray for my friend. He has heavy burden of debt, poverty and depressiön. He has ran away from his home. Now his 60 year old mother was alone at home. Even some evil spirits, and anger were troubling to him. Please pray for him. Lord please save both of them.

  • My husband and I have been married for 3 years, and we have yet to have a child. We’ve tried seeking medical treatment, and thankfully they find nothing wrong. I know God has put that desire in me to have a child. It is so strong, I break down when I see a little one. It seems as if Satan has tried us over the past few months with many friends and family getting blessed with pregnancy and new births, trying to shake our faith. I believe we have a promise too. I ask for prayers that God will allow us to have our hearts desire to have a healthy baby. Thank you.

    • God bless You sister hope, I believe you have a burden in your heart that why is God not giving me a child. God does wonders we serve an awesome God. here what the propher said “Be in prayer, be sincere, have faith and believe, and God will perform these things. But you must come reverent with spiritual faith in your heart, or God can’t do nothing for you. The more humbler you get, and the less you know about the things of the world, the better off you are in the sight of God” taken from [The Pool Of Bethesda, Cleveland OH, 50-0811] and again the bible teaches us and the prophet told us that, we must confess our sins to the Lord in details, ask for forgivness and God is more than able o give you the desire of your heart. I believe he will bless you saint, just approach him and lay down your request. have a blessed sunday

    • Precious sister Hope, God will give you two a baby what you ask and have to happy in family, and fulfil His atributes as father and mother on earth, in Christ Jesus. Amen.

  • Dear Saints Pl Pray for bro Sunil that God may deliver from all obstacles and show the right path now John:14:6 bless his slient need that he has,also pray for bro michael for good health so he can serve the Lord Jesus,also pray for our pastor for his slient needs the Lord Jesus knows it John :14:14, pl do pray for sis valarie for good health and the Lord may touch her heal from cest ovary operation we believe it his only the true living God can heal pray i request you in his name Lord Jesus Christ. God Bless you all.

  • Praise The Lord. Please pray for my marriage and deliverance of my husband. his name is Shriveen kirpal and has been involved with another woman her name is Rachel Pillay. I ask that God will remove her from his life and restore my marriage completely. Thank you. I am believe God never fails



    • Dear sister, just calm down and stay in the Word, as Job, that nothing moves you from the Word, the Covenant, and God will do justice. Amen.

  • Can someone pray that God will reconcile my marriage to my husband and us be happy until death we part. Can someone pray that God will deliver me from enemies in my family who are trying to steal from me in my inhertience.
    Please pray that my husband can have a shoulder surgery soon. If ye abide in me and my words abide in you ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you. Sis Christian

  • I’m requesting for left my smoking habbit, for some time i was practiced to neglect this but i can’t, so please help me and pray to Jesus Christ

  • I need a prayer for sound health let every sickness in my body be out from my body, for life partner, financial breakthrough and good job in oil coy and communication coy.

  • Can you pray that god will let me have a good marriage until death we part and God to heal my sick body that taking the life out of me. Pray that God will deliver me out of a bondage situaion also. I feel trapped right now.
    Sis Angie

  • Can someone please pray for me that God will deliver me out of a bondage situation that I”m feeling and God to let me have a good marriage with my husband and God to give to me the desires of my heart. Please pray that god will heal me too. I stay so sick all the time I cannot hardly get up each day and I feel so tired all day long. Sis Lynn 37 yrs old

  • praise the lord, i request a prayer for my life now a days im very upset, one guy who was going to marry with me he suddenly left me for another girl, im totally nervous, Please prayer for my relation by the name of god.

    • God bless you sister, God is faithful, its better the brother left before you are married, this shows something is wrong with him, he wasnt certain. God doesnt make mistake I believe God has someone who will, Love,Appreciate the way you are. Just have faith God will surprise you by giving you more that you desired and expected. Dont be scared if God said you will be married you then SHALL BE in Jesus Name.

  • Dear Brothers and Sisters, I salute you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I request to be prayed for together with my family. My request to be prayed for is that as much as I believe in this message I find myself not very firm as I would want. This is because sometimes I find myself in silly mistakes that a christian should not be in like getting angry.

  • My dear brothers and sisters. I have I burden on my heart. I ask with all my heart that you pray for me. My family dispise me and I am hated by everyone. I just ask that that the Lord will help me and heal my wounds, Please my precious family pray for me for I am in great need for it.
    God Bless You Richly.

  • Dear Brothers

    Please, remember me in prayer to overcome a strong depressive condition for which I’m going. I’ve sinned much, throughout my life and, possible, for I’ve fallen on sodomites abominations, again and again, possible God doesn’t want to answer my request and prayers as the king Saul. I don’t know if this is my condition but, by this lack of response and difficulty to face sodomy in a more rational and definitive way, I come to this moments of depression, besides of my economic difficulties and other complex still seem to dominate my soul and not His precious Word, what I’ve tried to meditate the best possible, in prayer. I must confess that I’ve done some observations to some teachings of Prophet Branham, trying to be fundamentalist and honest but, even so, I thank God for sending him to bring us a Message that motivates us worship, to the best of my knowledge. Thank you very much and God be with you, in Christ Jesus.

    Brother Emilio

  • Please PRay for me that the Lord will grant me the desires of my heart. I wana be moved where i work and get a transfer to my nearest home town. I’ve been praying 4 this about couple of years now, i feel devasted and depressed. Please aints help me that God should open up the doors and get to go close to home so i can visit my mom now and then. thanx for your prayers in advance and i pray for you all saints, God is faithful.

  • Greetings Saints in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ..Thanks for your unceasing, fervent prayers for the Freeman family in the Northern Cape South Africa. Brother Branham emphizes the gospel truth that the Bride of Jesus Christ is suppose to be the happiest people on the face of the earth…Let us continue, prosper in the faith…let us do as Nehemiah concerned about christianity(Bride priciples)…walk the walk worthy of the Gospel and talk the talk as the Word of God demands…Stay connected walk in the Spirit…all things works together for good to them that loves the Lord…perfect love cast out fear..if your heart does’nt condemn you ask anything in His Name and He’ll give it to you…be blessed…God is in control of any situation.

  • My wife and I recently gave my lives to the LORD. (Country: Namibia)
    I am with my employer whom I started with on 01 September 1991. I am 51 years and will turn 52 year in October this year. We started as a small department. I only have grade 12 which was sufficient for a long time. We have grown to a department with more than 15 people. Some people have degrees. I have a senior position but lack the necessary qualifications. I can quit making room for the qualified person, but I have no other skills. I have a wife and a kid of 11 years old that still need to complete school and University.
    I have opportunities to start a business with someone but do not know if it will be the right thing to do and need the LORD’s guidance on this. I am getting the silent treatment at work and my am also excluded in many things which are worry some and frustrating. It seems that the Director is doing this to force me to resign.
    Please pray for my situation since I do not know what to do. Should I stay or should I quit my job because it bothers me tremendously.
    I also want deliverance of cigarette smoking and snuffing of tobacco.

  • Shalom saints, I am asking for your prayers as I will be writting the exams this month ( MAY & JUNE 2012)

  • Please pray for me that I shall have a good marriage with my husband until death we part that we both fall back in love with each other like in the beginning. Token can you pray God give us both the Token. Mr. Lee and Tennie God knows our names. My family. I’m taking a visit with my family in the month of May can you pray that we all have a good time together and love each other more God bless our reunion. Thanks, Tennie

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