Online Prayer Requests

Welcome to the Believers Prayer Circle.

Please use the “Comment Form” at the bottom of the page to submit a prayer request.


  • please pray that god make away for me to be in a message church and be able to take communion service. Pray that god give me the gas money to go. Please pray that god give me the Holyghost heal mynerves sis Ann

  • please pray that the token be applied on cliff and angie brown please pray that cliff can get his shoulder surgery done soon as possible. please pray that god will help us with our finances thanks si lynn

  • asking prayers to get married by the end of next month tto my fiance of 6 years and to have financial break through to manage buy wedding rings and to hold a little function for my brethren.also need prayers to fight demons that pester me at times as l want remain faithfull to God

  • God bless you brethren.

    I am Brother Samuel from Kenya.

    In Romans 15:30 I appeal to you, brothers, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to strive together with me in your prayers to God on my behalf;

    so i hereby request for you to stand by me as i am through with my University education in December 2012.I thank the Lord for seeing me through Kimathi University for the last four years.So i trust in Him to provide me with internship and a job for His glory and honor as He says

    James 1:6 But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind.

  • Please pray for me and my family m sons and daughters @ fiancé Please pray for all of us that we come closer to our Christ and forgive us for all sins

  • Dear all

    Please pray for us.

    Hubby has a benign pituitary tumor (6mm) in his head and will be undergoing 6 monthly review. Pray that God in His mercy will make the tumor disappear, he is our sole breadwinner.

    Also pray for my mum who is diagnosed with moderate dementia, she also has hypertension and heart disease.

    Pray for me that God will provide me with strength and wisdom to care for my mum as I am also caring for 2 young boys. And pray that God will open the door for a p/t tutoring job in the evening so that I can help to supplement my hubby’s income so that he will not be stressful. Pray for both boys to be God-fearing and lovely.

    I felt that I am not a very good mum, wife and daughter. Felt very helpless and as one thing after another came coming my ways and I am worried financially how we can cope as mum’s medical will go up.

    Thank you.

  • I’m a single mother of 3 children.I’m praying money to buy my children’s school clothes and finances to pay bills and debt.I’m also praying for money to have breast tumor remove under right arm.I’m praying for a blessing to relocate with ease to North Carolina this is where God told me to go with my children

  • Prayer to stop divorce and restore marriage
    Due to some reasons and pressure from the elders from both the sides I have or had to agree to the terms of divorce by mutual consent and Filed it on Aug-22-2012 but I don’t want divorce.
    Pray for reconciliation of my marriage and stop the divorce case. Please pray that God grants me a miracle and
    send my husband for Good and open the communication lines between us.
    Pray that God comforts me and strengthens me at this time,
    Please pray that God grants me a miracle …

  • I want u all brothers to Pray for me and my business, i can see satan is trying to put his hand on my business, always when God blesses me within a month all the capital is Gone it has been happen for so mmany times. I want the hand of the Lord to be on my bussiness. So that i should use that for work of God.

  • Saints pleade pray with me, am having a big battle in my mind, negative thoughts just keep comming in my mind, i even curse in my mind, this is really bothering me a lot, its really serious, its getting real bad. and pleease pray with my friend, he has backsliden, i believe a prayer of faith can change things fron worse to better. God bless you all.

    • Dear Brother Patience, I believe that somewhere down the line you disrespected something about God, and you are paying for it. If you did, ask God to forgive you and respect everyone as a brother. The Enemy is working in your mind and making you believe is you. No matter what, You stay with the Lord and Worship Him. Ask God to Regenerate the Spirit of your mind and reject the ugly toughts of the devil, Your friend will be back,

  • My husband is lying in a hospital bed today, God intervened through his (non proactive)family doctor. My husband had been sick for months and his doctor kept doing nothing. Yesterday he went to the doctor to “beg” for help….blood work was taken again and at 9:44, his family doctor called and told us to rush his to the hospital. This is unheard of from this doctor. God is Real and intervenes through the anti-Christ of this world. Pray for us! Pray for his Glory.

  • Saints please pray for my husband and our marriage. Also for my son joshua, who at the age of 11 is expose to so much and my pray is for GOD to keep and preserve his young life for HIS PERFECT WILL. A young man serving the Lord and setting the example for his younger Brothers. Also for his Father to surrender his life completely to the LORD. God bless.

  • I’ve had a fall the other week and my right hand has a bone out of place pray that God will give me a good doctor if I need surgery on it and pray that God heal it to normal since I play piano in church. My right foot has an injury yesterday took a fall twisted it can’t walk on it pray for the healing of my foot. Pray that God will make away for me to be able to be with the Bride of Chist sometime again in a message church. Please prayt hat God help me to pay off some very large credit card debts fill my husband with the HOly ghost deliver me from enemies. Calling for the elders of the church. Sis Lynn

  • Dear Brother last 10 yrs back i babtized in the name of Jesus Christ . Now i Hvae no job just started a new construction company (Partnership )in oman at Jan 2012 . But i am a indian. Now i don’t have work please pray for us . God Jesus Christ
    help me. he is a true living god.

  • Saints I just need help in praying for my husband Bro Terry to come back home so that we are a family again and we wait for the Lord’s coming together. Its been a year since he left, we are in constant contact and he sometimes come home. I need the third pull to work right now, its time

  • a wnt a prayer 4 my faith nd trust in God, and i still wnt a prayer 4 my project supervisor in school dat God should touch his heart on my projct work he should see it in gud faith

  • asking prayers for the baptism of holy ghost and to receive complete healing for me and my wife from viral infections

  • Dear Father Almighty we pray for Brite goel from delhi forgive her sins and lead her into salvation…touch her and remove every evil from her.Thank you father for healing her right now in Jesus name..AMEN!!! We surrender this prayer in Jesus Name…AMEN!!!

    HEB 13:8

  • i would like to know the perfect will of God for my life as things don’t seem to be working just right.I wish to quit my current Job to join my family but i ask for prayers that the Lord will guide me through this as my current job cant sustain me to live with my family and promotions have been so elusive even with a great client track record. I may be outside His will and if so I would wish for God to distinctly tell me and lead me on the next step in life so that i don’t gamble with my family’s welfare

  • Urgent pliz.
    Dear saints
    Pliz join me in prayer for a friend of mine a Mrs.Mariana Deme who is suffering from a muscle tissue wastage disorder She is not yet a believer but after a brief testimony believes that God will heal her.She has since requested for christian literature and o ask that you help me in prayer for
    the salvation of her soul and that she may receive the message of the hour in its purity and embrace it.If two or three agree as pertaining anything

  • There’s some of my family memebers that would like to put me into bondage trap to use me. Can you pray that the evil spirit coming from them will be broken in Jesus name to not have a desire to destroy my freedom or life. Pray that my husband and me have a close good marriage until one of us dies. Pray that God will let my family be my friends and not enemies to me of trying to destroy my life. With much Thanks Sis Ann

    • hi sister i believe what you can do is to love your family as your enemie because the told us to love our enemies as i love my self.


  • pls help me to pray that any sickness in me, that the God that support the ministry of prophet william branham, that, that same God should stand for me and fight all my battle. These year

    • the is know sickness that can stand befor the word of the Lord, they that wait upon the Lord they shall renew there strenth in the Lord ‘s name amen.

  • Dear Saints,

    Please pray for me that my Boss in our company allow me to take my annual leave.

    Thank you

    God Bless you all.

  • Pray for me that God help me to walk holding to the every word of God,a complete surrender and also for my people who are outside the circle of safety.

  • Pray that God will send to me an aange to deliver me from enemies. Please pray that God will baptize me with his spirit to be born again child of Jesus. I am having this temper problem to love enemies and say bad words. CAn you pray that God will help me. Sis Christian

  • Please pray for my cousin he has been urinating blood and throwing up blood. Please pray for him. Thanks and God bless.

  • Prayer for a neighbor in our apartment building to get a car and family be able to help her until she can afford one. Salvation for her family as well as mine. Give my daughter wisdom in her life and guide her. Help my son with a job and losing weight. My marriage that God would guide us to be good example to our kids and people around us

  • URGENT PRAYER REQUEST – A friend of my wife (Sis. Perla) was told she has only 2-4 weeks to live due to cancer that has quickly spread throughout here body. Please hold her and her family up in prayer and ask God for a miracle. She is a Christian woman and mom to 10 children. Her husband and family pray for God
    s will to be done and she asks for only a little more time if it be within his will. Bro. Martin Jones

  • URGENT PRAYER REQUEST – A friend of my wife (Sis. Perla) was told she has only 2-4 weeks to live due to cancer that has quickly spread throughout here body. Please hold her and her family up in prayer and ask God for a miracle. She is a Christian woman and mom to 10 children. Her husband and family pray for Gods will to be done and she asks for only a little more time if it be within his will.

  • Can you please pray for me that Sandra Domam will be delivered from alcohol and tobacco . Please pray that she will have experience with the presence Of God in her home that will transform for the Glory of God . Please pray for my mother’s clothing business that it expand and a increase in sales In Jesus Name. Please pray for grace and favor with clients In Jesus Name.

  • Being a singel mom raising two Elizabeth who will be 16th her birthday Sept.9 and Daniel will be 15th he’s birthday also in Sept.4th Its been very hard the past three years. My daughter needs Jesus in her life!! My son wants to get Baptize in our lord Jesus Christ. Pray that he stays strong in the lord and with school starting back and walk in that path with our Lord.I need the Lord in my life more and more each day,hour, every min. and our lost love one’s. God Bless Sis Sarah From N.C.

  • Greeting in Jesus Name. I’m seeking prayer for, my salvation, that God may heal my faith in Him, and that my Heart may be clean. I also like to ask for my brother that his health, and Faith be restore.
    It’s my desire that His will be done in our live.
    Thank you, and God bless you. Bro. Phil Y

  • My father has been going in and out of hospital and he is right now in the hospital. He has gone through heart by-passed some 10 over years ago and lately he was admitted to hospital with heart attacks. The Dr. Have performed ballooning and stern insertion on him some weeks ago but this time he was diagnosed with fresh bleeding. The hospital has given him some 9 packets of blood. These 2 days he seems to be more stable. I am asking God for his healing hands to be upon my dad – Mr. Tan Thiam Hock. I am convinced that my dad will fully recover with HIS BLESSINGS. GOD BLESS Ivan.

  • God bless. Could you please keep me in prayer, the Lord has called me to sing for Him and I’m also learning to play piano. Please pray that God would grant me grace to overcome the devils tricks that is trying to interfere in this. Thankyou, God be with you.

  • A woman, Heather, and her partner, Cassandra, have recently moved into the apartment next to ours. They have both been causing trouble. They and their friends have been verbally abusive, and sometimes threatening, towards me and my daughter, Keshna. Heather vandalized my daughter’s car (fortunately it was’t permanent). We have asked for help from both the apartment manager and the police, but these women seem to be able to talk their way out of anything. Please pray for peace in our homes and neighborhood. Thank you and God bless you.

  • While i was asleep, an old man who is about to die told me that I should not commit sexual immorality.The man dies immeadiately after saying it. All these things took place in a dream. Could you please pray for me that the Lord should lead me by his spirit.

  • I am myra…….i request you to plz pray for mother, her name is rakhil manawar… she is diabetic and has now been diagnosed ‘hepatitus C’……
    please pray, i want my lord god, jesus christ to miraculously heal my mother…..we have got the PCR test done last Friday, and will get the results coming Friday, to check if the virus is active or dead.
    I want you all to pray for my mother that the PCR test is negative in the name our saviour Lord Jesus Christ.
    please we really need your prayers….

    Thank you and God Bless…

  • Hi Brothers in Christ,
    Please pray for me that God may use me mightily for his Glory.
    I pray for forgiveness of sin and may the temptations of life be far away from me.
    Please remember me in prayer.
    Thanks you saints.

    Bro David

  • My wife and I are financial planners. We have started this business and are not successful. I plead to you, to assist us in getting clients that will buy from us and clients that will give us refferals. Pray for us to have a financial breakthrough

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