Welcome to the WilliamBranham.com Believers Prayer Circle.
Please use the “Comment Form” at the bottom of the page to submit a prayer request.
Welcome to the WilliamBranham.com Believers Prayer Circle.
Please use the “Comment Form” at the bottom of the page to submit a prayer request.
I am student and I cannot continue because of financial conditions. The only thing I want, its that God opens the doors of blessing has my mother for what could me the payers.
Greetings to you all in the Precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Kindly join me in prayers for God’s intercession to all obstacles that am going through presently. May God bless you all.
God bless you 100 fold for praying for us.
Ryan: @ 18 car accident brain injuries, no recompense, lots of pain, suffering 18yrs later. Jon: 2004 car accident= bipolar. They love the Lord and served him as young men/teens.
Please pray: Health, finances, Godly friends. Thank you!
Brothers & Sisters of The Almightly Living God, please pray for my wife Rhonda, who has been tormented by pain for almost 3 years. She is giving up hope, threatening to take her life. She knows The Lord Jesus Christ, but even praying with her, she feels abandoned, that God is not going to heal her. She has been threatning for several months now. I never know, whether, while I am at work, she will carry the threat out.Please join with me in prayer, not only for her not to continue in these threats, but that The Lord Jesus will heal her. Her whole body is in pain, but especially, 3 bad discs in her neck, causing a loud nerve pail in her head 24/7 I pray Lord Jesus please heal my wife, In The Name of Jesus. Amen! Amen! & Amen!
God of Mercy have Mercy to sister Rhoda Your Hand is not short Touch her Lord Almighty You’re the healer , You’re deliverer! God Almighty we trust in You and believe in Jesus Christ’ name Amen!
PLEASE PRAY FOR ME I AM job less from last 4 month and i am very poor and i have 11 month old son my wife expire a delievery time of our baby. I live alone in renyef house with my bro i dont have parrnts and my saving amount also approx not enough
Please pray for me a good job.
You’ve Struggled
Long Enough
“The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”
(Exodus 14:14, NIV)
All through life, the enemy tries to stop us with a yoke of bondage — a yoke of depression, a yoke of low self-esteem, a yoke of compromise. He’ll try to burden you down so that everything is a struggle. You may be working hard, but you can’t get ahead because you have all these yokes controlling you.
Maybe you’ve been living with a yoke your whole life. It’s been passed down to you. Maybe you don’t realize it. You can’t seem to get ahead. You’re struggling in your marriage. Your children won’t do what’s right. Low self-esteem, that’s all you’ve known. But God said to the Israelites, “I have seen the affliction of My people, and I am coming down to deliver them.” God sees every yoke, every unfair situation, everything that you struggle with. He doesn’t just sit back and say, “Well, too bad.” No, He says, “I’m coming down to do something about it.” You don’t have to worry. The yoke destroyer is on the way. God is saying, “I’m coming down to put an end to that struggle. I’m shifting things in your favor. I’m delivering you from addictions. I’m removing the burden and setting you free to walk into the fullness of your destiny.”
Father, thank You for fighting my battles. Thank You for delivering me from all my enemies. I will stand and see Your goodness and praise You for Your faithfulness in Jesus’ name. Amen.
God bless you for posting these comforting,encouranging and worthy sharing spiritual words at the right moment.
Please pray for me as i have backslid after Baptism, seems as though my trials have doubled and become harder and harder to overcome…..
My full name is Michelle Anita Augustine,i am a srilankan,i am a roman catholic,i loved a other religion guy and got registered to him without my mother’s permission,at the same time my mother did not want me to marry him because he is from another religion and i got a good proposal from my relative,so my mother wanted me to marry my relative he is Winston Steffon Anthony,but i got registered to guy i loved,after few months i realized he is not the correct person i got married to,i was so upset,he was telling me to come to his religion,finally i with my mother’s help i applied for divorce,but i was not living with him to gather,just got registered only, but he spoiled my whole image in front of everyone,but when i was facing all these problems my relative Winston Steffon Anthony was with me giving all help,strength and guidance, and he loves me alot,i felt really bad because i rejected him proposal because i wanted to marry that other guy, finally i started an affair with Steffon and we both of were so happy but in other hand his parents didn’t like me because i am divorced lady,steffon he is the only child to his family, so his family did not like him marrying me,but he was loving me so much,he even told me god gave me a second chance to marry you Michelle,but i really don’t know what has happened to him he suddenly dumped me without telling me any reason,now it’s almost going to be 5 months that he stopped talking to me,i really don’t know the reason behind that,he doesn’t even talk to me,i have never been gone through a pain like this,i really love my Wiston Steffon Anthony,now he is my life,i am asking god please i want to marry him with everybody’s blessings,i want him to come back to me,i really feel lonely and lost without him,i think someone had told bad thing about me to my Steffon,please pray for me i want you pray for me in a urgent matter,i deeply love him,i promise god after getting married to him i will not leave him i will make my Steffon happy,please pray for me he should realize and he should come back to with the same love,i want him to call me and say sorry Michelle i want you, please pray for both of us,i have attached both of us photo to you,please pray for us…
Wiston Steffon Anthony & Michelle Anita Augustine,
sistr michelle if you are a real christian, you should go throw bible, not with your wone wishes. according to bible you should not get marrage while first one is alive n you want to leave him for bible only so think about that. your feeling pain for your relative with secondary love but GOD is feeling thousnands of times then you for you with etarnal love,if you want you can be alone but dont go against to christ. first come out from romancathalic that is nothing but anti-christ(666),try to save your soul first n serve the GOD you may forget everything because he nevr cheat you, by accepting 7th angle n go through his messages, it may not appear like solution but it is only the solution, when you taste the GOD’s love you never want human love it is real,take it as good friend advice,forgive me if I hurt you.GOD BLESS YOU N MAY HELP YOU.bye n take care.
Dear Brethren, pls pray for me for financial breakthrough before December, 2014. I intend getting wedded and the financial obligation is huge. Pray that God will raise men to assist me, both financially and materially. That I will not be put to shame on that day. Remain Blessed
Prayer request for Craig.undergoing dialysis at the moment,scheduled for kidney transplant next month as highly diabetic
Respected Brothers & Sisters,
Request your kind, Urgent Prayers for my immediate Promotion in Office, so that I can help many and can donate more for Gospel Works and for Charity Works in Andhra Pradesh in India. ( I have been praying and waiting for this Promotion since 2006).
– Soman Mathews, India.
Dios les bendiga pido de sus oraciones por mi bb que a estado mal de salud que sea sano en el nombre de nuestro señor jesucristo amen gracias por sus oraciones
God be with you.i am asking your prayers,i need God to strengthen me,give me courage,power,victory in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.pray with me as i am praying with you.thanks
please pray for me, and for the sake of his girlfriend’s name: Monika FICZ because I want her to come back to me, I want peace and love between us, please Monika again I want to get back together as a couple in love, love, agreement , agreed, I want you to reestablish contact Monika return to Jesus and he will give his life completely over to God, if you give the Lord bondage, please pray for us to restore our love relationship because I love him and miss, I would like to if any one of us would be better to heal this relationship, and if blessings come in all areas of our lives, I want you to love me again Monika to get rid of demonic ties and break the curse in our lives, our relationships, our work if it is and the profession, and to live with each other in a happy relationship, the love, the grace of Jesus to help us, please pray for us, in Jesus’ name, amen!HELP ME,PLEASE!Please pray for me and my partner, it was peace Monika,be,love,love for both kettönk again for the other should be among us, a happy relationship, it is understood that real into paradise, and the both of us to be in his life to Jesus, let us be the elöbb again in a few, come to our relationship. Amen!
Dear saints.want to thank the Lord 4 the days of my life.it is important.also asks your prayers,so that may give me strength 2 do His will
Urgent Prayers Needed for my baby the doctor says she has a throat infection and its been really affecting her she hasn’t been able to feed normal.
Por mis hijos del corazón NICOLAS Y LUMELA, por sus estudios, que puedan dar examenes finales y parciales con exelencia de las carreras que estan realizado, alejamiento de personas inoportunas y malas que no son de bendición para sus vidas
La oración pide SANIDAD – problemas óseos IGNACIO, problemas de columna vertebral
PATRICIA R. nervioso problemas-depresión
Por mis finanzas, y asuntos judiciales, apertura de nuevas oportunidades de negocio y trabajo para la cancelación de deudas; resolución de asuntos de juicios laborales, y causa referente a estafa inmobiliaria—
Por mi amiga y hermana en la fe MONICA G., Apertura de nuevas oportunidades de negocio y trabajo para solventar gastos de estudio de su hijo NICOLAS que se encuentra estudiando medicina en el exterior
Por mi amiga Monica, ruptura de pactos con el enemigo, hechos en su juventud por desconocimiento de la palabra de DIOS
GRACIELA–Ruptura de maldiciones generacionales sobre su vida-inequidad-alejamiento de su vida de personas que no son de bendicion para su corazón su mente y su espiritu—-
RESTAURACION EMOCIONAL-Patricia F. Rosa Diaz, Alberto L., Maria de los Angeles, Noemi F.,Monica G., Monica B., Maria Cristina, Jimena Analia, Osvaldo F., Gladis T., Patricia R. ROSITA DIAZ
JIMENA ANALIA- Restauracion emocional, inequidad, ruptura de maldiciones generacionales sobre su vida y la vida de su familia, recuperación de su hijita Elena dada en adopción al nacer, producto de una violación siendo niña, restauración del aparato reproductor femenino dañado al ser madre tan niña, por el matrimonio que esta criando a su hija se la entregue, que el ESPIRITU SANTO DE DIOS este restaurando el aparato reproductor femenino y masculino de este matrimonio para que puedan tener familia, ya que hasta ahora no lo pudieron hacer, y desprenderse de la niña les causa una profunda tristeza, amargura y dolor
LIBERACION—-INIQUIDAD—-Ruptura de maldiciones generacionales sobre la vida de Osvaldo Flores, Gladis Tarraga, Aldo G: Patricia R, Maria Isabel, Noemi Alejandra, Maria de los Angeles, Enrique C., Zulema R., Liliana R.,MONIca B., Pascual L., Maria Cristina G.,Rosita Diaz
Por mis finanzas, y asuntos judiciales, apertura de nuevas oportunidades de negocio y trabajo para la cancelación de deudas; resolución de asuntos de juicios laborales, y causa referente a estafa inmobiliaria—
Ruptura de trabajos de hechiceria y brujeria en contra de mi vida y la vida de mi familia————
Por Patricia iniquidad, ruptura de maldiciones generacionales sobre su vida y la vida de su familia, aperturra de nuevas oportunidades de trabajo y negocio; resolución de asuntos legales trabados————
Esclarecimiento de ilícito en mi lugar de trabajo———-
Prayer Request For World Peace Now – I pray for world peace to be fully realized now, and for this peace to last forever after, and I ask for all of this in the Holy Name of Jesus. Amen.
I`m a pastor of Perfect faith Tabernacle (Tabernáculo A Fé Perfeita), in Luanda Rep. Of Angola. And I need your prayer for my ministry. I feel that something is note going well, and i need more God presence in my life. For the progress of the congregation that I am in charge… Many blessing to you, in Jesus name!
Dear sainst
please pray for my son he’s going astray and on wrong way may the spirit of god convict him and make him realised whatls he doing and also for my daughter i pray the protection on her as they are facing the teenage age
god bless you
Dear Bretren, Please remember me in prayers for God’s intervention for what I am going through at my work place, all trials and corners that our family is encountering at present, and successfully completion of my research. I will as well pray for you my dear brethren. God bless.
Iam called Ernest Genius i want the Holy Spirit and i want the Bride of CHRÏ$T to pray on my behalf.
Dir sir / madam in God!
I am a citizenship of America , and i am in VietNam now, and i can not come back the US because i do not have money and the ticket. Please help me to return the US because GOd’s love. I have a lot of sins in the past, but now i want all poeple in The Christ give me the chance to rebuilt my life. I surrendered with God and i promised to come back to The US to worship and repent my sins amen.
I don’t have any relationships or friends now because of my sins. If my words is true and i repent with GOd , petition God help me come back the US with his love and forgive from Him. I don’t want to go the hell forever !
Please contact me and help me with your heart in God’s love and God bless all ! amen! Thank you God very much! Please to pray for me if you read this my words amen!
vu hoang truong
email: kevinusa2007@yahoo.com
Do any brs. Or sisters know of a message church in Saudi Arabia. Email me the address @ euodiapadayachy4@gmail.com
Dear Saints,
Please in your prayers to the God of HAM,please remember me and my family,as am going troughout a hard financial time,not working for the moment and no income to support my family.
May once more God of Branham listen and forgive me restoring my joy of salvation.
In Jesus Christ name in advance many thanks.
Your brother in Christ Mbisha J.
Hi brothers and sisters I would also like you to pray with me for the lord to intervene in my marriage will , in 2011 I planned to marry and my marriage was crushed , and I was attacked and humuliated by the woman I want marry being given to another men young in age to me , in 2012 I tried again in same church heared dat a lady so and so is crying for marriage and I welcome her by friend but his father denied us , I don’t know what is going on please pray with me for the lord to curse this not to happen again , I am the word of god sex bfore marriage is a sin seeking a place to fulfill please pray with me to find one(sister) whom the lord know dat I will be well pleased , what I ve seen happening it seems it has been a sister I want to marry becoming a weapon against me always .
May any born again paster in the lord in connection with william brahnam endtime message lay hands on me.in jesus name I ask it.
Hi brothers and sisters in the lord jesus christ please pray for me in general , overcoming my enemies as long as jesus lives ,overshame my enemies, god to provide all my needs and heart desires , restoration of my soul, spiritual growth ,wisdom , power for ever and ever , excellent health , well being ,good job , to win every battle everywhere I am, for the lord to be by my side everywhere I am for ever and ever , for good marriage.may the lord provide me with things I’m in need of not knowing. Amen.
I have prayer request for
wife as I am single at 33
financial breakthroughs
spiritual breakthroughs
My inspirational verses are
psalms 60:1
John 10:10
john 1:1
Ecclesiastes 7:8
pray for me!
I want divine intervention in my life. I would love to have a personal experience with God and I want the Holy Spirit. I have tried changing my ways and repenting but it feels like I have not done enough. Please remember me in your prayers.
Please join me in prayer to remove an unwanted person from our home. Please pray to immediately restore peace to our family and protect them always. I thank you.
I would also like you to pray for my mom 71 years old who has high blood for the lord Jesus Christ to heal her.
Brothers pray for me because days are evil,I want to have family knows God and aim pray to pass at school[Lord Jesus I love you]
Brothers pray for me because I want to have a family who knows God
Dear brother Freddy,
I looked for the prayer requests and yours just made me remember my first steps in the message. Don’t be affraid to speak about The Lord and use the word to protect your self against the devil. Even if you can not see a difference for the moment, never lose your faith. You will live miracles.
Once I was there, and I know what are you going through.
May the Lord keep your faith in your heart and don’t forget, when you feel weak, Lord is your strength, Amen!
May The Lord Jesus Christ bless your soul!
Sister Simona.
please pray for my family’s financial freedom we have been struggling for as long as i remember. just a little of touch from our God is more than enough
Dear Saints of God,please pray for me for God’s intervention in my life.Ive heard serious marital and financial problems having married an unbeliever.Ive not heard peace and request you to kindly remember me in your prayers to God in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and give me a steady job to support my living and i ask God sincerely to please forgive me in all things ive done contrary to His will and bring peace in my life and family.Godbless you all again.
brethren in the lord, plz pray for me. I want the mercy of God in my life.. Av been experiencing backwardnes nd bad dreams. God should stop those evil powers in my life and give me victory.
Pls pray for a good outcome for my medical tests tomorrow
Please pray that I may perform extremely well in my work.
My managers, co-workers and my team members may like me very much.and I may become permanent and be promoted as a manager in my job.
Please pray for the infilling of the Holy spirit in me, and for my stomach to be flat.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I would like if you can please pray for my brother and his wife. They are looking to file fore divorce because my brother does not know the Lord and Satan has him bound and he cheats on his wife all the time and mentally abuse his family and his two sons are very ill. He refuses to be a father and a husband. but because i am a child of god, i know the power of our living god and i claim my brother and his marriage that they live a happy fulfilling life together as a family and that he may finally turn around and give his life to Jesus Christ that the holy spirit can dwel in their household forever.
Esther Sukhu
Orlando, Florida
Dear saints plz Pray for sist vandana she is serious condition and the wound need to to dried and needs the Master touch doctors have given up but we have true living God in our mids she his a Hindu she his desprate,also pray for one more sist Purvha to get Adminmission in the same collage as she studied in same place,
john 14:14 pl Pray God to come on the scene,
Dear saints
please pray for my mother in Algeria she’s very sick and old with diabete ,weakness can hardly move may your sincere prayers and the holy spirit will touch her in a way also they dont have christian faith to pray
djamel boudjelida
God bless saints of the living the God. Please dear brethren pray for my family ministries financial sucess and glorify God at all times.
Dear brothers:
I need your prayers, because I have spiritual and materials troubles. I think this is heredity.
Thank you and God bless you.
God bless you all that believe William Marrion Branham to be a prophet sent to prepare us for the coming of Christ our Lord. Its been a trying season for my immediate family. I’ve been jobless for quite a long time making it so hard for us to feed. Pray that the Lord who reigns and rules the earth may provide a source of income for me. My son Samuel has been battling with high fever, please pray for him. Thank you. Bro. Joseph Pam, Jos, Nigeria, W/A.
quem governa o mundo não é Deus o divino ,o supremo criador.De acordo com a mensagem o Deus dessa era maliguina , nosso amado profeta esclarece.
porem ele também diz que não devemos se preocupar com que havemos de comer ou de beber, porque deus o nosso lord nos daria, busque primeiro o reino de Deus, e as outras coisas vos sera acrescentada vou aumentada. Creia somente ESSA É A IMUTÁVEL PALAVRA DE DEUS. certa vez uma senhora perguntou ao profeta se ele poderia lê ajudar para que ela voltasse a ter seus joelhos bons, e ele respondeu “não, eu não posso lê ajudar, …,”, ninguém pode lê ajudar,mas,Deus pode todas as coisas.EM NOME DE JESUS CRISTO O FILHO DE DEUS, RECEBA IRMÃO O QUE VOCÊ CRE
let me be clear, I really need GOD’s power in my life.
I’mtruly fighting the devil, ,I need power to destroy all this situation, thanks, amen
God bless you brother. I know what you mean. Will pray for you.
God bless you in the name of our lord jesus christ need pray for my mom she is in the hospital for surgery i bilieve she will be fine with your prays thanks dear saints amen
God dios les bendiga santos de cristo pido de sus oraciones por mi madre que esta enferma y que sea sana en el nombre de nuestro señor jesucristo para su honra y su gloria dios les bendiga amen