• I thank God for this message of the hour which has revealed the truths that had been hidden since creation. May we pray for each other that God gives us that love which the prophet said, ‘It will take perfect love to enter there, meaning in Heaven. Brothers and sisters we really need this love in order to be counted. Wherever we might be, ‘God first’ trust and have faith in Him even on what you call small things put God first.

  • It was not really easy to understand it, but finally I got the point now by his grace. How can people not see the gift of God for this end time? Simply, the story repeating it self. that why.
    They waited for years and years, ready and knowing, about the coming of Jesus Christ, but since, he didn’t look like they expected, not telling them what they wanted to hear, though fulfilling everything said and songs about him, in the book of God, but for them, it was no where to take it.
    Here we are living the same thing again at this end time. People can see and God himself confirming is prophet and his message, but still a stable block for many people.
    One thing is true, the unbelieving of people did not and will not stop the plan of God to come to pass.

    Oh, heavenly God, you the God of William Branham, please let me and everyone who have tasted your gift for this end time, never ever back slid. Not matter the influence of this world. Hold us in you, by Jesus Christ reviled to day our God, Amen

    • Greetings in the wonderful Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Bro Bede!

      You can download the individual mp3 sermons for free from the Voice of God Recordings website, http://www.branham.org . The ones that I mean are the adjascent sermons (which are a series) preached over a number of days, i.e. from “The Patmos Vision” to “The Laodicean Church Age.”
      From the home page, you go to “Message Audio” then “Sermon Series” and then click “Church Ages”.
      I hope this will be of much help.
      God bless you,

      Bro Tino.

  • could someone please tell me what are the titles of the 12 new sermons that was found so i can search the table for them. And who are the 10 virgins in Matthew

    God bless you all
    your sister in Christ

    • QA.ON.GENESIS.title JEFF.IN COD 53-0729
      53-260 098 There’s your five wise virgins who had Oil in their lamps, rapturing faith, believing all the signs, wonders, prophecies, and everything. And these five cut out of the remnant was taken away. And the rest of them were still virgins and will not be lost, but will go through the tribulation period. Jesus said “There’ll be…”
      And they said–they said, “Give us some of your Oil; we want the Holy Ghost now.”
      Now, anyone knows that the Holy Ghost, Zechariah 4, and, oh, James 5:14, all knows that–that it–it represents the Holy Ghost. Now, they said… That’s the reason we anoint with oil, represent the Holy Ghost now, “The Oil of the Spirit…” the Bible said.( look foe wise virgins in your message search)

  • Praise be to the Lord Jesus Christ for the Message that He has sent us in this last hour! May God bless all those who have received this Message and also add His blessings to those who haven’t received it yet.

    God bless!

    Tino, Zimbabwe

  • It was predistination by ordination through forekwoledge of God by His great wisdom.thankyou Lord for such a time of the day you have allotted for us,Thankyou Lord for this precious message u gave ur children today.its life eternal to me, it the same voice will raise our brethren and sister who slept in the Lord.amenWhat can i say except to keep watch for is appearance by manifestation through and in His children born by this great and wonderful message through adoption.

  • I get a sermon in every day, and I just want to Thank You so much for thinking about some of us that might not be able to get to an assembly, even though I used to be a Pastor, but more of Evangelist. Oh How I Love This Message that God brought to us. To me its like my daily Manna….

  • God loved us,He gave us the word ,the bread of life,lets enjoy the message,thanx 2 Voice Of God recordings 4 translating messages in our languages

  • Let us love those who curse us. Father the mercy and grace you have had on us empower us to have it on all creation so when they see us they will know you live in us and they will too come to know your unfailing love.

  • Oh how I love that man of Galilea, He has done so much for me,
    Halleluja In thee o Lord do we put our trust, Iam waiting for patiently for my position in the Lord, God bless to all my lovely brothers and sisters, we shall meet one day face to face, what blessed promise.

  • very wonderful and nice messages. praise god for his word is going all the world to increase our rapturing faith.

    • hello brother its
      true the son of man is revealed in this endtime but we have to do all that we can to be the power house of God in order to be in the rapture.

  • olá caros e preciosos irmãos em Cristo!
    antes de mais saúdo-vos em Nome do Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo, que Deus vos abençoe.
    gostei muito tive a observar algumas mensagens de alguns irmão… e foi maravilhoso pra mim, de saudarem a família Branham, e eu aproveito tambem em Saudar Toda a Família Branham, que eu vos amo muito, e só vos peço uma coisa: ” OREM POR MIM , NECESSITO DAS VOÇAS ORAÇÕES,QUE DEUS ME CONFIRME O BATISMO DO ESPÍRITO SANTO; QUERO ESTAR COM VOSCO LÁ NO OUTRO LADO…NA ETERNIDADE”.
    Sou Angolano, o meu país é angola (África), a minha língua é Português…
    À Todos quanto tiverem a oportunidade de ver essa mensagem, que Deus lhe abençoe.

    meus cumprimentos

  • I live in Zimbabwe. I wholly believe this message of Br. Branham and wish shat God helps me understand even more. I also believe that this man was the phophet for this last generation.I also pray that God saves me before the fateful day mentioned in the bible when there shall be crying and gnashing of teeth. I do not want to be one of those who will regret after hearing the all the preachings by the servants of God. Please pray for me.

    • hi name is Eben from Ghana I read massage yesterday and I what i am praying for is what you too is pray for and I strongle beleive that God will haer our prayers and help us.I will like to be brother in the Lord, you can call me on +233202637172 or e_mail me on akowuah.ebenezer@yahool.com will to haer from you. God bless you

  • As a child, I heard Bro. Branham’s voice come across speakers via a telephone hookup in Light, Arkansas. I was about 9 to 10 years old. This is around 1964. My dad had an Akai reel to reel recorder and recorded this event. Time took it’s toll on the tape, but a very small bit of this event survived. The pastor of this little white wood frame church with it’s outhouse was Bro. Henry Darris. They have both gone on to be with the Lord.
    But, God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Tomorrow is Veteran’s Day. My family has several military hero’s in it, like most families. But, this Veteran’s Day, my hero is the Lord Jesus Christ. He surrendered at the battle of Good and Evil on Mount Calvary, so that I might be saved. And, I am. Praise his lovely name. So, in this Veteran’s Day, my hero is my savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. I feel so unworthy to have had this young man give his life over 2000 years ago, just so I…in the year 2010 might understand, forgive them for they know not what they do.

  • Praise the Lord Jesus Christ for sending the missoinaries in the Philipines.They brought us the good news,The spoken Word book form it was given to me by sister who is also a Believer.I read it and listen to the tapes I believe its the truth.I Lord for sending Bro.Branham his prophet.Hang on Little Bride and eat the Book.I live in Va.My pastor name is mike walls.Our congregation is universal iam the only one came from the philippines.Our church location is in Front Royal vienna va.The Lord is coming soon Lets get ready for his coming. God Bless to all my Brother and sister in the Lord. Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.Shalom.God Bless you.Sister Laurie Miller.

  • Glad to be part of the message of William Branham, NBO Brazil here we have a nation that defends the message, love the Branham family.

  • I’m from Brazil, and here we believe in the same way william branhm, this is for us the last Prophet to the friendly people.

  • Bro.
    I remeber where Bro. Branham said that California was honey combed underneath . So I did a search. You can type in California Floats on the Ocean. It will pull up an article from 1985, that talks about a retired high ranking naval officer who worked on a project to map the tunnels and caverens under California and Navada. The article said they had been working on the mapping project for at least 10 years.
    Now if the naval officer exist I do not know. But I do know Bro. Branham talked about California was Honey Comb Underneath.

  • God only works through one person at every junction of time. In our time it is his only major prophet to the gentiles, William Branham. He had Thus Saith the Lord to this generation, the Voice of God to me. Not adding or taking away from the Scripture. His life and ministry was a living example to the whole plan of God as contained in the Bible from Gen to Rev.

  • Bien aimés de toute la planete que Dieu vous benisse. Je vous souplie de prier pour moi enfin que je réucisse à vivre ce message de temps de la fin.
    Que Dieu benisse le messager et son message de fin de temp.

    • I love that the word of God is everywhere. It is my dream to learn fluent french and be able to fellowship with Christians of like precious faith, I appreciate your post. Je suis tres amime quand jai lit, Je seulement parler un peu de francais. Un jour, je apprendre le francais bien. MERCI

  • need cd and mp3 containing when playing the sermon in english with french translation.how to obtain them and how much to pay for that.May God bless you.But don’t forget to pray for me so God protect me against hiv infection after pricking my self with a needle while was treating a hiv positive patient two weeks back.God bless you and if you can send this request to Bro Joseph Branham do it for me

    • Voice of God recordings has forwarded your message to Brother Joseph. THey said this, “Your email has been forwarded to Brother Joseph for prayer. You can rest assured that he will be calling your name out before the Lord in prayer.

      Concerning your request for audio: If you give us your location, we will refer you to the nearest VGR office or distribution center. You can also download sermons at high quality and stream from our website at: http://branham.org/MessageAudio.

      God bless you.


      If you can give them your location, they can send you or help you find message audio! 🙂

      Have you ever heard “Be certain of God” ? It is wonderful!

      Lord Bless you. You are in my prayers as well. Shalom!

  • You cant just rely on books and tapes people.
    The lord will lead you to a message church….
    Thats why we have god given pastors..your going
    to have to pay your tithe somewhere…
    Remember Abraham before the law he paid tithes..

    • Please read Colossians (Paul says speaks of his concern for Laodicea). I believe Paul’s Words would serve as a warning to maintain the preeminence of Christ. “Rapturing faith” exists in the Lord Jesus Christ. The Message is the Word of God from Alpha to Omega, not only the the Word that was brought through Brother Branham. He stood against this very thing himself. The Word doesn’t “lie” anywhere, It is alive and working in the Believers and Ministers of the Word. Believers are anchored in Christ, not anchored to the sign post that pointed to Him. The Word brought through Brother Branham is precious to me, and any real believer that hears it, but it set right the denominational idolatry that causes people to bog down in the past and not move on with the living God. Please forgive me if this seems argumentative, I have no desire to drive a wedge between believers. I know by the Word that if we lift up the Lord Jesus Christ He will draw all men to Him. What is more important than that?

    • True, I love William Marrion Branham. Thank God for His prophet. (Believe His prophets and you shall prosper)(He who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet receives the reward of a prophet)

    • Hey Brother, just wanted to tell you hang in there and keep looking up.
      Redemption is near. Look at all the earthquakes we’ve been having all
      over the world. As in the days of Noah, Sodom and Gomarrah, He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever! Thankyou LORD. Give me a holler some time
      Lord bless you! joseph

  • l came across the message before l join tah army but l can say is true plis brotheras and sister pray for us GOD bless u all .

  • Glory!!! Thank God for sending us the seventh angel…
    lets be ready… the rapture is the seven seal… glory
    the coming…

  • Praise The Lord for these sermons on tape.They are so inspiring. Happy New Year my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. May the Lord richly Bless you all through 2010 and beyond. Welcome to the Bride of Christ one and all.

  • I thanked The LORD JESUS CHRIST for the privilages to learnt about the Man Sent from God, in the name our precious Bro. William Marrion Branham. I’ve red all his life story books from book 1-5,hope there’ll be book 6,the Spoken Words and some reading materials of his. All i can say that the scriptures from Mal.4:5,6 was pertaining to him, i believe he is a Prophet!
    Our church as a whole loved him so much,as well as his family,he left behind.
    WE’ve been in the Messages for more than 10 years now here in Hongkong,by the Grace of God!Hope that you can send us some reading materials,for the newly baptised brethren here in our church,The Bride of Christ Christian Fellowship.

  • salut, je suis lourna je crois que Dieu a deja revele tous les mysteres qui etaient cahes dans la bible.IL Y A PAS D’AUTRE prophete que celui de frere william marrion branham. Merci

  • I just wanted to say thank you to the creators of this website. It is such a blessing to see people around the world who believe in The Truth and will stand for it. God bless you all and keep you safe in these last days.

    When I go into my closet to pray lately, I have just been praying over and over again for my Brothers and Sisters around the world whom I may not know, that God will help us all in these dark and wonderful times. He knows just what we need. I am praying for you. And for those who have not yet come in. I didn’t used to do this but lately it just comes over me.

    It is so wonderful to see all of you Brethren here sharing your love for our God and His Prophet. May we all be counted worthy to be presented to Jesus one day by Brother Branham as his treasures after the Saints shall rise.

    If anyone would like to talk about our Lord, I sure do love to hear about him. My email address is Jaesmith024@aol.com. May Jesus Christ in all His mercy and goodness richly bless you and keep you until the Bridegroom shall come at last. ^_^

    I love you all, see you there!

    Sister Smith.

  • It’s ood to see people saying good things abought this great man there are so many on the internet say bad things God have mercy on them. VoGderserves all the prayers and money you can send them. My email is listed above if you care to correspond. I have nothing to sell. I live in Conway, SC USA.God bless.

  • Calvary greetings to all the saints of our Lord Jesus Christ… May His Grace Be with you, and His presence never depart from you all.. Amen. God Bless you all. Regards to you, Bro Gbenga… greetings from home.

    • Bro Godwin, good morning how is dad,mum,Caleb,Joshua and Grace and Truth as a whole. I’m in school now but just want to greet you all. GOD BE WITH YOU ALL.

  • 1. Is the new name going to be revealed on earth or in heaven?
    2. Is the name part of the thunders that ought to be revealed?
    3. If in the days of Moses they baptise unto Moses under the fathership, Jesus, under the sonship, then what of the Holy Ghost ship under this day?

    • just check what the prophet says about the Holy-Ghost.WHO is HE? listen to the messages the ”God Head explained,’future home’, ‘who is this melchizedeck’.if you still have doubts after this, post a question again.Let the prophet say it coz he adviced us to say what the tape says.dont do a quick message search but listen to the whole sermon and am sure you will not only be answered but you will come out blessed and having added value to your christian walk

  • el señor levantó un profeta en pleno siglo 20, y es WILLIAM MARRION BRANHAM, según la promesa de malaquias 4, de esto estoy plenamente convencido porque todo cuadra con la palabra de Dios…..gloria a Dios


  • para mi el profeta branham es mi profeta el mensajero de nuestro señor jesucristo e leido los mensajes escritos y me considero un aguila por gracia del señor jesus mi proposito y mi meta es estar en la tierra eterna con jesus y el hermano branham se que dios vive y el es el mismo hoy mañana y por la eternidad se que tengo un hogar esperandome mas aya del puente

  • Please I’m studying in Ukraine, East Europe, I do like to know if there’s any message believing church in Ukraine so I could worship with them..coz the eagle’s good is realy scarce out here and I’m really HUNGRY…thanks and God bless u.Expecting your prompt reply.

    • Dear brother in Christ,
      In Ukraine you can find very good church with nice pastor,fine believers.There is a pastor with great desire for God’s glory.Pastor’s name is Bro.Viktor Reshnivetsky,his e-mail is:viktor.resh@gmail.com
      God bless you.Bro.N.JohnPaul from India(n.johnpaul@gmail.com)

  • All your queries for Message material would be addressed appropriately.
    God bless you and may you have a closer walk with our good Lord Jesus Christ.

  • mes frères en Amérique priez pour moi, et ceux de l’Europe priez pour moi, meme ceux de l’Asie priez pour moi,et ceux de l’Afrique priez pour moi.
    My american brothers pray for me,……..
    God bless you

  • God bless you precious brethen,
    I will appreciate it if you send me some of Bro Branham cd or mp3.
    God bless you.

    • May God bless you abondantly. I live in Yaounde cameroon,adresse,Bataillon des transmisions,Bp 8319 MINDEF Yaounde Cameroon central Africa. We are used translated messages but being an anglophone I will like to have the original sermons in english.God bless.

      • God bless you my bro..Can you will be write me..I want to ask to you..I want to know the messege William Marrion Branham.Thank you for answer.Greeting to you.Bro.John

    • Drahý příteli..nalezl jsem Váš komentář,na téma William Marrion Branham,moc rád bych se o tomto poslovi dozvěděl víc..budu rád když mě budete kontaktovat.S pozdravem Honza

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