Online Prayer Requests

Welcome to the Believers Prayer Circle.

Please use the “Comment Form” at the bottom of the page to submit a prayer request.


  • I pray for my disability to be approved now. To have a income, not be disabled, homeless, have food and received medical care. I pray to keep some clothes, but mostly keep me safe and help thru these hard times and thru the courts too. Have my life back that I use to have pain free, able to walk without limping, brace’s free, medication free and able to sleep. I pray to find a way to have the means to get my only car fixed. I pray to rid of all the evil things and evil people in my life. I pray for the guidance to lead me the way and the strength to keep wanting to survive on. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

  • My name is Peter, will you please pray for me that God forgives me my sins and all wrong things i did or offended anybody.Pray for me that God give me strength to pray and praise him for all He did for me, pray for me that God help me to raise my children.AMEN.

  • i want that jesus-christ by his power,grace and mercie to make me a real believer. because i have comited sins a lot ,so those sins are worse than i lose faith sometimes.but i have readen the scripture in the bible on ezechiel chap 18 verset 21 to 27, this scripture made my heart stonger and gave me knowlegment of the needs of GOD to me. please i want you brothers and sisters ,bride of the end of this time to pray for me. my name is benjamin onga. let GOD bless you all.

  • JESUS CHRIST COMING SOON This story which I shall tell happened in the spring of 2009, one of the main roads outside Bucharest, the capital of Romania. My wife is from Romania and had retold the story on the phone when she spoke to her sister. Two women were out drove a car on the outskirts of Bucharest. They are both Christians, and members of Philadelphia Pentecostal Church in Bucharest – a large church with over 1500 members. The ladies are running on one of the main roads outside the capital, and suddenly saw a man standing in the road and hitchhiking. First, take the ladies over, but then she thinks that running “Perhaps the poor man has been there a long time and hitching, so we can take him on. Moreover, we are two pieces and it is doubtful that he will be criminals. “Then she turns and stops to take on the hitchhiking man. The man enters the car and sits in the back. After they’ve run a few hundred meters, he said a clear voice: “Go and tell your brothers that they must prepare to go from here. Jesus is coming very soon, much rather than you think … ” The ladies are dumbfounded over the powerful message, and they will turn to answer the man in the back seat. When they see to their horror, that it is not someone who sits there! The woman who is the driver of the car is so upset that she cannot run normally, so it is inaccurate driving while talking frantically with the other lady about what has happened. This means that they are stopped by a patrolling police car, who would like to know if the lady driving while intoxicated or ill in any way. The woman gets what she came up and her friend have just witnessed. When the police officer has been given the explanation, he pats the woman on the shoulder and says “Run in peace woman. You are the third in the short time that we stopped and that tells us the story of the hitchhiking man … ” Jesus Christ is Coming Soon Love from India Apostle Dr. Jensen

  • My name is Sis Angela. Will you please pray for me that my husband and I will not have to go on a cruise this winter with worldy church folks and pray for me that I don’t have to go on a trip with others in December either. Pray for me as I desire the baptism of the Holy ghost and I just don’tknow if I got it or not for sure, but like the prophet said while its clean fill me up Lord so pray that the HolyGhost come to me quickly and fill me up. 2 please pray that God will put me in a good church where people are born again. Finances. Somehow pray that I can get these big credit cards debts paid off. Healing I need to be able to see in order to function in this life so pray for the healing to manifest it self to me. I’ve done everything I know to do. Sis Angela

  • Dear Friends:
    Please pray for my uncle Suresh undergoing an operation for his kidney.
    They say its cancer in his kidney…please pray for a miracle.

    May god return the blessings to you all.

  • Good day brothers & sisters!

    I would like to ask all of you whom I dearly put to my hart to pray for me!
    There is a urgent matter I need GOD to give me Spiritual guadance to where about I would like to start a new busisness but still need the HOLY SPIRIT to guide me.
    I can see how the devil is trying to prevent me from getting my Spiritual guidance from my GOD.It just feels like he cuts me off!

    Now all of a sudden I do have some maritual stumble blocks with my wife that we never had before.

    My health has been deteriorating as well but I do know my GOD is my HEALER!
    He Has been my Redeamer and He will always be!

    Please pray for me so that GOD can just give me a special touch and to hear HIS voice in a very tangible way.

    I thank you all in CHRIST!


    • GOD bless

      Remember my brother we are living in perilous times. The devil is fighting the bride. Whatever is in your heart GOD will bless you with it. But it must be in his will. I will remember you in prayer

      GOD Bless

  • Please pray that God may give me a good job with good salary and good post,and I may clear my interview successfully.

    Please pray for infilling of holy spirit in me.

  • Dear Mr.Branham a shepherd. My name is Zita Bíró from Hungary. I ask prayer for my brother who has lung cancer. They have lots of referrals. He’s very sick. The doctors can not help you. I ask prayer to heal Jesus. Thank you so much for all the prayers. God bless you and all the congregation. Zita Bíró.

  • Please pray that I have a deeper and closer relationship with God, marriage restoration and healing, continue close relationship with son, finances, wisdom, trust in God and online class. Thank you.

  • please pray with me that people who are troubling me without cause may end to trouble me and that the lord may rebuke them harshly for their evil doings or what ever demon is using them to trouble me for what ever reason that they might be knowing why they do what they do may be cursed out forever out of my life as long as the lord jesus lives ,and that the lord may give me faith not to doubt that he have delivered me from the enemy.

  • Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus. Please pray for me as I’m going through a tough time. I’m praying that God should give me the Holy Ghost as I’m not myself without it. I need a special touch from the Lord. You are in my prayers.God bless you.

  • Dear, Saints Pls do Pray following request for Bro.Vallirien Dsouza Kidney failure need Master’s Touch for total healing also Pray for Dilip Uttekar for spiritual growth Pls also Pray for THE WORD TABERNACLE for spiritual growth among the BROTHERS and SISTERS and leaving a sincere and honest life before the coming of the Lord and always be ready in HIS service John 14:14 GOD BLESS U ALL

  • Brothers in Christ Shalom and God bless you.
    I am unmarried and so worried about my marriage.Please pray for me.Amen.

  • God Bless Saints of God
    I am requesting urgent prayers for myself I need God wisdom in dealing with situations that confront me daily at work also I am in need for God hand of mercy to lead me and guide me in the right path that is recommended for me to go on my new job and for me to retain the right things that have to be get done daily. I also need physical strength and to be calm whenever any situation arises at work. Lately I have been unable to get enough rest and thus it’s affected me and causes me to get nervous quickly.
    Thank You

    • Hi Brethrens.
      My sister i have similar challenges at work at the moment.One thing i am sure of is,Jesus is always there for us.We just need to trust His word.As He calmed the storm before,He can still do the same today and tomorrow.We are blessed,this war belongs to Him,we are victoriuos In the mighty name of Jesus Christ,God bless you,amen.

    • Sister GOD Bless

      Sister you are well aware that our GOD is in control. He can calm the storms Move Mountains and most important of all loves you. Sister you need to allow GOD to calm you down. Be still and know that he is GOD, then and only then he can work with you. Forget about what’s happening around you especially at work and look at him focus all your attention upon him. He needs your undivided attention 100% upon him. He loves you and will give you your heart’s desire. Trust in him. Will remember you in prayer

      God Bless
      Bennie. Edwards

  • My oldest daughter rejected Christ in college, about the same time she was diagnosed with a serious mental illness. Her college professor also tore apart her faith. Please pray that the Lord brings her to repentance and salvation. She lives far from home now, in great darkness.

    • will pray with you sister your daughter will be okey Jesus lookes to your heart as a parent he will bless you and restore your daughter.

  • My name is darryl smith..i love God.i r eally do..I’m from south carolina.i have heard a lot about bro.Brahm.please pray for me to get closer to God.cause i think he don’t here me.

    • My precious Brother in Christ
      God loves you so much. Never ever allow the devil to make you disbelieve. GOD always listens even when you think he is not there. The bibles says when we are faithless he remains faithful. He honours his word. Remember every time you call on his name he listens. Try this at home, go into your room and close the door. Just speak and call on his name. He will be right by your side. Don’t wait or expect supernatural or something big. GOD doesn’t work like that. Don’t get worked up remain calm and then speak then you will see and feel the difference. Don’t give up my brother JESUS LOVES YOU

  • Please pray for my mum sister Alice, who is suffering from cancer of the tongue.she was prayed for and declared cancer free by the doctor but it seems the demon has come back to torment her.

  • God bless Saints..Thanks for your prayers,your labour of love unto the children God..The Lord is always on time..He provided for all my families needs, spiritual an physical.All the glory to God. He’s the unchanging God.I pray that God will strengthen,empowering you with all spiritual gifts,discernment and reveal to you His mysteries. Keep up the good work..Greeting to all in Jesus Christ… Shalom

  • I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13).
    God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19).
    It is God who “forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases” (Psalm 103:3). Thank you for all prayer.I pray for you

  • Thank you to all my brothers and sisters for all prayer for me and my wife.
    Should wish to meeting you in flesh and share the word of God.
    W.M.B. LAST MESSENGER FOR THE BRIDE OF CHRIST. I HAVE THIS MESSAGE IN MY HEART IN MANY YEAR. FROM 1974.AND I AM HAPPY.GRACE OF GOD I HAVE BAPTIZED MANY PEOPLES HERE IN INDIA AND PAKISTAN IN THE NAME OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST.ACTS 2:38. He is the name to the father son and holy spirit. Lord Jesus Christ. Matthew.28: 19 amen. please pray for my yes and ministries

  • i have been married since 2005 and without child. I believe that through the saints prayers, God will open my womb

    • My Dear Siter.

      Only belive all things are possible.The bible says if you belive in your heart and dont doubt,then whatever you asked for will be given to you. Sister GOD has already answered your prayer. Only believe.Remember what the prophet said. Havw faith in GOD. GOD BLESS

  • Please remember Betty Smith in prayer, she is taking chemo. pray that GOD give her the faith to accept her healing.

    • Dear Saints
      Our God JESUS Know every thing about his bride so every time say to thanks to god. He will heal every thing


  • This is my first time viewing your website. A young lady met me in the grocery about an hour and literally started praying for me and gave me this website. How lucky am i God is good and is always watching over me

    [Editor’s Note] Thank you and God bless.

  • My granddaughter was born with congenital hip dysplasia and needs a third operation on her leg because it will not stay in the socket. They plan on building up the socket bone and putting an external fixation to hold it in place. This will take place on July 12. Please pray for God to heal her leg so she can walk normal, that she won’t feel much pain, and that she will heal quickly. Thanking God for her, the message, and for healing. Thank you for praying.

    Land my Wife Look forward to be there IN NORWAY May 17,
    WE TOOK flight FROM VISAKHAPATNAM to Mumbai. IN Mumbai
    WE LOST our ticket image We lost thousands Nr.KR
    VISAKHAPATNAM is beautiful big town, where we live has many millions of people. MANY TIMES bigger and Oslo. GO IN ON OUR WEBSITE AND YOU CAN SEE PICTURES OF problem we had.
    IT IS NOT FREE two be in INDA we must pay money to the government.
    WE HAVE THE We have god always with us. Please pray for a Church believer he have problem I Malaysia problem with pass, he cannot go home to India.
    We believe God has Controll. Love to all of you from Brother Per Einar Jensen

  • I will God the Glory, and all of you as pray for me and ministries God has given. I believe every word god has spoken with his servant W.M.Branham

    Dead girl got life here in vizag India
    This picture is from today and today is Anna Purna as usual bubbling and very much alive and always full of ideas and is quick to touch the mouse to my computer. Here she sits on the lap of my husband Per Einar Jensen and beside her sits her mother Laksmhi. It is quite strange because last night was Anna Purna in a coma and ice cold.
    Anna Purna is six years old and she got injection at the school yesterday and she ended up in an unconscious condition. First they went to the temple with her and tried various Hindu rituals. What they call for God could not heal her.
    I know the mother of the child quite well and I have prayed to God that it had to happen a miracle for them so they could see who Jesus Christ is.

    They had to bring Anna Purna to the hospital where they were half a day and where she got new injections. The same evening her mother, father, grandmother and neighbors came crying with Anna Purna to us. She was in a coma and was ice cold and she smelled incense.
    Suddenly I came to think of Prophet Elijah who lay on the boy to get life in him. I took the child in my arms and hold her lifeless body very hard until me. My husband poured oil in her hair and another lady also came and prayed for her.
    This is to HONOR JESUS CHRIST …… the miracle happened; she began to come to life. This was almost like it is written in the Bible: This sickness is not unto death, but to glorify God. The miracle was a witness to these Hindu people. This is just to share with you what God is doing here in India.

    Regards from
     Ana and Per Einar Jensen. Norway India

  • Praise the Lord Jesus Christ.
    I’m RUFUS SHAKIN from India, Tamil Nadu, Chennai. I’m going to complete my Post Graduation MBA in Hospital and Health Systems Management. I want to get selected in SRI RAMACHANDRA MEDICAL CENTRE as Junior Administrator. So,Please have me in your prayers

  • I recently started business a few months ago please pray for it, name of company is PT. Armada Tiasa with main core in abrasives line business , please continue pray for this business to get success because I have plan to build an orphanage place in Semarang , Central Java , indonesia

  • pray for the Lord Jesus Christ to visit my life more and continue to bless our meetings in our congregation

  • please pray with me for god to heal all my desease those which I know and those which I don’t know , and for god to give me protection everywhere I am , and that I may have no doubt in his word.

  • Shalom, i do have same course ii want to do but. I don’t have mean to pay the fees i pray that jesus christ of w m branham may give the so that i may do it amen

  • Shalom,iam. Not working i want to submit my cv at difference companies i. Praye once. I going
    To submit them. They may call me to get a job

  • Please continue to pray with me regarding the restoration of our relationship with my Fiance and that a special breakthrough and good tidings may come our way.. Her name is Velida Vamadevan.

    • To Day Jesus Touched her life. All our prayers do helpful. Jesus always great he is our GOD we are his Brides so why afraid. Don’t worry be Happy.because he promised every thing to his brides.All thanks to GOD JESUS CHRIST.


    • Praise God Brethren,please pray with me that no forces of evil weather through curses,sorcery or any form of witchcraft may prevail in my Family,my life and those people that I love,that no weapon formed or fashioned against me shall ever prosper and that through the Mighty Power and the Anointing of the Holy Ghost all agendas from the kingdom of darkness planed or rooted in my life to be nullified in Jesus Holy Name.

  • please pray with me for God to restore our relationship with my Fiance. Her name is Velida Vamadevan and we live in Dubai.We’ve not met nor have we been in talking terms for the last two and a half months. We’ve always had our own differences and amicably solved them with love. This time around we’ve had irreconcilable differences that seem to have put the special love that we’ve shared for the past three and a half years on the rocks!! There are third parties involved in the whole of this conflict who are of a negative influence in her life reason why she has completely withdrawn from everybody and everything that matters most in her life!! I still believe and have confidence in the fact that God used me as a vessel to impact her life three and a half years ago when we met and she gave her life to Christ.. Now she’s not going to church and she has completely dissociated herself from Brethren whom we’ve been fellowshiping with over the years. She doesn’t return or pick my calls not even her Parents or my Mother’s calls!! I have pursued her her to her gone where she lives and even to her place of work to try mediate peace and for us to find a lasting solution to this stalemate but she is too emotional and stubborn and she not ready to listen or see me! I feel this is pure evil and a conspiracy from the kingdom of darkness trying to tare us completely apart and what God has put together.. I truly and unconditionally love this lady and all I want is for us to reconcile, I am standing in the gap for both us having Faith,Hope and Trust in God to turn around this situation, for Him to protect my Fiance wherever she is,for Him to soften her heart and snatch her away from the hands of satan who is confusing and manipulating her and bring her safely back to me. I have been Fasting and Praying for the whole of this Month as I reclaim her soul to Christ. I feel a special wave and move of the Holy Spirit going to do great signs,wonders and miracles in both of our lives! Through the power and Anointing of The Holy Ghost the forces of darkness are going to be defeated and God will have His way in our lives as he lays forth a platform of reconciliation and this love is going to be rekindled and stand the tests of times in Jesus Mighty Name.

    • Bro Kenneth Mutethia

      We serve a mighty and awesome God who takes care of his own. All you simply have to do after all is said and done is just believe that he’s going to restore your relationship and bring your fiance back. Applying the token has the best results ever. Bro Branhama says in Adoption “…no matter how wayward that girl or that boy is, he will be saved anyhow…its your promise, just believe it” So dont worry about everything shes doing right now, only believe in the Mighty God’s hand, let go and let him do everything. You have prayed, fasted and tried all that you can, its time to stop and let him take over. God bless you.

      59-1108 Possessing The Enemy’s Gates
      Do you believe that to be truth, solemnly believe it to be the truth, not one waver of doubt in your heart? Now just remember this, the working of the Holy Spirit is so simple that it confuses the intellectual mind. The most simple things that I’ve every… I’ve seen the Holy Spirit do this: I’d say things that, why, I wouldn’t think about it being that way. If I had to use my own mind, I’d say, “Well, that couldn’t be right.” But it always is right. He does things just so simple. And He does things to make Hisself known to His people. God is with His people. He’s in the midst of His people. He loves them, and He wants to do for them, and to help them, and to just let them know not what He will do, but what He has done. He’s already done it; it’s yours. It belongs to you. It’s a free gift from God our Father to His Church.

    • Brother Kenneth I will pray for you. I believe God will make a way. For nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:37). Shalom.

  • God bless, My name is Sis Leslie, Please pray for my daughter Sarah. she is 13 years old, I raised her in the message, she got her ear pirece and she want to wear pants and she want to to what the world wants, I prayed God can change her. I know she is still young, Pray God will give me windsom how to deal with her. Thank you and God bless.

  • my name is antony jonas from tanzania the purpose of this request is to have the holly ghost my brother and sister’still blessing by god.

  • 1) I want Christ to reveal HIMSeLF to me
    2) We are trusting GOD for a divine provision in my family to acquire 2 plots of land, we dont hahve the resourses, but I know God can do it
    3) I also seek from God to support my studies (MSc) at the University of Alberta, I have paid for Tuition and accommodation, but still left with living expenses. I’m trusting God for a divine provision.
    4) Also I need your prayers that I will excel in my program beyond doubt. That let the spirit of excellence overwhelm me.

  • please pray with me for the lord to give me victory over my enemies those which I know and those which I don’t know , every where I am.
    and that the lord may give me strength and wisdom to be more than an overcomer in all odds , that I may prevail in everything I do , that my dreams and wishes may not be shattered as long as the lord lives and that the lord may help me to get a new job or be promoted to the position I ever dreamed of.

  • God Bless Brethrens,
    I am requesting urgent prayers for my sisters who have been suffering from diarrhea for the past two days and have gotten very weak. Went to the doctor he said it’s a bacteria and had given medication but nothing seems to help naturally. But I know and I believe The Lord Jesus Christ is the Same Yesterday Today and forever and he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. Also please remember my mom in prayers too for strength for she has been with them all the time.

    Thank You

  • Shalom Saints from all over the world,

    I would like all brothers and sister from all over the world to just join me even if in a minute of thanks giving prayer as we celebrate with my wife the 1st birthday of our gift Daughter Esther-Crystal as she just turned 1. I will apreciate even a secong of thanks giving to God and as you wish her a blessing from The Lord Jesus Christ.
    I am also gratefull for the prayers advanced towards me when my job was getting to be unstable as now The Angel of The Lord has gone before me and The Lord hidden me in Himself that no one has found me and am noe stabilised already at work with favour both with God my bosses,colleagues and clients. Thank you bretheren and sisters. I love you all so much and God bless you for the sacrifices you made and the meals you missed for a simple me. You have impacted on generations through my life. Amen

    Christian Regards,
    Bro. Joshua

  • My right foot is still in alot of pain when I walk on it, but its doing alot better Praise the Lord! Is there any way I can ask you to pray for my right foot that God will heal it completely. Sis Angela

  • Hi,brothers & sisters in the Lord.want 2 say good weekend in the Lord.let us remember each & everyone of us in prayer.i love u all.shalom.Betty Mudau

    • Hi
      In Jesus Christ’s name,we are so thankfull for His mercy,for HE says”be stil,for you will see my salvation.”Mercy and salvation are for us.If we love each other,we shall be keeping His commandemnt,and then shall we be conquerous.may we hide ourselves in His blood.God bless us all.

  • brothers and sisters,
    i need your prayer for my wedding for the end of the month of august.
    thanks a lot and may God bless you all.

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