Online Prayer Requests

Welcome to the Believers Prayer Circle.

Please use the “Comment Form” at the bottom of the page to submit a prayer request.


  • Monday 1 April 2013 I will have Miracle and Healing meeting and
    Baptizing in Next week in town Wizanagaram India.
    25 April I go to town Hyderabad India with the Full gospel Meeting Thank you for Prayer. I need to be directed of the Holy Spirit God have use me in India and new ministries and Churches is born. I have be blessed

  • My daughter kalinda has ms and the attack now is blindness to the eyes and she is still grieving about her dad that died 12 months ago please pray for her as she is only 30 and needs a miracle
    Thank ypu kerryn

    Sent from my i

  • sir,
    prize lord brother,this is INDIA.sir one my believer suffering from ‘devil spirit’ in my church.she’s a to much critical position in ‘devil spirit’ please prayer for my believer.
    thank you.

    • Please pray for total deliverance of all of our debts.
      Please pray for Lord’s guidance for all of us and for forgiveness of our sins.
      Thank you God Bless us all.

  • Please Pray for us for total deliverance of all of our debts. thank you very much God Bless us all

  • Dear All pl pray for bro Emmanule and his wife Mani for a child,and also for their Salvation,do pray for devashish and for baptism,also for bro laxman for acts 2;38,also pray for us to have a closer walk and to win souls, and get to Jesus christ and be faithful in our daily life before his coming.God Bless U all.

  • Thank God for bringing Jennifer back into my life. Thank You God for working in Jennifers heart toward me and our relationship.We have begin to hang out more and more together really enjoying each others company.Which is awesome!!!!!! Pray that Jennifer picks me to be the only one she wants to be with because I love her for being her.Ive seeen everyside to her and still think shes amazing…God I love you and thank you for everuthing

  • Please Brothers and sisters pray for me that the Lord answers my prayer and that i will get married. That is my biggest dream of my life.

    • Sister Olivia we pray that God finds you a believing brother He has chosen for you to be your husband. I pray that He guide you in making the decision to marry in the Name of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ we ask. We believe in John 14 vs 14 Lord Jesus. Grant it Father for we ask it in Jesus Name. Amen. God bless you my sister

  • Hi Brethrens.We are a small ministry in South Africa,Free State Province,Sasolburg.As believers of the end time message,please pray for us to get a building(church) to fellowship.We are currently in a small shack.God bless you.For further information,contact me on email and we will take it further.

  • Prayer Request: Please pray for my Uncle his name DANIEL (age 57), He is paralysis from the last 8 years, He is suffering in this disease very badly, Current situation is very bad, He can’t walk, eat, even can’t go to toilet. Please pray God will heal him; his family is so much worried.

  • Hi Brethrens.Please pray for my two younger brothers who are not determined to live a good life.The bible says ‘ i will give you the desire of your heart’,and give thanks to God in everything,including the life style of my younger brothers,This is the reason why i request mercy from Almighty Lord Jesus Christ for them to see the world in a different way.may god bless you.

  • Dear brother praise the lord,my brother name is pentakota ramesh ,now he has 35 years still he is not settled in any field.recently he has started a business but this going towards loss,my entire family and my brother is suffering with my brothers future and he has two childrens so pls pray to settle in well position.

  • Please pray for my wife Thess that she will completely forgive her me of all my lies and transgressions, would completely understand the situation, and would love me more than ever before and that our relationship would go stronger than ever before despite all attempts of the enemy to keep us apart. This I ask in Jesus mighty name Amen.

  • pls. pray for my daughters headache,my son joseph’s flu and sorethroat,and my youngest son stomachache,..May the Lord heal them,and restore their physical well as their spiritual…

  • I ask for prayer for my family. My husband and I have been strugaling in our mariage. It has been a long hard road for us, but lattley my husband has been extreamily pleged by demons. They have got such a strong hold on him that this last week he threw me and our three sond out of our house. I am a homemaker, we are now out of our home with no money and no were to go. I pray that God can help my husband find peace and happiness, that the choice he has made to do this to his family helps him to deal with whatever strugles he has. That we love him and our praying for him. Plz brothers and sisters pray for him. I also ask for prayer for me and my children to find a place to live and a way for me to provide for them as I have nothing but my faith to carrie us. God can do alL things I truly believE that and no that with prayer he will make us a way. My prayers go out to all thows asking for prayer. Trust in God fellow believers.(excuse my spelling)

  • Shalom Saints, please pray for my family..we need desperate spiritual blessings, to grow on a higher spiritual level in preparation for the rapture…its going home time..Living a life worthy of the gospel of Jesus Christ..Please pray especially for my son Theo for the baptism of the Holy Spirit..He’s been baptised a week ago and needs to grow in the Lord..He needs spiritual guidance into sanctification..pls pray us as a family to support one another in our christian walk. Thank and my God bless you.

  • The Lord Jesus Christ Is coming soon
    New pope come on 13.3.2013
    Revelation 13. 18. here is wisdom.let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it number of man for it is.his the number of man

  • Praise- a friend got a car! Pray that she will be able to financially be able to take care of all her needs by leaning on the Lord.
    Peace and wisdom after the loss of our father. That the ones that do not know the Lord will one day have salvation. I praise God my dad was saved!

  • Plz pray for me saints i did submit my cv for a new job n i need that job. My GOD bless use Amen n pray that i wil grow in the WORD of GOD

  • It’s the desire of my heart to be born again filled and sealed with the Token 100% child of Abraham. My name is Angie will you pray that God will seal me with the Token. Please pray that the Lord will grant to me the desires of my heart that are righteous. Please pray that on Good Friday I shall be blessed and the Lord touch me. My spouse needs prayer for healing of his shoulder after surgery and the Token be applied upon Him Mr. C.L. Many thanks. My mother Sis Chris needs prayer as she’s been in the hospital and needs healing. My father needs prayers for salvation too. When I see the blodd I will pass over you. Take this to the Lord in prayer!

  • Shalom to you all my brothers and sisters in Christ!

    Please pray for the renewing of the spirit upon my father and my brothers. We were born and raised in this message of the hour and they know very well on which grounds we stand and the standards according to the Word of God we should live by. But somehow they have drifted away from the Lord and living in the world. I love them very much and pray for them all the time and I really believe in prayer and to do so I need to have the patience to wait on God to answer my prayer. I just thought if the body of Christ would join me in praying for them, the devil will not stand a chance because together our prayers will be 10 times more powerful than an atomic bomb. So will you all my precious bretheren join in prayer with me in praying for the salvation and renewing of their minds and spirit to re-dedicate their lives back to Christ. I believe so much in my heart God does answers prayers, as his precious Word says: “If you ask anything in my name, I will do it.” With God all things are possible to them that believe. May God richly bless you all.

    • Having the circle of prayer is strong when we all stand in agreement together. Let this family Lord come back to you one day and embrace your word. Give peace to Sharon knowing that with You all things are possible.

  • Please pray that the Lord answers all of the prayers that I have been praying for and all of the desires of my heart quickly, I have been earnestly seeking him. I humbly ask that he hears my humble pleas and gives me a major breakthrough in my life that I need desperately. I am at the point of desperation and feel that I am at the end of the line. Please pray that the Lord tells me his will for my life and to give me clear direction as well. Thank You.

  • Am a 30 year old brother and have been jobless since I completed school in 2008. I had a contract job which has ended.They want to make it permanent but it’s taking forever and am very worried and disturbed in the house. My family is going through a lot of crisis which worries me a lot.l please want the saints to pray for me to be selected for the permanent job or to land a new one.all efforts of finding a new job has proven futal.thank you very much

  • Please pray for the respective judge handling my labor case that is now lodged at the court of appeals docket # 114028 that he will uphold the decision of the National Labor Relations Commision judge Romelita Rioflorindo and he will decide that his decision is final and executory and non-appealable to the supreme court. This I ask in Jesus mighty name. Amen.

  • Please pray for Sokha K. that she will completely forgive all the lies and transgressions of Joel the father of her unborn baby, that she will learn to completely understand him and love him all the more always, that she learn to completely understand and accept the situation as they are, that Sokha learn to love her unborn baby all the more and not even think of abortion, that she will take care of her baby always, that she will always have financial provision to provide for unborn baby and herself, for healing that she will completely quit shabu drug addiction, for protection from all men that will take advantage of her, of her fragile state of mind and her drug addiction and other weaknesses for lustful and selfish means from today up to the time she gives birth to our baby. These I lift up and pray for in Jesus Mighty Name, that our Lord may be honored and glorified. Amen.

  • Dear saints pl pray for silient request to get what i m waiting for also pray for harry who is creating confusion by doing wrong against his own brother listening to the unbelievers,i ask U that all the works that he does be put on to hold till he clarify with Brother,May the good Lord change the whole plan,God give victroy for us. pl keep praying,God Bless U all.
    John 14:14

  • Shalom to u all de saints. i wil lyk to ask de pastr to pry 4 meto get the Holy Ghost n to trust in the messge of the hour God be wth u n bless ur chrch.

  • dear Brothers and sisters in Christ, Shalom to all of you…
    I thank Lord Jesus Christ for choosing me as His children.
    please pray for I am going join a new job from Friday, as a bio medical engineer in a hospital.
    May God bless me and my work and be glorified by my work.
    He bless my hand and my mind.
    Also the baptism of mine and my brother and my mother and father Shall be done in christ early.
    Lord may take us to His holy communion.
    Please do remember me in your prayer.

  • God bless you saints!
    Please could you pray with and for me in this hour, as I feel the Lord is leading me into a new chapter, for His glory.
    The Lord has been dealing with me over the last couple of years and has brought me out of many a prison. Satan is defeated in Jesus Christs name. Halleluja!
    Please bear me up in your prayers.

    God bless you.

    • Hallelujah Brother. I share the joy that you have in the Lord. I know how it feels to have victory in Jesus over trails and temptations. God be with you through out your journey in this world.

  • God bless you saints. Please pray for my marriage and spiritual life. Thankyou, you are in my prayers.


  • Am born again.never seen you but am convinced that ur a true servant of the lord.pray for me that i may catch that spirit of the also so down financily.speak also to my from kenya.

  • Hello everyone, I tried to post this once alreay, but I don’t see it here…My girlfriend Diana and I are having severe relationship troubles and I would really appreciate it if you would pray for us. It’s causing us both a tremendous amount of pain, so please just pray for God to guide our hearts and direct us on the right paths, and to be with us in this time of turmoil in our lives. This is the girl I wish to be with for the rest of our time on Earth, and it would mean the world to me, thank you brothers and sisters. God Bless you all.

  • Hello everyone, and God bless. I’ve been a believer of the message and a believer in God my entire life, and it’s been a definite struggle. I am coming forward with a simple prayer request, but one that weighs very heavily on my heart and soul. Recently I have ruined a God-given relationship with the girl I want to marry. I have flirted with other women, and even cheated once. She left me after she found out what I had done, and I have never been so full of guilt and sadness over the loss of someone I love. I was a fool to squander her love, and I beg you all to pray for me and my relationship with this wonderful girl. I want to atone for my mistakes by sharing with her a beautiful life, but I must first ask her forgiveness, and the forgiveness of God.

    Brothers and sisters, please pray for me, and my wicked soul, that I may be given another chance on this earth to be with the woman I wish to wed in a covanant with God, and bear him more beautiful children. I have now a humble and prostrate heart, and I sincerely wish to right the wrongs I have done to her and to my saviour, who gave her unto my life.

    I want to marry no-one else. Please, I know the power of prayer, and I just ask you all to say a word to Him for me. Thank you all, and God bless you. I will be praying for you as well!

  • God bless you thank you for praying for us and ministries God have given to us authority for helping the bride with healing and blessing. Healing and miracles Church s meeting on Friday and Sunday iv Visakhapatnam. Monday 1 mars Miracle and Healing service in Wizanagaram. I will have tree things of the Lord. Gods love agape love. I Cor.13. Gifts of the Holy Spirit and Wisdom 1.Cor.12
    1. LOVE.2 GIFTS.3 WISDOM.Thank you for all prayer God bless the prayer group
    Love you all from Apostle Dr. Per Einar jensen.

  • please remember me in prayer I need Gods intervention on my life. Things are getting out of hand and my little sister is backslidden. God bless u

  • Please pray for the niece of my wife. She was diagnosed with breast cancer and her breast was removed. The discovered afterwards that the cancer has spread. She is very sick and on constant oxigen. Please pray for complete healing for her.

  • Prayer Request. I am a born again believer of the message, but never get to fellowship with believers because of my marriage and my husband only lets me go to his church so I follow him. Will you please pray that for the Easter Holidays if it’s God’s will that God will make away for me to be in Easter meetings with like precious believers. Pray also that God will bring reconciliation between me and my parents whom I love so much. Thanks, Sis Angel

  • last year i had a dream of a great wind blowed on me and immediately i woke up my right side of the body was paralysed and i could not move the right hand and leg even till now, as i was going through this battle, just now my wife was rushed in she is runing mad, this battle is too great for me, please brethren help me in prayer that God should intervene in this case, the children are runing helter sceter,dont know what to do, people are rushing in sinpatises with us we need God of william branham to intervene God bless you, please send this prayer requests to other believers to join us

  • Dear Saints pl Pray for the request for bro Robert very stubourn and verse character may the Lord touch his and change him,pray for bro Raju creating confusion among the believers and getting people against each other,pl pray for brother Ravi is 40 years young man in this message he needs marriage partner a believer girl may the Lord Jesus bless his Pray for the bombay believers for their unity the time is the coming of the Lord Jesus is at Hand rev:3:20 21 God Bless U all john :14;14

    • Hi all children of God i pray for you that God may grant your heart request by his grace/ marriages,business,baptsim of Holy Ghost,jobs,in the name of jesus christ he will Grant it all on you AMEN.

  • dear saints pls pray for Rebekah as she is appearing for her pre-university exams.She may come out with good marks. Also pray for my whole family for the indwelling of holy spirit and closer walk with God. God bless u all and shalom

  • Dear Saints,
    Kindly pray for me to get a financial breakthrough, to cover my outstanding mortage, car insurance, electric bill etc. I am trusting and believe that our God is more than able to grant this. I also pray for deliverance and spiritual salvation for myself and my family as we are indeed on borrowed time it will not be much longer again. Thank you and may God richly bless each and everyone of you and your famillies.

  • Dear Brethren,
    Kindly pray for me. I strayed and lost my way in the Lord Jesus in in the year 2000. I have been in and out of Church since then. All through this rough times, the Lord has blessed me and taken care of me. I got married with a lovely family and a good job but I still have not fully gone back to the Lord. My life is still tainted and sinful. Please pray for me so that the Lord may accept me back, so that I repent genuinely and the Lord accepts me back before its too late. Pray for me to be saved once more and sin no more and for the Lord to touch and save my family too. Thanks and God Bless you all for the great job of the Lord. Thank you Jesus.

    • hi brother he is alread accepted you 2000 years ago, it is you to accepted him because a paden is not a paden untill is accepted so you must accept him, God bless you.

  • Bride of christ l need prayers to overcome the spirit of fear as the prophet once said fear is of the devil ,never to doubt jesus at all times .l love jesus and l know he answers prayers,l just want to be a testimony one day

    • you are a testmony right now, because you did testfy that you love him, that is a testmony on its on , god blees you.

  • dear brethren, pls. pray for our brethren in moriones,tarlac,they really our prayers,because some of them has departed from the message and went back to espiritism,pls. pray that the Lord restore their faith and restore the unity and love for each other of Limbania family.May the glory of the Lord be magnify again in Moriones church.

  • Please brethrean, Pray for me that God should forgive me of my sins, purge me and cleanse me once again and filled me with the holy spirit.

    Give the grace to live a ritgheous life. Serving him all the days of my life here on earth.
    Please also pray for me for financial breakthrough. God should give me uncommon favour this year 2013 in Jesus Name

  • Praise the Lord. SHALOM to all Believers.
    My name is Ben,from West Odisha,INDIA, son of Pastor B. P. MISHRA. Please pray for our ministry. Now a days I’m helping my dad in His ministry. We have a small-small churches in our distributed area, as God has given us. We always prayed to God that, please lead us as a Shepherd by providing every daily NEED’s spiritually, and we always try to obey every Word of God. Now a days we are having some financial problem, but we thanx God bcz every thing has a time as in ECCLESIASTES 3:1. So, do remember in prayer for all. God Bless U.

  • Lord Jesus i pray that You please make a way for me to succeed in my business venture? Please make a way for my B2C2 clothing to be a success? I love You my Lord!!!

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