Online Prayer Requests

Welcome to the Believers Prayer Circle.

Please use the “Comment Form” at the bottom of the page to submit a prayer request.


  • Dear Brother.I believe in my whole being that Brarother Branham was our Prophet Ellijah. l had sin and my world around me starts to crumble . My brother in law committed suicide and we loved him dearly.. If we only could believe as Brother Branham taught i shall say to him in thy name of our lord Jesus Christ come back to us. I believe in miracles..but we are weak. Forgive me Brother but the devil put me in a dark place.

  • I am a writer and I believe in the message that Bro Branham preached. Please pray for me that I will have the inspiration I need to write things that others enjoy.

    Levi Levin-Bloomington, IN USA

  • Please pray for me Saint. I have an unspoken request but the Lord knows whats in my heart… Bless u all and im always keeping all of u in my prayers.

  • Dear Saints pl pray for Devkumars Wife that Lord Jesus touch her and heal her,that her operation must be cancelled as she is 5 months pregant pl pray for her for total deliverens, also pray for pentecostal group in chennai,india has received the message of the hour and needs Acts 19 1:7 and are ready for Acts 2:38, and also belives mal:4:5,6,december 10th we will be haveing a meeting in chennai place cal Kanjipuram,this place know as satans area, and no body has got here with this message, but by the Grace of The Lord took me to this place and now there are more than 50 or 60 people has receieve the message of the hour,pl pray for me has only by the pray of saints victory is ours the battle is of the Lord,do remember me my team we are from bombay,The WORD Tabernacle,heb 13:8, God Bless You All,pl……. Pray for us In him,

  • please pray 4 protection and 4 strengh in my heart to face all my tribulations for the lord to cast out all the evil in my daughters heart may the lord break her dwn and allow his spirit to over whelm her in jesus name amen

  • Hi
    Am a Minister of this message and is pastoring, please pray along with my family and for God’s salvation and for perfect health. saints, please remember my desire for establishing more churches for souls to be won to the glory of our God. Finally saints, we are praying for land at a Strategic area and trusting God to build him a house.

  • Am a believer of this message, I need the prayer of you believers on behind of my family and I for financial break through for our company to prosper.

  • Greetings to saints. It is really a good news that my daughter in law Sudha Mark Ronald is ready to take baptism of Holy Ghost on coming Sunday. Therefore, you saints please remember her in your prayers.God bless you all saints. Christian love to you all.
    Bro. Irwin Vinod

  • Greetings to saints. I have been suffering from the swelling on right side of my saliva gland and asked for operation. I believe in our Lord’s powerful healing miracle and therefore request the saints to pray for my healing.
    God bless you all saints. Christian love to all the saints.
    Bro. Irwin Vinod

  • God bless you

    Please pray for my family and I, I have an unspoken prayer request remember me in your prayers

    Thank you and God bless you

  • Please pray for me that God will heal my neck and disk that has arthrits in there as I wear the prophes prayer clothes. It hurts so much playing piano in church that I have to get off of piano let someone take my place. I am 38 yrs old. Please do remember me in prayers cause I want to be converted born again filled with the HOly Ghost. I fight many battles just like you all, but right now can you pray for me that God will deliver me from jezebel and enemies of where my husband and I live beside a harlot church. Its my desire to move out of htere and God to open the Red sea for me so that I can be in fellowship with true belivers you know Abraham’s group instead of the foolish virgins. I need a finacnial miracle for me to escape out of a situation also of bondage. Sis Angela

  • Dear Saints pl pray for brother Ashley Gilani to receive salvation and also he has breathing problems may the Lord Jesus touch his life that he get into this Gospel net which has been spread for fishing men to receive the Salvation also pray for the Pastors of Bombay for unity before the devils takes the chances,I ask the Lord Jesus to come on the scene break all walls of indiffernces and move forward in soul saving and try to save people going in wrong direction,with a burden in our heart pl pray for this request and we belive our Lord Jesus will do something,God Bless U All heb:13:8

  • Brother Sammy Kinzer has gone to be with the Lord. The family are in a state of shock and truly need our prayers to realize that God will take care of them and they have to believe in what Sammy preached. They are all grieving his departure and fear fills their lives. They need the power of God

  • My mother is 94 years young. She has a
    continuous sour taste in her mouth.
    Doctors do not know what is causing it,
    nor do they know what to give her.
    She also has pain in her stomach and is
    nauseous. This complaint is with her, day
    in and day out. She can’t take it any more.

  • Pray that God will fill me with the fullness and the fire.
    that he will open the eyes of my understanding.
    that I will be found in him not having my own righteousness but to live by the power of the spirit of God.

  • Dear All Thanks alot for praying for bro michael he is gone to be with Lord,do pray for is wife and two children for hand of Grace and mercy upon their life her name is sister sunita,and her daughter christina,and Jess (son)also pray for sister savita and her husband vinod and two children for house to stay and perfect faith, God Bless U All John 14:14

  • Hey saint I have backslide, about 4 months now without going to Chruch. My life is full of pain, everyday I wake up in pain, there is no more joy in me, I came to the message 2012, please pray for me, I try to do the things that I use to do before I came to the message but I am not happy I have no joy like I use to before I came to the message, I don’t know what to do, where am in Chruch I desire to go out hoping that I will have but when I am outside I have no joy, everyday I feel pain. I need help there things I go through I can’t even talk to anyone, I can’t explain. The message is true I know it is no 1 can take that anyway from me, it is a true and a real thing I know it. Please help me it’s like am a person who likes to be right but when I want to be right I find myself feeling like I don’t want the message, I need your prayers, as every believer knows that prayer changes things please pray for my situation in my soul, mind and spirit to change, please I depend on every believer I want to stand so that I can stand on my own in the message. It’s hard people I can’t do it on my own please pray for me I didn’t bring myself to the message I know nothing until go is living in me. God bless you.

  • We need the prayer of the saints..,
    Pray for the message believer of northern part province of Cebu,Philippines and some other provinces in the Philippines for we are affecting by a supertyphoon.
    Because 90% of houses in my home church in Bantayan Island are totally damage and some of our brethren their need shelter like food and water, hopely God help us to overcome this trials…

  • hola dios los bendiga en el nombre de nuestro senor jesucristo pido de sus oraciones por mi sobrino que el espiritu santo de dios toque su Corazon y este pronto de regreso con su novia gracias de antemano hermanos en el nombre de jesucristo amen

  • Please pray for my husband’s ministry. He is a Presbyterian minister and has a heart for the lost. Pray that he will have an encounter with the Holy Ghost. He’s never experienced this. Please pray for our family too…we have three boys. Pray for protection, provision, direction and anything else you feel led to pray. We do feel that God’s hand is on us and something BIG (good) is about to happen. We want to be obedient to HIM and spread the Gospel throughout our community and into the world.
    Thank you so much, Kim

  • I have been praying for a job, but not just any job, The job God has in store for me. I am on unemployment and it runs out in December.
    Thank you and God Bless you

  • Please, pray for Irma who will have an histerectomy. May her tumor be benign, and may she be saved and recover soon from surgery.

  • Please agree in prayer with me, I want to be an excellent Christian witness in my job performance and find favor before my supervisors, my co-workers and my suppliers. May I be empowered by the Holy Spirit and may I bear the fruit of the Spirit.

  • Please pray for God to reverse all evil & negative energies against me in all facets of my life brought by the book of the dead into overflowing positive blessings, that God’s legion of angels will completely protect me, my wife and our baby, my dad, my nephew and 2 nieces and keep us away from harm always now until 2 decades from now,that God will give me peace of mind and rest from all sides always, that God will continuously open the floodgates of heaven for me always to provide for others, that God will provide comfort and accelerated healing to all our grieving. These I lift up in Jesus Mighty Name Amen.

  • I am pregnant and the doctor’s are not sure if its eptopic or not….. I discharged myself because I believe that God could do anything…… i PRAY That the baby is in my womb and i’m not at risk, that the baby or babies is healthy and that by next week wednesday or Thursday when I go to do my ultrasound they can be seen in my womb…..

  • Greetings coming from the servant of the Lord,here at Indonesia. Please! I want to join or participate in this program and any other events for coming on this new year 2014. I have known 3 Pastors already and they are connected on William Branham. And i want to participate on Conference or seminar especially in other countries cause I have a calling from God to Evangelize in the other country, please help me and pray for me so that God will open way for me to the other country. such as New Zealand and Australia which is very near to our country. May thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Thank you so much! And May God richly bless you all. Love….Rio

  • I greet u in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.i am asking more prayer to you saints.i am weak,powerless,without strength.i need more prayer from u.please help


  • Please pray for my daughter she has left home and wont have anything to do with us. She has turned her back on everything she has been taught according to the word. Please pray for our family.

  • Dear saints of the Lord,i am asking your prayers.i am discouraged.i am writing to you right now,it is midnight.i need God’s hand in my life.i know i can’t make it without Him,pray for me.may God bless u.AMEN

  • Heavenly Father,bless and keep Garrick.Enable Garrick David’s problem in Malaysia Airport to end.Grant that he get clearance charges for his baggage so that he can continue his journey.I ask for this in Jesus’ name,amen

  • God bless you all. I find myself in an awkward situation. satan has been plaquing me with lies in my mind. I know I have to get my faith back. I feel spiritualy bound. God has promised me many blessings, and I wondered if I will have enough faith to claim it. Now it seems hard to just believe, please pray that I may overcome by putting all my trust in the Lord, no matter how big this philistine is infront of me. Shalom.

  • As a believer who has recently been pulled back into fellowship with the Lord out of a backslidden condition,please pray that i will hold to Gods unchanging hand as i know he will hold to mine.God bless you. Thank you. I will pray for you all.

  • I have dedicated myself to live a life worthy of the gospel for His Name sake.and He is ever present in my meetings. Pray that He will manifest Hebrew 13:8 by His redeeming grace to All people

  • God bless you saint… My request and heart desire is that May God bless Elie Ekofo with a good job and may he bless all the Ekofo with their heart desures… I know and i believe with your prayer and mine at home by next week i will see Gods mighty hand in my Brothers life… I have faith

  • My mother,Josie, is afflicted with dementia. She is a wonderful Christian believer who has served the Lord most of her 91 years. She has a ‘rhyming’ syndrome that has only within the last week taken control of her mind. She is talking non-stop and trying to make rhymes out of her constant talking. Even now after being in bed for 2 hours she tells me she just cannot stop it. I have read about this rare symptom of Alzheimers Disease and it appears that my sweet little mother has it. She took me to one of Brother Branham’s meetings about 55 yrs ago in Wood River, IL. I still remember it well.
    Please intercede for her and present her need to the Lord for me and with Josie in mind. She is still a beautiful lady who was so obedient to the Lord for decades. I do pray that she will have peace in these years of her sunset.
    God Bless and keep this wonderful Foundation.
    Dale Lockard, son of Josie I am

  • please pray with me for the lord to heal my stomach , I never experience this pain before , in the 42.2 km ultra marathons I never experienced it , I started experiencing it when I train for comrades , but it came and went away , then I experienced it in the comrades marathon beyond 45 km thus when it came and reduce my capability and when I go to the doctor after that it told me I am almonela positive , I don’t know whether she told me the truth but I trust the lord for healing , please pray with me that it may not be the same for the next year comrades , that I may be completely whole /healed and excel beyond limits.

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