Online Prayer Requests

Welcome to the Believers Prayer Circle.

Please use the “Comment Form” at the bottom of the page to submit a prayer request.


  • please pray for me that god will show me grace and mercy and forgive me from all my sin that i have sin agaist him.pray for me the god will drive all demons out my body that prevents me from serving him like i should. pray for me so that i can recive the gift of gods spirt and that god will make me hate the things of the world.thank u in jesus name

  • I have been married 4 years to a filipina and the Canadian Gov will not allow me to sponsor her if I owe Taxes and Gov money. Everyone I ask for help want thousands upon thousands of dollars to represent me.

    My wife got sick three months after our mariage and has now gotten to the point of using a walker to get around the house. This leaves me supporting her and a fulltime live in helper.

    I became angry at God and so on, only to eventually repent and realise I am the one who is a sinner needing His grace abiunding over me. I have a five fold calling on my life but all this has kept me from doing anything but deal with my plight.

    I am trying to get things in order but am told I cant sponsor her unless the debt is paid. I have 200000 shares that I need to get from .25 back to .80 then I can go there and be with her.

    Her medical issue if it bring a burden to the Medical bill to canada then she will be absolutley denied. There is absolutley no mercy for these such.

    My wife says she has heard God tell her he will heal her and alos to bring her to canada. I was aksed by God where i wanted to minister and I said Asia. He asked me how much money for the ministry I would like to use to raise up orphanages etc..

    The only time God ever asked me. So I am struggling with my wifes hearing God, and me another way.

    Now I am trying to find a job that will allow me to be here 7 months and 5 months there and be the foriengn worker

    Please pray God show me the way out of this mess and theability to do as he wants me to do at the correct time.


  • Dear Brothers and Sisters

    This is an urgent prayer request.

    Please can you pray for my cousin’s son who is disobient and is going against the wishes of his parents. His mother is heart broken. He is busy making wedding arrangements without the blessings from his parents. He has been blinded by a girl who has led him to marry her. This girl disrespects his parents. She makes him spend all his money on her …makes him take her to expensive hotels and spends weeks in hotels with him. The wedding plans are in process. Please pray for GOD to open this boy’s eyes before it is too late. Pray for God’s perfect will to take place in this entire situation. Please also pray for his mom to be at peace and wait upon GOD to rescue this boy.

    Thank you

    God bless

  • God bless you my brother and sister around of the world.
    I will thank you your prayers for me.
    I need to get the completely health, reyoung, strength and communion with Jesuschrist to continue my life, my work and my meetings in the church.
    God bless you richly.

  • Prayer Request to the bride of Jesus Christ.
    for Br Joel Vickery
    Hello and God Bless you all.
    thanks for the internet.
    I had cancer in my Jawbone and face.
    God has healed me many times
    I am cancer free, Praise the LORD. Every time I have a check
    up or Scan, the report is no-cancer !
    I have a wonderful wife
    who helps me and is always praying too, her name is Esther.
    Our Lord Jesus continues to bless us ; I am in need of prayer
    for healing in my face. I’m still recovering slowly.
    In October 2002 the doctors removed cancer in my neck and
    face, they removed half of my lower jawbone .
    Jesus has been healing me ever since, and I still need even
    more of his grace in my body for healing.
    Lately an small hole has opened in my upper cheek that runs
    down through the wound opening where the cancer was hiding.
    please remember me when you pray.
    >>> Bro Joel Stafford Vickery
    >> Albany Kentucky
    > Thank you for remembering my wife and I in your prayers,
    E-1 …… Hebrews 13:8 …. And that’s the theme that we use, that
    we believe that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
    And it’s a wonderful thing to know the Lord Jesus Christ in
    the power of His resurrection and His love to us.

  • My family and I have suffered a severe financial setbhack.
    We need a significant financial blessing.
    Please pray with us that God would relieve us.

    My wife, my son, my daughter and I are all baptised in the name of Jesus Christ even though it is unpopular.

    After baptism our lives ran well for some years, then many things went wrong.

    We are at a lost for explanations.

    We contended with others about the baptism and now we seem to be the foolish ones.

    Please pray with us that God would help us and strengthen our faith.

    Thank you and God bless you.


  • Dear Saints

    Can you please pray for this sister….Her name is Ambra. Ambra has 4 sons…one married and three at home. Her sons do not work…drink …smoke and do things that does not please her. Can you please pray for the sons to change and walk in the ways of GOD. Pray for this family to be blessed, physically, spiritually and financially and have the presence of GOD in their home.

    Please also pray for my aunt and her family to be saved as believers and for GOD to bless them financially and spiritually.

    One more request….

    Please can you pray for my husband’s brother and his family to be saved as believers. Pray for GOD to forgive my brother-in-law if he has insulted our pastor in any way. Pray for pride to leave his wife and allow GOD to work in their lives …help them to become strong believers in the message. Pray for GOD to bless them financially and spiritually after they become believers and realise that with God all things are possible.

    Thank you and God bess

    Thank you and God bless

  • Pray for me that I can get close to god and be strong in his spirit. Ask god
    if he will speak to me through his spirit. Ask god if he will heal my body and protect me from satan. I lost faith in churcn, my husband I need prayer.
    I only wish I knew if Iam doing something that is not right in god’s eyes.
    I don’t smoke, I don’t drink strong drinks, I have done my best that I know of to keep myself clean for god. If I have sin in any way I ask for giveness.
    I need to know from god what I must do, I feel like I still need something.
    may god bless you and your ministry .

    • Dear Sister in Christ, When weve done all we can do to stand, we must stand. If we stand steadfast waiting in faith and with a clean heart then His Word will not fail us. I know waiting is hard sometimes but the time in between from the trial to the victory is where we are many times molded as the potter molds the clay. Above all hold up the shield of faith, believing that the Lord Jesus will come and deliver you. I will remember you in prayer and I recommend that you read the Psalms and remember, what He has done for others, He will do for us. And those things were written for our examples. God Bless You, Matthew

    • Dear Sister Rebecca,

      Our father the almighty is always watching his children and will never let them down. He puts us through trials and tribulations for our own good to mend ourselves in certain areas and give the fruit of christ life which is long suffering, humility, humbleness and patience as it says by their fruits they will be known. Our god is not unjust god he chastens those he loves very much to correct them in areas. I suggest both you and your husband should pray daily to god and be at his feet and humbly ask him to talk to you. He will speak deep down from your heart the low voice u will be able to hear him. If he is silent he wants you to learn something. But don’t stop praying. Wait patiently for our almighty to see his goodness for he never lets down his children. resist the devil he will flee from you. Keep saying by father is at hand and I will be healed with full heart as by his stripes we are already healed we just have to have the rapturing faith.By Grace we are in this world living. Blessed be the name of the lord. May the lord God Jesus christ lead you to all the truth.

      Your sister

      • Thanx Sis Latha for the encouragement for sis Rebeca, Iam also encouraged with the words of the wisdom written here.May the Lord always help you thru and give you wisdom. you are such a blessing. More special where you said God will speak deep down in the heart if he’s silent then. he want us to learn something that is soo true. and the more we want to be deeper in his word no other key is the reading of the word and praying all the time. God bless

  • I am looking for fellow believers who have seen the light of truth of the message and believe in searching the Word for the truth once delivered to the saints. I do believe Bro Branham was a prophet but most websites I go to have mostly quotes and photos and such. I am looking for fresh manna promised by the Lord through an end time ministry as in Eph 4:11 for the perfecting of the saints. And I know there were dual type statements made to try us to see if we would bring it back to the Word. Thats the fan in Christs hand. I believe that in the end-time there will be Apostles(who hold a line on the Word), Prophets(such like as Agabus in Acts) Teachers, Pastors, and Evangelists. And I believe that will speak the same thing, will be in unity, and will be filled and led of the Holy Ghost, will feed the sheep with fresh manna, will take up their cross and follow the Lord daily, will lay aside every weight and sin, will seek always to walk in the love of God and love their enemies and pray for those who wrong them. It seems hard to find believers who believe these things.

    And my brothers and sisters please pray for me that the Lord would deliver me from strongholds in my life. Bless you my brothers and sisters. Your brother in Christ, Matthew My email is

  • Dear prayer warrior,I am a born again christian.I want to grow spiritually.I don’t see victory in some areas of my life.married for 11 years,no children.My wife’s periods are always irregular.Want to migrate to Australia.but my financial situation is not okay.God to remove every generational curse from my family.Can you prophesyfy over me? and God to fill my wife with His holy spirit.
    Thank you
    In Christ,

    • Dear Brother, the best way to get victory is through prayer and reading of the Word of God. God is able to heal your wife and fill her with His Spirit. Remember God healed Sarah’s womb after several years and He is the Same yesterday, Today (for you and me) and forever (for the believers to come) I cant prophesy to you without being inspired of the Holy Spirit and no believer should. The best anchor for the soul is the infallible unchanging Word of God, it shall not fail you. Phophecy is edifying if it is inspired. If its not, it could hurt others and cause much confusion. Just commit your desire to move unto the Lord and if it be His will He can bring it to pass. I will pray for you and your wife my brother. Bless you.Your Brother in Christ, Matthew.

  • Dear Bro.

    God Bless you.

    I would like be in your prayers for my son salvation,and also for God guide my life as my Salvador.
    Thank you

    Sis in the faith.

  • hi, i am ebude, plz pray for me. i am in the middle East. i have been jobless for the pass 8 months also pray for my spiritual life for in love with an unbeliever, my family is facing alot of financial problems. plz pray for my family. thanks

  • Please pray for my career as im waiting for my promotion.
    I have been sick for a while, please pray Jesus Christ should heal me completely so that i can continue in my work in full flow

  • Thank you the Lord for great miracles you did, when I leaved things and went to church and you made great things today. Please for love and good relationship and marriage for us. Thank you you gave so great miracles today. Amen.

  • Dear brethren, We do request for prayer for our daughter Ruth-Henriette who suffering bronchopneumonia, having flu and fever and the doctor said, she has to be on the traitment of mixture of oxigene and antibiotic for months. Please think of her in your prayer as we believe in all of our hearts in the power of the divine healing in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
    God bless you,
    Bro Lundula

  • Adress.South Africa,Norhern Cape,DeAar.

    Brother and Sisters.I request a prayer o.b.o. my brother in law,and his family.
    Gregory left eye was seriously injured by a sharp object during a frick accident.
    According to an eye specialist examination, his eye retina is damaged that’s why he has lost vision in his left eye.
    On Thuesday next week the 08 September(16H30) he will be examine by another retina eye surgeon.
    Please pray for the healing of Gregory’s left eye retina so that it can be refracted and that he will get his vision back.

    Because of the shock and tragic accident, Gregory also suffered from the after effects trauma(PTS).
    His wife Liza and four children and family are also very traumatised by this frick accident.
    Please pray for us, pray for Gregory and his wife FAITH and emotional condition

    Gregory believes that he is healed by our Lord Jesus Christ.


  • Greetings in the Name of the LORD JESUS CHRIST.
    This morning I would like to take the opportunity to THANK GOD for HIS answering
    our prayer and each and everyone of you that has prayed with me. There is a change in my husband and I trust GOD for the Baptism of the HOLYGHOST for his life. He is going for an interview today and we trust that the job is his in the name of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. Be encourage that GOD ,is yesterday, today and forever more the same. HE IS SO GOOD TO ME . Stay on your knees GOD is doing Great thing. Only believe all things are possible only believe. Please keep on praying for me and my family . We have also people renting our house and not paying and now given them notice and need tenant. Today is trust God to make a way , where there seem to be not way. I trust GOD for a miracle to settle the financial debt that we find ourselves in. GOD BLESS

  • Please pray for me I have Lupus and the symptoms cause me to swell and give me lots of pain, Also pray for my son. Who needs steady work he is living in our house. Also pray for my grandson that is in the military that God to keep him safe.
    Rachel V

  • I please for prayers for my future husband to be faithful to me and to God as here is prophesy about the problems and also let he is faithful to God especially and let is responsible and get wisdom and light into brain and all situation and let he is not false prophet. Amen. Thank you, all.

  • je me soucie beaucoups de mon assemblée,” Chruche d’Huile Tabernacle ” nous sommes un petit groupe d’une trentaine de chrétiens; nous croyons à Dieu à travers le message de l’heure. chaque mois nous sommes humiliés par notre bailleurs qui nous ménace fréquement de nous chasser de son local parce que socialement nous sommes tous démunis et nous arrivons difficilement à payer son loyer…et plusieurs autres faits dans ce sens. soutenez nous en prières pour trouver de quoi sortir dans cette situation qui nous exaspère.

  • Dear Saints

    Can you please pray for our baby. He seems to be losing weight. Recently
    he has been vomitting immediately after a meal. Please pray for our baby to have a good appetite and gain weight normally and be healthy.

    Thank you all

    God bless

  • Please pray for my marriage that the Lord will pull us through these rough times and show both my spouse and I to learn forgiveness.

  • God Bless You Saints. I am a believer from Cape Town South Africa. My prayer request that is laying heavily on my heart is for the salvation of my husbands soul as he is an unbeliever and also the baptism of the Holy Spirit. May God Bless You.

  • thank to all who prayed for Sister Ana and her sons God is delivering from satan tomorment and is helping them and see she staring to see God moving PRAISE GOD!!!


    Thankyou for your prayers. GOD has blessed me with the same car I pray for the vehicle & also for the loan to be cleared.


  • God Bless You All:
    Please pray for my dad jerry and my mom kathy
    they are having very hard times right now my dad is loseing his house and has no job and my mother is having trouble dealing with my sister’s death that happend 2years ago and she’s being tormented by saten please pray for them thank you all and god bless

  • dear saints,please pray for me. i am really struggling to find God again. all the bad things that has happened this past months made me to loose my faith!i really need the fire i had when i first came to the message.please pray for restoration and for me to believe again!May God Bless you!

    • Dear Sister Melissa,

      Blessed be the name of the lord. From your request it says that your faith is very strong towards god and going through a rough time of temptation. Resist him the adversary he is always there to disturb us. But we have our warrior protection which is our god’s words. use that whenever you feel tempted and going out of way and he will flee from you. As our only protection is Jesus christ. call upon him and he will protect you. Word of God is our weapon to chase our adversary and you will find that Our god of peace will crush satan under your feet. Read Ephesians chapter 6 verse 13 -17. God Bless you Sister.

      From Your sister

  • I pray that my father (who pass away last year) will be forgiven by GOD for not knowing GOD…. I don’t want him to be in the otherside when the day of the LORD comes for he is a good father during his time.

  • Please pray for my daughter and family. She is controlled by perscription drugs. The family needs help coping with the terrible consequences of these drugs. She is maybe facing jail time. She is not with the lord but does believe in God. Oh Lord Help Us.

  • Hello,

    I am latha from India and believer of the end time message by our prophet william branham. I would like you to pray for me to me reconciled with my husband Sundar who has been separated from me by his parents. Both of us sincerely love each other and due to family problems they have forcefully separated us. I request you to pray along with me to our glory god to bring us back together as husband and wife and change my parents inlaw mind to accept me as their daughter in law.

    Love and Regards
    From your sister latha

      • Thank you very much for your words. As you said god always hears our prayers and answers them in due time as we abide in him in faith his words will abide in his. Thank you for your blessing words.

        Your sister latha

    • Dear sister Latha,God be with you.He will sure help you in your problems.I will pray for you and Bro.Sunder.God is great above all.
      God bless you my sister.

      • Thank you Brother Paul for your blessing words. I am eagerly waiting for god to answer my prayer to reconcile with my husband. Although it hurts lot to be away from him as there is no communication betweeen us this 5 months but God has all along has comforted me, strengthened me and lifted me with is words. That is my bread,god’s words which keeps me in spirit and looking for each day to reconcile with my husband. I thank you again and God bless you.
        Your Sister Latha

  • Dear brother and sisters.
    I wish to request 2 prayers:
    – for my little daughter,Stefanie.
    – and myself.

    Stefanie is 3 and half yeas old.
    For the past two weeks she was not feeling well and I have took her to a Docter yesterday, the 25 August 2009.
    The Docter have diagnosed her with flue symptones.
    With all the scaring talks of flu recently my wife and me became very frightened by the news.

    I am also suffering from a condition they called:” serialized panic disorder.
    I hereby request you to pray for the health and recovery for our Stefanie and me.
    Its is very “paralyzed and sometimes I am not able to do my work properly or enjoy life.
    I am a breadwinner

    I beleive in the healing power of our LORD JESUS CHRIST and that he will give us everything we ask in HIS NAME,JESUS CHRIST and taht the devil is liar from the beginning.

    God Bless you.
    Ettienne and Zona
    Norhern Cape Province
    18 Jakaranda Street

    • God heard ur prayer brother, He’s a good God, he’s God in the Valley, still same God in the Mountain,God in the night still God in the day, Dont doubt God will give you, your heart desires. Godbless

  • want my heavenly father(our lord christ Jesus)to forgive me all my sin,to wash me clean with his precious blood that was shared for me on the cross of calvary and to grant me the spirit to sin nomore and the zeal to move closer than ever to him,also for the joy of my salvation to be restored back in Him. However, i am one of the sister who believes in the end time Messages Prophet. I walked with the Lord for 7 years when i finally settle with my husband and my Church Pastor put me out of the Church due to not married. pls help me and my husband to get married . My husband believes on the msgs as well and also he loves the Lord but he always trap by Satan. I believe God have his own way, he has time for everything but i really want us to get married and joint together with the Lord. Pls my brothers and sisters in Christ pray for me and my Husband,..sist Anne Marie and bro, Shem Leo and our lovely son Kirsty Owens Leo..Ilove you all my sisters and brothers in Christ

  • dear bro./sis.,

    my mother is going to give the ielts exam soon. she is not good in english. please pray for her that she clears the required bands i.e.7 bands and will be able to go to canada for praising the lord there. pray for her that god give her high proficiency in this english language and she scores as much as she can in the 4 modules i.e. reading, writing, listening , and speaking. her name is geeta ansal . please pray for her with desperation. this is my humble request.

    thanking you.


  • l not feeling well l have stomach pains and l have a terrible sorethroat for long and l believe God can heal me

  • i cried unto the LORD and He heard me out of His holy hill,psalm 3…He has answered my prayers…so brethren keep on trusting and believing…It will exceed you mind.sit still and see how the matter will fall.amen

  • Shalom saints

    Please pray for me, because a filthy spirit attacks me from time to time.I have been suffering with this condition for many many years.I feel dirty and unworthy.Please saints , I need deliverence today.


  • God bless Saints

    I thank God for granting me the confirmation of the holy ghost, its a great privileged to know I have him inside walking and talking to Me. I would love to stay humble in his presence and set my affections on the things above. the prophet said in Demonology God dwell in simplicity, humble place is where you will find him so take courage and be humble God will meet you thru.

  • Dear Lord thank you so much for all the blessings You have showered us. Please I am begging for Your forgiveness for all our sins. I beg You to please help me with my review that I would concentrate well for my upcoming board exam. Please also help me and my family with financial matters and with our health. Lord please help me and my loved one with our problems that we would be okay and will be able to solve our problems.You know how I love him so much. Because I BELIEVE THAT ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE IN YOUR NAME, O LORD, AMEN. Brothers and sisters please pray for me. Thank you so much and God bless us all and answer our prayers.

  • Good day to all the saints of te Lord Jesus Christ,

    I would to ask for prayer for Sis Bulelwas mother who is now swollen and sis Bulelwa is worried about her and would some encouragement from the believers.

    God bless you all,
    From Sis Noluthando (Cape Town)

  • i need to be sponsored to go to university plus my family and i need a house (our own) and pray for my father to be saved

  • please pray for me. i am on the verge of loosing everthing i ever acquired. my faith is almost down. PLEASE PRAY WITH ME FOR GOD’S INTERVENTION.

  • Dear Bride, Here we go again. Can I ask you to pray with me again Mattew 18:19 if 2 shall agree on earth as touching ANYTHING. It shall be done for them. I believe the Lord’s words with all my heart. I truly thought these people bought my mobile home and they tried to, but failed becasue of not having a good enough credit score. The Lord can make a way in this situation if you all and me only believe sometimes it’s hard to do when you are in a bind. The wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just Proverbs 13:22. So, pray that I sale my new mobile home soon to some wealthy person that God would send out of no where as I put another aid in the paper. The motive behind saleing and moving is to be closer to a good church and have a stable job. We got the power in the name of Jesus love that old song. Sis Angela

  • god bless you my brothers in christ i want a prayer for rene villanueva he was diagnostic with a desise call diabetes i’m sure after your prayers he will be fine thanks for all

  • Brothers & sisters in Christ continue to pray for my wife Rhonda. She has had back surgery 8 yrs ago, then went back to work for a year, when her back was injured by heavy continous lifting. After 10 months of healing, she was almost back to herself, when another accident happened to her. She has become distraught, and has told me that she would rather die, than to go through being hurt all over again. She is a christian, and we are all praying for her. I just ask you to pray that the Lord Jesus will heal her very soon. My son’s life, and my own would be very difficult if she decided on suicide.

    Thank You for your prayers, and may the Lord Jesus Bless You All.
    Jon Hall

  • I really in need of real Baptism of Holy Ghost, i want to be sure of eternal peace. Also am in need of a job badly. I believe the scripture says we seek first His kingdom and all others shall be added. Please do join me in prayer for this noble cause.

  • Please pray for our family may the seed of bitterness leave our hearts.May my faith not fail my lord Jesus christ and do as my prophet bro. Branham said “Only Believe”,I Believe I serve a living God that can do the impossible and he will get us through this trial we are going through and all will be restored to us please pray for me that I remove myself and let God lead the way.Please pray that God restores my health to me I have not been feeling to good with all the stress and presure myself and husband been going through, I just find myself so needing him (God) at my every breath and step I take today and everyday. I pray as well my bothers and sisters for you and your loved ones for we live in hard times as the bride prepares.Thank you and god bless you,sis grace

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