Online Prayer Requests

Welcome to the Believers Prayer Circle.

Please use the “Comment Form” at the bottom of the page to submit a prayer request.


  • dear brothers and sister God Bless you all. i want to ask you in the name of the LORD JESUS to pray for me and my family ,we are going through difficult time . we owe money and our bussines is not ok, help us to pray and i know the Lord Jesus will grant us a way to find a solution

  • please saints pray with me in the name of Jesus so that i can overcome my problem. i’m very stressed because my ex fiance, benoit abel is making my life difficult because we work in the same hotel. he already get married but he still talk nonsense about me.he wants my friends to stay far from me i dnt know why he is jealous of me. i’m afraid that he do something against me so that i dn’t get married because he and his family are in these blackmagic things…. plz pray for me and my family and specially for a good friend of mine named nitish ramloll… because benoit dn’t talk with him any more because of me…. i’n so stressed that i’m becoming skinny… please pray for me so that i can recover my mind and body… thank you…God bless you all

  • Please pray for me that I may easily collect the $4,000.00 owed to me by the deadbeat renter D.K. The judge ruled in my favor, D.K. and her husband are employed, and they purchased a new Dodge Nitro. Yet, they do not pay me. I desire either the full amount owed immediately, or judgment for sale and possession of Dodge Nitro. I ask for the Lord’s blessing that I am successful in receiving quick payment of full amount owed. I have been more than fair to these people allowing them free rent and time to get their finances in order. Still, they ignore my valid claim of money owed and personally insult me for no reason.

  • i thank God for healing me and Mr. Frimpong of any eye problems. i thank him also for increasing the power of faith he has given me. i know that the spirit of unbelief is defeated and by the blood of Jesus i will never doubt again. i thank him for making me the best student at my law school and for blessing people through my education. God has really blessed me in my educational life and he is doing more than i anticipated. i know he is about to anoint me again in my education, and he will do the class bible study as he promised. Jesus has healed my body and he has given me a new hope in life. i thank him for my upcoming wedding and what he is doing for me in that area and i am grateful to him for giving me a godly husband. i thank you for all his plenty impartations in this area and for giving me a wonderful women’s ministry and also for bringing me to Lakewood Church.Amen.

  • i pray that God will give me a new level of faith and that i will never disbelieve or doubt him ever again.No more nervousness, just believing in Jesus. i thank God for healing me and helping my in my law school education. i also thank him for blessing my upcoming marriage and for using the class bible study for his glory. i believe he has opened the door for Mr. Frimpong to also receive his healing and i thank him most of all for William Branham Ministries.

  • need praying for my husband alberto he has an addiction to gambling and i want that god gives him the libersnce from that addiction thankyou for your prayings.

  • Dear bethrens l need help with your prayers,find the face of God once again l am a believer who got lost in the world,l miss my roots in the house of the lord,l also need your prayers on getting a better job & my family we been looking the blessing of the fruit of the womb,protection & guidances in this country of south africa…GODBLESS

  • Shalom,

    I am asking by this a prayer for the beginning of prayer meeting in a place wich, i am still looking for.
    There is a need, a big one of the place for meeting where people could hear His voice.
    Pray for us as we’re preparing to find a place, at a school or at a univeristy hall here in Gatineau.
    We’re talking to people from a various backgroung. arabes,latinos,romanians, italians and many africans. Some are muslims. They have to hea That voice.

    We need some books in these languages.
    Voice of God Montreal, provided with some, in french and spanish.

    Thank you and God bless you.

    Brother Desire

  • Please pray for me saints, In the name of jesus Christ. My life is in a mess. I need deliverance from my addictions and depression. I would have been a suicidal case if I was not a christian. But I believe when the saints of God begin to pray, always God is bound to hear and answer from heaven, because it is written ”an effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much”. God bless you.

  • i pray for my civil procedure paper and for Ago Asiedu’s Asante’s law education and her two papers. i p0ray that she gets A’s as well. i am praying for mr Frimpong that God will heal him of blindness. my doctor also told me i need to wear glasses. i pray that God will heal my eyes. heal my body and heal my family of all of my trials. i pray for my father. i pray that God will give him 60,000,000 million dollars and save the finances of the family. i pray that he goes to healing school. i pray for my marriage, his marriage and for my sister’s marriage. i pray that God will anoint our marriages.i pray that God will help me in my transfer to Kumasi and heal me in Jesus name with my accomodation. May God give me a special anointing for my eyes and also for my baby girl who is on the way.

  • I want the Lord to help to overcome the devil,so l can be able share the truth about him to others.l want Him to find favor on my family that we built a spirit of oneness.

  • Greetings in the Name of the Lord i am asking for prayers for myself i am not well i really needs prayers for my body i am a message believer who is the paino player of my church i want to be a true witness for him where ever i go god bless you sis Elizabeth

  • Dear Saints,pl Pray for sister Belinda as her husband is giving her lot of Trouble they are from Goa her husband Danny he is under wichcraft or spell by which he treating his wife and children very badly,they were about to kill themself by drinking poision or to jump before the running train,pl pray for this family i wil be visiting them as the Lord leads i will follow,also Pray for bro Marrion and his wife Celine for they have slient request the Lord knows it,John 14:14. God Bless You all Shalom.

  • Please pray for my father – Ravi Anthony – who’s undergoing his bone marrow transplant. He’ll be under intensive care for about a month and the treatment is not that patient friendly. Help him heal completely from Lymphoma (a kind of blood cancer), so that the disease never relapses.

  • i ask for inpartation of the anointing and mantel just like elisha for elija ,cities shaken by GODS GLORY ABAAFATHER can send an angel to me to as He permits ,cities shaken by GODGLORY miljone souls saved as yhe numbers of the see not to mention al the stars aswel can you count them,i ask begars geting houses and work on fire for GOD ,maridges restored finanses loosed for GODS WORK and workers to help ,hospitals shaken by GODS GLORY DOKTERS FULLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT ,and much more my adress is (Pieter Jacques Lombard Postbox 10045 Secunda 2302 SOUTH AFRICA ) send me prayer cloth or something of agreement just like poul prayed on hankychif

  • Hie Brothers and Sisters
    Please pray for me I am failing to raise exmination fees for my December Exams and the fees are due 28 September but i know that with prayer everything is possible!

  • Please Pray,use all your faith and believe GOD will unite me(Phil Chavez) and my soul mate together as soon as it is possible with GOD by any means necessary .Never been on a date or ever had a girlfriend and been Praying and hoping for this for at least 18 years…Thank You…….1 Corinthians 7:9 But if they do not have self-control, let them marry; for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.



  • I am losing my job on the 30th of this month. I have been desperately trying to pass my last Praxis in Special Ed. to finish my Masters in Special Ed. I lost my job in 2009 and had just landed this job in April and now I’m losing it. It is with the Department of Labor and they are replacing us with VETs, which I can understand their role in employment. I am 59 years old and it has been a battle for me to get a solid job where I am not getting “booted out” because of technicalities. HELP me HELP me find the way. HELP ME PLEASE before it is too late. HELP ME PLEASE>

  • I Want brethren to help me pray for peace in my work place and home.I will also ask you to pray wisdom for me aswell.God Bless you all.Amen Amen.

  • I Want the Lord to set me aside for His work,Grant me power to overcome all besetting sins in my life,i also want God to pour on me a portion of the Spirit of Brother William Marrion Branham on me in these last days preparing souls to meet His appearing. And Lastly, i want admission into teacher training school in four days; i don’t care what the Lord does, i just want it to be done.Amen? Amen!!

  • Bride, It’s my heart’s desire to take the Lord’s supper soon. Please pray that my heart be right with God and for him to make away for me to be in the service to take part of it. Only Believe, Sister B.

  • please help me in prayer to almighty God through His Son Jesus Christ for the baptism of the Holy Ghost for me, my husband, our family and the entire local assembly in Kintmpo-Ghana. God Bless You.

  • Please help me pray for my son and his wife the devil is trying to tare there family apart their names are Justin and Megan Smith they have a baby on the way.

  • Prayer Request: mr.jr, mr.m, mr.e, mr.w, mr.vcn, mr.vnct,, mr.p, mr.v, mrs.m, mrs.mj, mr.p, have planned to harm our church pastor & his family on their way from home to church. Since they do not want any sermon of rebuke for sins they plan to stop pastor’s coming to church. They also seriously plan to threaten the pastor and to stop all church activities. Please pray urgently for our church and pastor & his family. Thank you for your prayers.

  • My hair is coming out alot and I am only 37 yrs old. There’s been no cutting of my hair since 2002. Will you please pray that god will let my hair stop coming out and God to give me a good thyroid doctor for hormones to know what to do for it. Worries? No Worries. Please pray that father Jesus will give to me a financial miracle that I do not have to depend upon jezebel for finances, but God to bring in a miracle help from above. Pray that God will let me be in a message church and partake of the Lord’s supper soon and one day my husband will only god to a truth church. The Token is my greatest desire of my heart to be a real born again Bride and nothing else. Sis Angel Lynn Pray without ceasing.

  • Please pray for Sis Christne Ogle from Georgia that God will bring her high blood pressure down to normal. The doctors have put her on low Thyroid treatment trying to bring it down after having 2 hip surgeries and 4 stents put into her heart she needs God to bring her blood pressure down. Mom is 63 yrs old needs God to touch her. He brought her back from the dead in 2002 and he’s still the miracle working god today and I love her so much don’t want God to take her at this time. Pray that God will bring it down the high blood pressure. Her daughter. for Sis Christine Ogles

  • gud afternoon brother my name is johnwesly. iam brother william branham beliver.present my pogicen is bad . iam suffreing my prablems. no job. iam mariied. i have 3 sons. one girl 2 boys. i no my pogistion but i cont, prayer for me brother. by my mno;9394332298,9000850636

  • there’s a lump in my right breast , havent had it check yet but ive turned it over to God please pray that he do what he does best and make it gone .thank you , God i belive i will be healed thank you Amen and Amen.

  • I have some very large promises (received in dreams, visions and time in the Word) from the Lord about bringing Revival to this Nation but at this point I am very depressed about the little degree of effort I have put forth to “have the Lord working together with me to bring His promises to pass”. Faith without works is dead.

    Please pray for me to receive clear direction, bold faith and a greater love for people in communicating the gospel of Jesus Christ.

    Thanks Tom Heward currently in San Diego California

  • Dear saints plz pray for sister Naveen and nancy they may recieve the salvation the Message of the hour pray for sister maria fernandes she has been paralysed needs to be baptize according to Act 2;38 we need the Holy spirit guidence how to baptize in this situaton (paralysed) plz pray for this following request John 14;14

  • Please pray that GOD will heal my body from infectious mono-nucleiosis virus. I was raised in the message from a little boy and I veered off the guided path from what I have always been taught, and now I have given my heart back to the LORD for his Honor and Glory. Please pray that he will touch my body and cure and restore my body back to normal health.

    Ron Buckles
    Sierra Vista, AZ.

  • I do pray that there is believers whom read this and will pray for me. My husband and I live on a fixed income very poor and need God to deliever us with finances so that we do not have to depend upon jezebel to provide for us. God can move this mountain if we only believe. If there’s a message beleivers out there who reads this be in prayer for me that I can be in a message church soon and be filled with that Token Bro. Branham speaks of. Pray that God will just come, direct, deliever set free bring his angels to bring us out of debts and bondage of the harlot having control over our lives. Sis Christian he knows my name.

  • dear saints plz pray for sister gulab and parshuram they may stop biting br anand and family who is a message bilever may God take control and also pray for sister maria ,br.akash ,suraj ,sagar bala and br. stanley the Lord may touch their life and healed them God bless you all Heb 13;8

  • I ask you pray for my husbands job & his bosses. They have a lot of people out right now and business is shaky. Thank you.

  • Please pray for us, me and my wife had backslide since year 2006, we wish to come back to God and worship Him in spirit and in truth.

    thank u for your prayers…

  • I was in a car accident hurt real bad and my smashed pray for my healing and transportation because that was my only car and I can’t afford one

  • Please pray that GOD may creat a situation in our life that my husband realise his SIN, has affair with unmarried girl after 16 years of our marriage life and repent. He has forsaken me as a wife living under one roof since 18 months & I am completely fed up with this situation. He treats me like a servant & gives me mental torture, so I may leave the house with my kid. Please pray that GOD may speak for me. I have hide my identity

  • Dear brothers and sisters, can you keep me in your prayers that God of Branham will totally deliver me from my enemy Stephen John Ikunu who casts evil djinn demons on me and my family.

  • Hello. Our son was born just one week ago. Doctors say something happened while he was still in thw omb that cut off oxygen to his brain. They are saying he has brain damage now and will likely have cerebral palsy. The severity of the damage can only be determined as he gets older over the next couple of years. He is currently on a ventilator, but is breathing on his own. He cannot swallow and doctors say he probably wont ever be able to and he may need a feeding tube through his stomach for his life. His muscles are very tight, but getting better. I refuse to accept the doctor’s report and believe God can and will restore my son’s brain to function wholly and completely. Today i prayed over him calling out the specific body parts for the first time and commanding in Jesus name that they work. I was looking for encouragement in testimonies and came across a site that had some prayers you’ve prayed for people with brain injuries and such. Will you please pray complete healing and restoration for my son’s brain and body? Thank you very much.

  • My the saints pray for me.I am suffering from a demon of spiritual the mighty name of Jesus Christ i command this demon to leave me.I can’t marry,got sexual dysfunction and am not attracted to women.Pray for me saints and call on the God who walked with bro branham.

  • I would like gracious saints to pray for me.i have discovered that I got a spiritual the mighty Name of Jesus Christ my saviour I command this spirit to go.saints pray for me.i got sexual dysfunction,no attraction to women becuase of this demon.

  • Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.I am asking a prayer.I am sick,I am always troubled by ulcers.please pray 4me.qouting from the book of James 5:14-15,I believe 2 be healed by your prayer. pray 4me also to find a job in order to raise my children & help them to go to school.pray 4me 2 get a deliverence from God.

    • Greetings in Jesus’name.may u pls pray 4 my hubby,2 repent because he is breaking our marriage.pray 4 me 2 be patient,pray 4 him 2 leave what he is doing.I am a msg believer.God bless u.Amen

  • Greetings in the Lord Jesus Christ, I want to covet your prayers for our Father to provide a message church in my area(Rigby Idaho) I can get fed from God in any church I know. But I feel at home in a message church. Also I have been having a burden for preaching. So I do ask for you all to pray that Jesus provides a congregation for me to witness to.I know God always provides a way.
    May God bless all the Children that believe in Jesus and even the ones who should come unto him too. God Bless you all.
    Bro. Butcher

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