Online Prayer Requests

Welcome to the Believers Prayer Circle.

Please use the “Comment Form” at the bottom of the page to submit a prayer request.


  • olu says pls pray that God should destroy the demons causing my muscles to waste and restore my health. this has been going for the past two years. drs dont know what to with me. also i have two houses that i want God to sell for me. one of them is so important that i want God’s
    divine interventin fast. also i want God to hasten the release of my indefinte stay by next year so i can visit home. i want God to give me a new job so i could go to church and a goood place to live. i also want Him to bless me finacially so i could complete all my outstanding projects. That God should open the eyes of my siblings to the message of the hour. i want Him to make me think positive and observe diligently all His precepts. thanks and may God anwer all your prayers too.


  • my prayer is that God would release the Kingdom of Heaven show me His glorious presence so i can understand Him more fully that I may know His desires, thoughts, plans future hope for my life

  • dear brothers
    i ‘m manager of boanerges trans company in benin rep.(west africa) since december 2011 i open this company and here is another december 2012 but i have never do any work throught this company so i need your prayers so that GOD open the way of succes for and may He reveals me what i would and be properous
    GOD bless you all i believe very soon i would bring my testimony because i want me too donate to contribute for the big work that Voice of God recordings is doing.

    • I;m so sorry about your problems. But you know where to go for the answers. God has them. Just ask Him for His help and His guidance. It will come! God bless you this day and I will be praying for you

  • I’m looking for e-mail contact. My English is not good, but I believe that you understand me. I had diabetes and God healed me. Praise the Lord! He is the same!
    God bless you All!!

  • Please pray for my nephew, needs to come home to his parents. They are involved in a DCF case that requires a miracle from God or they lose their baby. The parents are accused of abusing their child when they’re never done a thing but love him. It has been a long process with trial but we know that God never forsakes his own. The parents are very good Christians, love The Lord.

    Thanks and God bless you.

  • Most precious Saints of Jesus I send you greetings. My utmost request for prayer for my mother, father, brother, sister and a daughter and son who are not saved, would you pray for them? Sister Barbara is in the ICU in critical but stable condition for over a month now as she battles for her life, her dear and dedicated friend, Sister Grace is by her side almost every minute of the day, pray for her to be strong. Pray for me as circumstances are and not able to be in church, I so need direction, or maybe to know how God is directing me, as I have been very hurt by a pastor and have fought many battles with a believer who when I was at church would try to get my attention, when others were not looking he would persuade me to go with him to church or to his home, after his wife had passed away he told me about his past relations with other women and mentioned marrying me, I am divorced now for many years and have never gave him any impressions of such as his wife told me about the Message and was my best friend ever. I lost confidence that I could go to my pastor with this as I saw that I was misunderstood and told that him being an older man that he was just feeble in the mind, etc or I was too sensitive. The open door which I had once is closed and I believe it is from God for what ever reason that I should not go anymore or for now until the door opens again, if it does. This has been a burden on me for nearly 6 years, and I ask that I keep the right spirit in love, but cannot be around the church brothers and sisters, though I love every one of them. There is no church in my area which the one I attended I drove around 82 miles one way, and the car I drive is old and in need of much work, which keeps me at home. I also have a sister Toni, who needs a miracle from God, to accept Him, His Word and her eyes to be open to the truth as she calls herself a christian but has not changed much at all, still smoking, wears pants, etc she needs faith to overcome those cigarettes as she is very sick with other ailments as well and has smoked for 34 years.

  • God bless you dear brothers and sisters, I am Paulke from India (south) from last 4 years I believed in God, I am spreading the word god and messages of Bro. Branham. So please you one and all pray for us and to be constructed Church in Guntur(city) AP, India. we pray for you all

  • I am asking for prayer for a job and to get my marriage back in the good LORDS hands. i have been unemp;oyed for the last 5 to 6 months and it is causing problems in my marriage and many other things Thank you one and all Praise the Lord for prayers already answered

  • Please pray for my sister. She is alone after having divorced from her husband of 17 years. Her 2 sons became estranged from her. If you know my sister, you will see that she was very kind but in recent years her behavior changed and she got very angry fast. Now we understand why – recently she got diagnosed with aggressive brain cancer and which she was operated on 1 month ago. She used to be suicidal and crying often and never had any much happiness except thru her kids. Please help to pray for her. Please help to pray that she is covered with Jesus’ blood as she undergoes her chemotherapy for the next 3 months on a daily basis the doctors don’t want to say anything – please pray for her, please pray for her, I am so scared and worried. PLease pray for her for her to lead a long life so that she can touch more people with her kindness.

    • God’s word is always true.We are healed by His stripes.Faith is the key to this healing.believe in the word(JESUS Christ),claim your healing,God bless you sister Laeticia and your sister.

  • Dear Saints pl Pray for brother Deepak that he may be deliever from all his depths and i ask the Lord Jesus to come on the scene and bless him and his family,also pray for our little gathering in bombay,pl also pray for the meetings at Rathnagiri as these message is not in this area which by God grace we are getting in that place with plenty of hindi and marathi message book for this village,do keep this meeting in pray,win souls for HIS Kingdom is our need to please our Master Lord Jesus.keep us all in pray.John :14;14

  • Am a footballer who believe the message i would like you to pray for my health i have a terrible waist pain also pray for my football life led the almighty continue to bless me

  • pls.pray for my son rapael who is sick right now,he cannot eat because he throws up every food he eats.May the Lord restore his health.May the Lord also provide us for our needs that we can pay all our debts by His grace.May He continually bless our church spiritually..

    • its true my brother, thats only hope we have at this hour to qualifie for the ruptur wich is to taking place right now,i pray that we stay intouch with the word to make sure our body is transfigered to the glory body.

  • Let me first say that God is my provider…Please pray for the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) to reverse their decision and release the benefits (funds) to me. TWC disqualified me because they said I said something that I did not say…the devil is a liar and The Truth will prevail. I live by myself and I have been without an income for over 5 weeks. Praise God I start a new job on Friday. Thank you for believe and standing with me in The Name of Jesus by The Power of Holy Spirit and Love. Amen

  • Praise the Lord Jesus Christ.
    I’m Rufus Shakin from (Chennai,Tamil Nadu, India)doing my 3rd semester in Sri Ramachandra University. My Exam has started on 30-November-2012 its going to be end on 10-December=2012. I request you to pray for me, on behalf of my exams. I want to get above 75% in overall completion of my MBA Program and I want to get a IT job in “Cognizant Technology Solutions”, “Accenture” Or “WIPRO” when they are coming for Campus recruitment. I kindly request you to Pray for me for all my needs. Thank You.
    God Bless You All…

  • I request prayer for my country Ghana that as we are going to vote on friday 7th Dec, 2012, God should help us and lead through the period smoothly and piece-fully so that His children can have their piece of mind to worship and serve Him.
    God bless you all.
    J. A. Agyemang, God’s Love Tabernacle Sunyani – Ghana

  • Brothers and sisters, may God bless you…Gob bless my wife and me by giving us a. Baby. Is name’s SAMUEL, and i love him. But since my wife gives birth, our baby got hed-ach with 38¤C…we send prays to our Lord for him…I BELIVE that our God is the BEST DOCTEUR…please, brother and sisters, come to us giving thanks to our savior and God JESUS-CHRIST. I try to write in english because the website is in english. Thank you.

  • Dear Believers

    I thank you for all prayers that went out for my requests. Now I would like you to pray for my hubby to be in a happy frame of mind at all times. He is a different person when he is amongst believers and different person when he is at home with us his family. Please pray for all bad memories to be removed from his mind. Please also pray for us,his family to be respectful towards my hubby and amongst each other. We wish to live happily and be kind to each other and be perfect in the sight of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Thank you

    God bless U all

  • Greetings in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. I am blessed to be able to watch your live sevices Wed, and Sundays, and as always Gods word is a blessing to my life. I am asking prayer for my dad, and my daughter. Bro Ron has known my dad for many, many years, back when Bro Ron was just a young man…in the Tri-Cities. My dad is now 78 years old and is suffering from demenia, and possible alzheimers. I just ask that Jesus would help him through this journey that he his traveling. His name is Samuel T Andresen; Bro. Tom is probably what Bro. Ron knows him by. My daughter is Cassandra Laws, and is haveing some sever health issues. Please remember then both in your prayers. God Bless you, and thank you.

  • God bless, please pray for me, I want God to give me the Holy Ghost and to grant me the faith to fight the devil through God’s Spirit. Shalom.

  • I greet all the saints in Jesus’name.i’m asking your prayers.i’m always in pain.pray that God have mercy on me. I love Him,i’m His daughter.i’m trusting in your pray.

  • Godbless you.

    i need a car, i have just started a new job in a new place far from home and the public transport is almost none existant. i will use the car to travell to work but most importanlty to assist the pastor in the evangelic missions. i accompany him every thursday and sunday eveing to spread the massage to the rural arears of Port Elizabeth. His car is worn and I want to help in the spreading the massage brought to us by the Prophet. i know our God is able only if we belive. Please pray with me as we fight on our knees. also pray for my fanancial breakthrough. in Jesus’ name Amen

  • Praise the Lord I have suffering a problem of in my food pipe from last two years. I had checked regarding doctors in Delhi. But they called this disease achalasia cardia. But they want to oprate it. But my faith is that Jesus christ will heal me. So Please Prayer for me.

    • Bro Thompson.The word of God says” you are healed by the stripes of the living Lord God Jesus Christ.’ Let us have have and believe the word,the word is Jesus Christ Himself.May God bless you my dear brother.

  • Dear brothers and sisters,
    I pray you to help me in praying for the salvation and deliverance of TYLA RACHEL from witches, marine’s spirits, water spirits, and all like spirits so that she will be free to accept and believed in Jesus as LORD and SAVIOR. She my lab mate and our LORD want every one to be saved and He has also paid the price for her.

  • Dear Friends:

    Please pray for my neighbour’s daughter Sandy.
    She’s gone to the hospital to deliver her first baby.
    She’s scared. Please pray that she comes out safe and the baby also.
    To God be the Glory. Thanks for your prayers.


  • Can i please request prayer for my family and also my brothers and sisters in Christ to lean more towards the Holy Ghost and live a closer walk with God? And also request reading material from catch the vision. Email:

  • Prayer Request : Pls Pray to stop my Divorce case and Restore our marriage

    Praise the Lord!
    In need of a Blessing from the Lord..

    Pls Pray for me to stop my divorce and restore marriage
    Due to some reasons and pressure from the elders from both the sides I have or had to agree to the terms of divorce by mutual consent and Filed it on Aug-22-2012 but I don’t want divorce….
    our next hearing court date is on 23-Nov-2012..

    I’m a born-again christian and took accepted Jesus as my Lord and Saviour in oct-16-1996 and my husband took baptism just a week before of our wedding..i.e., may-09-2009,on my insist..

    Please pray that God send my husband for Good and open the communication lines between us,to Speak to my husband, soften his heart, and return him to our marriage.
    to strengthen the relationship between my husband and me! That any barriers between us will be removed permanently and that we may have a lifetime of happiness and love together

    I’m the eldest daughter in my family and I have 2 younger sisters and one younger brother to get married..It is so hard and difficult for my family members to watch this…

    Pray for reconciliation of my marriage and stop the divorce case.

    Yours sister-in-Christ,

  • God bless you Saints we must have faith in God,as He promise us that He is same yesterday,today and forever.all things are possible to them that believe let us pray for one another.even I need your prayers course i need more of Him in my life.SHALOM!!

  • Hie there. I am a 27 year old man from Zimbabwe. I have many requests that I may want to put across But I feel those are not the most important ones to ask for. I Love the Lord and I so much believe in Him. My request is to be able to know what God wants of me to be. Like in the olden days as I read the Bible I get that Saul was punished for doing wrong because he had done things his own way. Then to me I desire to get that kind of gift of knowing what to do, as in what decision to make at times. Mostly I wonder is what I am about to do the right thing is it time yet?
    I am also planning to wed in April 2013 so I need God to lead me to that day and bless it.
    Thank You May God Bless you.


  • Please pray I find the church the Lord wishes me to attend, to find truth, and truly people off God. Also for healing in all errors off my life Also divine intervention for my elderly mother, as she finds growing older most difficult.I live in another country not their where she is, I am willing to go to help, but Have not the resources she how ever does have three sons. So she is cared for, but I am very much alone where I am and at times that is difficult.

    thank you

  • Dearest brother

    Greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ. Do please pray for me because of my unwanted thoughts and sinful habits that makes me to be far from Jesus Christ.. I need to be close with my Lord in his presence i want to live.. My Lord should forgive all my sins and samewise should get the forgiveness from those whom all i insulted as bringing them back into my life especially Lavanya whom i insulted more than anyone so just forgiveness and restoration do please pray for me brother. I want my Lord to take care of my work and i want my Lord to protect me from every danger and trouble. Do please pray that i should be God’s Child and be far away from Devil’s and demons… Pray for me brother,, Let a miracle work on my life brother.. Thank you Jesus, Love you Jesus. Praise you Jesus.

    • hi brother you must surender all in jesus christ brother you must die at your on and christ must live in you Godbles you.

  • Jesus Christ Coming Soon
    Love from Apostle. Dr. Per Einar Jensen
    President and founder For Miracle Jensen’s Healing Welfare Ministries
    We need you help In prayer. Pray for ours ministries Orphanhage Children and Pastors. I need more power and strong Anointhing, wery hard to work in India. Iand my wife stay here for one year. go home to Norway 7 may 2013

  • Dear Brothers and Sisters in our LORD JESUS CHRIST, Please pray for my Daughter Destiny and Son in law Kenton as they prepare to have there baby this month of November.They had lost a little newborn last year but the Lord is merciful and gracious, praise be his name. They are believers in our Lord and Saviour and the messenger and Prophet brother Branham. Also for my Mother and Brothers and one sister Constance, Plus all our children and Grandchildren.
    Thank you and God Bless you.

  • I am still holding on to God’s promises as I am in the middle of praying to God to help me get out of debt and I feel he is preparing something form. I will wait until God answers my prayers. Please help me pray.

  • Our small congregation in this area of Canada needs you intercessory prayer. For spiritual growth and also physical growth. We need guidance to fulfill the Great Commission here. Thank you Saints

  • I only want to thank the Lord for His never failing love. I usually went through thick and thin but your prayers and His unfailing love put me through. May God richly bless you all.

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