Online Prayer Requests

Welcome to the Believers Prayer Circle.

Please use the “Comment Form” at the bottom of the page to submit a prayer request.


  • God bless you all.I am asking for prayer for my 16 year old nephew he has had some nerve problems for a long time and he needs God’s help.I would also like to ask for prayer for my family that we will recieve the holy ghost and be ready to go in the rapture when the Lord returns for his bride.Thank you for your prayers may God richly bless you and yours.

  • Dear Bride of Christ i am requesting Prayers for the healing of my body and also for my family the Lord took my dad last year since then things is not going right in our home i have 2 brother 3 sisters and my mom we really needs prayers my desire is for all of us to make it in the rapture God Bless

  • Dear Saints,

    Could you please pray for me as my current company wants me to get terminated for some invalid reasons; I wanted to resolve this situation and I know God will lead me the way. Please also pray for them for doing unwanted things to the employees working in their company. I actually need your prayers because I feel so frustrated and disappointed with this company.

    I live by the grace of God alone without him I am nothing.

    May the Lord Bless you always.

  • If someone has time to pray please pray that God will heal my nerves. I’ve had alot of abuse in my life comeing from people hurting me. Can you pray that God will heal my nerves and deliver me from enemies and give me peace. Fear has torment and I am very tormented with abusive people. Sis Angie

  • I want to ask the lord for forgiveness for my sins , i ask for his guidance back to him ,i have lost my way in this worldliness of filth . But most importantly to continue to love and guide my family .to watch over them.

  • Dear all it is urgent pray request pl pray for sister Jaya she needs the Master touch she is serious and needs pray pl i pray she has deliver a baby girl normal and now she is having some complications for which i need U all to pray and be heal,pl…… i ask the Lord Jesus to come on the Scene.God bless U all for Praying John 14:14

  • I request church to pray for my younger brother he is in hospital,suffering from stone problem.His name is SANDEEP,please pray for him so that GOD touch him and heal him completely in jesus christ name amen. bro santosh

  • pray that my familly and me will be together (we are in to differents contry) and all of us will please the God and obey to His word.

  • Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, please remember me in prayers am not feeling good, i don’t know whats wrong with me, but my heart is beating fast than normal but i believe that your prayers will heal me. God bless you

  • My boy Joseph Ekuka is 5 years old now but he can’t talk and understand as the rest of children and the doctor said it autism i believe that if you pray for him Jesus -Christ The of Branham can heal my boy i have a broken heart

  • Dear Saints pl pray for james,augustine and thier mother that God make change them of thier thinking and also shake them at same time to humble understand things around,also pray for bro nataji and sarasvathy for they have a need of the child,also for bro savio that God make touch him and give him repenting heart and confess the reality also trip to goa should be cancell for his betterment,also pray for Bombay city believers as doctrine issues like thunder,melliunium etc etc,due to which unity among the body of christ is haveing a gap we need the Lord Jesus on the scene this hour also pray for my slient need the Lord knows it,also pray for the word tabernacle fellowship in Bombay for baptism of the Holy Ghost to be a real withness to this message and stand firm,pls also pray for bro antony that his wife and daughter may return back home it passed 17 years bro his believers in this message now five years they seprate when they were in the catholic church,I belive with God all things are possible, Desparation Prays bring the victory we in Bombay need your Prays pl………… I sincere request to you all.also pray for bro John and his family may the Lord Jesus bless thier needs and slient request,God Bless U all for lifting up this pray request,John 14:14,I know MY Redemmer Liveth.

  • Dear church, I am asking prayer for Nicold she is in the hospital tonight from a drug over dose she is in need tonight please pray for her healing. please keep her in your prayers for her total healing she has very bad head aces. she also needs Jesus in her life , as we all do . thanks for praying Jane

  • Bro. in Christ greetings you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.I am 35years old now and unmarried.I am worried about my marrage so please pray for me to get a good wife also pray for my parents for their salvation.In my village we are the only one family who have taken the Baptism in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ(myself and my parents).Please pray for us.

  • I am requesting prayer for healing in my body and deliverance for my family.Prayer for my husband Rudolph,daughter Olivia.been battiing with b
    urning over my body.and feet.Thank you.GOD BLESS.also a financial breakthrough,and debt cancellation.

  • I am currently in between two jobs and i am confused which one to hung on to help me pray for The good Lord to show me his way

  • Greatings in Jesus’s name.
    Brothers and sisters,the bride of the Lamb.Please pray for a young child who is in the ministry(The Eagle Ministry) at Sasolburg,RSA,Free Sate province who has eye problems.She(sister Lerato) cannot see clearly and she is still young.The other prayer is for a sister who has been in hospital in Sasolburg public hospital for more than two months,she(sister Maletsoalo) is so critical,but FAITH is capable through our oneness in Jesus’Name,who is my redeemer/healer,God bless you all,amen.

  • Greatings in Jesus’s name.
    Brothers and sisters,the bride of the Lamb.Please pray for a young child who is in the ministry(The Eagle Ministry) at Sasolburg,RSA,Free Sate province who has eye problems.She(sister Lerato) cannot see clearly and she is still young.The other prayer is for a sister who has been in hospital for more than a two months,she is so critical,but FAITH is capable through our oneness in Jesus’Name,who is my redeemer/healer,God bless you all,amen.

  • Dear saints please pray for Joseph Jonathan to come out of his backsliding condition and repent and to recognize the message we are living in. May the Holy Ghost take control of his life entirely and guide him right direction of life. Not to make wrong decisions in any way.

  • Dear Brothers, and sisters,

    I would like to request for the prayers of the saint for my father, to see the materialization of his healing.
    May god reachly bless you.

  • Greetings in JESUS CHRIST wonderful name…

    I am Pastor Jerry A. Jabon from the Philippines, I am a former Baptist pastor who came out from the old and dead systems of denominationalism. I have started a new ministry in the Province of Bulacan for almost a year now, our church attendance is already 30 people and several children attended our services.

    Right now, we are in need of church building where we can held our worship services. We are praying that God will send to us Message Churches who can donate or help us financially build our church for the glory of God. Please pray for our needs to be meet.

  • My hair is is falling out real bad and I’ve lot alot of hair. Can you pray that God will let my hair grow back and it not fall out as I DO NOT CUT OR TRIM MY HAIR. Pray that God will heal my hair. Sis Angie

  • i am thankful and that i have this oppotunity to send my prayer request.
    i finished my secondary studies in 2010 but i got no fees… i go 50% bursary from a certain university but i cant afford the rest….i also find hardships in living because i am staying alone. and i go thru alot ….pliz lets pray together .. i believe he will listen

  • Dear Bride of Christ, please keep me in your prayers. The devil is trying to fill my mind with unbelief and all sorts of strange thoughts, wanting me to worry over every little thing. I don’t want to be seperated from my Lord by unbelief. God bless you.

  • Dear saints, please for me, i have two girls and been desiring another child for the past 6 years and nothing is happening. please pray that God will grant my heart desire.
    God bless.

  • Godbless you brothers and sister in the name of Jesus Christ.
    i have been black listed due to my foolishness after my fiance left me for another man. I do not know what to do or how to get over the love i have for her. but now career is at the brink of collapse. i have lost all sense of direction and will to live. i feel inadequet even at my work. i am a mechanical engineer but lost all confidence. i am at war with my self every second. I have no peace inside me. Please pray for me to find my way back to God again.

    • Understand through this trial Brother that you may have been with “wrong one” and that your beautiful wife, who would never leave you, is still out there. God bless. I pray that you will find her soon and God will bless you with more happiness than you have ever known.

  • for friend single mother she is in need of a car. Lay it on someone’s heart to help her get into a car so she can take her kids to doctor appointments and after school activities. Surround her with the body of Christ helping her with transportation and every need she has to see God’s hand working in her life.
    Guide my son and daughter in the right direction with school.relationships and work. Salvation for each to follow God one day.

  • Hi, dear bride of Christ i would like you to please pray for me
    as i am going through divorce my wife as decided to divorce and she went to
    claim false allegation against me and we have two kids boy

    • Hi tbe bride of Christ.The Marriage we do as people symbolises the true marriage between us and God,which He(Jesus Christ)will not divorce us as his bride.Therefore we are praying for you not to divorce,but forgive and forget untill death do you part.May God bless you.Your marriage is in the hand of the Lord and blessed and no-one will destroy it.

  • Requesting prayer for restoration of my husband and my marriage. My husband to be released from demons of adultry, alchohol, demonic music, disbelieve in the word of God, night clubs, all night parties, lack of interst in our marriage and family life, flirting with girls, constant chatting of the phone with girls.

  • Help me pray that God will see me through and bless me in my online business. God will grant me long life, and I will praise him all the day of my life, his a great God.

  • Pls. help me in prayer that my son josua,turn his back from gambling,and may the holy Spirit convict him and turn to God and surrender his life fully.May the Lord bless us as we move back to church,may He provide all our needs Amen!..May our church be more closer to God….

  • i want to thank God for my laptop. it is a very beautiful laptop and the anointing of God is all around it. i thank God for all that i want to do with it. i also thank God for my marriage. He has given me a very wonderful marriage and i am very grateful to him for the life of my husband. i also thank God for the marriage ministry that he has given to us and for helping us with the wedding. i thank God also for what he did for me in church yesterday. i am so grateful for his healing. Now that i am moving to another town, i pray that God makes my transition successful. i know he is helping me so that the enemy will not have a place in my affairs and i am relying solely on God for this protection. Amen.

    • Dear God help Heather to fight this disease of addiction and take it away. Surround her with the body of Christ supporting her and lifting her up daily to win this battle. I ask this day that God you would be with her and help her with any of the cravings for the drugs to go away and the people her life that are not good fade away so she can get clean. Thank you God for Heather her life and bring her through this with your help and others. In Your Name Amen.

    • Father in the mighty name of Jesus Christ,i ask thy power that is in Heather to be a true testimony of the word.Heather,Lord is given the power by Christ to be the prince,nothing is impossible with Lord,thus said thyn word Lord.Heather only need to exercise this power that is given unto you,that is the rights God gave.the right to live God’s way and refuse to do have faith to conquer the evil/demons.just stop taing drugs and fellowship with brothers and sisters,call Christ in the scene,He is there,He will calm the storm.He is just waiting for you to call Him in faith,may the Lord Jesus Christ bless you,amen.

  • Lord im asking for help I’m having financial difficulties I pray to you Lord if possible to help me love you Lord

    • Dear Lord be with Lori and provide financially for her to meet whatever bills and needs she has. Help to her to get on the right track and financially be able to do better each month . Thank you Lord for your provisions and what you are going to do for Lori. In Your Name Amen

  • I have lost my job. I am 59 years old and the process of finding a job is difficult in this world without the guidance and understanding of the power of the almighty Lord will sustain me. I have been unemployed twice since 2005 and I go into a deep depression. I don’t want to do that again and ask for prayer and guidance in finding another job. I have tremendous college loan debt and need to be employed to get out of the slave market of debt from that. I need your prayers…….I need your prayers……Thank you.

    • Dear Lord help Rebekah have faith that You the Lord is going to bring a job her way to help her with all she has to pay for especially college loans. Be with her today to calm the fears,anxiety and depression knowing God you are going to provide a job. Let the job be at the right time and a job she enjoys Lord to provide for all her needs. Lord sustain this day with the body of Christ surrounding her with you love to help her through this. Thank you Lord for Your love. In Your Name Amen

  • Dear Lord please continue taking care of my family.I have been struggling for months please help my son to stay away from trouble please bring him closer to you lord my son Aaron Rosales help him with his problems and me Lord thank you for helping me and continue keeping me close to you love Lori valdez

  • I am in need of prayer for my daughter. Her boyfriend of 2 1/2 years broke up with her with no explanation what so ever. She is so distraught and heartbroken its uneal. i need prayers for them to work this out and go back to the way things were before the breakup. it would mean the world to her and i really dislike when she is this upset. Thank you and god bless!

  • pastor, please pray for me that God will open my eyes and my ears to see and hear all that He wants for me. Let me have that encounter with HIM that will change my life for ever. Let HIM reveal HIS purpose for me. Am tired of wandering………

    • I’m sorry friend, but I made the same mistake of wishing for that exact thing also. For years. Had many, many wonderful experiences, was and still are growing, but GRADUALLY. You see; I know EXACTLY what your problem is. It’s centered around the fact that the system of faith can be altogether supplanted by a form of GREED (greed=love of gain of anything; avarice) as a SYSTEM. Greed relies on “grabbing” something through some “mechanical” method, whereas faith relies on believing as you know. You will never know all the permutations of how this works on this earth, for I know way, way way too many revealed to me myself, until I tire of repenting from greed for God (and praying others also), being replaced with believing for the doing and acquiring of all things (CORRECT living by faith). It’s this world my friend. satan has FILLED it with alternative value set. Even the moderators are trying to block it. If they knew the presence of The Lord that smouldered and burnt in this room, they’d be sorry… See ?

  • Remember me in prayer brethren I will be writing a critical exam on the 18 th of October.I have to pass this one!! God bless you all.

  • 17 yr old son senior in h’s making bad decisions ina wrong relationship causing chaos in our home raised him in. Church. My wife is sick diabetic my business is suffering due to personal health issues

    • Please pray for me and my husband to please one anothe and to do things according to the word of God for our preparation.GodBless u

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