I am interested in fellowship with believers who believe the message and are desiring to grow in more truth. I believe the Lord is going to perfect His bride as said in Ephesians 4:11 regarding the five office callings of the ministry, how they are for the perfecting of the saints. And we know the perfecting in accomplished at the end-time. We are in a perfect type as was in the coming of Christ when John the baptist came with a message. After the passing of John the baptist the message was then taken by the ministry that followed. Notice that revelation did follow on after the death of John. Much of it came through the Apostles including Paul. The gifts of the Spirit also continued on. As believers we must take things that we do not understand back to the Word of God and commit it the the Lord in prayer. All things can be shaken but those who stand on the Word of God cannot be shaken.
Hello to all the believers. my greetings to you, I would like to say that I’m so hapy, for many things, one of them is because the Lord Jesuscrist save my life,and I’m trying to serve Him. To my brothers, that feel a litle worry about the problems not only in their contry but even in their churches, I would like to said,( !!!We are not defeated!!! ). WE ARE STEEL THE BRIDGE OF CRIST; HE IS STEEL LEAVE; HE’S STEEL THE SAME, YESTERDAY, TODAY AND FOREVER.
Take encouragement, be brave, be spirited. I want to inspireyou, to never giveup. Mabey some times we go through the desert of loneliness, some times through storms of persecution; with tribulations, needs, anguish; calamity, jails, tumults…Like unknowns, but very knowns; like moribund, but behold that we leave; like punish, but not death; like sadden, but allways joyful; like poor, but to enriching to many; like have no nothing, but to possessing all. My brothers, my best greetings to you. Your sincere friend, José. And
God be with you, till we meet again.
Dear saints of God i am asking your prayers and encouragement for a Brother in Christ that has been Paralyzed 3 yrs ago after falling of a roof. I ask that you pray for my Bro. his faith is strong and he knows he is already healed in Christ Jesus through whom all things are possible.
God Richly Bless
Dear saints,
I have two questions which are problably just one. If anyone can tell me the meaning?
1st question
Quote from the FIRST SEAL
168-4 {349} And after the church is taken away, Rome and–and the Jews will make a covenant with one another. The Bible said they would, with the holy people. And now notice, they’ll make it, because why? This nation is going to be busted, and the rest of the world that’s on the gold standard is busted. You know that. If we’re living off of taxes, due bills for forty years from now, where are we at? There’s only one thing can happen. That’s to call in the currency and pay off the bonds; and we can’t do it. Wall Street owns them, and Wall Street’s controlled by the Jews; the rest of it’s in the Vatican, and the Jews has got the rest of it in Wall Street with the commerce of the world .END QUOTE
. (My question here; what does the prophet mean by calling in the currency and pay off the bonds?)
Furthermore, the elect will not only be kept, but as this move becomes the “IMAGE ERECTED TO THE BEAST,” the saints will be gone in the rapture. And this little delightful, winsome movement that started out in fellowship at Ephesus will become the monster of Satan that defiles and deceives the whole world. For the church system of the Roman Catholic and the Protestant in coming together will control the whole wealth of the world system and force the whole earth into its religious trap, or will kill them, by refusing them the privilege of buying and selling whereby they would make a living. This will be accomplished simply, for the harlot’s daughters are all but gone back to her. In the meantime, Rome has acquired nearly all the supplies of gold. The Jews have the bonds and all the paper. At the right time, the harlot will destroy the present day money system by calling in all the paper, and demanding gold. With no gold, the system falls. The Jews will be trapped and come into the alliance, and the harlot church will take over the whole world.END QUOTE
(My question whats the meaning of calling in all the paper, and demanding gold ?)
De nuevo saludos desde Cd. Juarez Chihuahua.Mex.
Estoy muy contento de poder platicar mediante palabras escritas con todos ustedes. Les mando un saludo muy afectuoso a todos, y espero que todos sigamos adelante en el Señor Jesucristo. A mi me gustaria mucho saber que esta pasando en los paises en donde la lucha es grande, como; en en el continente Africano, en La India, en China, Corea del norte,(Si es que hay algun usuario de alla), y en cualquier otro lugar donde quisieran compartirme de sus vivencias. Muchos saludos y que Dios los bendiga.
A warm hello to all the predistinated seed of God..
…anybody know if there are any Message Believers that conducting Worship Service somewhere in Jeddah Saudi Arabia? I know it is forbidden in this muslim coutry to worship the Lord Jesus But I believe somewhere out there the True message of God is working for the True message believers.. Please support us to spread the Word in this darkest part of the World..?
if you have free time, please be informed that the eagles gather every fridays, 9;30am here in doha nga lang… but, try to visit the site at http://www.livestream.com/etmbqatar for the outpouring of our fresh manna. we’l keep you posted for any developments… GOD BLESS US ALL
Fellow Brothers and Sisters In the Message Of the Hour. I am Bro Olamide John from Idiroko, Nigeria. I am so happy to know that so many people loved my Prophet William Marrion Branham.
I just want to say a very big THANK YOU, to everyone that answered my question about marriage and divorce.
Also a big thank you to those who offered further assistance.
My sister, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.” (2 Timothy 2:1-2).”Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.” (1 Corinthians 16:13).”Finally, my sister, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” (Ephesians 6:10-11).Shalom
i am so glad to find that i have so many brothers and sisters in christ may God bless you all. we will see each other one day, keep on praying with all our heart
Hi I am Santhosh Kumar from Chennai, If God is one the why Jesus is calling God as Father , How this can be and my another question is If Jesus is God then What does the Father do , Pls do clarify who can to my mail @
Jesus calls the Father like you call on the Father. If you are born again, God is in you as you are in him. God and you are 1. 2nd question, The HolySpirit is God. God is manifesting the works of the Spirit, God is very busy. Love, your bro.in Christ , Louie louolivas@yahoo.com
have any of you heard about the book branham wrote about Daniel along with the 7 church ages i need the correct name of the books please contact me at akeetahbelton@hotmail.com
Fellow believers. Im overjoyed just to see your all’s God bless and Shalom! I cant wait to meet you all oneday to spend eternity. Pressing on it wont be long till we see Jesus… im from South Africa, 25 year old and serving God through His Grace in the message. If any of you fellow saints would like to fellowship, share news from your conregations and your country, it would be nice to hear from you – my email: nicky4message@webmail.co.za
God bless!
Sure, im serving in Worcester, Western Cape in SA. Usually visit other believers in other countries also (Cape Town, Bloemfontein, etc.). Feel free to contact me on mail if you wish:-)
God bless you saints. Am elated to find this kind of forum in the net, am a believing saint from Kenya my email is ziokam24@yahoo.com i welcome fellowship for i have found wonderful comments and needs that needs prayers. Lets commune together.
hola soy claudia de argentina pido oracion a todo el pueblo de Dios que me aparte del camino de Dios y la estoy pasando mal porfavor le pido sus oraciones gracias hermanos que dios le vendiga espero sus respuesta
Hola Claudia! creo que a todos o a muchos nos ha pasado de apartarnos del centro de la voluntad de Dios. Pero te tengo buenas noticias, la misericordia de Dios se renueva cada mañana. Ya no pienses en los pecados, una vez que te arrepentis, dejalos en las manos del Señor, y oiras su voz y poco a poco el te trae al camino de nuevo. Dios conoce tu corazon. No escuches a los que te juzgan, sabemos que el unico que nos puede juzgar es Dios. Confia en que Jesus esta contigo y ya sos victoriosa. salu2
Praise the Lord. I am Anita from chennai, India. God bless this ministry for enabling to hear these precious sermons from this anointed prophet from God.
Glad to know theres believers over in India. Brother Branham says he was sent seven times around the globe. God made sure we all hear His Word through the end time message!
God bless:-)
God bless you all richly, just want to say its a great honour to be associated with this message, God’s grace to his Bride. I would love to chat with believers in the message, not only for the encouragement but the fellowship.
My email address finalvoice@hotmail.com
Soy un usuario de Mexico, soy nuevo en este sitio, lo vi y me gusto mucho.
me gustaria conoser mas hermanos que creen este mensaje.
Muchos saludos a todos.
e-mail joalseropa@hotmail.com
I am looking for some information about marriage. Being new to the “message”, I am still finding my way around various sites. Any help with this will be highly appreciated. (you can email me @ bikebiz@live.co.za)
Dear Brother Tim,
It was nice to hear a new soul has joined the Body.
I joined the Body of Christ 37 years ago. I was saved in a little church
that was just coming into the Message.
There is one thing you need to always remember. Stay
focused on the Word whether in the Bible or Brother Branham’s sermons.
They are all safe. For there is many out there who have or are changing
what it is. Always go home and search out what you heard. Never take
anything at face value just because the preacher is your pastor or someone
you believe is going to be there. Remember, they are human, they make
mistakes. These mistakes can be unintentionally, or intentionally. You
will never know.The intentional ones are driven by need to have power or control over the Bride. Or they can be just because the person wants
to fit in or not hurt someone’s feelings. Be very, very careful. When
you aren’t careful, there is a price to be paid. I know. I’ve been
As for the question of Marriage and Divorce, Brother Branham
has a message named exactly that.
it’s such an inspiring word and a reminder for all of us being in the message of the hour… the trumphet sounded for our battle, especially, in the high places apart from our principalities & evil forces in these end time… keep pressing on and praying for our Lord Jesus to help us thru in these struggles! Shalom Saints!
Praise the Lord! I just want to ask for prayer for my husband. He is not saved, even though he encourages me to be strong and stay with Brother Branham’s message. He tells me that he knows it is the way to believe, but he can’t give up his worldly pleasures. He is a good husband and father and human being, he really needs prayer. He suffers from Manic Depression and stays depressed a lot. He was in a very bad car wreck and became addicted to pain pills, and did something I know he wouldn’t have done otherwise, and now he is in prison and we don’t know when he will get to come home to me and his two little boys. Please pray that God will give me strength and will touch my husband and save his soul.
God bless you sister, am emphathetic to your situation and really feel sorry for your state you are in. But we have one consolation, that His grace is sufficient for us all and that He wil not let you in trials and tribulation that you cant tunnel thru. Be patient and prayerful for thru that your unwavering faith is being tested. Your strong faith and love towards your Husband will bring salvation to your Husband may be God allowed him to go to prison so that he can meditate on his personal spiritual life. You shall be surprised when he turns to GOd as all seeds must do however the long channel/way. Be blessed
Brother Mutuku
Praise & glory to Christ Jesus who saved us from sin. Sister, just remember this quote- HE HAS MADE EVERYTHING BEAUTIFUL IN HIS TIME (ECC 3:11). As I grew up, my dad wasn’t saved but then thru Mum’s prayers, God answered just in time- a situation came up @ work & this he needed spiritual help & we would all focus on praying for him. when he pased away, he was so into prayer & I love the Lord for that. Dad left a widow in Mum but that widow is devoted to the Lord & by faith we’ll all unite in Heaven. Stay right under the blood and draw your husband with you coz under the Blood the devil will do you no harm. The scoreboard will read as below
Thank you for sharing your story with me. I am still needing your prayers. I have been battling Satan everyday lately he has been trying to tell me to just give up, that God has left me, but I know that Satan is the father of lies, and that God will never leave nor forsake me. Thanks to everyone for their prayers. My husband still has not returned home and we believe that he won’t get to come home until September of next year, but I know that with God all things are possible. Please pray for my daughter, her father has been telling her that I along with my church are brainwashed and trying to brainwash her, and that she doesn’t have to believe anything that we are trying to instill in her. She is very confused right now, and needs prayer. Thanks for your uplifting words, your sister in Christ, Shanna
My sister, it is by faith that we were saved & Heb 11:1-3 says ‘1Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
2For by it the elders obtained a good report.
3Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
It is by faith that power has been vested in us by our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ meaning that He is on our side…and if He is on our side, then who shall be against us….AND by the faith in Him we are more than conquerors. Do not get weary in doing good no matter what, get stronger in faith for by it we please God who will make everything good in His time. Christ will not hinder the little children bcoz for such is the kingdom of Heaven. I pray that Christ looks upon you with a smile and give u a the testimony that u hope for.
May God bless you richly. Your brother in Christ. Eddy
Shalom, lets pray one for another so we can be strengthened to keep the faith until day brake. Let’s seek for His continual mercies, grace and favour so that this corrupt and dead world do not overwhelm us. God richly bless you.
Hello God bless you. My name is Miryam and I want to speak to someone I feel so depresed. I love the messages and I love jesus christ. I have a big testimony. maybe my english is not good, i’m from mexico. GBY
God bless you Miryam. I understand what you are going through because I was feeling that way very recently due to a number of things; my life experiences and my job. I was able to share this in our fellowship during one of our Prayer Meetings where I confessed everything before the congregation and the Pastor and the congregation prayed for me. Since then, the Lord has been very gracious and I truly believe that He has forgiven me and has healed me of all my sins and given me new direction and renewed hope. With God, all things are possible. May God continue to bless you and i would love to hear of your big testimony if you are willing to share.
To the person with the 1st comment, the book is called The Seven Church Ages and Daniel’s Seventy Weeks. These books are easily found at your local Message Church or go to Voice Of God Recordings online in Jeffersonville, Indiana
God blessyou brother Matthew, I’m from Juarez, Chihuahua Mexico. Nice to meetyou. Greetigns to you and your family and your congregation.
God blessyou all.
Dear Saints,
I am interested in fellowship with believers who believe the message and are desiring to grow in more truth. I believe the Lord is going to perfect His bride as said in Ephesians 4:11 regarding the five office callings of the ministry, how they are for the perfecting of the saints. And we know the perfecting in accomplished at the end-time. We are in a perfect type as was in the coming of Christ when John the baptist came with a message. After the passing of John the baptist the message was then taken by the ministry that followed. Notice that revelation did follow on after the death of John. Much of it came through the Apostles including Paul. The gifts of the Spirit also continued on. As believers we must take things that we do not understand back to the Word of God and commit it the the Lord in prayer. All things can be shaken but those who stand on the Word of God cannot be shaken.
Bless you,
Hello to all the believers. my greetings to you, I would like to say that I’m so hapy, for many things, one of them is because the Lord Jesuscrist save my life,and I’m trying to serve Him. To my brothers, that feel a litle worry about the problems not only in their contry but even in their churches, I would like to said,( !!!We are not defeated!!! ). WE ARE STEEL THE BRIDGE OF CRIST; HE IS STEEL LEAVE; HE’S STEEL THE SAME, YESTERDAY, TODAY AND FOREVER.
Take encouragement, be brave, be spirited. I want to inspireyou, to never giveup. Mabey some times we go through the desert of loneliness, some times through storms of persecution; with tribulations, needs, anguish; calamity, jails, tumults…Like unknowns, but very knowns; like moribund, but behold that we leave; like punish, but not death; like sadden, but allways joyful; like poor, but to enriching to many; like have no nothing, but to possessing all. My brothers, my best greetings to you. Your sincere friend, José. And
God be with you, till we meet again.
Dear saints of God i am asking your prayers and encouragement for a Brother in Christ that has been Paralyzed 3 yrs ago after falling of a roof. I ask that you pray for my Bro. his faith is strong and he knows he is already healed in Christ Jesus through whom all things are possible.
God Richly Bless
Dear saints,
I have two questions which are problably just one. If anyone can tell me the meaning?
1st question
Quote from the FIRST SEAL
168-4 {349} And after the church is taken away, Rome and–and the Jews will make a covenant with one another. The Bible said they would, with the holy people. And now notice, they’ll make it, because why? This nation is going to be busted, and the rest of the world that’s on the gold standard is busted. You know that. If we’re living off of taxes, due bills for forty years from now, where are we at? There’s only one thing can happen. That’s to call in the currency and pay off the bonds; and we can’t do it. Wall Street owns them, and Wall Street’s controlled by the Jews; the rest of it’s in the Vatican, and the Jews has got the rest of it in Wall Street with the commerce of the world .END QUOTE
. (My question here; what does the prophet mean by calling in the currency and pay off the bonds?)
Furthermore, the elect will not only be kept, but as this move becomes the “IMAGE ERECTED TO THE BEAST,” the saints will be gone in the rapture. And this little delightful, winsome movement that started out in fellowship at Ephesus will become the monster of Satan that defiles and deceives the whole world. For the church system of the Roman Catholic and the Protestant in coming together will control the whole wealth of the world system and force the whole earth into its religious trap, or will kill them, by refusing them the privilege of buying and selling whereby they would make a living. This will be accomplished simply, for the harlot’s daughters are all but gone back to her. In the meantime, Rome has acquired nearly all the supplies of gold. The Jews have the bonds and all the paper. At the right time, the harlot will destroy the present day money system by calling in all the paper, and demanding gold. With no gold, the system falls. The Jews will be trapped and come into the alliance, and the harlot church will take over the whole world.END QUOTE
(My question whats the meaning of calling in all the paper, and demanding gold ?)
first answer this question, will the bride be around? then why worry.
De nuevo saludos desde Cd. Juarez Chihuahua.Mex.
Estoy muy contento de poder platicar mediante palabras escritas con todos ustedes. Les mando un saludo muy afectuoso a todos, y espero que todos sigamos adelante en el Señor Jesucristo. A mi me gustaria mucho saber que esta pasando en los paises en donde la lucha es grande, como; en en el continente Africano, en La India, en China, Corea del norte,(Si es que hay algun usuario de alla), y en cualquier otro lugar donde quisieran compartirme de sus vivencias. Muchos saludos y que Dios los bendiga.
A warm hello to all the predistinated seed of God..
…anybody know if there are any Message Believers that conducting Worship Service somewhere in Jeddah Saudi Arabia? I know it is forbidden in this muslim coutry to worship the Lord Jesus But I believe somewhere out there the True message of God is working for the True message believers.. Please support us to spread the Word in this darkest part of the World..?
My email address : fulcrum1130@yahoo.com
or contact me at CP # 0567101230
hi bride alex,
if you have free time, please be informed that the eagles gather every fridays, 9;30am here in doha nga lang… but, try to visit the site at http://www.livestream.com/etmbqatar for the outpouring of our fresh manna. we’l keep you posted for any developments… GOD BLESS US ALL
bro. erwin
Bro Erwin,
Thank you very Much brother.. I will look into that..
Have a nice day in serving the Lord..
Bro. Alex
Hello to All and GOD Bless, Is any one familar with The Lord releasing AArons rod to those in the earth today?
Fellow Brothers and Sisters In the Message Of the Hour. I am Bro Olamide John from Idiroko, Nigeria. I am so happy to know that so many people loved my Prophet William Marrion Branham.
Does anyone know of any counselling or therapy services around Pretoria area, I am in Centurion.
If you have any info. please forward it to me @: bikebiz@live.co.za
Thank you and God Bless.
Tim Williams
Hello all,
I just want to say a very big THANK YOU, to everyone that answered my question about marriage and divorce.
Also a big thank you to those who offered further assistance.
I really do appreciate it.
God Bless you all.
Godbless everyone!!!! I just would like to ask for prayer. The devil is really messing with my mine and I have come to far to turn around.
Thanks and Godbless!!!!
My sister, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.” (2 Timothy 2:1-2).”Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.” (1 Corinthians 16:13).”Finally, my sister, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” (Ephesians 6:10-11).Shalom
i am so glad to find that i have so many brothers and sisters in christ may God bless you all. we will see each other one day, keep on praying with all our heart
God bless you all.From bro Jonathan samdzi from Ghana.
jonathansamdzi@yahoo.com.sg or nathanielsamdzi@yahoo.co.uk
Hi I am Santhosh Kumar from Chennai, If God is one the why Jesus is calling God as Father , How this can be and my another question is If Jesus is God then What does the Father do , Pls do clarify who can to my mail @
Jesus calls the Father like you call on the Father. If you are born again, God is in you as you are in him. God and you are 1. 2nd question, The HolySpirit is God. God is manifesting the works of the Spirit, God is very busy. Love, your bro.in Christ , Louie louolivas@yahoo.com
To all Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus
have any of you heard about the book branham wrote about Daniel along with the 7 church ages i need the correct name of the books please contact me at akeetahbelton@hotmail.com
Solamente muchos saludos a todos, desde (Cd. Juarez Chihuahua Mex.)
just greetings for all, from.(=)
Fellow believers. Im overjoyed just to see your all’s God bless and Shalom! I cant wait to meet you all oneday to spend eternity. Pressing on it wont be long till we see Jesus… im from South Africa, 25 year old and serving God through His Grace in the message. If any of you fellow saints would like to fellowship, share news from your conregations and your country, it would be nice to hear from you – my email: nicky4message@webmail.co.za
God bless!
god bless you all brothers and sisiters continue serving our lord with all our heart
hello nicky,nice meetn u,plz do u mind teln me were u worship in s.africa?
Hi Kate,
Sure, im serving in Worcester, Western Cape in SA. Usually visit other believers in other countries also (Cape Town, Bloemfontein, etc.). Feel free to contact me on mail if you wish:-)
Shaloom to all
hi to all sisters and brothers in Christ Jesus……….
God bless you saints. Am elated to find this kind of forum in the net, am a believing saint from Kenya my email is ziokam24@yahoo.com i welcome fellowship for i have found wonderful comments and needs that needs prayers. Lets commune together.
Greetings to you all.
Peace be unto you
hola soy claudia de argentina pido oracion a todo el pueblo de Dios que me aparte del camino de Dios y la estoy pasando mal porfavor le pido sus oraciones gracias hermanos que dios le vendiga espero sus respuesta
Hola Claudia! creo que a todos o a muchos nos ha pasado de apartarnos del centro de la voluntad de Dios. Pero te tengo buenas noticias, la misericordia de Dios se renueva cada mañana. Ya no pienses en los pecados, una vez que te arrepentis, dejalos en las manos del Señor, y oiras su voz y poco a poco el te trae al camino de nuevo. Dios conoce tu corazon. No escuches a los que te juzgan, sabemos que el unico que nos puede juzgar es Dios. Confia en que Jesus esta contigo y ya sos victoriosa. salu2
Praise the Lord. I am Anita from chennai, India. God bless this ministry for enabling to hear these precious sermons from this anointed prophet from God.
Hi Anita,
Glad to know theres believers over in India. Brother Branham says he was sent seven times around the globe. God made sure we all hear His Word through the end time message!
God bless:-)
God bless you all richly, just want to say its a great honour to be associated with this message, God’s grace to his Bride. I would love to chat with believers in the message, not only for the encouragement but the fellowship.
My email address finalvoice@hotmail.com
Hello everyone!! is there some people from latinamerica? if there is let me know. God bless each of you!!!
Soy un usuario de Mexico, soy nuevo en este sitio, lo vi y me gusto mucho.
me gustaria conoser mas hermanos que creen este mensaje.
Muchos saludos a todos.
e-mail joalseropa@hotmail.com
hello all,
I am looking for some information about marriage. Being new to the “message”, I am still finding my way around various sites. Any help with this will be highly appreciated. (you can email me @ bikebiz@live.co.za)
Thank you and God bless.
what kind of information?? there is a message by Bro. Branham Choosing a Bride maybe can help you.Or the Choosing of a Bride. Look for, is very good.
have sent you a mail via your email address
Dear Brother Tim,
It was nice to hear a new soul has joined the Body.
I joined the Body of Christ 37 years ago. I was saved in a little church
that was just coming into the Message.
There is one thing you need to always remember. Stay
focused on the Word whether in the Bible or Brother Branham’s sermons.
They are all safe. For there is many out there who have or are changing
what it is. Always go home and search out what you heard. Never take
anything at face value just because the preacher is your pastor or someone
you believe is going to be there. Remember, they are human, they make
mistakes. These mistakes can be unintentionally, or intentionally. You
will never know.The intentional ones are driven by need to have power or control over the Bride. Or they can be just because the person wants
to fit in or not hurt someone’s feelings. Be very, very careful. When
you aren’t careful, there is a price to be paid. I know. I’ve been
As for the question of Marriage and Divorce, Brother Branham
has a message named exactly that.
hi sis. jane,
it’s such an inspiring word and a reminder for all of us being in the message of the hour… the trumphet sounded for our battle, especially, in the high places apart from our principalities & evil forces in these end time… keep pressing on and praying for our Lord Jesus to help us thru in these struggles! Shalom Saints!
I agree sister. Bro Branham always said to take it back to the Word.
Praise the Lord! I just want to ask for prayer for my husband. He is not saved, even though he encourages me to be strong and stay with Brother Branham’s message. He tells me that he knows it is the way to believe, but he can’t give up his worldly pleasures. He is a good husband and father and human being, he really needs prayer. He suffers from Manic Depression and stays depressed a lot. He was in a very bad car wreck and became addicted to pain pills, and did something I know he wouldn’t have done otherwise, and now he is in prison and we don’t know when he will get to come home to me and his two little boys. Please pray that God will give me strength and will touch my husband and save his soul.
God bless you sister, am emphathetic to your situation and really feel sorry for your state you are in. But we have one consolation, that His grace is sufficient for us all and that He wil not let you in trials and tribulation that you cant tunnel thru. Be patient and prayerful for thru that your unwavering faith is being tested. Your strong faith and love towards your Husband will bring salvation to your Husband may be God allowed him to go to prison so that he can meditate on his personal spiritual life. You shall be surprised when he turns to GOd as all seeds must do however the long channel/way. Be blessed
Brother Mutuku
Praise & glory to Christ Jesus who saved us from sin. Sister, just remember this quote- HE HAS MADE EVERYTHING BEAUTIFUL IN HIS TIME (ECC 3:11). As I grew up, my dad wasn’t saved but then thru Mum’s prayers, God answered just in time- a situation came up @ work & this he needed spiritual help & we would all focus on praying for him. when he pased away, he was so into prayer & I love the Lord for that. Dad left a widow in Mum but that widow is devoted to the Lord & by faith we’ll all unite in Heaven. Stay right under the blood and draw your husband with you coz under the Blood the devil will do you no harm. The scoreboard will read as below
Jesus Christ 10 : 0 satan.
May God richly bless you and your family
Thank you for sharing your story with me. I am still needing your prayers. I have been battling Satan everyday lately he has been trying to tell me to just give up, that God has left me, but I know that Satan is the father of lies, and that God will never leave nor forsake me. Thanks to everyone for their prayers. My husband still has not returned home and we believe that he won’t get to come home until September of next year, but I know that with God all things are possible. Please pray for my daughter, her father has been telling her that I along with my church are brainwashed and trying to brainwash her, and that she doesn’t have to believe anything that we are trying to instill in her. She is very confused right now, and needs prayer. Thanks for your uplifting words, your sister in Christ, Shanna
My sister, it is by faith that we were saved & Heb 11:1-3 says ‘1Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
2For by it the elders obtained a good report.
3Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
It is by faith that power has been vested in us by our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ meaning that He is on our side…and if He is on our side, then who shall be against us….AND by the faith in Him we are more than conquerors. Do not get weary in doing good no matter what, get stronger in faith for by it we please God who will make everything good in His time. Christ will not hinder the little children bcoz for such is the kingdom of Heaven. I pray that Christ looks upon you with a smile and give u a the testimony that u hope for.
May God bless you richly. Your brother in Christ. Eddy
Praise The Lord everyone from the Smoky Mountains
The message of Perfection is like a burning candle in the stormy wind
GOD BLESS SAINTS.WE can fellowship and my email adress is faytru@yahoo.co.uk
and my skype name is faithrutendo.
Lets keep on praying for one another.
Shalom, lets pray one for another so we can be strengthen to keep the faith until day brake
Shalom, lets pray one for another so we can be strengthened to keep the faith until day brake. Let’s seek for His continual mercies, grace and favour so that this corrupt and dead world do not overwhelm us. God richly bless you.
shalom Saints… our insufficiency has been richly filled with Grace from our Lord Jesus… Blessings for us with the Amen…
What a pleasure to be in the message of the dispensational Prophet William Branham: HE left a foot print in the sands of time,
Shalom Brethren!
just like to say to all my brothers and sisters out there may god richly bless u all and if u want to keep intouch my email is macscaff69@yahoo.co.uk or colinmacdonald007@hotmail.com
God Richly Bless u all saints of God. I’m jus happy to be associated with the bride of christ.
praise the lord shalom brother
hello harsha
Praise the Lord to All…
praise the lord to everybody
god bless saints nice to meet u all,now u have my email address we can fellowship (davidbenjamin_8@hotmail.com)
Praise the Lord David… do you have a skype ID?
Hello God bless you. My name is Miryam and I want to speak to someone I feel so depresed. I love the messages and I love jesus christ. I have a big testimony. maybe my english is not good, i’m from mexico. GBY
Hi Miryam,
Praise the Lord….you can speak to me… you can reach me at raoaradhana@gmail.com or add me to skype my id is staffing.ace1@skype.com
God Bless you….
hi miryham, i am from new mexico. always glad to talk to the Bride.
miryam keep your eyes on Jesus,he is your strenght all ways he is the word,in the word we are more than over coming people.
God bless you Miryam. I understand what you are going through because I was feeling that way very recently due to a number of things; my life experiences and my job. I was able to share this in our fellowship during one of our Prayer Meetings where I confessed everything before the congregation and the Pastor and the congregation prayed for me. Since then, the Lord has been very gracious and I truly believe that He has forgiven me and has healed me of all my sins and given me new direction and renewed hope. With God, all things are possible. May God continue to bless you and i would love to hear of your big testimony if you are willing to share.
God be with everyone
Good Afternoon Everyone, and Jesus Christ Bless You
praise the lord iam harsha from india(a.p)
praise the lord harsha,iam hanok from india (a.p)
Praise the Lord our God Jesus Christ!!!
Hello to all!!
Shallom to all
hello, shalom to all
God bless aND SHALOM
To the person with the 1st comment, the book is called The Seven Church Ages and Daniel’s Seventy Weeks. These books are easily found at your local Message Church or go to Voice Of God Recordings online in Jeffersonville, Indiana