A Hidden Life In Christ (55-1110)
I… (Is that right, Brother…?…) And how many enjoy these, see
these singers, let's see your hands. My, I know we all do. And that's
just fine. I just love to hear him. I think he–he's wonderful; both of
them. All right, Brother Ekberg.
[Brother makes a few comments before singing "Tenderly He Watches Over You," and gives a testimony–Ed.]
Amen. God bless you, brother, Einar Ekberg, that's…?… Those things
just don't happen. Takes God to do that, doesn't it? If God hadn't have
been with our brother, he wouldn't have been here singing with us
tonight. But as he said, it's all in God's plan. He just somehow has it
all planned out, and He just wants us to trust Him and rely upon Him
like children would rely upon their parents. And He always brings it to
And I'm so happy that He did. For these, Brother Waermo and Brother
Ekberg both has been really inspirations in my life, their singing.
Over in their lovely country, Sweden, where they came from, a few years
ago I was in there with a campaign, and how the Lord did so wondrously
bless us in great services. Across Finland, just where we were–the
little boy was raised from the dead, and that had went through all the
nations there. And we just had a marvelous time. Hoping to go back
sometime and see those fine Swedish friends of ours over across the sea.
Someday we're going to rise up on the wings of a–the great Speckled
Bird, and land in a place where we won't have to return anymore. Isn't
that right? We're looking for that time.
E-3 Now, as the days grow on, our… We expect our crowds to increase to a place to where we'll start our healing services.
just come in, kinda jumped in overnight here for this service, and they
put up our tent. Brother Arganbright and the brother just left the
platform… I can't think of his name, half the time. [Brother says, "Mendenhall." Ed.] Mendenhall. And others… And they… We just threw up the tent here.
And we planned it last year when we were in Germany. And I believe I
met a brother here, shook my hand just now, that translated one of my
books into German. And so we really appreciate that, my dear brother.
And we certainly had a warm welcome with the German people. And I have
to say something about German too. My wife is a German, so I have to
kinda be a little careful. And me being an Irishman, so you have to
marry a German to kinda keep you straight, you know, so…
So we enjoyed our services there immensely. And the Lord blessed us.
And we went down into Switzerland. That's just part of Germany. They
speak, I think, about the same language. And so we…
They had some fine things down there, the Lord did for us; fifty
thousand souls in the ten nights, I think it was. Come back up into
Germany, and Lausanne, and another about fifty souls to Christ.
I don't know what's matter with the America. I just wonder sometimes.
And looks like the other nations are just going to step right out now,
the first thing you know, and step in for the firstfruits of it.
And on till our crowd builds up enough to have a healing service. And
my services is a very much of a strain on me, because it's visions. And
most the time, it's a massive healing. I've seen times where thousand
were setting, and there wouldn't even be feeble one left in the bunch.
And it's a… We'd like to, when we have to have the services, if
the… not if we… I've had healing services; there'd be one person.
Doesn't matter.
But we just like to take a few nights, talking. And I have tried to on
these services to try to–to bring to the people what I think is
needing amongst the people today. I'm not a teacher. I'm not much of a
theologian. I haven't any education, but I–I sometimes…
I might say this: I don't know too much about the Book, but I know the
Author real well. So that's… I–I like to be acquainted with Him, you
know. And so I, in doing so, I'm trying to place out something for the
And believing, after seeing America with it's great opportunities it's
had for revival, and yet it continually gets worse… So it–it alarms
me. This is my land, and I was born here, and I love it. And I–I'm
wanting to see a great revival in my day if–if we can.
Now, I can't bring that great revival, and no minister can. But we can
put in our part while God brings it. And each one of us has a part to
Last night I was speaking on fellowship. And tonight I would like to
speak on the "Inside Life With Christ." And tomorrow night, if God is
willing… I never have nothing premeditated; it just has to come as
you feel led, because I don't preach from notes, and just as I receive
it… I would like to speak on where I think that the Pentecostal
church made its mistake tomorrow night, if the Lord willing. That's
fore-announcing something that I don't know whether I'll do. But I just
hope that the Lord permits it.
And you bear with me, if you will. I am trying my best to… If I could
only see the peoples of the–this great move of God… To my opinion,
we have one thing in common, and that is–that's, Jesus Christ and the
Kingdom of God. And each one of us, regardless of what church we belong
to, ought to be working together to that interest, to try to see
people, whether they are belong to our certain church or not, to see
them saved, and to see them do right with God.
There's been many times, as thousands of people of different
denominations… I have never tried to say, "You just go to this
denomination," because I believe every one of them has… They are
trying or–to do what's right, and the best of their knowledge. They
have been told certain things.
Maybe some walk a little deeper than the others. And if you see someone
who can walk a little deeper than you me, why, or if I see someone, I
wouldn't try to stand in his way.
If I can't walk where Joshua did, or where Enoch did, who taken a
little stroll one afternoon with God, and then just got tired of living
longer, and just walked on home with Him one afternoon. If I can't walk
like that, I wouldn't want to stand in somebody else's way who can walk
like that. I want to help them to go on. So that's the–that's the goal
that we want to have.
So just keep bringing out the peoples, and tell them about the healing
service will be taking place in a night or two now. And then we'll…
'Course, once started, it's in cycle of vision, and they keep me off in
a room to myself. And I'll explain it maybe when we get in that part.
To… Today, we're trying to pull for a unity of the Body of Christ and
for a coming together of sinners finding their position and place in
Christ Jesus.
And tonight for just a little text, if we would call it and try to
bring out some of the context… Won't keep you long, about thirty,
forty minutes. And then, tomorrow night don't forget… I want to try,
if God willing, by the Scriptures… Every…
And I'm a fundamentalist. Everything must come from the Scripture. I
wouldn't say I wouldn't believe it, but I wouldn't understand it just
right if it wasn't from the Scripture. And if any time, during the time
of the–the phenomenal part of the healing services, if any person,
whatever you belong to, what church, if you ever see anything that's
questioned, and it's–I–that we do here, and that's not in the
Scripture, well, then you–you come to me, because I certainly want to
stay right in this Book. 'Cause This is the Foundation. And all
Scripture and all operations of the Holy Spirit must come from the
Bible, then I believe it.
Now, He could do something that wasn't in the Bible. It'd still be God.
But I'll understand it better if it comes right from the Bible. I kinda
of like it that way, 'cause I know that it's right then.
Now over in the Book of Hebrews, in the–the 10th chapter and beginning
with the 19th verse, I'll read just for a portion of Scripture, about
the 19th and 20th verses.
Now, may the Lord add His blessings to this reading of the Word. Now, shall we bow our heads just a moment for prayer.
And a brother has–has brought me a little note just a few moments ago.
I didn't get to read it. It's concerning a little lady here tonight
that's got a someone, or friend, or someone in the hospital that's
real, real sick, a baby or child or something that's near death. Now,
let's us together, agree that God will stay the hand of death for that
baby or whatever it is, what loved one it may be. He can do it, friends.
Just right over across the valley here, they brought me a little dead
baby here a few years ago. You remember at San Bernardino. Been dead
since that morning, and just laying my body, and went to praying…
Not, my body had nothing to do with it, but prayer to Jesus. The little
baby woke up and come to life.
So let's bow our heads now for prayer. Our dear heavenly Father, we
come to Thee tonight in the Name of Thy beloved Son, the Lord Jesus,
knowing this, that He has promised us that whatever we would ask Thee
in His Name, we would receive.
And knowing that we have no virtue in our own, nothing that we could
offer, just coming on His merits alone, we come to ask this favor of
Thee, Father, that is: first, forgive us of all of our sins, our
trespasses against Thee, the things that we done or said that wasn't
right. We pray, Father, that the Blood of Thy Son, the Lord Jesus will
cleanse us just now from all unrighteousness. Every evil thought that's
passed through our minds, may it be forgiven, anything that would
hinder the meeting tonight in any way. For the things that we ask, we
pray that You'd forgive us.
And now, Father, we ask that Your Holy Spirit take a hold of the Word
tonight… Faith cometh by hearing, hearing by the Word of God. And get
into the Word, we pray tonight, Father, and open every heart and sink
the seed deeply. Grant it, Lord. Give us a real foundation, that when
we start to pray for the sick, that may this country have the greatest
shaking it's ever seen in the–in the history of the land. Grant it,
Lord, not because that we're here, but because we want You to receive
glory, Father. Do it, won't You?
And tonight the little lady sends this note. God, I don't know her,
Thou does. There's someone real sick laying in a hospital, almost dead.
Won't You send the Angel of mercy down, and may it live, the person,
because it's someone so sincere to come and ask? Grant it, Lord.
May–may prayer change things.
One time we read in the Scripture, Father, where that You sent Your
prophet up and told a man by the name of Hezekiah, he was going to die.
But he turned his face to the wall, and wept bitterly, and said, "Lord,
I beseech Thee, consider me. I've walked before you with a perfect
heart." He wanted fifteen years to his life. And, God, You spoke to
Your prophet and sent him right back and said, "Tell him I heard him."
from death to life, because prayer changes things. Once more, God,
tonight, grant it? May that one live.
Bless the one who brought the message, and all the others in here
that's sick and needy, and throughout the land tonight, be with them.
And now, Father, we pray that You'll hide Your unprofitable servant
behind the Word. May the Word go forward now and sink into the heart.
For we ask it in Jesus' Name, Thy beloved Son. Amen.
Now, may the Lord bless you each tonight. And now, pray sincerely, and
not only pray, but believe that you receive what you pray for.
Now many times people has thought, "Oh, if I just had more faith." I–I
doubt that. You got enough faith; you just need a little more knowledge
to know what to do with your faith; that's all. You got faith enough.
You just don't know how to put it to work. That's right. It'll do it. I
don't believe that one of you in here lack enough faith tonight to be
healed, no matter what was wrong with you, if you just knowed the right
way to get to it.
And now, we're speaking on a life that's consecrated. Last night I
talked to you on fellowship through the Blood, how God brought man back
to fellowship through the Blood. And tonight I want to talk on "A
Hidden Life In Christ."
Now, any Bible student knows that in the Old Testament there was the
courts of the tabernacle. It was the outer courts, the veil, the holy
place, and the holiest of holies. I…
Those things all in teaching the Scripture… Being a typologist, I
always like to type the–the Old with the New, for to give my
audience… So that… Some of them maybe not very well read. And
it'll… But by teaching on typology, you can type and see the shadow,
the Old shadow of the New. And then it's a story form. You can't hardly
forget it then, because it comes to you just like unfolding something.
Now, in the Old Testament, being a type of the New, and the works of
the inward courts of the tabernacle was a beautiful picture of God's
plan of salvation for His mankind today. And if we can only learn by
this now, and how to get ourselves in the condition to receive what God
has in store for us, it'll just sweep the whole valley here. See? But
don't you think it's better to always know how and what you're coming
for? You got to know the way of approach to anything.
I've prayed for kings in my day. And I noticed how they taken the cuffs
out of my trouser legs and when I walked before the king. And they told
me not to turn my back on him; but when I left, to back up. And it's a
certain way of approach. Otherwise you'd be called down.
In the courts of the land when you're going to speak to the judge, you
don't just holler, "Hey Judge, like to talk to you a minute." See? You
got to come a provided way, appropriated way: "Judge, Your Honor…"
and so forth.
And we must meet God upon His appropriated, provided plan of how we
must approach Him. And if we could only approach Him through that plan
and get it right, we are sure to get an audience with God.
Now, in the Old Testament there was what they called the outer courts.
We watch what was in the outer court. Then there was a holy place, or
the first veil, and then inside the holiest of holies. And what
furniture was in the outer court, what was in the… at the veil, the
holy place, and what was in the holiest of holies…
Now, we're going to speak tonight on the holiest of holies, the dwelling place where God Himself dwelt.
Them days, He dwelt in His tabernacle. And today He dwells in you as
His tabernacle. But we must make this place a dwelling, not an outer
court place, or the first holy place. But we must live with God in the
holiest of holies, a consecrated, hidden life, alone, quiet with God.
We become too excited, upset, about too many things. It shows there's
something lacking. The church ought to be a million miles up the road
to what it is now. We're still back down in the adolescent age,
fussing, and fighting, and quarreling, and stewing, when we ought to be
consecrated, hid away in the holiest of holies with God. It's better
that we come easy, take our time, see where we're going.
Now, in the… Just like God living in those three courts, He surely
lives in the court of the congregation. He lived at the… He also
lives here at the holy place. But His abiding place… This was just
attributes of His Presence from the holiest of holies.
Now, it's just like you. If you'll notice the Bible, mathematically
speaking, three is God's perfected number. God is perfected in three.
The Godhead is perfected in three: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the
one true God. And–and the dispensations are perfected in three. And
threes, sevens, twelves, twenty-four, forties and fifties is God's
mathematical numbers. It's runs completely through the Scripture.
And notice. Now, you yourself, you are perfected in three: soul, body,
spirit; water, blood, and spirit. Three things come from His body that
makes up the new birth. There's three things that come from His body
makes up the new birth: water, blood, spirit.
Same thing it takes to make a natural birth. I got a mixed audience,
but, you listen to your doctor. I'm your brother. When a baby's born, a
natural birth, the first thing is water, then blood, then life, spirit.
And that's the same thing it takes to make up the new birth: water,
blood and spirit: Justification by faith, believing on the Lord Jesus
Christ, cleansing up, the sanctification through the Blood, and then
the baptism of the Holy Spirit, to put you in the holiest of holies.
Now, that constitutes the–the man who is separated from God and hid
away in Christ.
I say this with reverence, there's too many of us playing in the courts
yet. See? We don't take our lives over with Christ to be hid away. The
fruits of the Spirit proves it. You see? That… We might think that we
are, but until your life measures up with that… That's what proves
it. Jesus said, "By their fruits you shall know them." Not by their
denominations, but by their fruit you shall know them.
And the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering,
goodness, gentleness, patience, meekness, temperance: fruits of the
Spirit. God knows today that what the holiness people need, and also
the Calvinist… All of them needs today is more fruit of the Spirit,
more lives to prove it.
We've had many testimonies, but as the old saying is, "Your life speaks
so loud, I can't hear your voice." We are written epistles of God, read
of all men. It's not…
Here some time ago, there was a evangelist came to town. And a man said… Oh, come very much enthused. Said, "Hear this man!"
He said, "Well, I would love to do it." But said, "You know, tonight we
got church at our own church." And said, "I will go tomorrow night with
Said, "Oh, you can go next week."
He said, "But we have services at our own church," he said, "and I'll go tomorrow night to hear the man."
Say, "Oh, but this is a–a real good man." Said, "He's a wonderful speaker."
And he said, "Well, I don't doubt one word that you're saying but what
he's a wonderful man." but said, "You know, I live next door to my
See what I mean. It's your life. We may be ever so orthodox. And that's
where I think a lot of our trouble is here in California. We're just
too orthodox. I think that's right. Ever so orthodox, but the letter is
all right, but it killeth; but the Spirit giveth life. And get the
right Spirit that giveth the right kind of life. See? You must have the
right life.
And now, in the outer… Just like in you in your life here on earth,
you live in a three room house. Did you know that? Oh, you say,
"Brother Branham, I differ with you." No, you don't. You just live in a
three room house.
You might have… You got a kitchen; you got a living room; you got a
bedroom. Oh, you might have three or four bedrooms and two or three
kitchens but you still is living in them three. That's what you make
use of.
Notice, that's right. Well, God lived in a three-room house back in His
tabernacle. The congregation, the courts of the congregation; the holy
place; and the holiest of holies. And now, then three rooms, what
represents. Just like the steps you come to, the place of full
consecration with Christ. The kitchen is where you eat. The sinner
comes to the meeting; he feasts on the Word. Faith cometh by hearing,
hearing of the Word. He comes to hear the Word.
And many times we substitute so much instead of the Word, especially
today. We're substituting phenomenal. We're substituting a lot of other
things that shouldn't be.
After all, church is for preaching the Word. Testimonies are fine, and
different things that we do is wonderful, but we must give the Word
first place because It's for the sinner, and for the people that has
the Holy Spirit also.
Jesus said, when Satan tempted Him, He said, "It's written, man shall
not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the
mouth of God." See? The Holy Spirit feeds on the Word of God. The
Holy… He takes the Word and places it into your heart, and it makes
you grow in strength, good Bible exposits. And I love it.
I love to sit and hear a good Bible teacher who takes the Bible and
lays It out. Then the Spirit of kindness and meekness with it, where it
takes root in good soft ground, and goes to growing.
Now, we eat in the kitchen. That's the sinner comes to hear the Word.
Faith cometh by hearing. After he hears the Word, then he becomes into
the fellowship of the church. After he hears the Word and receives it,
then you baptize him, Christian baptism, and that brings him into
Then he gets out there into the congregation. And that's where you come
into your parlor, where you come from the kitchen to the parlor to have
fellowship with your neighbors, and so forth, fellowship in the parlor.
But then your bedroom is your place of rest. And after the toil of a
weary day, always alone in the room, resting. At my house, the prayer
room is the bedroom.
Many times I've went into little old homes, and see them mothers and so
forth come out of the bedroom with a little old checkered apron on,
wiping her eyes, crying; praying, secret place, meeting place, alone
with God, isolated. Oh, it's a marvelous place to be.
And when a man ever takes his life out of these other places into that consecrated place with Christ…
Notice, every year the high priest entered into that place. The
congregation followed him up. And when he went into this great place
where the veil dropped behind him, the inner courts, the holiest of
holies, no one dared to go after him. Then he was alone with God.
What a beautiful picture it is today of a consecrated life who, once
enters into with Christ, dead to the things of the world, hid away with
God, and the veil's dropped down around, and all the world's shut off.
Then Christianity and religion becomes a pleasure to every believer.
Today people just have enough religion to make them miserable, knowing
that they ought to do this, their trying to escape hell. Well, if
that's the way I felt about it, brother, I don't know what I would do.
Oh, get in with Christ. Shut off from the things of the world, for, to
commune with Him is a pleasure. It's beautiful. It's something that
fills and satisfies the soul, something that gives you peace that
passes all understanding. All the crosses become flying wings. All the
burdens are chariot wheels. Oh, you can fly away.
"My burdens are light." Yoke up with Him, the yoke is all padded with
Hallelujahs. When you're once inside the veil with Him, He becomes your
The prophet said that in… The people of the old days said I… That
He would write His laws anew. He would put them in their heart.
Now, Mount Sinai was a place of duty. But Mount Calvary was a place of
grace. People are still trying to live on Mount Sinai. "If I'll go to
church, if I'll pay my dues, if I'll do this or do that, if I'll quit
this and stop that." That's still on Mount Sinai.
When you come to a place where you are dead, and your life is hid in
God through Christ, sealed by the Holy Ghost, the whole Christian life
becomes a great glorious shout and a hallelujah to you. And you're hid
away daily.
Now, we notice that once in there, he was isolated from the world. The
curtains dropped around him and he was hid away with God. Everything
become real, a glory. In this place where we once get hid away with
Christ, everything becomes a new thing to us then.
E-27 We think that it was in this place here that Aaron's rod was kept. In there also come the manna.
We'll have to go back to the Old Testament to pick up this thought of
manna. Manna fell to keep the children of Israel alive while they were
in their pilgrimage between Egypt and the promised land, which was a
beautiful type of the church today in its pilgrimage from Egypt to the
promised land. Do you believe we're on our road to a promised land?
Canaan didn't represent heaven, because they had wars in Canaan. Canaan
represented the millennium. So we're on our road to the millennium. And
as God promised to supply all their needs along the road, He's promised
to supply all our needs along the road.
And as soon as they crossed over the separating line of the Red Sea,
God, when they had need of bread, He rained it out of heaven. When they
need–need of healing, God had Moses to erect a serpent. When they had
need of meat, he caused the wind to blow in the–the fowls.
He always will provide. He's Jehovah-jireh, the Lord's provided
sacrifice. He's Jehovah-rapha, the Lord's Healer. And He always will
And in this say, God's just as obligated to us as He was to them. And
as He led them in the natural, He's leading the church today in the
spiritual to the promised land. Everything we need is promised to us,
and we'll get it if we'll just keep journeying on, keeping our eyes on
I want you to notice, when the people went out and eat the manna, with
was a type of Christ Who came down and gave His life… But the people
who ate the manna in the morning, if you didn't keep up with it, that
manna got old during the day.
Now, that's a sign, or a type of the people, the regenerated man, who
comes to Christ, gives his life in, but never become hid away into the
Holy Spirit. He lives a life that he knows he's eating manna.
There's many people today that's never went any farther then the outer
court, the veil. Yet, they are Christians, they… by the millions.
They enjoy Christ in an outward form. They go to church with a
consolation of knowing they belong to church, but they have never
become hid away with Him in the inner courts.
But out there they eat manna. But watch. When you eat that manna, if
you didn't watch, before the day was over, that manna had dwindled
away. And that's the way it is with people who just simply doddle
around on the outside, and maybe enjoy eating the manna…
The manna is a type of the Holy Spirit. When God gave the manna for
this journey… When He gave it in the other journey, it was to last
them all the way through the journey. And it was a very beautiful type
of Pentecost. And when God called His Church out and gave them the
baptism of the Holy Ghost, He poured out the Spirit from on high upon
the Church, and it was to last them through every generation until
Jesus come. Right.
That's the manna for the Church today, the manna of the Holy Spirit.
Remember, as they crossed through the waters and come on the other side
for their journey, the Holy Spirit poured down the manna and fed them
natural. It kept them in a natural life. And as a person dies out to
self, crosses over into the–on his journey to the promised land, God
pours out the Holy Spirit today.
Peter said on the day of Pentecost, he said, "This is that which was
spoken of by the prophet Joel, 'And it'll come to pass in the last
day,' saith God, 'I'll pour out My Spirit upon all flesh.'" And when he
preached under the anointing of the Holy Ghost…
And people were shouting and making demonstrations. They were pricked
in their hearts, the Jews and stander-bys, and said, "Men and brethren,
what can we do to be saved?"
Peter said, "Repent, every one you, be baptized in the Name of Jesus
Christ for the remission of your sins. You shall receive the gift of
the Holy Ghost. For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and
to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."
What did he mean? The baptism of the Holy Ghost that was poured out on
the day of Pentecost was to be to you, and to your children, and to
them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.
When the manna was first poured out, God told Moses, "Now, this will
dry up during the day." But said, "Now, you go out and get a golden
omer, make it full of this manna and put it in the holiest of holies,
that every… All down through your generations that when a man entered
into the veil, behind the holiest of holies, and become a priest, he
had a right to take a mouthful of the original manna that fell in the
A beautiful type of today when Peter said, "It's to you and your children, them that's far off."
Now, we don't have to get some kind of a makeup, some kind of emotional
or mental makeup. We don't have to take something the devil would hand
down. But every believer that comes from the altar to the consecrated
life, to the baptism of the Holy Ghost, can get not only a mouthful,
but a soul full of the original baptism of the Holy Ghost that fell on
the day of Pentecost, that'll bring the same results as it did on the
day of Pentecost. Amen.
For the promise is unto your children, and to your children's children,
and to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall
call. Brethren, the same Holy Spirit that fell on the day of Pentecost,
that brought them results then, will bring the same results to every
believer tonight that's willing to consecrate their life to enter into
the holiest of holies by the Blood of the Lord Jesus.
It'll break down traditions; it'll change men's hearts. It'll melt you
into one person in Christ Jesus, send an old fashion, sweeping revival
across this country. Amen. What we need today: we need an old fashion,
God-sent, heaven-bought, Holy Ghost brought revival, not just a little
bitty shaking up, or a little emotional workup, but an old fashion
dying out, self-consecrating (Hallelujah.) back woods, sky blue, sin
killing religion. Amen.
It won't whitewash you; it'll wash you white. The devil will whitewash
everything that he can, but God washes white. And that's what we need
today is an old fashion, God-sent revival that'll just break down the
hearts of the people and bring all these denominations into one great
big unified group of the glory of God. That's what the church is in
need of today. And it'll shake not only California; it'll shake the
And the reason we're not getting anywhere today, is because we got to
many dry-eyed professions and church joinings, lukewarm, backslidden
church members. That's the truth. We need more of the old fashion,
God-sent, Saint Paul's revival and the Bible Holy Ghost with power and
breaking up, to make people act different, and look different, walk
different, talk different, and be different, and live different in
their everyday life.
We need it, friends. The Methodists need it. The Baptists need it. The
Pentecostal need it. They all need it. That's right. We take on to the
wrong side. We go after the wrong thing. The Holy Spirit was to
continue on to each generation.
Moses, when he put that great pot in there, just sometimes this bread
that left outside… People get the campground cramps sometimes.
I think that's what's the matter with our church today. We got to many
of those layovers. That's right. Some people just eat enough manna to
make them right good and hungry for some more. Before one revival to
another one, you have to go out and get renewed again.
Oh, brother, why don't you stop that nonsense and come into the holiest
of holies by the Blood of the Lord Jesus. Every bit of manna outside of
here just lets you last for tonight or tomorrow; next week it won't
work. It dries up overnight. But if you'll ever consecrate yourself to
come into where the manna stays fresh, day in and day out, year in and
year out, in the holiest of holies…
You can meet that man that's ever walked in there… I don't care if he
hasn't been in revival for six months; he's just as sweet as he was the
day he was in the revival. That's right. You can meet him on a shouty
day or a cloudy day, or whatever you want to; he's just the same,
because he's living in the glory of God. He's living where the manna's
fresh all the time, where it isn't a burden to get out and pray through
today and pray through tomorrow.
Brother, stay with Him all the time in the holiest of holies. "Can a
person live that way?" Absolutely. That's what Jesus died for. Amen.
Watch. There's where they put Aaron's rod. Not out there in the outer
courts, they put it in here on the inside to select who would be what
priesthood. I know that speaks directly of Christ, but it also types of
the sinner. You take a man that's diddle-dottled along in church all of
his life, and still dead in sin and trespasses…
But when that man was on the outside, that old rod, it was just an
ordinary stick, and it would been carried along in Aaron's hand till it
was dried up; there was no life in it. That's the man that's cut off
from God. That's the man that's without Christ. That's the man may be a
member of a church, but knows no more about God than a Hottentot would
know about a Egyptian knight; walking on.
"Oh, I belong to church." It was in Aaron's hand. Yeah, he was used,
but dead. And when that rod was put into the holiest of holies, into
the consecrated place of God, in the Presence of the Holy Spirit, you
know what happened? It budded and blossomed, and yielded almonds, all
in one night. Hallelujah.
That's what we need today, is a picking up and taking beyond church
membership into the holiest, and the Presence and the consecration of
the Lord Jesus Christ.
It budded. What was it? The life that it ought to have been, it was
dead. It was just like that tent pole there. But if was a tree… It
was an almond tree all right, but it was dead.
There's many people tonight professing Christianity, who's dead, who
doesn't bear any fruits. There's nothing in their life. They seem to be
helpless, hopeless. They wander along, just knowing that they belong to
church. And that's not only in Presbyterian, Lutheran, and so forth.
That's in Pentecostals. That's right. It's the truth. What you need
today is come in before Christ.
Look what happened. Now, the first thing, it had to–it had to be
refreshed to bring forth buds. It budded out. Not only did it bud, but
it brought forth blossoms. Not only did it blossom, but it brought
forth fruit.
And that's the way you'll be, or every believer that throws hisself,
the outside, the–out of the outer courts, into the veil where Christ
is, and hides your life away, you'll be refreshed, budded, blossomed,
and bear fruits of the Spirit. Amen. You'll be a worker in your
community. You'll be a soul winner for Jesus. You'll be a new person.
Old things will pass away. Tradition of men will fail, but your heart
will be burning with the love of God.
Inside this place where they took this old rod and laid it there in the
Presence of God… God living in the glory over the Cherubims, that rod
all happened at once.
And brother, sister, to a life that's consecrated and lays before God,
it'll change them as certain as I'm standing at this platform tonight.
It'll take all the fight out of you; it'll take all the difference out
of you; it'll take all the–the isms out of you. It'll make you a real
Christian if you'll just get into His Presence.
Watch what taken place, a freshing, to be refreshed. Notice, the dew
falls at nighttime. The world settles down. They active of nature
through the day… the toils and the jumps, and the toils… But when
everything quietens down, then what happens? The dew falls.
Of a morning, did you ever get up real early, get out real early and
smell that fresh air, how it is and how refreshing everything is? The
dew has fell.
Oh, brother, sister, if the only thing you know is go to church, if the
only thing you know that you joined or was baptized, or something like
that, why not hide your life away with Christ. Get alone in the
quietness, away from the world and all of its cares, and settle down
and watch what a refreshing will come.
You know, Isaiah spoke of it one time. He said, "Precept must be upon
precept, and line upon line upon line, here a little and there a
little. Hold fast to that what's good. With stammering lips and other
tongues will I speak to this people. And this is the sabbath (or the
refreshing) that should come from the Presence of the Lord."
How the thing was refreshed in the Presence… Notice another thing.
Once in the Presence of God, you get quieted. You're not tossed about
by everything. You know where you're standing. There's something
happens. You know that you're a real Christian. You know that you've
been in contact with Somebody that loves you. You know that something's
happened down here, and it's refreshing. And not only that, but you'll
be–you'll refresh others.
You seen people that was nice people but you just couldn't hardly stand
to be around them. There's something about them. They got a creative
power around them that just seems to be different.
How I'd like to stop here, if it was possible, and tell you some things on that. You're a little creator yourself.
He said He'd give you a new spirit. Now, that spirit isn't God's
spirit; that's your spirit. God gives you a new spirit, then He says,
"I'll put my Spirit in him." But the thing God has to do is give you a
new spirit, make your nature a little more gentle and settle down, or
He couldn't even live with you. So He has to get you fixed up first
before He can come in. "I'll give you a–a new Spirit," then you take
Him anywhere. You go all kinds of places. He's got to get you fixed so
you can entertain Him right.
So that's when you're on the first altar. But when you hide away, you
get His Spirit. Then the Holy Spirit, none other than God Himself comes
and dwells in you. And then there's something about you, the neighbor
loves you. The people likes you.
Now, no matter how much you shout, or how much you try to do, if you
haven't got a life that your neighbor knows that you're a Christian,
there's something wrong somewhere. Now–now, let's just come down to
truth now. You know that's right.
There's nobody in the world believes in any old-time of old-time
shouting, and blessing God, and praising God, than I do. I believe it.
I believe that a baby that's born, and it don't move, and it don't
whimper, it don't do nothing… You know what the doctor usually do? He
picks him up by the heels and gives him a little spanking, and he gets
some breath in him.
And I think that's what's the matter with the church tonight, when
people say, "Yes, I'm borned again." You know what it is? It's a
stillborn dead baby. It needs a little gospel spanking once in a while
that'll wake it up, and get it to whining and crying (That's right.),
get some life in it. That's what we need tonight. That's what the
church needs, and then getting set on the right path. That's right.
Notice. Now the refreshing from the Presence of the Lord, something
about them, something about a real Christian that you love to be
around. Don't you do it? And there's a power there.
After I get to know you a little better, I want to tell you some things
that I know that happened. See? You create your own atmosphere around
you. You believe that? You sure do.
Many of you has read my book, "That Man Sent From God." Remember the
night the maniac run to the platform to kill me up here at Portland,
Oregon? You read the story, no doubt. My, it's everywhere. What
happened? Well, that poor fellow… I didn't get angry with him. I
loved him. Something happened. I loved him.
He run out there, about two-hundred and fifty, sixty pounds, great big,
pretty near six foot and a half, said, "I'll break every bone in your
body." He could do it. But I didn't hate him. I loved him. I felt sorry
for him. He was bound.
I didn't have to scream. I said, "Satan, come out of the man." And he fell on the floor. That was it. See? That was all.
Here some… I was a game warden for years in Indiana. Many of you know
that. One day I been down, turned some fish loose in a little creek.
And I was preaching. I was a local Baptist pastor. Over across the–the
way was a sick man.
Well, we was supposed to pack a gun, but I never did see any use in
packing a gun, shoot somebody with. So I just left it in the truck. And
so I thought, "I'll go over and pray for this brother."
And down below there'd been… Oh, a few miles below, there been a big
old Guernsey bull that killed a colored man down there. And they had to
sell him. So they sold him up near a city, Henryville, Indiana, up near
the forestry.
And I'd forgot about them selling that fellow up there. I took out
across the field to pray for this man. I got out there in the middle of
pasture. And when I did, all of a sudden out of a little clump of
bushes, up raised this big bull. And he was right there in the mid…
I looked back at the fence; it was too far to run, no tree to get in.
And there I was standing there. And here he come. Something happened. I
wished I… I wish that would happen all the time. It–it–it just
don't do it. But when I see a real tremendous sick case and something
happens; it's not man. it's when God can get a hold of man. It's when
it's consecrated.
Watch on the platform when the visions happen. Watch when evil spirits,
moving up… Watch what takes place. It's a surrender of the Holy
Spirit–to the Holy Spirit. He comes in and takes over. Watch how He
controls it. Just watch how it takes place. It's God; It's not man. And
if we'd only live in that… God, let us live there.
And as that bull standing about twenty yards from me, rose and here he come, great long horns. [Blank.spot.on.tape–Ed.]
"This is the end." And instead of hating that bull; it seemed strange;
I loved him. I wished I could explain it. But let me tell you
something, brother. You'll never come in contact with a greater force
in this life than love. Yes, sir. I do not try to conquer demons by
kicking them. I love God. See, love is what God is. God is love. Love
moves God. "God so loved the world…" It's love. Love's what conquers.
And when this big fellow started towards me, and I knowed it would be
death in a few moments, something happened. There was something
happened to me, and I loved him. I thought, "Poor fellow, He was
asleep. I'm on his ground. I oughtn't to be here." And he started
towards me as hard as he could, and I said, "Look fellow, you're God's
creative being; I'm God's servant. And I'm on my road to pray for one
of God's servant's over here. I'm in the service of my Lord. I'm sorry
I disturbed you. Now, you go back in the Name of the Lord Jesus and lay
down. I won't bother you."
And He kept coming as hard as he could. I was no more afraid of that
bull than I would be of my dear brother setting here by me with a Bible
on his lap. That's it.
You're scared. People today is afraid. What you afraid of? Why, even
death itself don't scare a Christian. "Death, where is thy sting?"
The very thoughts of people is scared. "Oh, Brother Branham, the doctor
told me I just can't get well." What are you scared of? There's an
atonement laying for you yonder. Sure. "Well Brother Branham, I've done
so much sins. I've…" What are you scared of? There's an atonement
waiting for you. There's Someone Who loves you. Don't be scared.
The constant Words of Jesus, "Fear not. I'm He that was dead, and is
alive again, and alive forevermore. Fear not." Get that atmosphere
around you. Get the atmosphere.
"Now, he's Methodist. He's a Oneness. He's a Trinitarian. He's this or that." Get that out of your mind.
"I love him. He's my brother."
"She's a Catholic. She's a Protestant. She's a…" Get that out of your
mind. Get an atmosphere around you. You'll never do it standing out on
this other court. You got to come into Christ first, live in His
The Bible said that, "He that overcometh, I'll give him a new name.
I'll put My Spirit in him." Watch, there's an overcoming, first. You've
got to overcome these things in order to be in Christ.
There's where the church is failing in one place: overcoming,
overcoming temperance–temper, overcoming difference, overcoming church
prejudice, overcoming hatred. Many people tonight who shout and speak
with tongues and run up-and-down the aisle, and hate their neighbor.
That has… Brother, you're lost yet. That's hard to say, but that's
the truth. Right. Overcome. You can only overcome when you…
You say, "I'm eating manna, glory to God." Yes, but look what happens
from one day to the other. You get the miss-meal cramps. Come on in
where the manna's fresh all the time. Whether your neighbor treats you
right or not, you'll love him anyhow. That's right. Whether he agrees
with you or not, you love him anyhow. That's the way you got to do it.
That's the hidden life. That's that consecrated life. That's that life
that the veils of the worlds… And you're shut off from the things of
the world. You only live in Christ. You see what I mean, church?
I don't want to hurt your feelings, but I've got to stand with you at
judgment someday. I'm responsible for not telling the truth, if I know
It. That's right.
Oh, I believe in all the shouting; I believe in speaking with tongues,
and I believe in these things. But, brother, that's not all that goes
with it. No, it isn't. That's just one of the attributes of it. That's
right. Have the real thing first and it'll produce the rest of this.
"Many will come to Me in that day and say, 'Lord, have not I done this,
and cast out devils, and done all these things in Your Name?' He'd say,
'Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity, I didn't even know you.'"
See? Be careful.
Notice, and this bull, as he rushed on towards me, and me standing
there… I said, "Now I won't bother you, and you go lay down." And he
run within five feet of me, stopped, looked so depleted. He looked one
way and then the other, turned around and walked over and laid down.
And I walked within ten foot of the bull, right across the field, never
moved again.
I went over. And after I got across the field, and stood there, I come
to myself. I thought, "What happened?" Then I begin to weep, and raise
up my hands, and praise God.
I was cutting my yard last summer, and I was going through, the power
mower. People would come in to be prayed for. I'd get out there and put
on my overalls and mow the yard a little bit, and the first thing you
know somebody'd come in. I'd have to run around at the back and change
my clothes, come in a pray for some sick. Couple hours later go out and
start and then maybe, I'd make a couple rounds a day.
Time I got to the back yard, the front yard was growed up again. And I was having such a time, people coming in.
And I forgot… How many knows what a hornet is, them lays that big
nest? There's a bunch of them had made a nest out there in the corner
of the fence, in a little bush like.
And I was running this power mower through there… And in the back
yard, nobody seen me, I took off my shirt. And I was just a mowing
away, and I hit this fence. And all of a sudden, I forgot those hornets
we're there, and I was covered all over in a few minutes with hornets,
them great big fellows: no shirt on.
Well, at first it–it scared me, but then it happened again.
Something… I thought, "Poor little fellow, over there in that nest,
and here I…" They wasn't bothering me; I disturbed them. I wish I'd
knowed what it was, but it's something that happens. And I thought,
"Poor little fellows."
Here's what I said. I said, "Now, you little creatures of God, God
created you. I am God's servant. I got to hurry with this yard." And
they just a buzzing around, I wasn't afraid of them. And they said… I
said, "Now, you run right back up into your nest, in the Name of the
Lord Jesus, 'cause I got to hurry and mow this yard. I won't bother you
no more, 'cause God's servants are waiting to be prayed for."
And brother… And I'll meet you at judgment. They had circled around
me a few times, and one took lead, and the whole bunch of them went
right back into the nest and quietened down. Atmosphere, God… That's
right. There's something about it.
Fear's a horrible thing. Did you ever notice a dog? The home that I'm
staying had a big shepherd. I walked into the yard today; here come the
big shepherd right through everybody, 'cause I love them.
At Guggenbuhl over in Germany, as soon as I met… The little old dogs
wouldn't make up with nobody. Here come the little dachshund and jumped
on me. I love them. They know it.
And if you really in your heart love people, they know it. You can't
fool people. They're not that dumb. You can make out like you do; they
can tell you're only putting on.
And Satan can tell when you're putting on, but He knows when it's real.
And the only way… You might impersonate it; you might make a whole
lot of things look like it, but you'll never get the job done until you
come into Christ. That's right. Perfect, consecrated, godly love, sold
out lock, stock, and barrel, come to Christ. That's it, friends. True.
Look, it refreshed. Did you ever go out of a morning, like I said, that
refreshing feeling, the dew's fell? Notice, did you ever go to the rose
garden? Now, it also put blossoms out, the rod did. That aroma, that
fragrance of the flower early of a morning, why? Everything is still.
And every seed that goes into the ground, the dew is what makes it live
again. It refreshes the dirt.
And you take the seed of God and put it into a real good flexible heart
that's not prejudiced and indifferent, just a nice, humble heart, and
put that seed of God in there, and let it go to growing. And let it get
alone to itself, and the dewdrops of glory go to falling on the soul,
you'll see the sweetest, meekest, humblest Christian in your
neighborhood that you ever seen. That's right.
And that's what we want. That's what… That's what the world needs. That's right, my Christian friend.
Notice, in there also there was a light. Now, outside in the outer
courts, out there the congregation, the regular congregation, they had
the stars, they had the moon.
I must hurry, but listen to this last remark. Now, I want to talk right straight to you.
On the outside there, what light did they have? They had the light of
the stars at night, the light of the moon. They had the light of the
sun. Any kind of a cloud could come over and upset the whole thing.
They couldn't see how to walk. The night, sometimes clouds shut out the
moon and stars. At daytime, the sun wouldn't shine for days and weeks.
That's the way the experience is out yonder. That's right.
Let little trouble comes up, and you backslide, and you go off here
yonder, and you go from one church to another, and pack your paper from
one place to another. "And I won't go to the Baptist no more, because I
tell you; I just don't like it over there."
The Methodist mistreats you, and you run over to the Pentecostal, and
then from there down at the Nazarene. See? You're living in the outer
courts. Just any little thing, old worldly lights can shut you off.
Well, you come down then, say, "No, I've come farther than that,
Brother Branham. I've tasted of the Lord. I know He's good." That's
good. All right, you're here at the first altar then. You're at the
holy place.
But remember, they had light too. But it was artificial. They had a
seven-point lamp to give light. Them lights sometimes got low.
Sometimes they smoked up. You know what a light is; sometimes it went
And that's the way it is in that kind of a light. When you're just
living out here, and say, "Well, I–I believe all right, but I just
can't go all the way with this, and I don't believe this and that. I
believe so much, and if my church don't teach it, well, I couldn't
accept it." See, you're smoking up. The least little thing comes along,
your chimney gets all smoked up, and the first thing you know, the
light goes out.
But look on the inside. Oh, brother, the man that once went in there…
What did he come in there… He… Every earthly light, every
artificial light was shut off from him. And the only light he had
was… Under the wings of the Cherubims, was the Shekinah Light, a real
soft holy Light that never went out. I don't care what the sun did,
what the lamps did, what anything else; he that lived in that Presence
walks in the Light day and night.
That's where we need to be. No matter what your experience is… If
it's heartaches, if it's troubles, if it's upsets, if it's this, that,
or the other, you're still walking in the Light of God. You're living
in the Shekinah Glory, living there where Jesus is in His Presence,
that "all things work together for good to them that love God." And
you'll love Him, and you're walking in that mellow, soft, sweet, humble
Christian life. Wouldn't you like to walk like that?
There's not a person here but what wants to live in there. And,
friends, that's where you should live. If you want to know the secret
of this–of Life, if you want to know why these things is… One day by
the grace of God, He took me in there. That's right. That's what does
it. It's nothing in yourself. You don't live for yourself no more. You
live for others.
Today I was looking at a little picture that they was passing out here,
of me. I looked at it, and I thought, "My." I looked at my wife, and I
thought; I said, "My, honey, looky here. I'm really an old man, ain't
I?" I said…
Just a few years ago I remember… Why, it don't seem like it's no time
ago, I seemed to be a boy. I remember I used to stand and comb a shock
of black hair. And my wife said to me not long ago; she said, "Billy,
you're getting bald-headed, honey."
I said, "But, honey, you know what? I haven't lost a one of them."
She said, "You haven't?"
I said, "No."
She said, "Where are they?"
And I said, "I want to ask you something. Where was they before I got
them? Everywhere they was then, there are now, waiting for me. Some
glorious day my Lord will come, and everything… I'll return back."
I'm living. "I've crossed the riven veil, where the glories never fail.
We're living in the Presence of the King. Hallelujah. I'm on the altar,
sanctified. Oh, glory to His Name. I've crossed the riven veil, where
the glories never fail, for we're living in the Presence of the King."
Some glorious day… This little old body of mine, it's melting away.
You little gray-headed mothers and daddies out there, a few years ago
you walked with her to the altar, a little sweetheart, a beautiful
girl. But nature… You can see how it's going away. But one of these
glorious days Jesus shall come from in the Presence of God, and
everything that we was in our best, we'll return again and be with Him
forever. Hallelujah.
What is these bodies made out of? A little cosmic light, a few atoms,
and of petroleum, and so forth, put together, that God brought out of
dust of the earth, and painted a picture. And we're only living in the
negative now. And some glorious day death will develop the picture, and
we'll return again in a new glorified body, to never be old, never be
sick, never have a heartache.
It behooves you, brother, to enter in at the court veil, shut the world
off around you, and consecrate yourself to Christ, and live a
consecrated life. Don't you believe that? Certainly, it is.
Oh, that's the life to live. How many in here say, "Brother Branham, by
the grace of God I'd like to live that kind of life."? Raise you hand,
"I'd like to live that kind of life." God bless you. I believe we need
that, don't you?
Let us pray. Our heavenly Father, as we see the day approaching, we
know that life, the threads are brittle. We're walking on them. Many of
us have done come up to the top of the hill, to see the setting of the
sun. Brows are frosting.
Look out over this audience tonight and see a many gray-headed brother
and sister setting here, knowing it's just a few more days and we cross
over. There's young people setting here, Lord, will go before them. And
then, Lord, this little speck of time will all changed. It'll be in
eternity then, and we must stand in His Presence to give an account of
this life.
O Jesus, You give us these bodies. You've consecrated them, we have to
You. But, Lord, I pray tonight that You'll take every person here up
into the veil tonight, cross over, away from differences, the different
churchanities, and denominations, and inferior things. And, Father, may
they come into Thy glorious Presence and live in the Divine Light of
the Lord Jesus. Grant it, Lord. May every soul here be consecrated to
God, we ask in Jesus' Name.
And I wonder, with our heads bowed now, if somebody would walk right up
here now to this altar, stand right here in this sawdust with me
tonight, while the organ's a playing. Just to get the meeting started.
Say, "Brother Branham, by God's help, tonight I'm consecrating myself,
and I'm going to pray right now for God to give me that hidden life
with Him, so I'll quit noticing the things of the world, noticing other
people and little old differences that comes up in church. And I want
to come to Him where I can really live for Him." Would you come up here
and stand around the altar for a word of prayer? I wonder if you would
do it.
God bless you, my brother. That's fine. That's good. Come right up
here, say, "I'm ready tonight. I'm going to offer prayer for God
to–to–He will consecrate my life tonight to take me in that inner
veil. Right now I'm coming to ask Him." And I'm sure He will do it. The
Lord bless you. That's wonderful. Oh, coming up now for a consecrated
Friend, if He hears my prayer to open the eyes of the blind, make the
lame to walk, the dumb to talk… I've seen Him raise three or four
dead people from the dead. I'm not a fanatic. You'll know that later
on. I'm only telling you the truth, because I'm responsibly before God.
Surely He will hear tonight for this consecrated life.
Look at this host of people. I want to meet you, brother; I want to
meet you, sister, in a better land than this. And just as certain as
I'm a minister standing here, you're my brother and sister standing
there wanting a closer walk with God, why wouldn't He give it to you?
He promised it. He said you could. Now it's us to make up our mind,
isn't it? It's us to believe. And I believe He will do it now. I
believe He will make every one of you a new life.
My, just look, half the audience is standing here at the altar, great
bunch of the rest of them still coming for a prayer of consecration,
giving our lives, surrendering ourselves. "Lord, I'm tired of having to
pray through every other day. I want to settle it all. I want to come
into the inner court now. I'm coming behind the veil tonight. I'm
coming in with You. I don't care what anybody else says, nothing. I'm
coming in Lord. And here I will abide forever in Your Presence. I don't
want the world's likes. I want a consecrated life in You. I want my
life to start right now in this revival. And when the revival breaks in
a few days, and the lame goes to walk and the blind sees, testimonies
ringing out through the country, I want to be a part in that. And now
I'm consecrating my life. Maybe during this revival You'll use me."
Take you. You can be used just the same as a preacher or anyone else.
Sure you can.
Is there a sinner friend here tonight that would walk up and say, "God,
now I'm coming to give my life too." I want to get every sinner that's
in here. Is there a sinner would raise your hand, say, "Pray for me,
brother. I haven't got courage to come, but I want you to pray."
There's many standing around the altar raising their hands, sinners
who's come to give their lives to Christ. Someone back in the audience
yet, a sinner? About two-thirds of the people is around the altar. Will
you come?
Let's sing "Just As I Am," if you will, my brother. All right, somebody.
E-63 Now, my beloved friend, here you are standing here at the altar of God tonight.
One time there was some lepers laid before the gate of Samaria. They
were besieged by the Syrians. And on the inside there was nothing to
eat. They were eating one another's children because they had sinned
and turned from God. The Syrian army had them backed off here. They
couldn't go that way. If they did, they died. And they couldn't stay
here any longer, 'cause they were going to die.
They only had one hope; that was go down to the camp of the Syrians. If
they saved them, they'd live. If they didn't, they was going to die
So they turned and started towards the camp of the Syrians, the enemy.
And God rewarded them, caused a great rumble to come on the desert, and
run all the Syrians away. They didn't only save themselves, they saved
the whole city.
Now, tonight many of you sitting here are Pentecostal people that's had
the great experience of speaking in tongues, the baptism and so forth,
but have never yet come into that consecrated life. You still have a
place there. See, you're eating manna. I'll go into it in more details
tomorrow night 'cause I'm dealing easy on it, because I realize the
grounds I'm standing on.
But now… See, you're coming up to a place. Now, you realize there's a
hidden place in Christ where you can be hid, that all your enemies,
you'll love them. There's something about it, that you want people to
love you; you want to be lovely. And if you want people to be lovely,
you have to be lovely yourself. And you can't be… If you put it on,
it just won't work. It won't. They know it. You can't put anything on.
Don't make believe.
That's what's the matter with our country today. There's too much
make-believe, and just religious works. There's too many people making
believe, trying to impersonate Christianity, trying to do something to
act like Christians. That won't work, friend. God knows that; the devil
knows it; and the people knows it. You've got to be genuine. You've got
to be original. God will honor it.
You may not grow like a mushroom, but I'd rather be an oak anytime than
a mushroom. Come easy. Come slow. Get your roots grounded and fastened
right, then you can come on.
Now, tonight as your brother and your servant in the Lord Jesus, let me
ask you something. Do this to yourself and mean it. Come to the Lord
Jesus and say, "God, You know what my fault is. You know I have these
little things I have to battle every day, and I have a hard time of
doing it. That's why I'm standing here."
You sinners that's never come to Christ before, come to Him, say,
"Lord, here I am. I'm Aaron's old rod. I'm no good; but Lord I'm going
to lay right at Your feet tonight." Watch how the blossoms begin to
come out. Watch how the fruits begin to yield.
Now, really mean it from the bottom of your heart, and God will take
each one of you tonight right into His Kingdom, consecrate your lives.
It might happen right at this present time. I believe it will.
I'm not a person… I'm not emotional; I'm not a worked up affair. I
believe in real solid, sane, Holy Ghost religion. That's right. This is
just pure and holy. That's true, brother. And that's what I'm here to
teach. That's what I'm here to introduce.
I want you to come like that tonight to the Lord Jesus, say, "Lord, I
want to come in. Now, You give me this tabernacle, and I brought it up
to justification; I joined a church. Well, I haven't yet been
consecrated. Lord, I've come and I've tried to live a church life, but
I've had my ups-and-downs. Now I want to go into the consecrated place.
Come in, Lord. Take me out of the world tonight. Drop the curtains
around me and let me hide off with Thee here in Thy Shekinah Glory,
where the glory of the Lord shines."
And listen, friends, how many of you ever seen the picture of the Angel
of the Lord, we've had taken in the meetings right here? I'll maybe
have it in a few days here.
With God, my Judge, and you know I–I… I'm telling you the truth. That same Lord Jesus…
I'm having a hard time right now to battle the anointing away from that
anointing for healing, 'cause there's a sick man standing right back
here that's very very bad. And I see it right now. And that Light of
God that you see in the picture that even the–the American
Photographer Association has it in Washington D.C., copyrighted, it's
right here now. That's the truth if I ever told it. That's true. It's
right here. I–I know it. You'll find out a little later on in the week
that I'm telling you the truth.
Now, let's bow our heads, humbly, and each one of you now just humbly,
sanely just give yourself over to the Lord Jesus. Say, "Tonight, Lord,
I promise. I'm coming, and I'm going to serve You from tonight on. I'm
going to hide my life away. Take me in, Lord, and lay me by the
Shekinah Glory."
Now, heavenly Father, as I, Your servant bring these, Your dear loving
children, standing around the altar… How could they come except they
were hungering? And if you're hungering, there's something causing that
hungering, the deep calling to the deep. There's something in them that
speaks, "There's a different life. There's more of God." And as sure as
it's hungering in here, there's a Deep to respond to it. There's more
of God for them to receive.
And, Father, won't You take them in now to the inner courts tonight,
each one of them, in Thy loving care. They got their heads bowed.
They're standing here consecrating themselves. They love You, Lord
Jesus, and they have things that they want to overcome. Grant it just
now, Lord.
With outstretched arms, appear to each one of them, and take them into
the courts of God now. And may they be consecrated, from this night on.
May the Holy Ghost in glory, just now overshadow each one of them and
give them into their heart that deep, settled, sweet disposition; oh,
that you can live with God: a disposition, a change of nature, that
makes them love You and not question You, but just go on living for
You, consecrated and filled with Your Spirit. God, may it be settled in
every heart here tonight as they're praying. We love You, Jesus.
And Thou has bid us to come. You said, "Come, ask anything that you
will to My Father. Ask it in My Name; I'll give it to you. I'll give it
to you," You said. And, Lord, You have to keep Your Word; You're God.
And we come, and we're asking, and we shall receive it, is because You
said You would give it to us. And now we believe it and accept it by
arms of faith, by tear-stained eyes, by uplifted hands, by consecrated
hearts, we accept the new Life, the power of the Holy Ghost, the hiding
away, the Shekinah Glory, the baptism of love and power and service. We
commend it, Lord, and accept it in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ,
the Son of God.