Thirsting For Life (59-0613) |
Good evening, friends. This is certainly a–a privilege for me to be
out here tonight to have this time of fellowship in this church. I did
not know I was going to have this privilege till just a few days ago.
And then, all the sudden it come along that I was to come over to this
Beulah Tabernacle to speak. And looking at this tabernacle, I really
like it. And the way it's built up, they a… We're fixing to build a
tabernacle at Jeffersonville, and I may send some of them up here to
kinda look this over. I like this for our own place down there, brother.
And then to see the nice building, and the… Met your pastor the first
time, knowingly, just in the study a few moments ago there, the room's
aside. Friendly, nice, hospitality, and come in and hear these old
songs of Zion being sing… And found out they were Canadians. And of
course, we just… like glove on a hand… I certainly do appreciate
being over here tonight. And no wonder if a nice little church. A
church is what's on the inside of it, really. That's what makes it up.
We pass down the streets many times, and we see a–a house. And
sometimes we say, "Isn't that a lovely home." Now, it might look like a
lovely house, but the home is a order of the house. You see the order
that's in it, order of the family.
And that's were I think the house of God is. It isn't so much the
beautiful temple, which we do appreciate, but it's the order that's on
the inside of it. What kind of a order do they have? Are they really
Christians, really worshipping the Lord, really love Him? Is it a house
of correction, a Gospel being preached, and accompanied by the signs
that Jesus gave us that would follow us? And I'm sure it's that way
here at this Beulah Temple.
When I think of the name of Beulah, it just reminds me of when I was
just a boy. I was with a girlfriend, and she take me up to the–to the
Zion Baptist Church near Salem, Indiana. And the song they sang was "O
Beulah Land, Sweet Beulah Land." As on the highest mount I… "Well,
looks like finally I got to Beulah land, doesn't it." That was before I
was saved. And I never will forgot that fine Spirit in that church. And
I remember later on, that Zion was near Salem also, in the–in the
So to be here tonight with our lovely pastor, and Brother Grant,
Canadian singers, Brother Boze, and many others, we just feel like we
want a little time of fellowship around His Word.
I was trying to get Brother Grant to speak for me. When I come in, I
was a little hoarse, and been speaking sometimes twice a day. And my
meetings are just continually from place to place. And I just get
tired. You know how it is, I'm sure. I was telling… The other night,
I was saying to Brother Grant, "Many times, we want to go like a–a
rocket, and then we fall like a rock." That's about the way we do it.
So we have to slow up once in a while.
Now, at this time, I was supposed to be, this week in the Fiji Isles.
And then the 15th I was to begin, or the middle of this month, in
Sydney, Australia, New Zealand. But I had to set it back for a few
days, and that gave me the opportunity to just come to Chicago to
visit. The first time over on this… I suppose it's called the west
side, isn't it. [Another brother says, "South."–Ed.] South side. I'm all turned around–the south side.
And the ministry that Brother Joseph was speaking of, I'm sure is no
mystery to you people, because you've been in the meetings many times.
And what our Lord does that's gracious, we do appreciate it with all of
our heart.
On the road over tonight, I was talking to Brother Grant. And we were
exchanging thoughts of him and Brother Boze about overseas, in Africa,
and India, and–and different places where we have been.
And I was relating a case of India that happened, and that was on the
platform. After that afternoon, I'd been interviewed by (I want to
say), seventeen… It might've been seven, because it was through an
interpreter, that different religions was represented there that
evening or afternoon. And all seventeen of them was against Christian
religion. Now, you can imagine how you felt. I was in the temple of the
Jains. Then there was Sikhs, the Jains, the Mohammedans, the Buddhas,
and so forth. And everyone was against Christianity.
And most all of them believed in reincarnation. Therefore they make the
little mops, and sweep the walk as they go, so they won't step on any
little ant or anything, because it might be a relative that's died.
Now, how would you ever drink a blood atonement for an antidote for sin
to a person that doesn't–that doesn't–that thinks it's wrong to step
on an ant. See, you could never do it. So I spoke my piece. I felt that
I would've been a traitor to Christ if I had not have said something.
So then that night at the gathering, we could not go outside the city,
because it had a law that to have police protection, we had to remain
in the city. And the mayor of the city had come out; he was with me
that afternoon, and many of the great leaders, the bishop of the
Methodist church, and many other Christian leaders, where we meet at
the Taj Hotel.
And so they said I had to have it in the city. And they were hundreds
of thousands at the meeting to–to attend. There's no way of estimating
how many would be there, because just as far as you could see was one
mass of people. And there's two hours and something, with guards on the
side of the car to get to where the meeting started, pulled through
with the car to get up to the place to speak. You can imagine how long
that would take. They was just jamming, and pushing, and climbing on
the cars. Move a few feet, and then the guards and things to make them
But when we got into the pulpit, to start speaking, I spoke on the
subject of Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever. And
they… What He was yesterday… And that what we could expect the same
today if He is the same, that He's not dead, but He has risen from the
And so, when we could have no prayer cards give out, we just had to let
them jamb up the best they could. And the guards would bring up people.
Well, after a few had past, and they had begin to see how the Holy
Spirit would make known the conditions and what they had did, then…
'Course, under the anointing, you could tell that the people were
thinking it was a telepathy or something, because they have a lot of
witchcraft and everything in India.
You just get ready to believe anything, things that you didn't think
you would believe when you get there, 'cause everything is a religion
of its own. They'll walk through fire; they'll take a lance and run up
through their mouth, take a sword and place it right through their
heart and pour water right through it, and run out on their back side,
and pull it out and don't even bleed, and… Oh, you can run up a tree
and take a little boy and a sack, father run up there and cut him to
pieces limb by limb, and dropped it off, and put it in a sack, and he's
kick and holler, "Let me out of here, daddy." Just get ready be believe
anything when you hit India.
Devil workers, and don't you think they won't challenge you; they will.
And you had better know what you're talking about. There's where
you–you… You can't do as you can in the United States, just get by
with anything. You've got be sure that it's right, or don't say nothing
at all.
So tonight on the platform, you could begin to feel that the Rajis and
those setting out there believed that that was a telepathy. And after
awhile, a… There was a leper came by. And I didn't know too much
about dealing with lepers. See, only in Africa that I had some
This little leper with just stubs of arms, his face all eat off of him,
just come threw his arms around me. I prayed with him. And as he left
the platform… Then the next come up was a blind man. And the Holy
Spirit told him who he was. I couldn't speak his name, just had to
spell out the letters for his name. Told him how he had been in this
condition for twenty years, and was a worshiper of the sun; and he'd
went blind worshipping the sun–looking at it, and then that he was a
beggar, had two children. All that was true. And then, I said, "You
see, I cannot heal him, because I cannot do what God has already done,
for He was wounded for our transgressions, and with His stripes we were
Divine healing is not something of a hocus pocus, or–or some little
move, or some little blessing that people pack in their hands, but it
is a undoubting faith that you have in the resurrection of Jesus
Christ. It's a finished work that was done by Christ at Calvary.
I might ask tonight, how many got saved during this revival you've had
here? Some of you raise your hand. I'd say, how many's been saved ten
years ago, you'd raise your hands. But that in one way is right and
another way it isn't right. You wasn't saved a week ago or ten years
ago, you were saved nineteen hundred years ago. When Jesus died at
Calvary, He expelled the sin of the world. But it'll never do you no
good until you accept it. You just accepted it last night or ten years
And that's the same time that "He was wounded for our transgressions,
with His stripes we are healed." It's your faith in a work that's
finished, that God did through Christ for you at Calvary. It's
completely. There's not a sinner here tonight but what's been saved.
And you're still under the mercies of God, as long as you're living and
God's dealing with you. But when you die, and you go beyond that, then
you're–you're in judgment. You done judged yourself.
And healing… There's not a person here… If there's anyone here
sick… Every one of you is healed now. It's just as much as you'll
ever could be healed. But it's your faith to believe and accept your
healing that Jesus was wounded for your transgressions, with His
stripes you were healed.
So no one can heal. I never healed anyone in my Life, and never will.
But I've had some direct answers to prayer a lot of times when I prayed
for people. It's a prayer that… The prayer of faith shall save the
So there's no way for me to heal the man. And he was–been blind twenty
years. A Methodist doctor was present which examined him. His eyes were
white from being blind. And then as I offered the prayer for the
brother and started him off the platform, it was the sovereign grace of
God… There come a little shadow right over him. And I watched it, and
it was a vision. There stood the man with his normal sight just like
anyone else. Now, see it was… It was the grace of God that did it.
Then it was the opportunity. There was my opportunity to speak to the
people then. And I said, "I was entertained today at the temple of the
Jains, and seventeen different religions there downing our
Christianity…" And I said, "Now, tonight, here is a man who's a
worshiper of the sun, that's blind." And you say that, the Mohammedan
religion is three times the size of Christianity…" which is true.
The Buddhas are far beyond Christianity, and Christianity ranks third
or fourth place in the religions of the World that's numberly. That's
including Catholic and Protestant together.
And I said, "Surely, somebody's right and somebody's wrong. It's got to
be. There is a true and living God. He's got a salvation for His
people. And here is a man who has worshipped the–the creation instead
of the Creator, we believe that. But he's blind, and he wants to come
to the real true God.
I said, "Now, I asked the Mohammedan priest to come here and to restore
the sight of this blind man. And If he can do it, then this blind man
will become a Mohammedan, and I will also–if he can restore the sight
to this blind man." And I said, "I also challenge the priest of Buddha,
all of Jains, or any of the rest of the religions here, any of you
leaders, come here you holy men, and restore the sight to this man. For
if there is a God Who created him, and he wants to come back with a
true heart to worship that God, surely that God will restore his sight
and put him back in conditions to worship Him."
Now, I would no need to said that if there hadn't been a vision and I knowed what I was speaking of.
That's the way our Lord did. He said, "I do nothing until the Father
shows Me first what to do," Saint John 5:19. No prophet, or neither the
Lord Jesus, ever went about doing things just at random. Jesus could
not lie, because He was God. And He said, "Verily, verily, I say unto
you, the Son can do nothing in Himself, but what He sees the Father
doing (not hears the Father doing), but sees the Father doing."
Elijah on Mount Carmel, when he laid the bullock and everything, he
come out before the people, and said, "Lord God, I did this all at Your
command." Always God, flesh can't glory nowhere. And it was a vision.
And that's the reason he could speak boldly, 'cause God had said so.
That settles it.
So then when all of them was real quiet. I said, "This is an awful
quiet group of people." And I said, "Now today, you Mohammedans was
trying to tell me how much greater the Mohammedan religion was than
Christianity. Now, let the priests come forth and do it, or any of the
rest." I said, "The reason they can't do it, the reason they're not
coming is because they can't do it." And I said, "Neither can I do it.
But the God of heaven that raised up His Son, Christ Jesus, Who is
alive today, and Who I'm representing, has showed me a vision that the
man's going to receive his sight. Now, if He doesn't do it, then I'm a
false leader and should be run out of India." But I said, "If He does
do it, and all of you people seen how that your priests and–and your
holy men are sitting quiet." I said, "I–I want to see the man receive
his sight. I don't want to argue your textbooks and your religion. I
just want the–the man to be given his sight. And let the God that be
God of creation, Who made the human race restore back his sight,
because it won't take a hoax. It'll have to be real, 'cause it'll have
to be created, because he has no eyes."
Don't be afraid. Our God is God. If He ever was God, He's God yet. And
if He's God at all, He's God of the whole creation. And so when saying
that, then I said, "They won't say nothing. And I can't but God has
chose that this would be. Now, we'll see if it happens." And they bowed
their heads. And when we prayed, the man's eyes come open, could see as
good as any person in here.
Oh, I said, "How many of you will receive Jesus Christ as your personal
Saviour if this man's eyes come open." And just as far as you could
see, tens of thousands of hands up in the air.
And then with no cooperation amongst the churches… Perhaps, tonight,
ninety-nine out of every thousand is back in the temples of the Buddha
and so forth, because of the lack of cooperation of men to get there
and lead those people on into the churches. It's a pity that there's no
cooperation among Christian people today when God tries to do
something. That's the hardest thing I have found, and the most
misunderstanding thing, that people will not cooperate because you're
not of their denomination. It's a disgrace to the world.
Now, tonight, I never come over to talk on Divine healing for you. I
just come to speak to you a few minutes, get acquainted with you, that
we would know one another, for we're just passing through this world
one time, and we're to spend an eternity together hereafter.
And now, let us bow our heads just a moment for a–the word of prayer.
O Lord God, Creator of heavens and earth, we come to Thee just as
humbly as we know how to come with bowed heads to the dust where we
were taken from, and some day, if Jesus tarries, we shall return. But
knowing this, like Job of old, "I know my Redeemer liveth, and at the
last days He will stand on the earth. Though if the skin worms destroys
this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God." We are so happy for that
hope that lies within our bosoms tonight, that we, someday, shall see
Him Who we love and believe, Who is the unseen Guest in this building
Now, Thy Word lays open before us, Lord, and we would ask You to bless
Your Word that… Circumcise the lips that would speak, and the ears
that would hear.
And grant, Lord, if there be any here who is not a Christian, may they
humbly surrender to Thee. There be those here who have fallen away, may
they come, like the prodigal son, back to the house tonight–to the
Father's house. And we pray, Lord, for those that are sick. If there be
any of those here, or afflicted, that while the Word be going forth
that they will receive Jesus and be made whole of their diseases.
Bless this little Beulah Temple. Bless its lovely pastor, and all of
the deacons, and the board, and all the laity. May it long stand as a
memorial to Jesus Christ and to His cause. May from here go
missionaries and–and ministers that'll help evangelize the world.
Bless every effort that they put forth. And these brethren here, and
this sisters from Canada, their–the song leaders, and–and the
musicians, we pray, Lord, that You'll bless their ministry. Make it
rich, Father. Give them souls for their hi–hire, because we believe
that's the desire of their heart.
Forgive us all of our shortcomings. Let the Holy Spirit visit us tonight, for we wait on Him further in the Name of Jesus. Amen.
Just to speak to you for a few moments, which I don't know just what
time your services let out. It's already almost nine. And tomorrow's a
big day for us again, and I know it will be for you. And I want to give
all of you an invitation. If you're ever around any of the meetings,
why, come in, make yourself at home. If you're down around
Jeffersonville, why, see us while you're there. These singers that sing
so pretty and the music awhile ago, drop in at the Tabernacle and let
us hear some of that down that way. And pastor, you know, you're
welcome, all.
E-18 We want to turn to the 63rd Psalm just for a little reading on a little familiar text.
thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry
and thirsty land, where no water is;
I often wondered what David was talking about. And I remember the first
time that I read that Scripture, that I just couldn't understand what
David meant when he said, "Because thy love kindness is better to me
than life." What could be any greater than life?
If the Lord God tonight should come to me and say, "I will turn you
back from an old man to a young man of about eighteen years old; I'll
let you live a thousand years on the earth, and give all of the wealth
of the world in your hands, and promise you to never have a day of
weary, but all joy for a thousand years,"… Or, "I'll let you live
fifty years more, and make it till you'll beg your bread on the street,
dragging along in sickness; but yet at the end, I'll give you Eternal
I said, "Lord, let me beg. Let me drag, or let me suffer, or anything just as long as I've got Eternal Life."
Life is what conducts you. It's what makes your conduct. You just can't hide real life. There's no way to do it.
Did you ever lay a sidewalk? Some of you man, no doubt, have done it.
And just scoop up all the dirt, and lay the sidewalk out, pour it with
concrete. But then in the summertime when you go to cut the grass, do
you know where the grass is the thickest at? Right by the side of that
walk. It's twice as thick there as it is anywhere else. Why is it? Down
beneath that concrete, you covered over some seeds. But just as sure as
that sunshine begins to bathe the earth, and the season's right, that
seed's got life in it. And you can't hide life? It'll work its way
right over those grains of concrete till it comes out, so it can lift
up its little head and praise God. You just can't hide life.
That's the reason if you've got Eternal Life, they may bury you in the
sea, or–or cremate your body, but you'll live again when Jesus comes.
There's no way to keep you down. You can't hide real life.
I had a chaplain friend from the First World War. He was telling me, he
said, "Billy, one day they'd thrown that there mustard and chlorine gas
in the first World War over in France." And he said, "We was out near
Alsace Lorraine." And said, "It was been a–an awful day for me. It was
Easter, and oh, the gas had just burnt down the trees, and the grass,
and there was nothing alive." And he said, "It was a rainy morning, and
a nurse came through the room. And she had a–a big bunch of calla
lilies in her hand. And she was passing by the beds of these wounded
soldiers, and giving each one a lily." Said, "Those crippled boys, with
some of them burnt, some of them blind would grab that lily and scream
and cry, because it was a token from home." Said, "I couldn't stand it.
I walked outside, and the Major said, 'Chaplain, I'm going out to the
front to check some tanks that was–or some vehicles that was toring
up, and to see if there's any of them that can be brought in,' up into
the no-man land where they moved the Germans back from that."
Said, "I went out there and he went–took me out in the side-car of a
little motorcycle." And said, "When we stopped out there on the–the
field," he said, "I looked around, and I thought, 'Oh, if this isn't a
desolate place.'" Said, "There's not a leaf on a tree. There's not a
sprig of grass to be found anywhere. And yet, it's Easter." And said,
"I walked along and I kinda attracted to a little rock." And said, "I
turned it over with my foot." And said, "What do you think that was
under that rock?" Said, "There was a little Easter Lily that had been
hid under the rock all the time during the gas and the war." Said, "I
started to pull it, and I said, 'It's too sacred.'" Said, "I knelt
there and said, 'Lord, hide me in the Rock of Ages. Preserve my life, O
Lord, as You have preserved the lily.'" Life, it's a great thing. Life
molds your character.
Sometime ago down in the southlands where I'm from, they used to have
slavery down there years ago. They… The Afrikaans people brought
over, the–the Boers, rather. And–and they brought over the–the
colored man from Africa. And they would sell them in the South for
slaves. Oh, it was such a sin and such a wrong thing to do. But they
become so common, till they would just sell them like they do used cars
on a lot, just go out and–and buy them. And brokers would come and buy
them, and take them, sell them for make money, human beings to which
Christ died for.
And it was told a story, that one day a broker came by a great
plantation. And there was many slaves on the plantation. So he said to
the–the owner, he said, "I–I would like to look over your slaves,
maybe I could give you some nice prices."
The owner said, "Help yourself."
And he goes out to look over the plantation. And the slaves was away
from home. They had been captured, taken away from mother, away from
babies sometimes–mothers, away from husbands, and just brought over
here and used them as brutes of labor. And they were sad. They knowed
they'd never see papa again, never see mama, never see the baby again.
They were slaves and aliens in a strange country. They had no spirit in
them to work. And they would take whips and whip them to make them
And they noticed one young slave, a young man. They never had to whip
him. He had his chest out, and his chin up. He was right on the job. So
quickly, the broker said, "I'd like to buy that slave."
But the owner said, "But he's not for sale."
Well, said, "He's so much different from the other slaves." Said, "Is he a boss over the rest of them?"
And the owner said, "No, he's not no boss. He's just a slave."
He said, "Well, maybe you feed him just a little better that you do the rest of the slaves."
And he said, "No, he eats out in the galley with the rest of the slaves. He's just a slave."
"Well," the owner said, "what makes him so much different than the other slaves?"
And the owner said, "I wondered that for a long time. But one day I
found out the reason." Said, "You know, over in the homeland, his
father is the king of the tribe. And yet he's an alien, but he knows
he's the son of a king, and he conducts himself like one."
What are Christians to do? We're aliens. But our Father is the King,
and we are sons and daughters of God. We ought to conduct ourselves
like sons and daughters of God.
When I see the church becoming so loose, and the women in their immoral
dressing, and the men doing, it just grieves me, because we are sons
and daughters of God, and we ought to act, and walk, and talk, and
conduct ourselves like that. When we get away from that, I'm afraid
there's something wrong in us. We've lost the vision, who we are.
Because the life that's in us is what guides us and directs us.
So thinking of David saying that–that Thy loving kindness is better to
me than life, there must be two different kinds of life, or I would say
like this: more than one kind of life.
And some people think that this life is–is just a–consists of
carousing, drinking, or running around, or going to dances; they call
that life.
I was conducting a meeting… I–and I hate to go through this, because
some of my friends are setting here from Canada. But I was in Canada,
and the manager of meeting is present now also, Brother Sothmann there,
where I was holding a meeting at the ice arena. And they'd put me up in
a–the hotel. And that afternoon when I come… I'd been in Canada for
quite a little while, and I didn't see the sin, and the carrying on, as
we seen it here at home.
And when I went down that night from where I'd been in the country,
came down to the hotel, I noticed the Americans coming over, whiskey
bottles flying everywhere. And when I come in that night from church,
from the service, I got on the elevator. And I'd been there for around
a week; I'd never seen nothing like that.
On the elevator was setting–all around it, whiskey bottles and beer
cans. And when the boy closed the door to take me up on the elevator, I
looked around. And he knew who–who I was, and he said, "It's rough."
And I said, "Sometimes such characters as that makes me ashamed I am an
American, with such conduct as that." And he let me off on the floor,
way up almost to the top.
And it was a certain lodge here in America was having their convention
there in Canada. And when I got off the elevator, oh, the awfullest
carrying-on everywhere. And way up at the end of the hall there was two
young women, I suppose in their late twenties or early thirties. And
they just had on their underneath garment with a bottle of whiskey in
their hand, so drunk, and both of them with wedding bands on. Oh, of
course, they was just having a little clean fun. That's sin!
And they were trying to come down barefooted, no stockings; and just
the underneath garment with this whiskey bottle in their hand there,
blurry eyed; and men trying to get out of the rooms, falling over them
and trying to catch them like that, so drunk they could hardly get up.
And I thought, "Isn't that a shame!" But we call that in the States
here, just a little time of recreation. Maybe a daddy at home taking
care of the baby. It don't only to the wom–women, the men does the
same. Sin is sin; I don't care where it is; it's sin, and it's wrong,
and we a Christian nation, visiting our neighbors like that, with our
lodges and so forth, and carrying on in such a disgrace as that.
And I stopped. And one young fellow staggered across and hit his head
against the other side and fell back on the floor, got over, and saying
all kinds of bad things. And these young women come on down and
stopped. I pulled back in a little place to watch. And these young
women stopped right out in front of me. And they take each a drink out
of the bottle, reached down and pulled up that little underneath skirt,
and throwed the foot up in the air and hollered, "Whoopie, this is
I stepped out in the floor and caught both of them by the hand. I said,
"I beg your pardon, this is not life; this is death!" The Bible said,
"She that liveth in pleasure is dead while she's alive."
And there's too much of that kind of carrying on through our churches
in their nations today, and yet calling themselves Christians.
That's the biggest stumbling block Christianity ever had, not the
bootlegger on the corner; we know he's branded, but the hypocrite that
calls themselves the Christian and live in the church with such life as
that with them. It shows that they've never been acquainted with the
Lord Jesus, or they wouldn't do that. That kind of life is horrible.
That can't be the kind of life that David was talking of.
Some people think it's to make money: "That's life; make money, plenty
of it." And after while you'll lose it, and you'll take a pistol and
blow your brains out. That can't be life. That's death.
Some people thinks that their young gaiety, and running out, and dances
and things, cutting-up, carrying-on, immoral, next morning with a
headache, heartache, broke up homes. That's not life. That's death
disguised. That's the wolf in the sheep's clothes. That cannot be life.
That's death.
And the world's deceived by those things. But the question is, my
brother, sister, tonight, what makes man and women do that if they're
mentally right? What makes them do that? What makes them crave to drink
whiskey? What makes the American people smoke cigarettes, when the
Readers' Digest says that a hundred and thirty-three thousand is doomed
this year for smoking cigarettes. But they go do it anyhow. Cancer on
the rampage… Articles: "Cancer by the carload." And they sell
cigarettes more everyday: "Buy a carton of cancer, a bottle of
tubucular." And they seek and suck on those things for pleasure.
Something's wrong. What is it? They can't help it, they say.
If the devil can't get you all twisted up with some of that, then he
will take you and try to let you join a church somewhere to get away
from it, and you're just as bad off, trying to hide yourself under some
church or some creed, or some denomination. That's wrong.
But what makes a man do it in the first place? Is because when God made a man, He created him thus. He made a man to thirst.
There's a little place in the heart that nothing will fill it but God.
And man is thirsting for something, and that real thirst is for God.
And nobody's got a right to try to quench that holy thirst with giving
it to the devil for the things of the world. You've got no right trying
to hide that thirst by joining a church. God's the only thing that'll
fill that up. God, the Holy Spirit, is the only thing that can satisfy
that thirst. Jesus said, "Blessed are they that do hunger and thirst
for righteousness." And it's God trying to get to the human heart. And
the devil tries to quench that by letting them drink theirself to
death, or run themselves to death, or do something else. But God
created man to have that holy thirst. And if you won't take God, then
you'll have to take something else to–to kinda appease that calling.
That's what makes a man that way.
God made him to be a king. God wants to set on your heart's throne.
You've got no right to let the devil put the things of his makings in
you. You've got no right to try to satis… And let me say this,
there's nothing that will satisfy it but God. You can do what you want
to, drink yourself crazy, but you'll never be satisfied until Christ
takes His place in the human heart. That settles it. Then faith comes
A lot of people see great churches, great denominations, the
intellectual world. They look around what they can see with their eye.
I was in a breakfast with Billy Graham, some time ago in Louisville.
And he said… Took the Bible and said, "This is God's standard." He
said, "I'll go to the city, and I'll hold a revival. I'll have twenty
thousand converts in six weeks." Said, "I go back in another year, and
I haven't got twenty out of the twenty thousand." And then he said,
"Paul went into a city and had one convert, and come back the next year
and had twenty out of that one." He said… Now here's what Billy said,
with a bunch of preachers, about three hundred of them, he said, "It's
you lazy bunch of preachers, that's set in with your feet up on the
desk, and don't go out and visit the people." Said, "That's the reason
they don't stay."
And I thought, "Mr. Graham, my gracious brother, a man who I take off
my hat to as a gallant soldier of God. Yes. But Paul had something
different. Paul didn't go out and visit them after his converts,
because he left the city and come back to that one convert. But what he
done to that convert, he led him into something that set his soul
afire." Not the lazy preacher, if he had the same thing, he wouldn't be
lazy like that. He'd be on the march for Christ, a burning something in
his heart that wouldn't let him set still. We just take them through
their intellectuals.
In the garden of Eden, the devil chose a man's head. God took his
heart. The devil tries to show him what he can see with his eyes. God,
in his heart, makes him believe things by faith that he cannot see.
"For faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things
not seen."
See, man wants to see a big place, or–or a great something with a
psychological effect to it. God isn't in psychology. He doesn't work
with the mental powers. You'll never be able to reason out God. You
believe God by faith.
Speaking at a breakfast this morning. I said the reason men go and
joins churches and put their names on them, is because they're trying
to bypass the new birth. They don't want the new birth. Oh, some of the
theologians today figure out what they call the new birth, shake hands,
and put your name on a paper, and believe a declaration of creeds. But
the new birth is to be–die, and to borned again, anew, a new creature
in Christ.
Anybody knows that when a baby's borned, I don't care if it's on a barn
floor or on a straw-tick, or in a–a decorated hospital room; it's a
mess, I don't care where it's born. But what is it? It's a mess, but it
brings life. And that's what we need today, is a birth–a spiritual
birth. It's a mess, but it brings Life–Christian Life, new Life, Life,
that sacrificial life.
Some people say, "I wouldn't belong to one of those full Gospel
churches. They cry and shout, and jerk their hands around, and things
like that." That's all right. They may act funny, but they've been
borned. They may look like a mess, but they got Life. That's the thing.
As long as you got life… Ask one of them if he's satisfied. Watch the
way he acts, the places he goes.
You know the bird by it's habits. A crow and a dove could have no
fellowship; their diet's different. And a Christian can't mix with the
world. A crow's a hypocrite. A hypocrite is a–is a deceiver. A crow
can set on an old dead carcass and eat all day long, and fly out in a
wheat field and eat wheat with the doves. But the dove can eat wheat,
but he can't eat the dead carcass. Why? He hasn't got any gall. He
couldn't digest it.
And that's the way with a Christian; the bitterness is taken from him.
He couldn't digest the world. But a hypocrite can live in sin all day
long, and come into church at night, and shout like the rest of them.
That's a hypocrite.
Now, when you're borned again, you don't have to be a hypocrite; you
are a new creature. The gall of bitterness is–the desire of the world
is taken from you.
"Oh, Thy love-kindness is better than life, because I long to see Thy
power like I have seen in Thy sanctuary. My soul thirsts after Thee
like a dry land where no water is." David was a shepherd. He was a
woodsman. He knew the action of wildlife.
Now, we may have some hunter brothers in here. I am a hunter. And now,
down in Africa, they have the deer, roebuck. Now, when they have wild
dogs… We have them here called wolves. The deer feeds usually in a
herd, and there's always a watchman on guard all the time, watching.
You see, usually, they'll go out and keep on the alert. And usually,
it's a doe, she's watching her young.
If some of our American mothers just kept on their guard with their
daughters like the mother doe does her little fawn, we wouldn't have so
much juvenile delinquency.
Then they… Notice, the wild dogs come after this deer, and they slip
up real easy. The leader of the pack will slip up real easy, watching
where the–the deers are. And if they can get a deer singled out, till
he's so interested in what he's doing, he will never notice the dog
coming up, 'cause the dog's smart, he will get the wind in his face, or
the wolf. He will slip real easy. How many times have I watched them do
it. And they'll slip up real easy, and they're watching. And after
while, that little deer, senses in her begins to say that there's
trouble near. Yet she can't smell the dog, neither can she see it. But
she knows that's something wrong. Because she's a deer, and she knows
that–where danger is.
And there's nobody ever deliberately walked into sin without God
warning them first. Something will tell you. And tonight there's a many
a young girl out listening, and the wolf slipping up on her. You know,
they got what they call the wolf whistle. They… A wolf whistle. And
they're whistling at these young girls. And they'll go out on the
street and put on clothes that isn't becoming to a young lady. And
shame on you mothers that'll let them do it.
Talk about the illiteracy of Kentucky where I come from: some of those
old mammies up there… You let her girl go out and do that, she'd
blister her from one side to the other with a barrel strap. That's
right. But, oh, you think she's popular. You learn how to tap dance,
and do all these little things, and put the clothes on her like, that
and then she comes up in disgrace, you are to blame. That's exactly
What we need tonight is old fashioned mammies like we used to have in
America. We need godly praying fathers and mothers, that'll take their
children before God instead of some Elvis Presley show or something.
Whistles at the girls to make them turn around. They think they're
cute. Honey, if you only realized that's a hound of hell! That's right.
Some of you young men… A little painted-up Jezebel out there, you
think she's cute. She might be–look like that on the outside; you
ought to catch her when her face is washed; you might not think so much
about her. Maybe a heart in her that's as black as the smutty walls of
hell. You can't tell… Don't look at that. That's old and will pass
Look for something that's real and genuine. See if that girl's borned
again. If she isn't saved, then have nothing to do with her. And do the
same thing by a young man.
The trouble our ranks of–of Christians today is breaking down, and
marrying, and intermarrying, and it's such a mess till there's nothing
could straighten it out. We're ripening for judgment. God will clean
the whole thing off one of these nights with an atomic bomb. And your
names is written on it in Russia now. And the whole world's trembling
and wondering what's the matter. The wolf's slipping up. We've flirted
too much of the rest of the world, with the things of the world.
Now, the next thing we know, this little deer wanting to wander out
from the flock where she had protection, away from the church where she
gets the Holy Spirit, through the preaching of the Word. We're washed
through the Water of the Word. And then if you get away, and start
staying home from church and watching television on Wednesday night
when you got a prayer meeting going on, right then you're on your road
out. When your desires is become more to see some television program
than it does to hear the Gospel, there's something wrong in your soul.
That's right. It's true.
[One speaks with tongues; another interprets–Ed.]
Amen. Now, if I understand the Scriptures right, one man speaking with
an unknown language to himself, and another one interpreting it back…
One man not knowing what he's speaking, the other not knowing what he's
saying, but the voice is interpreted to us a call from God. That's
right. "Look unto Me," He said, "all the ends… I am the Healer, the
One that gives life, the vision of life." He is Life. Oh, how we thank
Him that we have the opportunity to come to the Fountain that's filled
with Blood drawn from Immanuel's veins.
This little deer, just to finish that. If that wolf makes a jump to
that little deer… He's got two blood fangs. And he will grab that
little deer right behind the ear. And he will sink those fangs in, and
then swing his weight. And those big fangs will cut that little deer's
neck. And he will make a leap and then fall, and covered over with dogs
in a few minutes, wolves, to pick the bones of the little fellow.
And that's the way Satan does it. If he can ever get close enough to
you to once wrap you into there, the hounds of hell will jump right on,
and pick everything there is about you off–all your morals, and all,
everything you've got. You'll lay bleak and defiled before God.
Now, sometimes if the little deer's on the job, very smart… See, or
see the deer–the dog coming, she'll jump. And when she does, the dog
will… He's going to miss the ear, the jugular vein here, he will grab
her in the side.
Well, that's about the middle balance of the deer. The hindquarters is
heavier than the front, but the front has a neck and head. So that's
about the middle of the deer. He will grab it. He will shake back and
forth like that, and the deer can't run. It's out of balance and it'll
fall. And then, he's covered again by the dogs.
Now, if the little deer is on to its job, and as soon as the dog grabs
it in the flank, if she'll jerk sideways real quick, or raise up just
make a hind slide jump and not try to run, just jump up, or jump
sideways, the piece of meat will pull out of the dog's–with the dog's
mouth. Then she's got to run for life.
That's what David is speaking of. Did you ever see a wounded deer?
Down in the south, they hunt them with dogs. I think that's a bad
thing. But they hunt them with dogs. And when a deer's wounded, if that
deer can ever get to water, it'll live. You'll never catch it. Because
he will drinking water, and it'll curdle the blood, and he won't bleed
no more.
E-43 David said, "As a hart thirsts for the waterbrook, my soul thirsts after thee, O God."
you imagine the little deer with the blood streaming out of it, and
it's running, and the hounds is right behind it. And it's got its
little nose up [Brother Branham imitates panting–Ed.]
sniffing everywhere. "If I could just smell water. I've got to get to
water, or I'll die." Once to water it's safe. It's got to find water or
die. David said, "As the hart panteth for the waterbrook, my soul
thirsts after thee, O God."
When men and women get to a place that they've got to have God or die,
you'll get to the waterbrook. That's right. If you're sick and you need
healing, if you're in a desperate condition, I can say there is
fountain filled with Blood drawn from Immanuel's veins, Where sinners
plunge beneath the flood, Lose all their guilty stain. It's Life
Everlasting to know Him, not to know His Book, not to know His church,
not to know His creed, but to know Him, know Him your personal Saviour
Lord, fills you with the Holy Spirit. It puts Life in you to walk
forward. That's the Life that David was talking about.
My lips shall praise Thee, because Thy lovingkindness is better to me than Life. My lips shall praise Thee.
Let us bow our heads just a moment. I feel that message just a moment
ago was something cutting me off, and saying this is the time. We're
going to go to prayer.
I wonder how many in here would like to be remembered in prayer just
now, if you'd raise up your hands, and say, "Remember me, Brother
Branham, to God." God bless you; that's good. God bless you.
How many in here that's not a Christian, would like to have a–a
fellowship with Christ, you… Maybe you've joined church somewhere.
Maybe you've been even immersed in water. But yet you know that that
thirsting and hungering for God isn't in your heart, but you'd like to
have it there, would you just raise up your hands and say, "Remember
me, Brother Branham; pray for me tonight." God bless you, lady. God
bless you, sir. God bless you, lady, that's good. God bless you; that's
Is there a backslider here… Yes, back in there, sister, God bless
you. Is there a backslider here, that'd say, "Brother Branham, I've
wandered away. I don't want to think I was a hypocrite, Brother
Branham, but I–I really not living where I should live. If I would
leave this building tonight and go home, and I'd feel of my heart
acting a little funny, I'd call the doctor, and he'd come up, say,
"It's a heart attack. She's dying. He's dying." It might be that way.
Brother Branham, I–I don't want it to happen like that. I–I'm not
ready yet to go. I–I'm not prayed up with God. I–I want a little
closer walk." Would you raise your hands, say, "God, remember me." God
bless you, that's good. Hands everywhere.
I'm going to ask the pianist or organist, whichever it is, to come to
the organ just a moment or piano, one. And I'm going to pray. Is there
some here would really just… that's living with God, but would like
to have a little closer walk with God, just say, "Lord, remember me. My
soul is thirsting, O Lord. I–my… I'm just so thirsty, I don't know
what I'll do, Lord. Help me. I'm–I'm in desperate need. I've…" I
want to come."
There is a fountain filled with blood, drawn from Immanuel's veins. No
other fountain, where sinners plunge beneath the flood, lose all their
guilty stains. A dying thief he rejoiced to see that fountain in his
day. There may I, though vile as he, wash all my sins away.
E-47 Let's keep our heads bowed just a moment now while the music's sweetly playing.
An old boy lay dying on the field one day, a soldier. Another Christian moved up beside of him, and said, "You're dying, buddy."
Said, "I know it."
Said, "Are you a Christian?"
Said, "I–I once was."
He said, "What happened?"
Said, "I don't know."
Said, "I got away from John 3:16, but it never did get away from me."
it, brother, if you've ever tasted the Lord is good, it'll never leave
you. You may wander out, but it'll never leave you.
Lord, be merciful unto us, Lord. This, no doubt, will be the last time
that some of us, Lord, will ever see each other on this earth. There
are those here tonight that I'll never look at them again until this
sermon is played on God's great recording machine at the day of the
judgment, and the great film will be shown, and there will be the hands
up. Lord, they'll be a witness that they believed You and they want
You. Now, You have said, "He that will come to Me, I will in no wise
cast out. He that heareth My words, and believeth on Him that sent Me,
has Eternal Life; and shall never come to the judgment, but's passed
from death unto life." I know, Lord, that no one could've raised their
hand without You seeing it. And they broke every scientific rule when
they raised their hands. Because according to science, their hands are
supposed to hang down, but there was a Spirit by the side of them, the
Holy Spirit said, "Raise up your hand." And they raised your hand,
breaking the scientific rule, because why? There is a Life within them
that's made a decision for the Creator and they've raised their hands.
Receive them, Father God. And it is also written…